View Full Version : Great day!

06-02-2019, 11:53 AM
And morning too!

My wife and I got up yesterday morning and left for a ride on our motorcycle, just the two of us. No where special, just a ride in the country and a stop for a late lunch. We got home in the late afternoon and my wife insisted on doing a bit of cleaning and I went and laid down for a nap. A few minutes later she snuggled up to me and we had a little snooze.

Later we got up and were just going to have a light dinner, go over bills, and such. My wife mentioned getting undressed and getting on her jammies. While she headed back to the bedroom I went and got a package to surprise her with. I couple weeks back I had bought a couple low priced evening gowns of Amazon, one for her and one for me. I showed her hers, and she asked if I had one too. I told her she would need to get dressed in it to find out! She went her way to get ready, and I got dressed in mine.

She came into our family room a few minutes later and she was breath taking! Just beautiful and I told her so. It fit her better than I expected. She saw what I was wearing and got a big smile and we hugged. We were even wearing similar undies and the same high heels. The gowns were similar, black with a lace bodice, and a side slit to show off our legs with stockings and garter belts. We went back to the kitchen and got some snacks ready and went back to sit and visit. After eating we talked bills for a bit, then we got out the manicure kit and did our finger nails wit the false tips. It was getting late and we were tired so off to bed. We stripped off our gowns, but wore our high heels, stockings, garter belts and undies to bed. We slept well and woke up this morning and snuggled for a while, then got a bit more "serious"! Wink, wink, nudge, nudge!

I think I am going to keep her! A short few years ago When she first found out about my desire to dress I was afraid we were over. It was quite a struggle for some time. She has accepted me and my "quirks"! I think it has helped that I have tried to include her in it as much as possible and made it a thing for both of us to enjoy. She hasn't seen me with boobs yet, but it was brought up last night with not sign of objection, so perhaps out next dress up evening I will include the twins.

On a side note, our neighbors had a rummage sale. I walked over to visit and their 30 year old daughter was there too. She had a few dresses on display and asked me if I wanted to buy any of them. (As far as I know, they do not know about my feminine side, or do they?) I jokingly told her the long pink gown looked nice, but I didn't thing I would do the neckline justice. We all had a good laugh and went on to other conversation. The sad part is the dresses might have fit. She is a a bit on the larger side, not fat, but thick and attractive. Later in the day I mentioned it to my wife and said I really wanted to go look the dresses over!

06-02-2019, 12:01 PM
You didn't marry a woman, you married a soul :) yeah, I think you should keep her!

06-02-2019, 12:48 PM
Well aren't you the lucky one! I'm really happy for you, if not a little jealous. Acceptance can be hard to find.

06-02-2019, 03:41 PM
Pumped, what a wonderful story.

06-02-2019, 04:01 PM
That's not a great day, that's a perfect day.
It sounds like you two are made for each other.
Continue to enjoy and move the boundaries slowly.

06-02-2019, 05:21 PM
Hi Pumped That was a great story, You are blessed to have such a wonderful:love:Wife. >Orchid ..+:daydreaming:+..

Cheshire girl
06-02-2019, 05:25 PM
Great day! Hope you have many more. Girly times are such fun!

Becoming Brianna
06-02-2019, 05:41 PM
This is an amazing story! Your wife is truly wonderful!

06-02-2019, 07:25 PM
This is such a wonderful story on so many fronts. Thank you so much for sharing.

06-04-2019, 08:26 PM
Hi Pumped That was a great story, You are blessed to have such a wonderful:love:Wife. >Orchid ..+:daydreaming:+..

Thanks. We talk about my dressing from time to time, (pretty hard not to when I am dressed and lounging around the house!) She rarely says anything about it, but once in a while she says she wants her man for the evening and I know I need to stick to the male side for a few hours. I have asked her why the change of heart over a very short few years ago and she tells me that she realized I am still the same man she married, I am just letting my girlie side, (that was always there), loose. She also said as long as I can be her man when she wants she doesn't have an issue with me indulging my feminine side. We have talked about "it" a lot!

She does get a kick out of it. I might spend the afternoon in the shop working on my motorcycles, come in for the evening, take a shower and dress up in a skirt, stockings and heels. I go from a manly grease covered guy in clunky boots and a work shirt to a girlie guy in a few short minutes. she will see me walk in the room dressed and laugh, (in a nice way) and comment on the change and give me a big hug.

It seems almost surreal sometimes. We will be sitting there, relaxing after a stressful day at work. She will be ready for bed in her jammies, me in a garter belt, stockings, heels and a skirt and nothing is said about it. I could be wearing guy clothes.

It has been good and I feel we are even closer than we were a few years ago.

06-05-2019, 07:37 AM
You're truly living the dream.

06-07-2019, 08:42 PM
Last night I had a pair of high heels delivered. She was busy in the other room, talking to her mom on the phone. I tried them on, but they did not fit so I boxed them back up with a return UPS label and left them on the kitchen counter. She saw the box shortly after, got excited because she had ordered shoes too. She opened the package, took out the 6 inch stiletto heel black pumps in a size 10 and realized they were not hers! She came to me apologizing that she had opened my package and she got it taped up to go back. Not one comment about what was in the package. Totally accepting, it could have been anything in the box. She was more concerned that she had messed with my stuff, than what was inside the box.

It strikes me funny, (in a good way!), that she has become more accepting to people around her. She told me she where she works she had a patient come in that appeared to be a transitioning MtoF. Showed up wearing a dress and blouse, woman's hair style, very obvious breasts and a male name, male facial features. She told me a short few years ago she would have thought this person was weird, now she said she looks at them in compassion and wonders how their life is and how people treat them. She told me it was just "killing" her that she wanted to talk more to this person, but being a professional patient situation she just handled it like she would with any other patient and moved on. She has also told me that she wished people were more accepting so I could feel free to "be me" and dress the way I want to in public.

06-08-2019, 09:53 PM
Some of the best days of my life were with my wife and I on our motorcycles, taking long rides to pretty much anywhere. Stopping to eat at a tavern, talking to the locals, and then either finishing up the day at a hotel or getting home and snuggling up to watch a movie or just hit the sack. No matter what the weather, they were always perfect days. Well, other than snow; riding a bike when it's snowing can be a very stressful experience!