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02-13-2019, 08:49 PM
In my last post my wife caught me with photos on my PC. So was going to tell my family and friends about my CD. Well she started with my sister who knew already from years ago. She told my sister that she was going tell my friends and that I wouldn't have them anymore. MY sister told she better not or she would go after her and make her life uneasy. Now a little back round my sister and my wife are good friends. That how I met my wife. So my sister knows more about my wife than I do.

This all came out on a 3 hr car ride to se our mother. She me that I was her brother and she would stand by me. She doesn't know why I do it but she is OK with it. I told her that if I knew this when I was 21 I wouldn't have gotten married and she would have had a another sister. I also told her if my wife goes away for a few days I might call her to go out with me dressed. But she didn't say anything. That's a wait and see.

But my wife has changed. She's talking to me nicely asking me to go with her. So I can only hope for the best now that I have a alley.

Crissy 107
02-13-2019, 09:14 PM
Glenda, Reading your post I’m a little confused, are you saying that everything is ok as a result of your sister talking with your wife. I sort of got that and if that’s what happened that would be good.

Beverley Sims
02-13-2019, 09:46 PM
I am assuming that your wife is coming around after the talk with your sister, if so, that is a good outcome.

02-13-2019, 09:53 PM
I hope you can quickly move this forward- perhaps you can have a three way conversation together - to get the whole thing away from being a threat-based acceptance by your wife, and onto more of a supportive family fellowship. Your wife can gain comfort seeing your sis's acceptance, and they can share the wondering why, and it is two against one when discussing what are appropriate limits, and why and when, etc.

02-13-2019, 10:49 PM
I would be very careful with your wife. She just might turn on you at any minuet.
So go real slow and use caution.
Good Luck;

02-13-2019, 11:50 PM
Sounds good, hopefully wife now knows it's not a big deal and it makes you the person she fell in love with in the first place.
BUT, as I tell my kids....

A married couple is meant to be a team, looking after each others back, helping them up. If the partner is tearing them down or doesn't look after their back, then it's time to dump them and get another life-team mate.

02-14-2019, 07:42 AM
My take about women (stereotype coming), is that they want affirmation from others of their opinions, when they don't get it, they may back off more so than men will. This may be what you are seeing with your wife.

02-14-2019, 08:07 AM
I think what Jamie has suggested is very close to the case. Women are far more sensitive to the opinion of others and especially to other women. Not all, but most. Researchers in psychology and behavioral genetics have found this to be basically true and most women are hardwired this way. Glenda, I suspect your sister and your wife, being good friends, had a heart to heart talk and now have a common understanding. That could change as your wife is exposed more to a behavior that she hasn't become completely comfortable with yet. Women tend to support each other a lot, but they are still individuals. Another trait common with women is that they tend to ruminate on things a great deal and in that intense consideration of the pluses and minuses they work out their feelings and may act on those feelings later. I suggest you keep your CD/TG inclinations on an even level for awhile to see what the rumination produces.

02-14-2019, 10:00 PM
In the 3 hr ride my sister told me what she said to my wife. I don't run around with other women. I do things for her. I take her out to shows or movies. I take her in trips where everywhere when she wants to. Basically that I'm a good man. That she would lose all of it if she pushed to far.

I'm not doing anything to push it right now. Just waiting to see how things go for now.

Maria in heels
02-14-2019, 10:09 PM
Glenda...its great that your sister was able to smooth out things for you with your wife, and more importantly, its GREAT that you have family that is willing to stand next to you and will fight to protect you!

02-15-2019, 10:59 PM
Well she started with my sister who knew already from years ago. She told my sister that she was going tell my friends and that I wouldn't have them anymore. MY sister told she better not or she would go after her and make her life uneasy.

I appreciate your wife is hurt but I Think its little excessive what she said about not having your friends anymore.

Also I don't mean to rain on your parade,but it sounds a wee bit sinister of your sister,maybe it's fear that's behind your wifes apparent change of heart


02-16-2019, 04:25 PM
In my last post my wife caught me with photos on my PC. So was going to tell my family and friends about my CD. Well she started with my sister who knew already from years ago. She told my sister that she was going tell my friends and that I wouldn't have them anymore. MY sister told she better not or she would go after her and make her life uneasy. Now a little back round my sister and my wife are good friends. That how I met my wife. So my sister knows more about my wife than I do.

This all came out on a 3 hr car ride to se our mother. She me that I was her brother and she would stand by me. She doesn't know why I do it but she is OK with it. I told her that if I knew this when I was 21 I wouldn't have gotten married and she would have had a another sister. I also told her if my wife goes away for a few days I might call her to go out with me dressed. But she didn't say anything. That's a wait and see.

But my wife has changed. She's talking to me nicely asking me to go with her. So I can only hope for the best now that I have a alley.

Your wife is a bitch. She is willing to out you to your family and friends and try to ruin your life and your going t stay with her?? Really??????Why????????