View Full Version : Hi Tracy , come and join us !

06-12-2019, 10:49 AM
Just as last week I found I had jobs and errands to run in my old home town . So my first job was picking up dog food from the pet store supplier , it was getting towards 11.00 am so I thought I'd catch up with my painting group during their coffee break . As I was walking through to the seating area they normally use a smartly dressed blond sitting in another area smiled and said , " Hi you must be Tracy , come and join me " . Before I had chance to reply a blond lady stood next to me and said to her , " Hi , I'm Tracy ". The seated lady looked at me and said , " I must really apologise for that you're not Tracy are you ?" I replied , " It's not a problem , no harm done , I'm Terri not Tracy " . As I walked away I heard the first lady say " I'm sorry about that , all I knew was I was looking for a blond lady called Tracy ! " They both had a giggle about it and then others joined them , it looked like a management meeting .

While I'm not going to make any comments about passing it is lovely to be on the receiving end of mistakes like that .

My decision to meet up with my painting group appears to be paying off , they all keep asking when I'm going to rejoin them , the group leader is more than happy as it's shown he has nothing to worry about .

06-12-2019, 11:38 AM
What a lovely mistake.

Rejoin your painting group, they obviously miss you.

06-12-2019, 12:33 PM
That is a good thing, being invited back to your Painting Group.
My Daughter belongs to one, they meet once a month, she has a'
wonderful time. I have asked her to paint my house, but she says
that she is not interested. LOL

06-12-2019, 12:33 PM
More self portraits to come then Teresa!!!!!!!!!!

06-12-2019, 07:07 PM
Teresa, her's your chance to be a life model!!

06-13-2019, 04:57 AM
Carole ,
Maybe more up to date ones .

Bobbie ,
I did make that comment that I could sit as a live model for the group , it did get some choking on their coffee !!

The comment I did miss making to the blond lady was I'm not Tracy but my wig is called Stacey !!