View Full Version : Another Great Day!

06-16-2019, 09:07 AM
My wife and I went up to visit my dad, Father's Day and his birthday. Went out for lunch, visited with a old friend, then headed home. On the road home my wife tells me that she thinks we need a quiet evening, and perhaps dress up. I took a shower and when I came out she was wearing a low cut top, a full leather skirt, stockings and heels. I asked her if she had any preference to what I wore and she just said surprise me. I really had a desire to wear my long gown so I put it on with garter belt, stockings and heels, plus I added something extra she didn't know about, a bra and my fake water balloon boobs. Nervous as hell and scared she would flip out I walked out of the room and she was busy with something so she gave me a quick glace and smile and looked away. I walked closer to her and she looked again and asked, "What do you have there?" and reached over and grabbed a my boobs, gave them a squeeze and chuckled. I told her the dress just didn't look right without boobs, and what did she think? She said the dress looks better on me with boobs and gave me a big hug.

We sat down and just visited about the day, and I looked at her and said "Nails! We need to do our nails!" she jumped up and got her stuff to do her nails and I got mine and we sat at the table and got them done. We just had a quiet evening and watched silly movie and went to bed wearing our outfits, shoes and all. We both were tired after the day and I was told earlier he sex wasn't going to happen, but when we got in she wouldn't keep her hands off of me, we were cuddling and making out and she told me that maybe she was not so tired after all.......

This morning we woke up and snugged a bit, still dressed, except for undies that got in the way. She is going to visit her mom and I get to stay home. Right now I removed the gown, but still am wearing my boobs, a tank top, the garter belt, stockings and heels from last night and a pair of undies, all in black. Just relaxing, watching Dirty Harry on the TV and surfing the 'net while she gets ready for the day.

Right now I am so damned happy a could cry. Totally accepting, no nasty comments, all positive. She just told me if it makes me feel better and I am happy, she is too. As long as she gets equal time with her "man" so she is fine with my feminine side. I spent the earlier part of yesterday in men's jeans, a mechanics shirt, beat up work boots, helping my dad fix a tractor, all guy, then did a 180 turn at home.

Damn, I love this gal! She is a keeper!

char GG
06-16-2019, 12:02 PM
Nice post. In my opinion, balance is very important. It sounds like you have achieved the balance that works for your marriage.

06-17-2019, 04:29 PM
What more could you ask for? Congratulations on a great day!

06-23-2019, 10:15 PM
The great days just continue. I came home Friday and my wife was dressed up in a tight low cut tank top, a TINY mini skirt, and high heels. She told me to take a shower and get dressed for the evening. Saturday evening was much the same. She got dressed in a long sexy night gown and I was wearing my long formal gown, thigh highs, fake boobs and heels.

CD Rachel
06-25-2019, 08:51 PM
Sounds like a wonder time!

Karen Lee
06-26-2019, 12:58 PM
Your so lucky to have such an understanding... and enthusiastic wife!

06-26-2019, 01:42 PM
You should consider yourself a very, very lucky person. Acceptance is so hard to find

06-26-2019, 02:28 PM
That's an amazing story and sounds like you had a great night and next morning. Congratulations on finding your keeper. Keep the balance and love her always.