View Full Version : Wife gave me lingerie

05-23-2019, 10:20 PM
So, I've tried to be as open and honest about my crossdressing with my wife as I can and as early as I could. I purged once or twice in our relationship and recently have gone into for good I hope. So we're talking about it a lot. That being the case, I realized she had a ton of lingerie that didn't fit her anymore. So I mentioned that she could go through it and I asked if I could have some of the items. So she did that today. I got a couple pairs of tights, a lot of thigh highs, some bras, a lace bodysuit, and a corset! I couldn't believe she gave me all that stuff! She told me that she hoped I had fun playing dress up. lol She was serious but also kinda poking fun a little, in a light hearted kind of way. She doesn't like that I crossdress, but she is being so amazing and supportive.

05-23-2019, 11:29 PM

I wonder if a lot of spouses' objections to their husbands' crossdressing doesn’t come in part from the fact that they know how much women’s clothes can cost. Sharing the wardrobe as much as possible should help things along, provided you don’t look prettier than your wife.

05-23-2019, 11:38 PM
You’ve been given clothing! That means you’re FREE! Oh no wait, that’s house elves. Congrats anyway, enjoy your haul.

05-24-2019, 05:17 AM
Hi Ginger,

It sounds like you hit the jackpot. You have an accepting wife who gave you some lingerie. Enjoy!!!


Crissy 107
05-24-2019, 05:31 AM
Ginger, That is a good sign of acceptance but just don’t go overboard too fast. When I came out to my wife over 5 years ago she offered me some of her panties that didn’t quite fit, she even laid them out on our bed for me. Believe me I was really thankful. That initial acceptance and wearing matching panties was the best but it slowly went backwards for me. My wife told me that she thought it was a phase and would go away. Nope, not gonna happen as we all know. She tolerates my girly side but really that is ok as I never thought she would be ok with me wearing panties at all.
So I guess my point is things can and do change so enjoy and hope it keeps going smoothly for you.

05-24-2019, 05:32 AM
Ginger, That's great. I'd like a lace body suit.

05-24-2019, 10:14 AM
That’s great she’s wonderful. 😊

05-24-2019, 02:11 PM
My experience with my wife was a little different ! LOL

Early on in our relationship after I had put on her lingerie in the bedroom on several occasions the following incedent happened. My wife had a few small piles of clothes lined up for the Goodwill. Right next to my pile of clothes she put 3 lacy bra and bikini panty sets from Maidenform. She had seen me model these before so knew they fit and I enjoyed wearing them. Since we really never discussed much my funny habit I just assumed it was her way of saying hey i know you like these frilly items so take them. So i kept them and took the other stuff to the goodwill.

Well about a month later she came home early and discovered me in her prettiest set the baby blue ones and was shocked. When I told her I had thought she had left them for me she gave me a look that said Have you lost your mind ! Was i in the wrong ? Did I not give her enough clues ? Don't women realize that its almost impossible for guys like us to resist getting into Panties & Bras - "Sweet Nothings"


05-24-2019, 02:28 PM
Hi Ginger :hugs:, My:love:Wife and I have a very workable DA/DT ,
she will give me something that she doesn't want anymore.

She knows about everything but just don't want to see me while I am dressed. >Orchid ..o:daydreaming:o..

05-24-2019, 02:31 PM
Crissy, can I sympathise!!
My wife's not bought me lingerie. Oh wait, yeah she did give me a suspender belt or two. And she's bought me clothes and shoes but, like your missus, she thought it was a phase. Doesn't feel like it to me.
Ginger, you're very lucky to have got to where you are now. Don't ever take her begrudging acceptance for granted. Those wives and SOs who accept us at all are amazing. And good for you on the haul.

05-24-2019, 04:46 PM
That's awesome! Now, stop purging and just bag things for that time the fog returns. I know how that is, believe me.

05-24-2019, 05:15 PM
I knew I was going to like this thread from the title! Congratulations, Ginger, and thanks for sharing that very sweet story. I love the part where she light-heartedly teased you about hoping you had fun playing dress up. How sweet.

05-25-2019, 08:26 AM
My wife gifted me stuff lots of times when she was accepting of my dressing. All I can say is be appreciative and happy with whatever she is willing to do. Do not push for more just show your gratitude and communicate what she and her actions mean to you.

05-25-2019, 11:19 AM
I am in a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" marriage. She is not supportive, but, says absolutely nothing. Not too long ago she was clearing out all the lingerie acquired over the decades that no longer fit her. So sad. Anyway, there was a peignoir set I had bought her when we were first married. Not knowing women's sizes when I bought her my first gift to her, it was a bit too large (Medium). It swam on her petite body (back then). One night she found me trying it on which did not cause any ruckus. At that time we ended up incorporating lingerie for me into bedroom play. That was before we both realized this was more than kinky bedroom play. When she was donating everything she said I wanted it and any of the others I should take them. I did take the peignoir which now is a tight fit but wearable for memories sake. That did not confer a change in heart towards my cross dressing.

I have to somewhat chuckle a little. My wife is recovering from abdominal surgery and is wearing dresses. She has been buying dresses that do not have a defined waistline to avoid pressure on her abdominal waist area. I have so many dresses in her size that I could offer her since we both wear XL/16-18. But, alas I do not want to rock the boat. Anyway, it is nice to see her in dresses rather than jeans.

Amy Lynn3
05-25-2019, 11:46 AM
My ex wife would offer her hand me down stuff to me. Most of it were panties and girdles, as her other cloths did not fit me. Ginger, be thankful she is so thoughtful of you and does not send her stuff straight to Goodwill.

05-27-2019, 09:38 AM
My wife lets me go through the donation pile before it goes which has included lingerie. She doesn't really want to see it on me but doesn't mind especially since it is "free".

When I first told my wife about my CDing she kind of was like whatever and thought it would be a phase that would last a year tops. I think she equated to more like a hobby at the time.

Elizabeth G
05-27-2019, 12:06 PM
Hi Ginger,

I think that's great! My wife isn't exactly ecstatic with my crossdressing but we are slowly working our way through things. I have been thrilled when she has given me things so I know exactly how you feel. I'm very happy for you!

Barbara Black
05-27-2019, 05:47 PM
I've gotten a couple of tops from my wife because they didn't fit her right, but no lingerie. But I'm always hesitant to wear them around her because I know she doesn't approve. Maybe she's just mad about wasting money?

05-27-2019, 06:44 PM
That's really good of her, to let you have her lingerie. I usually help my wife do the laundry, then she'll give me all her panties and bra's to fold.. I take it as ; if uyo see any that needs replacing , please do so.. If I really like a pair, I'll let her know. when it's ready to go. She'll put it in my drawer and let me know my favorite is in my drawer.

Beverley Sims
06-05-2019, 09:06 AM
Well that changes the goalposts a little.

All the best with your advancement

06-05-2019, 11:08 AM
We are both very conservative and private. I told my wife of my crossdressing early in our relationship. She (or I, as a matter of fact) understand my dressing, but she is very supportive and helpful. The one thing we both agree on is that we buy and maintain all our own lingerie. I enjoy washing, drying and folding all my lingerie. It works for us. When she goes shopping, she will occasionally ask if I “need anything”, which includes anything feminine. Sometimes, she surprises me with something she thinks would look good on me...and I can never have enough hose.

06-07-2019, 02:01 AM
One would think she would've figured-out that your fem side is just as much as you as your male side is.
That said, she seems as if you're doing okay.
Good luck and have fun.

Teri Ray
06-07-2019, 08:32 AM
Hi Ginger,

Love your story. It is always nice when you spouse is willing to accept this part of you. Keeping the crossdressing issue lighthearted with humor always helps my wife and I. For me light humor about my desire to crossdress is one of the ways we share my desire. Its all about fun. Congrats.

06-07-2019, 08:56 AM
That is really awesome she gave you that stuff. Shows she is starting to be more open towards your CD. Nice haul btw :)

06-08-2019, 05:23 PM
I had this early on. I think my wife thought it would be a phase. She went shopping and grabbed me a load. I wish she still did. Enjoy the moment. 👍

06-08-2019, 09:21 PM
My wife has in the past purchased me some women's stuff. We in general don't like the same lingerie so while we shop together we usually chose our own stuff. When shopping together I usually pay (we have shared bank accounts). When she orders online she uses my name and accounts. I get a lot of ads and catalogs for women's clothes. When we shop she sometimes shows me things I might like. She also tells me what doesn't look good on me. While sometimes I wish I could carry the outfit off, she is noted for having an excellent fashion sense. She once told me I dressed 20 years or more older than I was. I also bought clothes that were to manly.