View Full Version : Two more steps out of the closet

02-21-2019, 01:49 AM
Tonight, I introduced my femme self to two GG co-workers. I am at an out of town conference with three GG co-workers. The other already knows and is friends.
Last night I missed out on a little girls night out after the meeting.s and felt a little down. I let the girl who already knew that I felt left out and asked to let me know of any new girls night out. So I got dolled up and relaxed a bit after today's meetings. No messages popped up for evening activities. It got closer to bedtime so I stopped by the room of the already familiar GG to visit. She exclaimed, "Well, you're ready for girls night!"
I agreed.
After a brief visit we knocked on one of the other's door and asked if she was ready for girls night out. She was surprised. We visited briefly and she was receptive. She mentioned that the last co-worker should be awake. The first girl agreed to make a field trip to visit.
We ventured to the last room and we visited there briefly.
Overall, I think all went well. Besides my wife, these three are all that have met my femme self. I'm pretty sure I have new allies and am curious of potential future girls nights.
On this trip, my evening outfits have been fit and flare sweater dresses, fleeced tights, tall boots, minimal makeup, medium hoop earrings, and a cardigan. The first familiar GG comments that I dress better than her.

02-21-2019, 05:31 AM
That is so exciting that you were able to experience an evening with them that way. What sort of things did you talk about? I hope the three of you get to make this a more regular occurrence

02-21-2019, 07:31 AM
Just regular chit chat; nothing out of the ordinary for someone knocking after 11.
With a 3 hour drive home later, I am maybe expecting some questions.
I guess I have left some clues up to now. I regularly wear pink on Wednesdays, sometimes more often. I occasionally wear nail polish to work for days at a time. My ears are pierced, though rarely adorned during work. My hair is growing; its below my shoulders now.

02-21-2019, 09:57 AM
Very awesome! Sounds like a very nice outfits to step out of the closet with :)

Beverley Sims
02-21-2019, 10:14 AM
Nice tomake positive steps when emerging from the closet.

02-21-2019, 12:28 PM
Coming out is good. I don’t think I’d come out to coworkers on a business trip. If one WASN’T comfortable, it makes things awkward being stuck with them for s couple of days. IMO there are better times and places, but glad things worked out for you.

02-21-2019, 05:35 PM
That was a great story, Glad it worked out for you getting out of the Closet is a huge step.
I just hope it does not go the wrong way at work.

02-21-2019, 07:57 PM
Female co workers are pretty accepting. You made a good move letting them see you.

I recently had a chance reveal to a female at my work. At the end of a work day, I had changed into yoga pants and wedges and headed for the exit where she was checking for late deliveries. She took one glance at my shoes and said, "Oh, cool!" Nothing else was said and I left. The end. I love when this is just No Big Deal.

02-21-2019, 08:03 PM
I'm waiting to hear about your, "girl's nite out"!:battingeyelashes:

Angie G
02-21-2019, 08:52 PM
You go girl enjoy. :hugs: