View Full Version : Don't worry, I know my voice is weird

06-05-2019, 04:59 PM
Just a funny story from today. I've been doing some online courses at night and I figured - what the hell, I'll never see these people in person right? So I signed up as Eemz and used an old profile photo from this site.

Well they're obviously trying to recruit for next semester because I got a call today from an academic advisor
"can I speak to Eemz please" ..

I knew who it was so I just went with it...
"Yep that's me"

"em, no, sorry, er, I was.. am I saying that right? er Eemz? Emmmz?"
"yes, Eeeemz, ya that's me <laugh> Don't worry, I know my voice is weird, I get that all the time <laugh> Now - what can I do for you?"

"oh em right, er ah <flustered>"
"no really, it's ok, it happens all the time"

"ok well er sorry about that - we were wondering if you wanted to sign up for next semester and... <normal conversation follows>"

Slightly evil I know, but I have to entertain myself somehow :lol:

06-05-2019, 05:24 PM
Well what's the point if you can't pick your moments and have a little fun with it ;)

Tracii G
06-05-2019, 06:11 PM
Situations like that do come up on the phone occasionally.
Like you I tend to roll with it and have fun

06-05-2019, 06:12 PM
[...] I signed up as Eemz and used an old profile photo from this site.[...]
Whose pic did you use? If it was old, it couldn't have been yours! ;)

You certainly pick small audiences for your "evil". Surely deserves a wider audience. Funny story.

06-05-2019, 06:54 PM

Is this like the Open University? Is there a point where you attend a summer residential and have the opportunity to present enfemme? Oh that could mess with a few minds. I say go for it!!

06-05-2019, 07:11 PM
I would have thot your name was odd, not voice. Until u voluteered that it was?

06-06-2019, 06:37 AM
(taking Sherry's post at face value, that I need to explain in detail...) he couldn't tell anything from the name but was expecting a woman's voice from the profile photo, probably assumed this "man voice" was the husband or something, then it wasn't, then his brain overloaded trying to reconcile the photo with the voice, oh lord i've just insulted her/him/whatever, omg my brain melted, etc etc.

Helen - there is a video call with the whole class at the end and I am thinking I should probably look like my profile photo...

06-06-2019, 08:21 AM
The funnier thing I done with my voice was when I was towards a saleswoman, she said : "Hello"

I replied with my most manly voice (while dressed as a woman) : "HELLO"

She was shocked but in a good way and we laughed together

06-06-2019, 02:27 PM
I appreciate you having some fun and I enjoyed the story .

I have a thread running at the moment about having a wonderful day with some food for thought , it brought up the issue of the voice . As I mentioned in it I finally met up with my art group at their coffee break and then joined them back in the art room for a few minutes . They appeared to be perfectly happy with my presentation but as they wanted to talk about their projects and obviously they all know me in male mode so I spoke in my normal voice , to them it would have been weird if I tried to change it . I know if I run my own art group I will have to do a great deal of talking and to keep it fluent I will continue to use my voice as it is now . I have to accept I'm not a woman and that is abundantly clear but I am Teresa they will have to decide what they think I am .

06-06-2019, 03:37 PM
I always use my female voice when I answer the phone. It’s not perfect, but it works most of the time. We never get anything but spam calls anyway. “Is this the lady of the house? Yes it is. Did you know that your warranty expired? Oh my gosh! Really? That’s the third time this week! Click. Buzz.”

06-06-2019, 04:08 PM
Made me chuckle. Thanks Eemz.

06-09-2019, 01:03 PM
Robo calls really annoy me, so I have some fun and engage them in conversation for as long as I can until THEY hang up.