View Full Version : Getting Ready Is Not Easy

Teri Ray
03-23-2019, 05:41 PM
Holly Cow. I have been planning to go to Diva Las Vegas (DLV) for my first time. This will be the first time I will be away from home for several days enfemme and planning and packing (for me at least) is not easy. The most time I have spent totally enfemme has been three days and that was at home. I have been out and about away from home one time for two days. Planning for being away for six days and being dressed the whole time is a huge first for me. Being dressed for 6 days??? wow sounds fun but putting it together is not easy. For example: how many shoes do you need to take?? How many dresses? do you plan each outfit for each event ? I did. Whew. So I figure I have 4 pairs of pants, 8 pairs of shoes/boots, 5 dresses, 3 pairs of leggings, nylons (a bunch) and tops (did not count). I just hope that everything I am planning to take will fit into two suitcases. I am fortunate in that I am driving to DLV so space is not an issue. One doesn't really know how much stuff you have (or didn't know you had) until you plan to take it with you.

Thanks for listening to my dilemma.


03-23-2019, 06:58 PM
Have fun at DLV. I've been at DLV four times, but will miss this year. :( I'm too far away to drive, so it's flying with one big suitcase and an additional carry on backpack. Basically it's two outfits a day. One for day time activities and one for night time dinner, events and dancing. Or you can buy some outfits while your down there. The shopping in Vegas is awesome. I try to only bring three pair of shoes. One a little more casual heel, one more dressy and a pair of sneakers. It's all dresses for me. Pants are verboten. :)

I always at the max 50 lbs. checked luggage weight on the way back home with all the shopping I do. The backpack is jammed as well.

A lot of gals who drive always joke about needing a trailer to bring all their fashion needs.

Hope you can post photos on your DLV experience in The Picture Gallery.

Jean 103
03-23-2019, 07:12 PM
Thank you for reminding me.

The first time I drove. The trunk and backseat were full. I had so much it was funny.

The next time I flew with two suitcases and still had plenty of clothes, which was good because the weather was colder than the first time. So I was glad that I had included a couple pairs of skinny jeans.

Have fun and enjoy, the time goes by so fast.

Beverley Sims
03-24-2019, 12:23 AM
When I go away I take far too many clothes that just go along for the ride.

03-24-2019, 01:27 AM
I know! Usually my trips are 1 or 2 days. The most I've ever done was 3 days. I remember I took so much stuff. I dont think I could ever fly.

03-24-2019, 05:24 AM
Regular readers will no doubt know that I get to indulge in a week away at least once a year. I travel by car so I'm at liberty to take pretty much what I want. However I now always try to plan in advance just what outfits I'll be wearing and look to make as many mix and match combinations as possible.

In the early days I took so much stuff many items just stayed in the wardrobe and just having them made choosing each days outfit that more difficult. Experience has taught me to me selective therefore in what I take. The other big consideration is that these trips are my opportunity to shop in person, try things on and therefore keep my wardrobe up to date. So I know it's possible I'll come back with more than I went with. That said, a few older things also find their way into charity shops so there's an element of inventory management at play as well.

If I were to advise someone embarking upon a trip for the first time I'd say pack more items for day to day comfort especially shoes, you need comfortable shoes, and unless you know you're out dancing every night, limit the glam stuff. Even dining out usually only calls for being smartly dressed as opposed to dressed to the nines.

Make sure you take the ancillaries, jewellery etc. and definitely sufficient makeup removers. It's easy to underestimate just what it takes to keep your face clean night after night.

After that, just enjoy yourself!

03-24-2019, 06:05 AM
Hi Teri,

Since you are driving, storage of excess shouldn't be an issue, as you have identified ( unless you're either taking/bringing back other goers, or you need a park-ride to get from your accommodation to your car ), and shopping locally for more if you run out also shouldn't be an issue. The latter might even add to the experience! :winkp:.

From just the clothes on your back to your entire repertoire, everything in between is an option :thumbsup:.

Enjoy! :).
- Lydianne.

03-24-2019, 07:10 AM
It's an easy trap to fall into but don't forget most girls are going through the same problem before they set off , the problem is no one wants to be seen in the same outfit twice . Helen is right but putting it into practice is hard .

The other complication some face is having to arrive and depart in drab so you have to drag some male clothes along as well .

The other very annoying point is , no matter how much stuff you end up taking the chances are you will forget the most important basics , I clearly remember doing an overnight stay and realised I had every thing apart from my forms , luckily I was able to borrow a spare pair from my room mate .

Teri Ray
03-24-2019, 07:34 AM
Whew...……… thanks all for the feedback but you had to remind me of the potential for me having a bad case of CRS (Can't Remember Stuff). Now I need to make a check off list for those items that I may not easily be able to replace in Vegas. Teresa mentioned forms that would be one and other items like padded panties and my wigs.

I am sure there will be something that I take for granted as having at home that I am likely to forget. I am however, getting excited to go and shave daily and remove make up every night (well maybe not excited about those). I am experienced enough to know that glam is fun but comfortable will win the day and I will be sure to mostly wear cute but comfortable shoes.

I will keep you posted

Huggs Teri

03-24-2019, 07:42 AM
The most amusing and interesting situation is sharing a room with another CDer especially if you've never done it before , it's one thing bunking up with a guy but getting ready from basics in front of someone else is so different . In fact what usually happens is someone knocks at the door with a bottle of booze and while you're half way through so it usually ends up in a fit of giggles and inevitably running late !

It's funny how this brings memories flooding back , to get ready in a busy hotel with a complete mix of guests and walking through the busy corridors , passing family groups while wearing a stapless dress for the first time and hoping gravity wouldn't take over !

03-24-2019, 10:43 AM
I think you're suffering from a built up demand for some female attention. My wife is away for nine days and eight nights. Yep, my heels are lined up. An assortment of my dresses and slips are hanging on a rod in the walk-in closet. My wife? She packed a small suitcase that could probably be stuffed into the overhead on the plane. It sounds like you're going to have fun being totally liberated for six days. You're just going to have to suffer with making all those clothing choices.

03-24-2019, 10:59 AM
Teri, I wish I could go. You are so lucky.

03-24-2019, 01:08 PM
Teri, you're lucky you're driving! So much easier than packing to fly! And, the TSA!:doh:

I always try to start packing 2 weeks in advance. And, I do a complete dress rehearsal with each outfit. Plus pack at least 2+ extra dress and 2+ more casual outfits! U CAN'T take too much!:daydreaming:

My 1st DLV I left my bag of wigs sitting on my bedroom floor! Wore just 2 the entire week that I bought there.:brolleyes:

See u there! I'll be the one with 3 heavy bags, suit bag, and a duffle bag filled with shoes and boots!:heehee:

Sarah Doepner
03-24-2019, 01:17 PM
If I can't fit it in a large suitcase, garment bag and a backpack it isn't going. Comfortable shoes became critical a couple years ago after I suffered a broken heel, so that's very high on the list. I do my best to mix and match skirts, pants and tops with only a few dresses, but since I shop a lot at thrift stores, I end up coming home with a few more things that fall into my cart.

The highest priority goes to those things that give you the confidence to leave the room. Is it hair, makeup, and forms? Start there and if it's something that doesn't build confidence, leave it home. I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

03-24-2019, 01:21 PM
Teresa mentioned forms that would be one and other items like padded panties and my wigs.

Yep, last trip away I left my "best" forms behind. Luckily I had my sleep in forms and a Nubra which saved the day.

I am however, getting excited to go and shave daily and remove make up every night (well maybe not excited about those).

One other thing I'd recommend talking is some antiseptic cream. Your face can take a beating especially if you end up close shaving twice a day. A little cream applied before bedtime can help prevent soreness and redness on the chin area.

03-24-2019, 01:29 PM
Ha, that is quite a dilemma. I think in guy mode I could just bring a backpack with some stuff in it and get by..in girl mode I'd probably have to UPS stuff down there lol

Alexandra Collins
03-24-2019, 06:03 PM
A few weeks ago I attended a GNO that was out of town, so it was a road trip with an overnight hotel stay. I couldn't make any decisions before I left, so I took a set of 3 nested suite cases, all totally full to carry everything: the largest one for clothes and shoes, the medium one for accessories and wigs, and the smallest one for makeup and related items. And that doesn't include 6 dresses and 1 jacket that were hanging in my back seat! This was for a single evening event that involved dinner at a restaurant and then a bar. Crazy I know.

03-24-2019, 06:54 PM
In male mode I usually have a small suit case, I carry mine and one of my wife's up to the room. Then I go back and get her other three on the cart that's provided at most Motels. She says she just takes the minimum. I have often wondered what I'd take and thought I really would need to buy more suitcases. Teri I bet you are going to have fun and meet a lot of good friends that visit on here. Going to the DLV would be my dream come true. I bet it will be a fun trip.

03-24-2019, 07:30 PM
Hi Teri Ray :hugs:, Just to be on the safe side Just rent a U-HAUL trailer. >Orhid ..o:daydreaming:o..

03-24-2019, 07:41 PM
I'm driving to DLV from SoCal, in full femme 100%. Did it last year and was thrilled! I hope 2 suitcases will do it, but if not, one more. I'll again use valet parking and will check in, all en femme .. same as last year. Teri and Sarah, you should try your drives in femme. It's a thrill, even using the women's rest rooms and buying gas. I'll see you both in Las Vegas, and Sherry, too.

03-26-2019, 08:03 AM
Wish I could drive, I can't imagine trying to get through airport security, let alone with my makeup:eek:

Genifer Teal
03-28-2019, 06:14 AM
Jet blue allows 1 carry on, 1 under seat bag and a purse/handbag. I managed with only 1 checked bag. Granted, I planned all outfits in advance to reduce excess. I'm not going this year. Have fun!

03-28-2019, 06:20 PM
I have had the opportunity to go to a few conferences in the past. I have been there for a few days and planned as well as I could to have enough cute things to wear upon returning to the hotel afterwards. I packed as I do in drab, thing about things that seem to fit a color scheme to mix and match. Not sure when I will get another opportunity but will certainly make the most of it. Driving to the events (out of state) I drive en femme.

Brenda Freeman
03-30-2019, 08:37 AM
Have fun Teri,
DLV was my first trip packing to travel by air. Definitely repacked multiple times before narrowing down what to take. Breast forms in a box take up alot of space! Easier by car Have fun. Shopping is fun enfemme and Vegas has a lot of places to shop. The biggest Ross I have seen is there.

04-02-2019, 01:38 PM
you can only put so much in a suit case, and shoes take up a chunk of room. so I make a list of outfits for the number of days, and do the matching at home. you can always mix tops/bottoms later, but hopefully you'll be spending more time running around freeeeeeeeeee
vs. being stuck in a room w scattered clothes

blue orchid: turning a uhaul into a mobile closet would be great

04-02-2019, 02:05 PM
IKR, I took 2 dresses, 2 pairs of jeans, 6 tops, and 4 pair of shoes just for a 2 night stay in Seattle last weekend. I would have to rent a U-haul for DLV.

My wife, one pair of jeans, one slacks, one pair of shoes, and a dozen tops.

04-02-2019, 08:30 PM
ROFL! I couldn't decide what to wear TODAY. Planning for 6 days would have me in a serious panic!

I hope your week is seriously fantastic!