View Full Version : Crosscomputing?

05-24-2019, 01:03 PM
I use a separate computer for my Susan stuff and other stuff (for want of a better term). I have NEVER searched for any women's stuff on my other computer and it doesn't have a Susan login. My Google searches on my other stuff computer have recently shown adverts for dresses and this is becoming frequent. This has also happened when I use my personal Google mail at work. Either this is a bizarre coincidence or Google is grouping everyone logging in from my address and THEN transferring this to other computers I use. Can this be true or I imagining that they are this sinister? Their tag line is "Don't be evil". Maybe they haven't read that bit.

05-24-2019, 02:32 PM
Hi Susan :hugs:, You are caught in the Google WEBB, Good luck trying to break FREE . >ORCHID ..O:daydreaming:O..

05-24-2019, 02:37 PM
Are you logged into the same Google account on both computers?

Do you ever use an Android phone for "Susan stuff"? That is also linked to your Google account.

05-24-2019, 02:42 PM
There ARE other, more private servers ~ search engines that you can use other than Goggle, Chrome, or Bing that offer more security and privacy.




Just to name a couple, I pulled up ten.

Hope this helps

05-24-2019, 04:06 PM
I just use incognito on google or private tab on ios. It auto erases searches when the window closes and never remembers anything. Has worked good for me for years now.
(Probably just jinx myself)

05-24-2019, 04:20 PM
i have a separate account/profile on my computer that i log into and out of completely when I'm not on it. I havent had any cross-pollination *knocks on wood* but that is precisely why i deleted my girl fb acct: that's one company I defnitely don't trust to keep things anonymous

05-24-2019, 07:05 PM
I use separate servers for my regular and cd.com activities!:thumbsup:

Tracii G
05-24-2019, 08:49 PM
I use two different servers and haven't had any cross pollination.
If you just block your male FB from your girl FB nothing crosses.

05-24-2019, 09:26 PM
There is no privacy on the internet. If you are not logging in from a VPN (virtual private network), your activities are discoverable.

05-24-2019, 09:43 PM
If both computers are on the same internet connection such as a WiFi router the IP address sent to websites from both computers will be the same. The IP address can be tracked by search engines, websites you visit, advertisers, etc. if the websites you visit track by basic info such as IP address, then requests from all computers using the same WiFi router can appear to be from the same computer.

05-24-2019, 10:16 PM
That is correct, Terrylynn!

05-24-2019, 10:25 PM
You might want to use the Epic browser. It is easy to use, free, and works very similar to a VPN.

05-25-2019, 04:43 AM
Thanks for the advice. Will switch to Epic for browsing and to other search engines for searching. Meanwhile will do a whole lot of searching on Google for ordinary stuff to see if the bot will change my random adverts. I don't have a male Facebook account so no crossover there. I was on my normal computer last night and did a search for how window mechanisms work then came on here and got adverts for replacement windows, so def something odd going on. Same router and IP address could be it. But thanks for the solutions.

Linda Leigh
05-25-2019, 08:18 AM
opera browser has a VPN that comes with it and DuckDuckGo is a great search engine very incognito.

05-25-2019, 08:53 AM
AdBlock Plus. Never worry about another stray ad again.

Jean 103
05-25-2019, 10:14 AM
And watch out for FB. They look at your contacts and send out friend suggestions.

My wife (seperated) got mad at me when a friend of her's asked about me after getting a friend suggestion from FB. It was because I have her number in my phone. I'm out and don't care, but she does.

05-25-2019, 10:53 AM
I use Firefox and an ad blocker and have no issues. I use a hotmail and a gmail account for searches and buying. I do get emails for items I may have perused on specific sites, but, that is coming from sites I have gone to. Hotmail throws up totally random ads of email links that have absolutely no correlation to anything I may have perused. Gmail does not throw anything at all at me. I do use a separate gmail account for messages for this site and never have received anything but messages from this site.

My wife and I know each others email logins and she knows I am on this site, so it is no big deal. I do find it rather strange that any employer would not have an ad blocker filtering out ads. At my old job I never got any ads. It was also forbidden to access your personal email address from the work computer in order to keep any malware from tagging along.

Anyway, receiving unwanted ads and emails is a peril of being a secretive cross dresser. I have to go check out that Macy's email asking whether I still wanted those panties I perused the other day.

05-25-2019, 01:28 PM
If both computers are on the same internet connection such as a WiFi router the IP address sent to websites from both computers will be the same. The IP address can be tracked by search engines, websites you visit, advertisers, etc. if the websites you visit track by basic info such as IP address, then requests from all computers using the same WiFi router can appear to be from the same computer.

Well that's not quite how tracking works. Unless you are paying for a static IP address from your ISP, your IP address can change anytime your connection reboots. So that's not really a reliable way of tracking.

Ad blocking also blocks tracking cookies advertisers leave on your computer

I suggest an Ad blocker like Addblock Plus (https://adblockplus.org/) or better yet setting up a Pi-Hole (https://pi-hole.net/) to block ads and tracking on your entire LAN

I always recommend HTTPS Everywhere (https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere) As it's just a good idea to use secure sites whenever possible.

And if you want to get serious use a privacy VPN like Private Internet Access (https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/)

But remember logging into your Google account or Facebook you are allowing them to track you to some extent.

05-25-2019, 02:55 PM
I also use and like Google Chrome's Incognito. They do a good job explaining what it does and doesn't do. It doesn't store history, but it doesn't mean that you're totally anonymous. For example an employer and your ISP provider can still see your activity. I'm out so I don't care about my viewing history being private, but I really dislike the pop up ads based on history. So I use Incognito and get none of that.

05-26-2019, 01:38 PM
When I got tired of occasionally having to reinstall Windows to get my computer back to normal, I finally decided to make life easier on myself. I installed an Icydock 4 2.5" drive bay into a 5/25" slot. I only powered one bay, the other 3 are: 1. A cloned spare of the main Win 7 Os, 2. a Win 10 drive, 3. A Linux drive. It looks like this,


and you can also buy extra frames to keep extra OS drives too (XP, Win 8, 8.1, Redhat, etc.).
If something goes wrong with my regular Windows install, all I have to do is power down, slide out the misbehaving drive, and replace it with whatever choice I want. Boot time now being down to 18 seconds, it's not really much of a delay to switch drives.

I've even created a separate Windows 10 drive for itunes, which every so often interferes with other programs. All my data (except itunes stuff) are on NAS storage devices, so I don't have to keep anything on the OS drives.

This way I can keep a separate drive for stuff I want to keep secret, away from the rest, hidden in a drive case in the drawer.

05-27-2019, 11:26 AM
Any ‘account’ you log into, such as Google, can track your web browsing via cookies, but can also keep that tracking info on their servers. So logging in from different computers, but with the same account, can give you the same ads, even if the other computer is never used for ‘girly searches’. The only way to keep it all separate is to use different Google accounts, etc, for each ‘identity’. My daughter and I are on the same home network. I don’t get her gamer-linked ads, and she doesn’t get ads for gaffs and breast forms.

05-27-2019, 11:33 AM
yes I get adverts from Google and Facebook popping up at inappropriate times - but my wife does use the same account I tell others!
luv J

05-27-2019, 12:05 PM
Reading these security recommendations is very impressive. They're like fortresses!

I understand ad-blocking for annoyance reasons, but I'm struggling with the cross-contamination of male & femme lives :thinking:. Isn't it the ultimate cross-contamination to leave home wearing a dress? :confused:.

- Lydianne.

05-27-2019, 12:43 PM
Yeah, I get lots of ads for dresses and other feminine apparel. I don’t really mind though. It’s a good way to keep up with fashion trends. Don’t you just love all the floral prints available lately?

06-08-2019, 12:12 PM
On my PC, I use AOL for normal usage and Firefox for my girly needs (no kept or accessibility to my search history). I also have an ad blocker. No problems in pop up adds on AOL.

06-08-2019, 12:43 PM
Only if I looked as feminine as you, Lydianne. Veronica stays behind closed doors.