View Full Version : Summer time blues.....

06-16-2019, 03:36 AM
Acceptance of my xdressing by my wife was amazing this winter. But because I am the stereotypical manly male, I can't feel feminine without shaving, grooming, etc... So everything has come to a abrupt halt. My wife wants Emily back but she is in hybernation till I can present myself the way I feel more feminine. Is this normal? Should I just say screw the norm and make up some reason to be clean shaving and define my eyebrows? Being a manly caveman my whole life is really a tough stereotype to change? Hurry hurry October 💋👢💃

06-16-2019, 04:20 AM
As for your face, menfolk are commonly clean shaven! I wore a full beard for more or less 30 years. Shaved it off, when folks asked I told them "I've had a beard for 30 years, I'm going to try the next 30 without one and then make a final decision" ;)

If you mean your body, that may be a little different. I shave my arms in winter, long sleeve season. I wouldn't mind keeping them shaved in summer and doubt anyone would notice or comment, but it's the stubble look that I don't like! Clean or hairy … the in-between bothers me.

06-16-2019, 05:02 AM
Yes GG's are normally smooth skinned but there agai nwhat does it matter to be clean shaved all over? I am, and nobody has said a word to me about why is there no hair on my arms or legs.
I don't think one should need to make an excuse for lack of body hair, if you do get asked why you dont have any hair on your arms and legs you can put it down do being a keen cyclist, the reason all of the pro cyclist shave arms and legs is because in case of an accident plasters and bandages are easier to put on and remove, but I have never needed that as an excuse. just go for it.

Crissy 107
06-16-2019, 06:15 AM
Bobbi, Ok, I always wondered why the cyclists shave and that makes perfect sense, sometimes the reasons are easy.

bridget thronton
06-16-2019, 07:02 AM
I have had c!ean shaven arms and legs for years - no one asks why

06-16-2019, 07:39 AM
It's your body, your life. Live it how you want.

This is my first summer shaving my legs. I spend most of my time in either golf or bicycle shorts and no one has ever said anything about my legs being shaved. Not even a good friend who was eye level with my legs when she went to pick up her dog. I thought for sure she would say something. My SO didn't even say anything; she did notice. The only person who has commented was my therapist.

Just my :2c:

Tracii G
06-16-2019, 07:47 AM
I have almost no hair on my legs and little on my arms for so long if I wear shorts its not a big deal,everybody is used to it.
When I finally shaved my side burns and stash off people commented but again it wasn't a big deal.
Its your face shave it what are you worried about somebody going to revoke your caveman card?

06-16-2019, 08:16 AM
You accept yourself, your wife accepts you....what is “norm”...I say screw the “norm”. Enjoy life...besides...who cares?..really. There’s enough negatives in life...you don’t need another one. Have a great summer.

Cheryl T
06-16-2019, 08:16 AM
About 15 years ago I came out to my wife fully.
It was in December and she agreed to see me dressed for the first time. I spent the day prepping and that included shaving Everything. She was a bit surprised when she saw me but she was understanding and open minded. She soon became accepting and I stayed smooth and hairless.
Then spring came and it was time for shorts again. I was torn. Do I stayed as I so very much desired and risk the wrath of friends and co-workers or do I succumb and pray for an early fall.
I decided I could handle all the comments and questions and moved forward with my femininity. Since that time I have been questioned exactly twice. There were no snide comments, awkward moments or any of the other scenarios that I had imagined. Now years later I can't even imagine allowing all that hair to return.

06-16-2019, 08:26 AM
Acceptance of my xdressing by my wife was amazing this winter. But because I am the stereotypical manly male, I can't feel feminine without shaving, grooming, etc... So everything has come to a abrupt halt. My wife wants Emily back but she is in hybernation till I can present myself the way I feel more feminine. Is this normal? Should I just say screw the norm and make up some reason to be clean shaving and define my eyebrows? Being a manly caveman my whole life is really a tough stereotype to change? Hurry hurry October ������

Emily, the most important person in your life, your wife, wants Emily back. If you wife is so accepting sod what others may think.

My wife always liked smooth men, but I was positively hirsute when we met. She loved me for who I am and later when I came about the crossdressing she was over the moon to have a smooth man again, but didn't like the prickles after shaving - not a problem now with waxing and IPL. If you are with your wife and people notice smooth legs and arms they must realise it is with her consent or as she wishes. Who would really notice your eyebrows being shaped unless they are normally "Dennis Healey-like", but surely your eyebrows are visible in the winter unless you always wear a balaclava or ski-mask when in male mode.

06-16-2019, 08:46 AM
I started shaving my underarms about your age, yes they got noticed at first but when working in close quarters with others they finally admitted that it was nice not having a face full of hairy pit. I then went clean all over and just shrugged off any comments or questions and than it was just a part of me, clean shaven Al. My job performance proved my "manhood" so I just became an enigma of sorts. Just be you and don't live by others rules and expectations, you have an accepting wife who wants Emily back what more can you ask for. I must add a disclaimer, I am not the usual CD so my advice has a big slant to it but that's a whole other story.

06-16-2019, 10:56 AM
My genetic composition has lead me to a life of almost being totally hairless. I have almost no hair follicles on my legs. I have no underarm hair. My wife says that trait is wasted on a guy. She has to shave her legs and underarms. Several years ago my daughter asked me after almost thirty years of being on this earth if I shaved my legs. I told her I have not hair follicles and was surprised she had not noticed before. I wear shorts at home all year around, and, when the temperature gets over fifty outside too. It wasn't until my sixties that chest hair sprouted which was easy to get rid of since I never had any. Facial hair is light and I can remain clean shaven all day.

There are many women who like a clean shaven male. Not all females go for that hairy Bigfoot look. My only advice is to make sure you keep yourself clean shaven which may get a question some times, but, going between soft baby skin and hairy Bigfoot will elicit more questions.

06-16-2019, 11:30 AM
I just shave and be done with it, but I’m not in the closet either.

April Rose
06-16-2019, 12:05 PM
I have shaved my legs for the past 2 years and nobody has ever said a thing about it. I am a cyclist, but I would not use that as an excuse. Lots of cyclists who are not serious competitors don't shave. If asked I would just say "I prefer it that way" But again, nobody has asked. As for my arms, I got a groomer (beard trimmer) and set it at about a medium setting. That turned out not to be enough, so I went down as couple of sizes. Applied to the whole arm it reduces the hair to an acceptable level without looking "shaved". Again, not a peep out of anyone. Armpits I just shave. Once again, not a peep.

Don't forget; non-crossdressing men have a lot more grooming options these days.

06-16-2019, 12:08 PM
I'm confused why the shaving has to stop when you do it part of the year ? People do be accustomed to it very quickly in fact I had to tell my wife I'd shaved my legs otherwise she didin't notice , we're far more sensitive to shaving than other people . I have to agree with others it is your body and your choice .

06-16-2019, 04:44 PM
Just wear pants during the summer instead of shorts. But instead of jeans, get pants with thinner material.

The other problem is going to the beach, boating etc. Some of us have opted not do those activities in order to keep shaved without someone asking why. You might have to make up excuses to some people that invite you go boating etc.

Eyebrows? I trim mine but I don't shape them - kind of a compromise.

Jean 103
06-16-2019, 04:49 PM
I just shave and be done with it, but I’m not in the closet either.

If your wife doesn't care , than anyone else's option doesn't matter.

06-16-2019, 06:47 PM
Wait a second....
EmilyJade has a wife that not only tolerates and accepts your alter-ego, she WANTS Emily in her life, and you are whining about shaving????????

There are crossdresser would kill to have the relationship you have.

As to shaving, I've been completely hair free from my nose to my toes for years, and no one has ever, EVER!, challenged me or asked me anything about it.

And, if they did, I would tell the truth: I hate having body hair.

06-16-2019, 08:55 PM
I was asked by my next door neighbor about my hairless legs a couple of years ago. And just because no one asks about it doesn't mean they don't notice it. I would definitely notice if a guy had hirsute legs one day and shaved legs the next day.

Ineke Vashon
06-16-2019, 09:56 PM
I have the exact opposite "problem", which really isn't. I have been shaving legs and arms and -pits since I joined this forum. No one has ever commented. Everyone I've met in the last seven or so years knows me as hairless. So, it would be odd to now suddenly let my body hair grow again. And THAT would be noticeable.

Leslie Mary S
06-16-2019, 10:50 PM
Except for my head/face an groin I am hairless, have been since birth.

06-16-2019, 11:02 PM
Since wife's full acceptance of my own full disclosure, I have been sporting clean shaven legs, pits, and chest. So far nobody has said anything.

I guess it's up to you. I mean really to me the only person I care about already has given me the green light, so everyone else can deal with it.

If anyone asks I won't make up a reason, iI will tell theme the truth if they need to know, it not I will tell them where to go.

Leslie Mary S
06-17-2019, 02:02 PM
Robert, I feel the same about the finger extensions I am sporting right now.

06-17-2019, 04:29 PM
I am currently dealing with the same thing. I am a cyclist but I don't race. Shaving your legs is something that dedicated racing cyclists do really for no pressing reason. Massages, bandages, it sounds good, but in my opinion it's tradition and vanity. My cycling buddies joke about the one guy in our group who shaves his legs, but not really because he shaves his legs, because he thinks he's fast enough that he needs to shave.

Last summer I just picked up the razor and did it one day. No one seemed to notice or care. I did my chest too. Went swimming with a hairless chest, no one seemed to notice or care. Probably not as big a deal as I think.

Leslie Mary S
06-17-2019, 05:21 PM
A lot of the areas that male hair grows is not the focel point and unless a person is looking for it will not notice the change. Now if it is a major change from a very heavy amount of hair to none then it might be noticed. I am just guessing on this since I am not the hairy type.

06-17-2019, 05:52 PM
if your wife wants Emily back, then, by all means, let her come out and enjoy the summer months. I ceased to fret about shaving my legs when I realized that no one gave a darn. And, think about it....if one is willing to dress with their partner as a woman, even to venture out in public as such, then why worry about something as minor as leg hair.

06-18-2019, 02:14 AM
I shaved my beard a while ago, to those who questioned me, I just said I got tired of being called gramps.

The body wasn't any harder to explain; I go swimming in the ocean often enough. I mentioned that professional racing swimmers all shave their bodies to cut down on drag coefficient; when a friend laughed at me for that, I replied, "Well, if we're together in the water, and a shark comes after us, and I'm four inches ahead of you, then you'll be his dinner, not me. No more chuckles from him.

Last but not least, I have varicose veins and wear those long tight elastic stockings for support. It's easy to explain why I don't want to have to rip the hairs out of my legs every time I put them on and pull them up.

Kiwi Primrose
06-18-2019, 02:51 AM
If you can make things even easier for your wife to accept and enjoy your femme persona then do it. Very few will notice and your friends won't really care.
Also consider epilation, you eventually get to a point when there is very little regrowth and what there is is soft and easy to remove.

06-18-2019, 11:40 AM
What difference does summer make, Em? Do u mean u shave your legs and can't hide them in summer? From whom and why not?:daydreaming:

Garden parties at friend's houses? Why not wear pants? Is it a law where u live that u must wear shorts?:straightface:

Pool parties? Pants again! After all, you're afraid of getting sun burned, remember?:heehee:
And, u can't swim because of; allergies, pulled groin muscle, etc.

Wait! Don't tell me u can't dress without shaving your arms?:eek:

Never mind then. You're a lost cause!:brolleyes:

06-18-2019, 03:25 PM
I shave and wear shorts. But I haven't worn the short shorts out in public...yet!

Tracii G
06-18-2019, 04:43 PM
He doesn't want his male friends to know he dresses in womens clothes. My guess is he is just too scared to shave.
He is afraid his friends will think he is gay if he doesn't have leg or arm hair. That mindset shows how people don't use sensible thinking.
Every gay guy I know has hairy legs and arms like any normal male.

06-18-2019, 05:13 PM
Also I didn't understand where this belief that women are completely hairless except for their head comes from to begin with.

My wife has more arm hair than I do. She doesn't shave her arms, why should I?

Tracii G
06-18-2019, 05:34 PM
Good point Roberta.

06-22-2019, 07:47 PM
Now that my chest hair is turning gray I remove some of it in the summer, if asked, I'll say i don't want to gross out the younger people I work with, which is true, even if there are side benefits for my other side. I'm fine with head hair going gray, but the body hair I get vain about.

Now the legs...I've always had bare patches that people have commented on in shorts season. Maybe I should shave the rest to match? :battingeyelashes:

Sometimes Steffi
06-22-2019, 09:35 PM
I shaved my beard off about 10 years ago. At that time, my wife and I had known each other for over 30 years and had never seen me with some kind of facial hair, whether it was a mustache, a goatee or a full beard.

My wife was actually a fan of me shaving, but everyone else wanted to know why I shaved. I had a simple answer, "I grew a beard many years ago to look older, but I swore to shave it off when it made me look too old. That time had come that it made me look too old, since it was now 50% gray/white."

Cheshire girl
06-23-2019, 12:06 AM
I have full body waxing at a beauty salon. Usually every 6-8 weeks. If I’m going out and any exposed area has a tiny bit of re-growth I give it a quick shave. Can’t imagine not enjoying the permanent feel of a smooth body now.No one has ever commented when I’m in guy mode.

06-24-2019, 06:21 AM
I've been observing men's legs recently, mostly during Dr's office visits. What i was surprised about when I started noticing, is that very many men have very little hair on their legs. My wife likes the hair on my legs, groin and chest (as opposed to "disliking" the smooth look). If my wife liked the smooth look instead, I think I'd go full Brazilian, or at least as far as she could appreciate.

06-24-2019, 06:29 AM
In my case, I trim the hair on my arms low using an electric hair clipper with attachments for different lengths. I think it looks less obvious than hairless arms. I keep my eyebrows even using the same method but I don't contour or pluck them at all. When I want to go for a more extreme eyebrow look, I used the tested drag queen method of applying multiple gluestick layers and covering with makeup. It's very effective in making eyebrows disappear.

Leslie Mary S
06-25-2019, 03:03 PM
Try finding some mustache wax. It is easier to remove.

06-25-2019, 03:18 PM
I gave up worrying about what people think about the lack of hair on my arms and legs in any case do people make a point of looking at how much hair one has on arms and legs ?

Leslie Mary S
06-25-2019, 03:43 PM
I do when I am studying on possible use as art and Photo models.
But then I have a special requirement. I also look at tattoos. Do I want my model t have any, some, or none. How hard would it be to remove or add the hair and/or tattoos and any other marks.

06-25-2019, 04:39 PM
Emily, no one notices my shaved legs during the summer. I use a trimmer for my arms and I trim and shape my eyebrows. Heck, no one has said anything negative about my painted toenails. 😊. My wife and I are OK with how I am and that is all that matters. Shave up and enjoy the summer. Cheers.

06-25-2019, 04:53 PM
Let Emily come back, but hairless. If asked why, "I got tired of being hairy and the body odor with it". Or maybe something like, "My wife read an article on manscaping and asked me to do it. She doesn't like me hairy, now."

I use hair clippers on my arms as needed (minimal stubble), and my chest and back are hair free. My legs are virtually hair free. What little hair remains is grey and not noticeable, but I will clip off what I see.