View Full Version : Doctor Visit in Girlie Mode

05-16-2019, 08:23 AM
Hi all
My female Doctor has known about my Cross-dressing for quite a while now so I told her that I was thinking of coming to the practice as Rhonda, she said it was ok by her, but I never did, until she opened her own practice a short distance from the old one, so I plucked up the courage and did it. I like to get there early so I can be 1st in but there was someone waiting when I got there, by the time she was finished with him the waiting room had about 8 patients in it, so when she called me she used my male name which made everyone look up and watch me walk to her room, when I got in I said to her that I wished she had called Rhonda instead, then it clicked to her that she had made a mistake and apologised.
She thought I looked lovely in what I had on which gave me a boost. I wasn't too worried about it as I'm getting very confident when dressed, I spent the whole day dressed, did some shopping later and went to the movies. All in all, it was a good day.

05-16-2019, 09:21 AM
Good story. I think it's valuable for your doctor to know about your feminine leanings and to see you dressed. The good ones treat the whole person so the more they know you the better.

And good for you just getting out there and experiencing acceptance from an authority figure. Life is so much more fun when you can be yourself.

Beverley Sims
05-16-2019, 10:28 PM
Yes coming out to your doctor helps them understand a lot of things, stress and elevated blood pressure are a couple.

Check first to see if the practice will accept you dressed, some will even use your preferred female name when dressed.

Not to do it is often living a lie and after few appointments you and the doctor get used to it and the real problem of your health can be looked at.

05-17-2019, 04:11 AM
Hi Rhonda :hugs:, That had to be an awesome experience for you,

Like gettind another punch on your Dance Card. >Orchid ...:daydreaming:+..

Crissy 107
05-17-2019, 05:41 AM
Hi Rhonda, Good for you girl! I’m happy it worked out so well.

05-18-2019, 04:18 PM
Sounds like you have it girl Good for you

05-18-2019, 05:33 PM
Croydon University Hospital (Dermatology) were absolutely great with me. I turn up how I feel on the day and they'll call me through as Rebecca or Becky. The only problem I had was that they renamed all my docs, sent the update notes to my family doctor's surgery, where someone I know works on my doctor's reception. Oops! Worse was to follow when they sent a copy of the notes in that name to my home address. Other half was less than impressed. That's life. :heehee:

05-19-2019, 06:13 AM
Coming out to your doctor it's a safe way to tell someone about your crossdresssing and it feels good. I also always wear panties and pantyhose when visiting my doctor, even I'm still in the closet and don't tell about this to other people I know.

05-19-2019, 06:31 AM
Can you imagine a whole waiting room packed with people waiting for their flu jab , that was quite an experience .

It's better to accept your situation and not try and excuse yourself , I made the decison from the start with my new GP's surgery , the great thing is she has given me her full backing if I want to go further . As for the name well I did have mine shortened to Terri after I was called by my full male name when I was waiting for my flu jab . It's not an official change but they have accepted for their paperwork .

Sometimes Steffi
05-19-2019, 08:09 PM
I've gone to one of my doctors fully dressed a few times. But when I do, I always pass a note to the receptionist to "Ask for Steffi".

05-19-2019, 08:43 PM
I work in the medical field, and while many of my coworkers don’t know much about cross dressing, all my coworkers treat people across the CD spectrum with dignity, respect and confidentiality.

Crissy 107
05-19-2019, 09:40 PM
Mermaiden, I appreciate your post on this subject, good job! Many of us go to Dr visits dressing to some degree and have no issues but it is nice to actually hear that from someone in the business.

05-20-2019, 02:28 AM
bugger, I never thought of using my girl name at the doctors.
Actually, thinking about it, I prefer they use my documented name, just so I don't get some other "Rachel's" medication.
Besides, I've seen so many specialists in the last few years it would really confuse me.

05-20-2019, 07:56 AM
I went to my dermatologist for a follow to remove some stitches. She then informed me because of the biopsy result she wanted to do a full body scan right then. Well I had underdressed bra and panty so when she handed me the gown and said strip down to your underpants I gasped. Luckily I was wearing black spandex stretchy boy shorts so I was not totally terrified like it would be if they were bright pink. Anyways she came back in and began the upper body scan and when she go to the bra line areas I knew she saw the marks because all she said was very interesting and then traced along the bra mark lines with her fingers. She then had me stand as she scanned my legs and several times she adjusted the legs of the panty so she could get a full scan of my legs. When she finished she pulled the legs back down smiled and said very nice scan an informative. Nice smile, nothing but kindness. Ever since I have no fear when I go in and every time she now slides her hand up and down my back and smiles and says good to see you.

05-20-2019, 11:37 AM
I'm glad it went well for you.
I applaud you for telling her about your dressing up front and asking if it was OK before you showed up as Rhonda.

Variations of this have come up before and it is important to remember that while medical professionals and others get exposed to a lot of things in the course of doing their jobs, we often assume that because someone does not say something, that implies they are accepting of what they have seen. For the most part, people don't care what we wear and most never know what color our panties are.
I have had two very different lessons on this over the past year; one a Neurologist that got to see my pink panties when the exam needed to go further up my leg than expected, I apologized to her and she thanked me for the apology asking not to be exposed to such things going forward. The other a massage therapist that noticed the lines from my bra. She asked me why I wore one and we actually had a nice little chat about how comforting it was and she pretty much said, 'cool'.

Point is, it is unfair for us to assume and again, I applaud you for asking first.

just my 2 cents...

05-22-2019, 05:47 PM
I've gone to one of my doctors fully dressed a few times. But when I do, I always pass a not to the receptionist to "Ask for Steffi".

Thanks Steffi, I never thought of that, I'll try to remember to do it next time save the embarrassment.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks ladies for your support and encouragement, it was a fantastic experience, I'll be doing it more often in the future only thing is that I'll be moving in about 6mnths to Tamworth it's about 5 and 1/2 hour drive away so I'll have to find a new doctor, just hope I can find one that is just as supportive.

Sometimes Steffi
05-22-2019, 08:56 PM

I had an appointment with my dermatologist to look a some moles that seemed to be getting larger. Since I was going in anyhow, I decided to make an appointment for a full body scan. I had no intention of underdressing in panties, and hardly ever underdress in a bra. But, I had just gotten a pedicure (with color, as always) and didn't want to remove it.

I knew that I would have to strip down to my jockey shorts and remove my socks and shoes, but I decided to just own it. It was very obvious the my toes were painted (a beautiful coral color). I did get some nice, positive comments from both the doctor and her assistant. The only thing that was a little embarrassing was that the assistant was a 20 something GG. I guess that the other thing that was embarrassing was that the doc wrote "wearing nail polish", at least on my copy of the body scan. Needless to say, my wife didn't get to see the copy of my body scan.

Of course, there have been other times that I went to a doctor appointment when I was requested to take off my shoes and socks when I didn't expect it.

05-24-2019, 06:15 AM
I visited my doctor again today only because she asked me to come in last Sunday and I had forgotten to go, I had basically all female attire on just very little makeup and no wig. All was ok I was first there and first in, but at the end of the consultation she said she wanted me to have an ECG, I reluctantly agreed and went to see the nurse about it. The nurse tells me to take my top off which I did then went to lay down next thing she tells me that I have to take my bra off, I don't know if women have to take their bras off for an ECG or not but I did anyway which was a disappointment not being able to lay there in front of the nurse with a bra and breast forms. When it was finished she told me to get dressed, she even kept her back to me while I did so, which I thought was very considerate of her, very professional, I don't think real women would like to be watched by a nurse while they put their bra and top back on.