View Full Version : See Another ???

04-10-2019, 08:48 AM
I shop now wearing all girl clothes, girl tennis shoes or low heels, tight girl jeans and girl top, nylons so if I see some shoes I want to try on, panties and bra with no forms or small not to be outed and no makeup. I look male but with better form fitting clothes I like to wear compared to the YUCK offered males. I dress to blend however any keen eye that took the time to scrutinize me could see I was dressed feminine. With summer coming I will be wearing girl sandels, girl mid thigh well fitting shorts and girl tee. I've said before my legs look feminine, they are toned, tanned and smooth and will make me look more feminine especially in the shorts and sandles; so what. If you were out and dressed like me would you like to see another crossdresser dressed the same? Would you go over and start a conversation. Would that make you feel good to see their are others brave enough to wear clothing nicer than what's offered males. BTW I dress to look really nice with a feminine flare compared to so many male and females that just throw on the clothes and look so sloppy. I would like to think when they see me I look well put together and nicely dressed even being male with a feminine touch.

BTW, your opinion please, if I present as nicely as I have said and women notice me with the feminine touch, are they jealous or think I look nice?

04-10-2019, 08:59 AM

Pictures may help. Maybe.

I think we all like to believe we dress with a feminine flair.

Tracy Irving
04-10-2019, 09:11 AM
If you were out and dressed like me would you like to see another crossdresser dressed the same?

I don't think I would care.

Would you go over and start a conversation.

Definitely NOT.

Would that make you feel good to see their are others brave enough to wear clothing nicer than what's offered males.

Not at all. BTW, I have some very nice male clothing.

if I present as nicely as I have said and women notice me with the feminine touch, are they jealous or think I look nice?

The important thing is that you think you look nice.

Cheryl T
04-10-2019, 09:46 AM
I do wear my sandals and shorts and cute tops in the nice weather, but I would not approach another just to say hi.
I don't feel it would be appropriate no matter how she is dressed. We all like our privacy no matter how much we crave camaraderie.

I might wink or give a knowing smile, but I would not approach unless I received some indication that she was receptive.

04-10-2019, 10:03 AM
I wouldn’t be dressed like that so couldn’t answer your first question. No, I don’t start conversations with random crossdressers, no, they’re not jealous.

Majella St Gerard
04-10-2019, 10:14 AM
In my experience, I used to dress that way, most people in general would probably assume that you were gay. It worked for me at the time.

04-10-2019, 11:52 AM
At this stage of dressing I would be shopping in drab, feeling anxious, and on high alert. I would not want to approach or be approached. However, if there was some kind of humorous icebreaker, who knows. Even if I did feel at ease I would respect other people's privacy and not approach them.


04-10-2019, 11:57 AM
Your thread has a lot of "what ifs." There are also a lot of assumptions.

First, I do not believe any woman would be jealous of a man wearing women's clothing. There may be some aspects of the man appearing as a woman that she may make a comment. My wife has always remarked on my legs. As a six foot one male I had great long legs. I also do not have hair follicles on my calves and little to no fine hair elsewhere. Never had to shave my legs. Throw on a dress and my wife will not change her opinion of my legs. She would see my legs as just legs. Yep, when I had my military weight of 175 pounds of muscle, lean and a full head of blond hair I had women come on to me as well as some gay men trying to see if I was available. I think the concept of women jealous of a man wearing women's clothing is wishful thinking. At best, she may compliment his appearance. My personal observations are women are accepting of gay men and cross dressing men because women do not see a cross dressing man as a threat to their sexuality.

As to sloppy dressing men and women. Yes, there are too many. Too many obese men and women. If I am going to do messy work I don the oldest clothes I own. If I am out and about in the neighborhood I tend to appear clean and well groomed. I dress for the occasion.

I would not go over to a cross dressing man and engage him in conversation. I would not avoid him if the circumstances dictated conversation. Once my wife was on an intercity bus for an hour and sat next to either a crossdresser or a transsexual. She had a nice conversation and gave her tips on sewing. So, if I am sitting next to one of the members on this forum who is flying en femme I will talk to you. But, if you're six rows up from me, I will not jump up and sit next to you.

Too much rambling from me too early in the day.

04-10-2019, 12:05 PM
Honestly, I would probably be too timid to approach anyone else in public at this point. I think I would be spending most of my time getting my bearings and getting comfortable. Down the road, who knows?

Tracii G
04-10-2019, 12:51 PM
If you are dressed nicely for a male I would bet you are gay.
Most gay men I know do dress very nicely but not so much in feminine clothes but I do see it from time to time.
Jealousy is such an ugly thing and for someone to think others are jealous of them then they have an ego issue.

04-10-2019, 01:00 PM
I don't think I would try to start a conversation. I know if I was out dressed and someone randomly started talking to me about cding I would be distraught of the attention when I would just be trying to blend. As you say you are dressed conservatively not trying to stand, so I would think it would be hard for someone who just randomly pass by to see that, although I know women are very perceptive. I on the other hand lol

04-10-2019, 01:30 PM
Deebra, most of us r NOT attracted to men. So, why would we care if u dress feminine, masculine, or androgenous?:brolleyes:
I just returned from DLV in Vegas with 150 T's. I treated them all the same no matter how they were dressed. Because that doesn't matter to me!:straightface:

You've posted countless threads about how u dress. Well over 1000 words I'll wager? Have u ever heard the phrase, "One pic is worth 1000 words"?

Stop with the "what ifs" about your endless descriptions of your outfits! I think if u posted pics you'd get a lot more helpful replies from us!:daydreaming:

Tracii G
04-10-2019, 01:38 PM
Sherry I have to agree with the pic is worth a thousand words comment.
Another phrase is pics or it didn't happen and the old phrase well then prove it.
Deebra I assume you go out dressed so why is it such a big thing to post a pic of you in the outfit you were describing?
Lots of us here post pics why can't you?
If you are going to boast about how great you look let us see for ourselves.

Devi SM
04-10-2019, 02:04 PM
Without seeing a picture, for me is just especulations.
If you go out why don't post a pic here?
So I'll give you my opinion from a different perspective.
I'm a trasgender and today to dress loose a lot of the importance that had before HRT but I need it just is me.
I don't think a pass in any way even well dressed and with make up but i resist to wear make up everyday or try to look sexy, but i wear just women's clothe.
Regarding what other people thinks, who cares? If nobody says a word why I'm going to try to read minds if even talking is hard to make people to try to understand us. So now i don't see faces or look people to their eyes except when is needing and just take the compliments...actually nobody had been rude when they find out I'm a man with boobs.
As Uber driver I meet a lot of people and just once a lady told me, it's supposed to be a man the driver but is ok...so for me, ut was a compliment...

04-10-2019, 02:22 PM
Very often we meet up as a group and have a coffee and shop at a shopping village that stays open till 8.00pm . We are all TG apart from a TS and her male partner , so we chat while we shop , we know most of the SAs , we tend to dress as most GGs would when doing the same thing but it's really no big deal . As a group we possibly do attract a little more interest , any one is free to join us and on occasions I have seen some guys looking through the women's racks . Most of them are quite skittish , I feel most would run rather than be approached by a fully dressed TG .

I'm not sure what you want us to say to your description and the question you pose , are you looking for validation ?

04-10-2019, 02:58 PM
Deebra -

I wouldn't go out of my way to strike up a conversation. I would just respond with the normal level of politeness. A casual "good morning" or whatever was appropriate. Just as I would treat any shopper. That is all I ask when I'm out and about.


04-10-2019, 07:04 PM
Let me try to make it more clear. I am not skinny or fat and a nice size. If I wear nice fitting girl jeans, tee, sandles, color coronated I feel I look quite nice. Nicer than most men and women, so if a woman happens to notice that the female clothes look nice and fit me well is she jealous I look and present nicer than most women or does she think I look so much better than the average sloppy dressed male in a Home Improvement store. Looked at Country Music Awards show last night, their jeans are skin tight with holes, I beat that hands down.

If out and I saw another dressed andro like me that would make me feel good and if close I would say hello. I am not seeking validation, get over it please.

As I have said before I do not know how to send a pic and no one to teach me and I do not want the background of a pic to out me to family & friends. But I would love too.

I really thought I would be trashed by the nay sayers posting this, only a couple. Let's hope I am wearing them down.

04-10-2019, 07:25 PM
Ah there’s the old “I look better then everyone I see” deebra I remember.

Tracii G
04-10-2019, 07:29 PM
You are worried about a background outing you and not the fact you are dressed in female clothes?
I find that a little hard to fathom.
Why is having someone jealous of you so important?
Its not hard to post a pic and I am sure you know how to do it so just turn around and not show your face.
The background would make no difference then.

04-11-2019, 12:17 AM
So Tracii,wee question for you.If I related a tale of being out and about in public dressed,I would be demanded to show a pic to prove the validity of my experience,don't get me wrong I always take a pic or 6,but I don't think it's needed to prove an event happened


Rochal Tukque
04-11-2019, 01:02 AM
In my support group we have every size shape and color. The majority not really passable but are loving at heart and very excepting of one another's short comings, its a support group. But there are few that just can't get past the male need to compete even about how their dressed in woman's clothing, go figure.

04-11-2019, 06:34 AM
We can never say we look better because it begs the question , " Better than what ? " If you read my " Being a good neighbour " thread it is a question raised , is my neighbour or his wife upset by my appearance because he commented my nails were nicer than hers .

The question you need to ask yourself is are you going out to blend in with society , to look like most other GGs ? Or are you going out to show a guy can look good in female clothes ? There is a difference dressing like a CDer and dressing like a woman when you do it on a daily basis .

Maybe I should retell a converstaion I had with my wife , we were in a shopping centre sitting in a higher level having coffee looking down on the main shopping thoroughfare. We were surrounded by lovely clothes shops , I turned to my wife and said , " Where do all the nice clothes go because most of the women down there look like sacks of potatoes !" OK a little harsh but she's never forgotten that comment and had to smile in agreement . Most women are just doing what they need to do, looking drop dead gorgeous isn't their priority , as my wife said , " Trust you to think of that !" because it means more to us than many women possibly because we feel we have something to prove but most other people aren't bothered or interested .

I'm sorry if you feel trashed but I'm only trying to see your comments in a realistic way .

04-11-2019, 07:46 AM
Thankyou t-girl, good answer.

Micki you are wrong, I'm not saying I look better than everyone, I am saying I dress and look better than the majority of the sloppy public. So many have their belly rolls of fat that really shows in tight tee's, women in spandex painted on leggings showing every little crevice, rolls of fat and big a**es and think they are sexy with a thong sticking out above the belt, unshaven guys just plain sloppy. I don't put food first, I keep my body nice by exercising, good foods and skin care therefore when I wear close but not vulgar tight girl clothes they fit me nicely just as they would on a young lady that also cared about her body and appearance.

Traci, what I mean by women being jealous is if a woman see's me with a nice body, nice clothes that fit nicely compared to the way a lot of women and men look she just might be envious/jealous that I look better than a lot of women even being a guy wearing girl clothes. The clothes are not overly feminine and prissy, just girl jeans and tee. I see girl clothes as just clothes that fit me better and I like them better than men's and everything is tucked away so they look and fit as nicely on me as they would on a GG.

Teresa Yes I am going out dressed in female clothes as a guy to look nice and blend. However how do you blend if so many people around you are sloppy. That said I do see well dressed people where it is required but the comparisons I talked about above is everyday WalMart, Home Improvement stores, malls. Very rarely do you see people today that try to look their best; it's more about comfort in clothes and fast foods that taste good.

04-11-2019, 08:21 AM
Debra I will put this as nice as I can. Most people leave the house thinking they look good, or they don't care how they look. Most likely no one is going to come across you and be jealous of how you are dressed.

Tracii G
04-11-2019, 08:25 AM
So Tracii,wee question for you.If I related a tale of being out and about in public dressed,I would be demanded to show a pic to prove the validity of my experience,don't get me wrong I always take a pic or 6,but I don't think it's needed to prove an event happened


You totally missed my point Sophie
All I asked was to actually see a pic of her so all of us could see the outfit she was describing.
It was not so much proving anything it was about the outfit and how it fit.
I dress in womens clothes everyday so I get where Deebra is coming from because I dress that way too.
I try to blend and wear nice looking clothes that fit even tho' I am a plus size.

Beverley Sims
04-11-2019, 09:53 AM
They may admire how you look but most will not speak to another.

Tracy Irving
04-11-2019, 11:29 AM
what I mean by women being jealous is if a woman see's me with a nice body, nice clothes that fit nicely compared to the way a lot of women and men look she just might be envious/jealous that I look better than a lot of women even being a guy wearing girl clothes.

I'm confused. Why would she even care that some stranger is dressed better than someone else she doesn't know?

04-11-2019, 11:47 AM
Tracy ,
I'm just going to back up Deebra's point after your comment . Some people do notice and comment .

I've just remembered a situation when I was looking for sequined tops in the Klass shop . The SA lined up about 12 different ones and then I noticed she had hung a sequined dress on the rail ( the one in my avatar ) . I joked about having so many tops to try on and then I asked why she wanted me to try on the dress , OK this is her honest answer and no BS , she said , " It's a pleasure to see nice clothes tried on by someone with a lovely figure !" Naturally I laughed it off , I thought she was joking but she insisted she wasn't . she then added , " We have so many women with figures that just don't suit the dresses , then you walk in , darn it I wish I had your figure !"

I still can't convince myself I pass , I'm at a loss what to say when I'm faced with a situation like this , I guess it's just what others see in us .

Tracy Irving
04-11-2019, 01:06 PM
Are you suggesting that the SA harbors some sort of jealousy (against you?) because an article of clothing fits you better than it does a different customer? Weird...

Look at it this way, imagine yourself at the mall observing the clothing people are wearing. Some stranger walking past is dressed nicely. The next person, not so much. What, exactly, are you jealous of?

04-11-2019, 02:51 PM
She was making a comment because it actually gave her pleasure serving someone that the clothes fitted perfectly , I also repeated her exact words , it's not the first time a GG has said that to me but it's meant in a complimentary way . They are all lovely SAs in that shop , one even let me use her staff discount card , if fact I've bought a gift token for my daughter so I can take her to meet them all .

I don't understand where you are getting the jealous angle from , I never mentioned being envious of other peolple in fact I thought the SA was joking with me .

Tracii G
04-11-2019, 02:59 PM
Teresa some people need to feed their ego and they love the idea of someone being jealous of them.
Kind of like the kid on the block that gets a shiny new bicycle and rubs it in that yours is old and scratched up.

04-11-2019, 04:28 PM
This reads like the cross-dresser version of Samantha Brick.

We aren’t living in an old sit-com. Women, barring a few with mental health issues, don’t get wildly jealous of attractive women they see in shopping malls.They are certainly not going to be jealous of a man presenting as a man, however he is dressed - very few women want to look like men. Many women may think the presence of a man dressed in extreme camp is a nice sign of diversity in the neighbourhood, but few will consider it in terms of sexual attractiveness. Also if someone thinks the majority of people around them look terrible it only suggests that the majority of people disagree with them on matters of taste.

Deebra, I get that this fantasy of women being jealous of you is likely to be an actual sexual fantasy, and that you are well aware it is complete piffle. However if I’m wrong, and you really are concerned about women being thrown into despair by your incredible beauty and sharp style, maybe share your previously posted theory about women having short pockets with them. The one where we don’t need pockets because we all use sex to manipulate men out of their money. It’s almost impossible to be really jealous of someone you think is a complete pillock.

Tracy Irving
04-11-2019, 05:52 PM
I don't understand where you are getting the jealous angle from , I never mentioned being envious of other peolple

I could have sworn Deebra asked a question about women and jealousy in the last sentence of the very first post in this thread. I thought that was what we were discussing. Maybe I read it wrong. My bad.

04-11-2019, 06:33 PM
I could have sworn Deebra asked a question about women and jealousy in the last sentence of the very first post in this thread. I thought that was what we were discussing. Maybe I read it wrong. My bad.

I don't think you are wrong, I had the same vibe from the OP's post.

04-11-2019, 07:45 PM
In that case I read it wrong or misunderstood your reply as to which comment you were referring to .

Having read the original thread again I see your point , I hate to say it but I have to say maybe MogGG is right with some of her comments .

OK I look partially guity of the point she's making but Deebra is asking and making assumptions and I've just passed on what was honetly said to me , OK I am presenting fully dressed as Teresa not a MIAD .

Rochal Tukque
04-12-2019, 12:16 AM
OK! They're people out there with weight problems, with money problems and can't afford to dress up. They're some that maybe in a point in their life they just don't fell good about them self or just don't care. Whatever! But our little pristine selves are asking these same human beings to except our all too pretty little selves after we trash talk them to death and act like they're less than. I'm only going what I have read here and in all many other threads and has been cast into the universe for all to see! So really don't see any good reason for our community to be crying foul.

04-12-2019, 12:43 AM
I really thought I would be trashed by the nay sayers posting this, only a couple. Let's hope I am wearing them down.Interesting. Good luck with that.

04-12-2019, 08:40 AM
@Teresa - what I said isn’t directed at you, it’s more at the idea that women react negatively to someone being attractive, which is which is what deebra seems to be hoping for. Honestly she could have the legs of Elle McPherson in her prime, and I still don’t think many women would be actually jealous because most people just want to look like an optimised version of themselves, not like someone else. I know this might be different for some cross-dressers as a few on here suggest they would like to look like people they are sexually attracted to. In any case, women often genuinely describe other people as beautiful, including behind their backs, without wishing them ill or wanting to look like them.

Of course sometimes women say “I’m jealous” as a self-depreciating compliment, but it’s not something someone would say if they actually were jealous, even though the admiration is sincere.

Nikki A.
04-12-2019, 08:43 AM
I don't think women are jealous but they do notice how you dress. I attend church as Nikki and almost always wear a dress or a skirt. I've been complemented on some outfits and as the women have come to know me I have had some tell me that seeing me in a dress or skirt made them remember how nice it is to dress up again. I see a few more wearing dresses and skirts again. Don't get me wrong, on my best day l can't compete with the other women, but I try to look nice and respectable and I think I do a nice job. I know we talk about photos. I am not a picture taker. I don't like how the pictures turn out and anything posted is out there. I want to choose when and to whom I reveal myself.

04-13-2019, 08:29 AM
Not at all , I didn't think that, no problem .

As a GG maybe you could answer this question , it continues about you comments on what GGs think of other women . I personally have found what you say is perfectly true but the one area most women do appear to comment on is the shape of legs , they very rarely if ever comment on other parts of the body but they do appear to love to see and comment on legs . I don't mean just about Cders but that aspect is the one thing I've had compliments about . That goes for my daughter right through to SAs .

04-13-2019, 04:02 PM
As a GG maybe you could answer this question , it continues about you comments on what GGs think of other women ... the one area most women do appear to comment on is the shape of legs , they very rarely if ever comment on other parts of the body but they do appear to love to see and comment on legs

I think women are assuming cross-dressers want to look like a woman, and so are identifying the area where cross dressers tend to be the most successful by that criteria, and genuinely complementing them on having legs that look close to a conventional female ideal, ie lean, no cellulite, slender thighs. . “I’m jealous” is just a figure of speech, its hyperbole. Many women would like to be skinnier, have no cellulite, etc, but they don’t want someone else’s legs, they want the best possible version of their own, and they won’t feel any hostility to people for having nice legs

Having said that, I am truly wildly jealous of the amount of time my husband spends on grooming his legs. Now we have a small kid I feel lucky if I get to shave or wash my hair once a week, and yet he manages to keep his legs like polished marble. So there could be similar elements in play.

04-14-2019, 06:49 AM
Thanks for that , My comment was also about a woman passing comments of other womens legs . I've heard my wife on more than one occasion bring it up in conversations when she been on the phone to a friend .

Maybe I could repeat a story to make my point . I was in as large out of town store , they have bus trips for shoppers and I happened to be in a middle of a group , the converstaion was amusing . One or two started looking at my choices and telling me how good it should look , I was doing the same to them , on one occasion I pulled out a lovely dress saying to the lady next to me how nice it was, she said it was beautiful but you're OK with your height and those legs I don't stand a chance at 4' 11" . While I'm not going to get caught up on the passing question I felt those ladies were not thinking of me in crossdressing terms .

By the way I feel you should get your partner to speed up , I shave all over everyday and it only takes me twenty minutes

04-14-2019, 08:54 AM
Teresa, I am so glad you have such a nice female figure, dress nice to show it and don't waste it being a man. You inspire us all for being the attractive CD/TG you are.

Julie Slowinski
04-14-2019, 09:14 AM
Let me start with the fact that when I’m out no one thinks I’m cis, certainly no one that I talk to, which is just about anyone that will listen. Now, I understand that many CDs and trans women are very much interested in being stealth. So, I am a bit cautious about approaching people, especially since I am not at all stealth. The bottom line is that I leave it up to the other person. If they make eye contact and give an inviting smile, then I will certainly make an effort to start a conversation.

04-14-2019, 09:56 AM
Interesting cause it kind of happened to me. I was shopping en drab in Austin TX at a place called Bazaar. A great store by the way. I was looking at a dress when i heard a voice behind me say "That will look great on you..." I was mortified. I was sure I was discovered.

He was very quick to tell me that he was a performer at a local drag club. After calming me down, we went out for coffee. Well, long story short, we became friends. He introduced me to the very active drag community in Austin and became my drag mom. While i didn't perform in drag, the mentorship did encourage me to begin going out en femme. The rest, as they say, is history.

04-15-2019, 10:07 PM
Sabrina that was a great meet up, look how it changed your CD life for the better. Just use a little class and brains if you want to speak to another CD.

04-15-2019, 11:17 PM
This thread seems so absurd but I'm bored so why not reply. There are multiple threads talking about how women have paid them compliments and how they are "jealous". As MoGG pointed out, they are passing compliments and people need to quit dwelling on them. The women are just being nice and making small talk. Do you take it to heart every time someone says "It's always so good to see you!" ? By this logic, you should assume you are the most interesting/attractive/friendliest person in the world. Surely that must be the case because multiple people have said it to you and they stress the word always! This is the ridiculous logic that some members keep circling back around to. I don't know why MoGG even needed to explain this because it should have be completely obvious.

I would say that literally 70% of the time I have a hair appointment (cut, blowout, whatever) the stylists gushes over my hair. It's the stereotypical thick, glossy Asian hair and I do think they admire it. However, there are so many girls (especially in San Francisco) that have hair this nice and I do not believe for one second they are actually jealous. One of my friends is this hot Brazilian girl and she is always playing with my hair and telling me how she wants it. I don't take it that serious because I am sure she notices all the guys drooling around her because I certainly notice them doing that. It's absurd to think she actually spends anytime thinking how much she really wants hair like mine instead of her naturally curly Brazilian hair.

When I meet someone talented such as a singer, dancer, artist, chef, etc. I definitely admire their talent but I am not jealous that they possess something I do not. The world is not filled with these insecure, jealous woman that are staring longingly at traits you possess. Take the "jealous" comments as just a polite hello and quit rehashing the same stories about how woman have told you they wish they looked as good as you. It's delusional.