View Full Version : Question for CD's who dress all the way or nothing!

02-14-2019, 08:43 PM
"Do find dressing always to the 9's stressful or exciting?":straightface:

I don't really miss the old days when throwing on a few items and lounging around satisfied me.:)
Now, it's all or nothing. Not worth the effort to go part way. I'm posting this to hear from other CD's who dress that way.:battingeyelashes:

Now, I'll reply to my question above:
I find getting ready for an event, (the reason I mostly dress these days), to be serious, stressful, and I'm usually running late!:doh:

When I'm doing a home shoot I'm much more relaxed, get to take my time, and get increasingly more excited the nearer I get to completing Sherry's look!:D

Which is it for u?:brolleyes:

Jean. Ann
02-14-2019, 09:05 PM
It has always been an all or nothing thing .
I just don't get that special feeling from part dressing


02-14-2019, 09:16 PM
Not at all , doing it everyday it doesn't feel like CDing anymore, I just get dressed put my makeup and get on with my jobs and errands . Dressing to the nines is easier than doing everyday as long as I have all my items ready , I've usually decided in advance what I'm going to wear and prepared it .

The only sressful part are my nails , I always leave them till the last minute .

Sara Jessica
02-14-2019, 09:18 PM
Stressful of late, no time or desire to do anything. I have to be getting close to a year since I last touched makeup. Can't be bothered with it. The only thing I miss are my friends.

Eboni Robinson
02-14-2019, 09:34 PM
I only dress fully, and that's when the urge hit. I can go months at a time without wanting to dress. I've never been a fan of partial or under dressing. I dress when I can make the time for it, I'll never force myself to dress. I want to dress, but I don't need to.

dana digs sweaters
02-14-2019, 09:34 PM
After the 1st time I was done completely up as an adult, there is no other way :kiss:

Alice Torn
02-14-2019, 09:42 PM
I have not dressed up for a long time now. Too many crises just surviving again. But, it is so thrilling when i have done it. However, I am actually trying to dress less and less now, as i see terrible times just ahead, and mere survival the big issue. All or nothing has been it for me, but, it is so much work, that i just don't dress very often anymore, and sometimes, i have only put on pantyhose or panties. I need to get a will made, too, soon.

Maria in heels
02-14-2019, 10:11 PM
I used to be all or nothing but as the years have passed, I have been happy with a "less is more" attitude I think and the need to fully dress has been replaced with partial dressing of underthings, forms, and heels with a t-shirt on....many times its just a pair of heels and i'm good!

02-14-2019, 10:35 PM
I underdress all the time so it gets rather routine for me, the rush comes when I get the chance to go all out..

02-14-2019, 10:37 PM
I do not go out dressed. So that being said, I dress casual around the house every day I am at home.
That is usually a skirt and top. Some times a simple dress. I do not do make-up, some times I wear
my wig. I an under dressed all the time. When going out, I wear fem jeans while under dressed.
and a Polo top.

02-14-2019, 10:44 PM
Dressing fully, for me, is the only way to go.

Please note that I do not find the act of "dressing", or being dressed to be erotic. It is merely the way that I find 'normal' and comfortable.

Beverley Sims
02-14-2019, 11:20 PM
It is all or nothing these days.

I think there is a professional attitude about dressing correctly.

Sherry I can see how you evolved, a bit of experimentation here and there in the early days, with me , enough dressing till the excitement wore off.

Although I was getting completely dressed when I was twelve.

This was encouragement from others for a convincing transformation.

It is still invigorating but more of a necessity as professionalism creeps in now, the same as you Sherry when doing your presentations.

It is not a successful production unless it is done right, that is my view.

So to go with the song .......

It cain't be in between,
it cain't be now and then,
No half and half romance will do!
It's all er nothin' with me.

All Er Nothing from the film Oklahoma.

02-14-2019, 11:41 PM
Thirty years ago when I wore a younger mans dresses I loved wearing women's clothes with out makeup when I worked from home.
Over the last couple of years I tried on several occasions to dress up with no makeup and if I looked in the mirror I hated myself, was a big "turn off".
If I had to dress with no makeup I would Purge everything!
Dressing for me now is the Look not the feel.
When I was 16 the feel of the clothes was so nice, girls got to wear silky smooth fabric but guys just got cotton, Ya ruff and tuff!

02-15-2019, 02:03 AM
Not at all , doing it everyday it doesn't feel like CDing anymore, I just get dressed put my makeup and get on with my jobs and errands . Dressing to the nines is easier than doing everyday as long as I have all my items ready , I've usually decided in advance what I'm going to wear and prepared it .

The only sressful part are my nails , I always leave them till the last minute .

Thanks for your comment, Teresa. I always appreciate your unique points of view. However, I consider u more of a TS than a CD. I consider CD's to be men who occasionally dress up like women. Not males who feel they r, and/or live as women. I believe your much farther down the Yellow Brick road than a CD like me, for example!:thumbsup:

colleen ps
02-15-2019, 03:30 AM
Sherry, I dont find dressing fully stressful at all, in fact it is my weekend treat! Most days i am underdressed for comfort during the day, then when i get home the work clothes come off and like others, its on with the skirt and top or dress, sometimes womens pants if i have dirty stuff to do, but when the weekend arrives, i go for it full on ready for the day. Mind you i have to go out in my man disguise if we go shopping as my wife is not comfortable with me being seen locally. Vacations are another matter of course. Nobody knows me!

02-15-2019, 06:59 AM
Doc, I only dress all the way. I don't find stressful, relaxing and exciting in the same moment.

02-15-2019, 08:33 AM
I am all or nothing, but that attitude means I don't dress as often as I would like.

02-15-2019, 09:31 AM
For me it's Krisi or Homer, never "Kromer". That said, I'm sure there are different definitions of "all the way". I'm sitting here this morning wearing my wig, boobs and hip and but padding. And a dress. Shaved but no makeup or jewelry. I'm not going anywhere so there's no need for more. I'm Krisi for sure, but not all "dolled up" for an outing.

02-15-2019, 11:15 AM

"Do find dressing always to the 9's stressful or exciting?" Neither, I find it satisfying but then again I don't get the opportunity to fully dress that often, certainly if you#re going to include makeup in the question.

On average I get the chance to dress fully clothing wise for a 3-4 hours, 4 out of 5 weeks. This is in addition to regular opportunities to put on a skirt and hose during the week. The only stress is in there being a deadline to return to drab. Generally however I find dressing to whatever level relaxing as opposed to stressful.

02-15-2019, 11:42 AM
I'm a total dresser. So, it's always a dress (no pants, yuck!), bra, panty, slip, hosiery, shoes and wig. I do forego makeup because it is too bothersome to apply and remove. And, the GG's I know do not apply any makeup unless they are going to a function or have some other reason to wear it. My wife only applies lip gloss when she goes to work. So, I figure I'm in good company without makeup. I do apply light facial makeup when out for an evening stroll. I do not bother with nail polish or fake nails. Again, following the lead of my wife. If I followed the lead of my granddaughter I'd be spending half my life applying and removing.

After reading all the adventures of under dressing on this site I gave it a try. On several occasions I wore a bra, camisole, panty and hosiery during the fall months. It did nothing for me other than force me to use a stall rather than a urinal in the men's room.

I am of the opinion all this dressing stuff is more than some kinky fetish. If my mindset is that of Stephanie on any particular day, it would seem strange for her to be wearing guy stuff. Wouldn't that make her an outer dresser cross dressing female?

02-15-2019, 01:16 PM
You know I'm all or nothing when it comes to dressing and leaving the house.
I don't find it stressful getting ready more like tedious. I just wish the getting ready
shaving/putting on makeup and all that part could be done instantly.
Usually after 3 or 4 days of a conference I'm thoroughly tired of doing the whole makeup
routine but I'm always happy and excited to be dressed and heading out the door to the next event.

02-15-2019, 01:47 PM
Sans wig and full makeup, I dress fully daily with lipstick, and jewelry. I only do it "to the nines" if i'm going out. Diva Las Vegas will be to the ninety nines!

Alexandra Collins
02-15-2019, 05:37 PM
After starting CDing late in life (at 56) last year, and initially dressing a lot, but only at home and with no makeup or wig for the first few months, I'm now only really interested to dress all the way (clothes, makeup, wig, jewelry) and then go out out in the real world (and take photos before, after, or during my time outside my house). Only exceptions are when I am doing trial runs at applying makeup as I'm still learning this, in which case I may stay in and just take photos, but even then since it still takes me so long to do my makeup, I figure at that point I might as well dress fully (only takes an extra 10 minutes or so) and then take some photos. Only other exception, is if I buy some new clothes or shoes, I may try them on once at home to see how they look and fit, but not get dressed all the way. Oh, I may just wear heels around the house for short periods of time, but that is just to practice my walk for when I leave my house! Prolonged and frequent partial dressing or under dressing is of no interest to me.

02-15-2019, 10:44 PM
Depends on your definition of all the way,yes I always dress with wig and varying degrees of makeup but that could be as casual as being in my pj's or fully in smart outfit.

I love the whole experience dressing to the nines to somewhere special ,I don't think exciting is right word but a very enjoyable experience nonetheless,the only stressful part is getting an itch that really needs scratched while your nails are still drying, or you get a ladder in your last pair of tights


02-16-2019, 01:08 AM
Well, now that I have committed to full transition, it is all the way, every day, just like any cisgender lady would do. I don’t step out the door unless I look as passable as I can manage.

But even before, when I was “only” dressing and going out three to four times a week, it was all or nothing for me.

Only in the earliest stages, when I first experimented with underdressing while still married, did I only wear a few femme things in public. And that was strictly unseen undies. From the day I first was able to put together the whole look, with a shaved face, makeup, forms, hip pads, and a completely female outfit, there was no turning back for me.

02-16-2019, 10:48 AM
All the way for me these days, anything less just isnt the same.
Although i havent dressed for ages.

02-16-2019, 10:58 AM
Yep, it has to be ALL the way with ME TOO.----Although sometimes I can forego the nail polish or hose----those are optional anyway---depends upon the look I want. But the look has to be complete.

02-16-2019, 11:07 AM
I've come to prefer CDing in the privacy of my apartment, wearing my slips and panties. I don't do this everyday, perhaps 2-3 times a week and I'm fine with it. I don't have the desire anymore to dress to the nines and go out in public. I'm not passable and it makes me nervous doing that. When I was younger, I was a member of a CD support group and got dressed up fully, with makeup and all and attended social events, which I felt at ease with, and also went out with other members to gay and lesbian bars, which made me nervous, so I have been out in public and experienced it, but I would rather CD in privacy in my slips and panties. To each their own...

02-17-2019, 08:34 AM
I have been living full time for about 3.5 years so i am a all or nothing gal. Its kind of funny as my wife stresses more than i do about what to wear and getting ready to go somewhere.

03-15-2019, 02:46 PM
I only dress 100% or nothing -- do not understand the attraction to partially dressing (I am not saying that it doesn't exist for others, just that it is not for me). Even when I was (much) younger, starting out, I enjoyed being completely dressed more than wearing certain items, but I did not have access to makeup -- I guess that was being "partially dressed" or maybe just the advantage of being "baby faced" (and not knowing any better). I wish I still had that "younger me figure", playing so many sports kept me very trim - then the coaches decided I needed to get on some protein supplements, etc. and that was that.

03-15-2019, 02:56 PM
Hi Sherry :hugs:, Seeing the pretty well dressed lady in the mirror, Is what it is all about for me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Orchid ..O:daydreaming:O..

03-15-2019, 03:47 PM
We have too many rules and do too much thinking. How do you feel at the moment? Go with what you feel. Sometimes before I get home at the end of the day I imagine great things, then it turns into panties and loungewear. Sometimes it goes the other way. It should be free or stress.

03-15-2019, 04:17 PM
I -- do not understand the attraction to partially dressing

Well you have to understand that for some of us it's not just about dressing up like a woman.

I feel feminine all the time and always need to wear something, anything, even just a bra and panties under my DRAB outfit to help ease the gender dysphoria I have been living with since I was 10.

03-15-2019, 04:51 PM
All my clothes are from the women's dept now, but mostly pretty neutral, jeans and tops. I do wear earrings & bracelets all the time, but that's about it. I don't really consider that "dressing" any more, they're just my clothes. If I go further then it's 100% or nothing. If I don't have time for the Full Monty then I won't start. I won't be happy with the results so it'll be pointless.

> "Do find dressing always to the 9's stressful or exciting?"

It used to be stressful until (a) I started to get better at it and more importantly (b) I started to care less about what others thought. Now I'm mostly doing it for me, and only when I have time to do it right, so it's actually very relaxing and enjoyable. It's one of the few times when I take time to look after myself properly.

Cheshire girl
03-15-2019, 06:32 PM
It has to be the whole thing for me. I don’t like just putting on a few things and not dressing to the nines. V time consuming but worth it.

03-15-2019, 06:38 PM
It's all or nothing for me for the most part. I never go out without some makeup at least. If I want to look sloppy I'll go in boy mode which is mostly never! I have nice clothes and I want to wear them.

03-15-2019, 07:03 PM
All the way for me too. The fun and excitement for me is to get as close to 100% transformation as possible.

Brandi Christine
03-15-2019, 07:28 PM
Since I can't dress 99% of the time I have to be happy with underdressing, in the mornings before work, sometimes at work. But that 1% of the time when I can dress, then I am 100% and them some. Absolutely all the way baby!:doll:

Leslie Mary S
03-15-2019, 07:29 PM
I dress in what I feel like dressing when I feel like dressing. Make-up is rarely worn full on.
This last time I put on face-make-up I intentionally used a darker foundation to give me a suntanned look. When dressed, I either don't wear my glasses, or wear some lady-like reading glasses.
If I am going out, the glasses come off. I can pass my driving examines without wearing them.

302447 302448
With or with out Glasses?

Kate Jennings
05-09-2019, 05:02 PM
I dress fully, or, I don't dress.

05-09-2019, 05:50 PM
I don't get anywhere near as many opportunities to fully dress as I used to, so I occasionally put on a dress or leggings and a top, without the makeup and wig.
It is a lot more thrilling when I do get the chance. It's more excitement than stress though.
In August this year, my wife and sons will be going away for 3 weeks (as they do every 2nd summer), so I'll be home alone for that period and I'll be getting dressed full-on every day. It will be so good to be able to practice my makeup every day without fear of being interrupted.

05-09-2019, 05:56 PM
HollyGreene - Enjoy your three weeks, I always would enjoy when my wife and daughter would go away to family and give me the house to myself. The whole collection would come out and be enjoyed.

05-09-2019, 06:54 PM
To be honest I just do what I want, there's been days I've done underdressing through the day, and others where I wear a hoodie and skirt, or a dress. but alot of times I'm just business, since I work at a play with a uniform and I'm a bit lazy

05-09-2019, 07:50 PM
Mostly I go all the way in order to fully enjoy the look. I think it is always a bit stressful as I am still learning and refining my look. There are times though when I have just put on a skirt and top without makeup. These are days when I just want to relax, because the makeup has to come off before the wife sees and I don't want to have to do that in a rush.

05-18-2019, 07:44 AM
An interesting question I have pondered many times. I personally feel like it is all or nothing most of the time, but remember when it didn't have to be for me. As I have become more comfortable with my dressing over the years (although for me it is an only at home thing) I find that half way is less interesting or enjoyable than just some articles. In the past, I was happy with just underclothes, then just a wig and dress, then it felt somehow less without makeup, eyelashes, forms, etc. It is now rare that I dress "part way," instead opting for the full effort even if it is only for a few hours. It certainly was less work when less was good enough, but it now somehow just feels like not enough. It is probably a similar feeling for most of us, but it certainly is a an interesting part of at least my own psychological makeup and mindset.

05-20-2019, 08:00 AM
Well you have to understand that for some of us it's not just about dressing up like a woman.

I feel feminine all the time and always need to wear something, anything, even just a bra and panties under my DRAB outfit to help ease the gender dysphoria I have been living with since I was 10.

I agree, a bra and panties can really help take the edge off most days. Very calming.

05-20-2019, 12:54 PM
I normally only part dress when I’m alone. Normally lingerie only.

05-20-2019, 01:34 PM
great question. I usually dress completely, no undressing. So for me its all or nothing. But I do dress for the most part to blend with the civilian world. So I'll wear jeans and a simple blouse with jewelry. It maybe a little more than jeans and t shirt. I'll also wear flats. If I am going out to dinner or a club it will be a little more garish with the make up and a sexier dress and it takes more time. Therefore a little bit more stressful and I agree if there is a time deadline I am stressed and late but for general getting out in the straight world is not stressed but no deadline either

Nikki A.
05-20-2019, 01:46 PM
If I'm going out it's all or nothing (an occasional nice top maybe in drab), I want to look as passable as I possibly can. However if I am home I may slip into something comfortable (skirt or dress, bra depending on the mood), no makeup or wig though. To go through all the work and hassle and watch TV makes no sense to me. However after being out, deconstucting is delayed to the very last minute and then it is done begrudgingly.
There isn't the excitement anymore, but it has evolved into a comfortable almost normal state. Even going out and about, there are no nerves, I'm me and expect to be treated as I try to present. I am respectful and friendly to others and I get the respected in return.

05-21-2019, 08:26 AM
I live in an old cold house, at present, so wandering about in underwear is not an option most months. I can wear a skirt or dress every evening so I do. I do not bother with wig or make up as I see that as a waste of time. I am happy being fully clothed in my favourite clothes, and don't go out so no need to disguise myself.

05-21-2019, 10:03 AM
I only dress 100% or nothing -- do not understand the attraction to partially dressing (I am not saying that it doesn't exist for others, just that it is not for me). Even when I was (much) younger, starting out, I enjoyed being completely dressed more than wearing certain items, but I did not have access to makeup --

I'm like Terri--only 100% or nothing, and like Terri this was always true when I was a kid as well. I know I didn't dress all the way then the way i would today, but that was only because I didn't have the access. So I'd say I was dressed all the way even then, at least as much I could.

I also don't understand underdressing, but I wish I did! I wish I could satisfy the need a little underdressing, but it just doesn't appeal to me :(

05-21-2019, 10:11 AM
Whenever I go out in public I dress all the way including make up, you may see my picture threats for my appearance.

Alice Torn
05-21-2019, 03:14 PM
Same here. i do find it a bit stressful, but do it all the way, or nothing, when i dress, occasionally. I d onot dress that often anymore, though. Trying to be more balanced and nurture my man self.

Felicia M
05-21-2019, 07:28 PM
It is all or nothing. I absolutely adore makeup after putting in the time and money to get good at it. False eyelashes give me butterflies still. I love the transformation. I still remember the first time looking in the mirror
and seeing someone completely different. I did not recognize myself. It is such a mesmerizing and lovely experience. I strive for that every time and I still have so much to learn.

Connie D50
05-22-2019, 06:57 AM
I can be very happy just with cloths (I do have to have boobs in) I just avoid mirrors lol

05-22-2019, 08:13 AM
I don't really consider my self "dressing" unless I am totally complete. That includes makeup and wig. I may not set foot outside but I am not dressing if I am not going all the way.

05-22-2019, 06:20 PM
I feel like cd'ing is a bit of a slippery slope. I never have gone past a simple outfit at home and maybe a tiny bit of makeup. I do find that the joy of dressing seems to require more and more of a feminine look to get that thrill that I used to get from just some panties.

05-23-2019, 08:53 AM
Thirty years ago when I wore a younger mans dresses I loved wearing women's clothes with out makeup when I worked from home.
Over the last couple of years I tried on several occasions to dress up with no makeup and if I looked in the mirror I hated myself, was a big "turn off".
If I had to dress with no makeup I would Purge everything!
Dressing for me now is the Look not the feel.
When I was 16 the feel of the clothes was so nice, girls got to wear silky smooth fabric but guys just got cotton, Ya ruff and tuff!

Thats what "grabbed me". Soft clothes soft, soft undies and the skirt rubbing against my legs. From there I have liked wearing other clothes but never so far as to "all out" except the one time when I was about 14.

06-02-2019, 12:40 PM
Normally I am either in guy mode, or I go all the way including full makeup. I am not out at work however, and if I am not feeling great mentally (not that often, thankfully), I underdress. For me, a cute bra and matching knickers can cure any stress!
It also takes me back to the days when I wasn't bold enough to go out completely dressed in public, and I used to underdress to satisfy my desire to be girly. I did push the envelope a bit there, sometimes I used to wear a push-up bra that added two cup sizes! I had to wear a baggy sweatshirt to cover it, but it was worth it. When I came out to a friend later, she said she had never noticed, and even after telling her, she wouldn't notice when I was sporting D-cups. I guess I got away with it.

06-02-2019, 01:19 PM
Dressing all the way is like a holiday for me. I don't do it often and use opportunities where I travel to pack my girl suitcase and then use the time away to dress full all the way, makeup and all - I am then Michelle for a couple of days complete - 24hrs a day. Rest of the time it is a mix of girl and boy clothes at home and office. Makeup is a luxury the rest of the time - just to time consuming.

Sometimes Steffi
06-02-2019, 09:42 PM
I guess it depends what "all" means.

I'm always running late, and I can't leave the neighborhood dressed (wife's rule). I prefer not to paint my nails in the car, because one little slip could be permanent. So, I usually son't paint my nails.

I usually wear some kind of hip and/or butt padding, and usually a shaper, but there times I like to be free of all that stuff and just wear panties.

So, I'm more or less all or nothing, but I'm willing to accept some adaptation if the circumstances warrant.

06-04-2019, 12:17 AM
I'm due for a full outing. Haven't had one in a while. I think that being full time at work has given me less time to be around my clothes generally, which in a strange way makes me miss them less. After moaning about it for weeks, I actually passed on a pretty nice red dress, although I wasn't 100% sure about the size.

These days, I just put on some panties, paint my nails and call it a day.