View Full Version : Gender changing app filter

05-13-2019, 08:06 PM
Has anyone seen or played with the new Snapchat filter that will show you what you look like as the opposite gender? What do you think about it?

story link = https://www.popbuzz.com/internet/viral/gender-swap-filter-snapchat-memes/

jessica dawn
05-13-2019, 08:08 PM
I have and look pretty good.

Tracii G
05-13-2019, 08:11 PM
Already a couple of threads on that subject.

05-13-2019, 08:28 PM
A couple hundred, more like.

05-13-2019, 09:25 PM
I never heard of this I need to get snapchat and try it thanks you

Tracii G
05-13-2019, 09:40 PM
Not sure what a snap chat is but if everybody is doing it then I don't want to.

05-13-2019, 09:43 PM
I've been hearing about it too and was curious, but just what I need...Something else to have to fool with

05-13-2019, 11:54 PM
I was coming here to ask the same question.
It’s given me an extra push and something to aim for when applying makeup now.

FYI for those not in the know, You can use the filter and save the pic to your phone without having to post it......

05-14-2019, 12:39 AM
Great. I can be huge and homely in two genders. No thanks. I'll stick to my fantasy of being slender, pretty & actually attractive. Ahhhh, that's better!

05-14-2019, 06:24 AM
Anyone else having a great time with this filter? It’s like looking at what I wish I was. Still getting a kick out of it every time I look at it.

05-14-2019, 06:31 AM
That's 5....
This is a popular topic.

Rachael Leigh
05-14-2019, 08:03 AM
I’ve got a friend who has a trans son and feels this app is a bit offensive to those who are truly trans. It kinda makes fun
of changing your face to look at yourself as the other gender. So be careful keeping in mind those who deal with real gender
dysphoria this is not for fun but real. So maybe this app kinda cheapens that. I’m just saying

05-14-2019, 08:15 AM
If our makeup technique can match it like the filter that will be gold.

Tracii G
05-14-2019, 10:24 AM
I figured there would be somebody that would get offended.
Notice its someone who isn't trans but knows someone who is?
Rachael tell the Father he has no right to tell others what they can do or enjoy.
To get offended over a phone app you have real problems dealing with life's issues.

Rachael Leigh
05-14-2019, 11:52 AM
I figured there would be somebody that would get offended.
Notice its someone who isn't trans but knows someone who is?
Rachael tell the Father he has no right to tell others what they can do or enjoy.
To get offended over a phone app you have real problems dealing with life's issues.

Well maybe if you were raising a trans child with all a parent has to deal with you might understand it better.
I’ve not seen the app but we have enough negative out there to deal with as a community and now there’s an app to play
and pretend and make fun of real TG folks again I’m just saying

Beverley Sims
05-14-2019, 01:39 PM
These gender filters are becoming more popular we should be curious as to why and experiment with them, they can be a lot of fun and are interesting.

Tracii G
05-14-2019, 01:46 PM
Well maybe if you were raising a trans child with all a parent has to deal with you might understand it better.
I’ve not seen the app but we have enough negative out there to deal with as a community and now there’s an app to play
and pretend and make fun of real TG folks again I’m just saying

Look I have raised two daughters on my own and put them thru college even been a friend to some of their gay friends.
I have worked with trans youth for quite a few years giving them counseling and support.
So please I know quite a bit about the subject.
This app is only bad if you make it that way. Most people I have seen using it aren't harming anyone.In fact it might help some of the closet CDers actually come out did you ever think of that?
This is just a current fad thing give it 2 weeks and it will be forgotten about.

Roxanne Lanyon
05-14-2019, 02:31 PM
Now, is this something else out there to help me find my man, my significant other?
Roxanne Lanyon

05-14-2019, 02:43 PM
Well maybe if you were raising a trans child with all a parent has to deal with you might understand it better.
I’ve not seen the app but we have enough negative out there to deal with as a community and now there’s an app to play
and pretend and make fun of real TG folks again I’m just saying

So you haven’t actually seen the thing, or how it’s executed, but you’re outraged over it? Welcome to Modern America.

P.S. I’ve seen the dog face filter used to make fun of furries. Should they get rid of that one too? Just because something CAN be used for ill, doesn’t mean it’s inherently evil or wrong. It’s in HOW people choose to use them.

Tracy Irving
05-14-2019, 02:46 PM
It turned five days of beard growth into a 5 o'clock shadow. I will give it another try when I have a cleanly shaven face.

05-14-2019, 03:19 PM
.I dont have snapchat account But Seems like it would be funny to use in our pass times..;)

Rachael Leigh
05-14-2019, 06:35 PM
So you haven’t actually seen the thing, or how it’s executed, but you’re outraged over it? Welcome to Modern America.

P.S. I’ve seen the dog face filter used to make fun of furries. Should they get rid of that one too? Just because something CAN be used for ill, doesn’t mean it’s inherently evil or wrong. It’s in HOW people choose to use them.

Never said I was outraged I’m just repeating from a friend who is a strong advocate for trans youth and as I said her son
is trans. Traci it may well indeed be a good thing and may help. But any here knows how real this part of us is and it’s not
some game to be played.
And yes I believe you to be a strong advocate as well for trans folks and it’s very much appreciated

Tracii G
05-14-2019, 07:37 PM
Oh I know how real this part is I live it everyday.
The main thing is it takes a very strong person to live this life and it isn't easy.Oh how well I know that.
If your friend is a weak person who is easily offended then she should learn how to deal with it and stop playing the victim.
Her child is trans and needs a strong parental figure to protect her/him during the time and not a weakling that folds under pressure.
Sorry to be blunt about it she is teaching her child to be a victim.

Rachael Leigh
05-14-2019, 08:25 PM
Oh I know how real this part is I live it everyday.
The main thing is it takes a very strong person to live this life and it isn't easy.Oh how well I know that.
If your friend is a weak person who is easily offended then she should learn how to deal with it and stop playing the victim.
Her child is trans and needs a strong parental figure to protect her/him during the time and not a weakling that folds under pressure.
Sorry to be blunt about it she is teaching her child to be a victim.

I can’t completely disagree with this, she can be a bit of a victim at times. I do believe she wants what’s best for her son though. I have to tell you not long after I posted on here someone IM me his picture using the app. I will say it was cute.
he’s gay but not into dressing. So yes it was in fun but for you and for me it’s real life, so I don’t need an app

Palaina Nocturnus
05-15-2019, 01:50 AM
I love how the filter makes me look more fem! I took pictures with my 2 year old with the man and woman filters! Omg his mom and I got the biggest laugh out of it!

Rachael Leigh
05-15-2019, 08:59 AM
I love how the filter makes me look more fem! I took pictures with my 2 year old with the man and woman filters! Omg his mom and I got the biggest laugh out of it!

And there you’ve made my point, for those who this is there life where they are fighting for rights and acceptance it’s not a joke. Trans people will continue to find no respect or acceptance as long as things like this exist.
Ok sure once in a while have fun with it but those who are trans it’s serious business

Palaina Nocturnus
05-16-2019, 12:26 PM
I posted my reply to the original post. I just read your replies. I dress in femme everyday around my 2 year old son, my 11 year old stepdaughter and my 20 year old son. To us there's is nothing funny about being trans, it's just life.

We laugh at everything cuz life is too serious. We were laughing at a 2 year old looking like a full grown woman and man. Quit trying to find negativity in this world, there's already enough of it going around without OUR community arguing over an app that you probably don't use.

Think of it in a positive light. Now it's easier for some one curious to see if it's the right look for them. Lighten up, please ;)

Tracy Irving
05-16-2019, 01:40 PM
Trans people will continue to find no respect or acceptance as long as things like this exist.

So, if we remove things like this from existence, trans people will finally be able to find respect or acceptance? Because right now they can't find any? Not one? Does it really work that way?

Tracii G
05-16-2019, 04:00 PM
Tracy that is how the trans activist operates.
They want everything thing their way and nobody else has any rights that they don't approve of.
I agree lighten up and stop being so negative Rachael.
Rachael you need to understand you and all trans people have the same rights as anyone else.
Seems you want special treatment or laws enacted that serve you and limit every one else.
Kind of shows bigotry towards cis people

Rachael Leigh
05-16-2019, 05:25 PM
Tracy that is how the trans activist operates.
They want everything thing their way and nobody else has any rights that they don't approve of.
I agree lighten up and stop being so negative Rachael.
Rachael you need to understand you and all trans people have the same rights as anyone else.
Seems you want special treatment or laws enacted that serve you and limit every one else.
Kind of shows bigotry towards cis people

Oh Tracii I’m far from being a big activist when it comes to trans rights and yes I know that we have rights and such but
when we see states like mine trying to pass laws that’s discriminate only against trans and gay people than I become more
vocal. I know this app has nothing to do with that but again we are still marginalized and in some ways not taken serious
so I’m just saying don’t always assume that some will think it’s funny when others may think otherwise

Tracii G
05-16-2019, 06:27 PM
Marginalization only happens if YOU let it happen.
My little backwards hillbilly state of Kentucky treats everyone the same under the law so being trans here is no big deal.
My city has a fairness clause as well. Gays and trans people are no differently treated here than cis people.
Move up here maybe?

05-24-2019, 08:24 AM
Just tried it, the first several came out pretty bad, then I got a good one. Now if I can just figure out how to save them.

foxy bartender
05-24-2019, 09:31 AM
It’s simply a photo filter designed for people to have fun with. It’s not any kind of slight or dig at the trans community. If you can’t laugh at yourself, then you need to take a step back and look at your own behavior. Are you taking things too seriously?
Just a thought
I’m absolutely loving the pictures I’ve been taking with that filter. I think I’ve gotten the best pictures of my true female self, and looking at them when I’m feeling dysphoric actually helps.
Bu, you know, that’s just like, my opinion, man.

Roxanne Lanyon
05-25-2019, 10:28 AM
Lord, Traci,
I would love to move up there! Maybe I could even get married! I would adore to be a pretty wife!
Roxanne Lanyon

05-25-2019, 08:58 PM
I just posted this exact thread. I didn’t see this untill after of course. I’ll admit I like it. I wished I looked half as good as the filter makes me look!

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I just posted this exact thread. I didn’t see this untill after of course. I’ll admit I like it. I wished I looked half as good as the filter makes me look!

05-25-2019, 09:48 PM
And there you’ve made my point, for those who this is there life where they are fighting for rights and acceptance it’s not a joke. Trans people will continue to find no respect or acceptance as long as things like this exist.
Ok sure once in a while have fun with it but those who are trans it’s serious business

Jeez! Look, here's a concept, it's called 'fun'. That you suggest it's making fun of the entire TG community is absurd.
You MIGHT have a point if this filter were being used to further an anti-TG agenda or to promote anti-TG legislation, but that's NOT what's happening and as a result your assertion just sounds ridiculous.
The TG community has a great many legitimate concerns. Listing this amongst them is a waste of time, effort, and energy.
What's next? "Being able to add a rainbow sticker to my pics destroys the gains made in gay rights over the last 50 years!", "Putting a horn and glitter on my photos is simply unicornist, wah!" etc? Just sounds way off base.
And I say that as someone who believes strongly in the usefulness of political correctness as a tool for altering prejudicial attitudes. But not when it's a silly filter for a five-minute giggle. I absolutely reserve the right to laugh at myself without being accused of attacking anyone else. That's a right I'll assert without any qualification. It's not something I need anyone's approval or permission for.

Tracii G
05-25-2019, 10:55 PM
Just like I said in a previous post. 2 weeks ago it was all the rage on Facebook now everyone has moved on and the app is old news and will be forgotten about by next week.
Hardly a harm to the trans community.

05-26-2019, 02:05 PM
This is not a fad. To me there is a much broader topic, but I don’t want to start another thread.

Beyond the Snap Chat filter there are numerous apps that offer similar results. Some others change gender. Some are make up try on apps that let you test lip stick, eye shadow, nail polish. Some are cosmetic surgery apps that let you picture yourself with a smaller nose or augmented breasts. Others are retail “magic mirror” apps that let you try on dresses and other clothes. All fall in the category of Augmented Reality (AR).

Virtual Reality (VR) offers another twist on the experience. In VR you can see “yourself” in a mirror and see every turn of your face or tip of your head or bow or spin repeated back to you. As with all good VR, your brain is tricked into believing it is seeing something real.

Your mirrored self in VR can also become any style avatar or digital person. Your digital image can be a sexy girl in a bikini, a princess in a gown, a tough biker, whatever (or knight, soldier, skater dude, whatever as a guy).

Having experienced this (in AR and VR), I would say it always brings a smile to my face. Not because I or anyone else is laughing at the results. Rather for the brief period I BECOME that women in a bikini or princess or feminine alter ego.

With AR/VR one can live a fantasy or preview a look/style or imagine a transition.

Sure, as in life, some people will think it is ridiculing or a joke. But others will find inspiration and a means of expressing their true self.

Technology advances. At one point we will have the opportunity to wear AR glasses that can create Snap Chat-like filters in real time as we look at others and others look at us.

So, the real question becomes how we fit digital personas and digital gender expression into the spectrum of clothes, makeup, wigs, and full transition. I believe it can be hugely rewarding. And the possibilities are expanding every day.

Tracii G
05-26-2019, 02:16 PM
As you can see Kenita there is a segment of people that feel they are victims when it comes to living their lives so they find a reason to complain or feel offended about every little thing.

05-26-2019, 02:55 PM
And there you’ve made my point, for those who this is there life where they are fighting for rights and acceptance it’s not a joke. Trans people will continue to find no respect or acceptance as long as things like this exist.
Ok sure once in a while have fun with it but those who are trans it’s serious business

You keep telling us how offensive this is to the Trans community, and yet we have members of that community here telling you that it ISN’T offensive. So... how do you reconcile that?

Tracii G
05-26-2019, 03:33 PM
You know I find if you give respect you get it back in return.
Some trans people haven't learned that concept and continue to demand special treatment.

05-26-2019, 05:30 PM
You know I find if you give respect you get it back in return.
Some trans people haven't learned that concept and continue to demand special treatment.

Some politicians PROMISE them "Special treatment" beyond the equal respect they deserve----That is political exploitation, and all trans folk should be wary because it only generates more resentment than acceptance.

05-26-2019, 06:11 PM
Rather than get twisted over a silly phone app, I would think that there are more serious issues to be concerned with.

But I guess a gender swap game is far more pressing. And much safer to be "offended" about. :confused2:

Tracii G
05-26-2019, 06:58 PM
Too many trans people have been taken advantage of by unscrupulous people.
Promised unicorns and rainbows and given nothing.

05-26-2019, 07:07 PM
I'm not looking to jump on a soapbox or anything, just trying to point out that there are some things we need to be more concerned with than a trifling little app.

Tracii G
05-26-2019, 07:22 PM
I agree Jodie, just an app and not that big a deal.

05-26-2019, 08:18 PM
Used the silly thing once,had a laugh with colleagues over the results and dumped the app,and no trans people were harmed in the process.So onto next week's next big thing


char GG
05-26-2019, 10:14 PM
Please refer back to the OP's question. If this thread goes off on any further tangents, it will be closed.

05-27-2019, 06:57 PM
Snap Chat copied FaceApp with the Gender Changing App .

these gender filters are getting much better, and even simulates FFS

Is Snapchat's viral gender-swap filter problematic or just silly ...

Why Snapchat’s new gender swap feature is problematic for many trans people


FaceApp is a mobile application for iOS and Android developed by Russian company Wireless Lab which uses neural network technology to automatically generate highly realistic transformations of faces in photographs. The app can transform a face to make it smile, look younger, look older, or even change gender.

05-28-2019, 10:06 AM
It's a lot of fun, Jen!

05-30-2019, 06:47 AM
I figured I'd reply to this thread with my own pics.
'Him' (obviously!)


And Abbie. No idea why I'm wearing a fur collar! Lmao (Time for a shave �� .)


Hope that on topic enough, Char. 😉

05-30-2019, 04:31 PM
Here is members photos using the filter from faceapp.


see members b4 and after

There is a Virtual FFS /female HRT software you can use online

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Use Screen save,capture your screen,screen shot

Just tried it, the first several came out pretty bad, then I got a good one. Now if I can just figure out how to save them.

[QUOTE=Victoria_Winters;4364888]I just posted this exact thread. I didn’t see this untill after of course. I’ll admit I like it. I wished I looked half as good as the filter makes me look!

FFS,female hormones hrt,HGH to help keep facial fat and feminine fat plus maybe prednisone /pinkpanther,Orchiectomy and you'll look super prettywithout much makeup.

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[QUOTE=luuv2dress;4361460]I was coming here to ask the same question.
It’s given me an extra push and something to aim for when applying makeup now.

Look up Catfish makeup and you learn how to Get the gender swap results also study the virtual feminization website so you will knownthe differences beween a male and female face and get an idea how to correctly apply makeup to alter the masculine appearance (look up Joseph Harwood makeup on YouTube.

06-01-2019, 03:57 AM
That face changing tech in Mission Impossible is pretty good....


I give you Thomasina Cruise!