View Full Version : So maybe the real world is not so scary...

07-03-2019, 10:31 PM
This week is a much-needed staycation for me. Yesterday, I had a bunch of annoying little tasks to take care of during the day, but afterwards found myself with a blissfully free evening stretching before me and a cute new dress just demanding to be worn. And so after a quick 90-minute session in front of the makeup mirror, I was ready to head out in search of adventure.

First objective was food, since it was just past 8:00 and I hadn't eaten since breakfast. I decided to hit up the local Applebee's, where I'd visited en femme once a few months ago without incident. By lovely coincidence, the waitress who seated me was the same one who'd taken care of me before, and she actually remembered me! "Hey, great to see you again! You want the same table you had last time?" (I guess that's probably not so surprising....I'm sure she's had thousands of customers, but presumably very few crossdressers who tower over her by a foot.) I succumbed to my desire for unhealthy comfort food, watched a bit of the Mets-Yankees game on the bar's TV, settled up the bill, and departed.

Well, what next? I wasn't ready to head home, but there's not a whole lot else to do in my neck of the woods late on a Tuesday night, except.....maybe find a bar and have a quick drink? That was pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone, especially since I live in a small town without any specifically gay/trans-friendly establishments anywhere nearby, but you only live once, right? A quick check of Yelp on my phone turned up an intriguing-sounding spot just 10 minutes away, described as a "low-key dive bar" with a "laid-back, eclectic clientele." Sounded perfect....next objective obtained!

Now, I very rarely visit bars by myself in male mode, mostly because I tend to be pretty shy and reserved....I'll usually just find a barstool in the corner and nurse a drink for an hour while looking at my phone or watching TV, and I can do that much cheaper at home. But I figured if I could do that en femme, well, it might not be the most exciting evening, but it would be a bit of an accomplishment, right?

Except.....that's not how the evening went at all. I had an absolute BLAST. The crowd was small (no more than 20-25 people at any point) but unexpectedly lively. The bartender was great. Whoever was choosing the music seemed like they were reading my mind. Lots of folks (both men and women) introduced themselves and chatted me up, which NEVER happens when I'm in boy mode. Everyone used my femme name and referred to me as "she." Folks bought me shots. At one point a few young women insisted I join them outside for "girl talk." I was among about a dozen diehards who shut the place down at 4 a.m.

And just to clarify: I do not pass. Even taking into account the dim lighting and various levels of inebriation of my fellow patrons, there was exactly ZERO chance anyone thought that I was anything other than a guy in a dress. And it just.....wasn't an issue. At all. If anyone had any kind of problem with me, they certainly hid it well.

Towards the end of the night, the (male) bartender and another (female) bartender who was there hanging out on her night off both INSISTED that I come back on a Friday night sometime, when they'd both be working and the crowd would be at maximum fun level. I expressed a little hesitation at that idea....after all, it's one thing to be out among a small Tuesday late-night crowd, but quite another to brave Friday night at happy hour when the place would be packed to the rafters. "I can't tell you where your own comfort zone should be," replied the female bartender, "but I've been working here for years and I can GUARANTEE that you'll be fine. No one here is going to give you a hard time."

I mean...wow. I was hoping just to enjoy a quiet drink without being hassled by some drunken yahoo, and instead the whole place just completely embraced me. I was so amazed at the level of acceptance that I got a little emotional on the drive home (discovering along the way that my waterproof mascara actually lives up to its billing).

Although I really shouldn't be amazed at this point. It's been a couple of years since I've started coming out of my shell and exploring the world, and literally EVERY SINGLE TIME I've pushed my boundaries a bit, it's ended up being FAR easier than I feared. Sure, I'm lucky enough to live in a relatively tolerant area of the country, but of the hundreds (thousands?) of people I've encountered in my various outings, I've never had a single overtly negative reaction.

So, yeah, maybe the world isn't quite as scary as we might think sometimes. If only it hadn't taken me until I was in my early forties to figure that out....:straightface:

But at least I found a new favorite hangout! :)

07-04-2019, 12:37 AM

Sometimes life is pretty cool isn’t it?


07-04-2019, 03:25 AM
Congrats, Xenia! 8 points for you!

07-04-2019, 04:09 AM

So pleased you've discovered a safe place to enjoy a night out. If it becomes a regular thing there seems a real likelihood you'll find new friends and who knows where that could take you.

Spoiler time: you said folks bought you shots and that you drove home. Getting pulled over for drink driving isn't good anytime, but being hauled away enfemme is not going to be a memory you'll cherish. Also while enjoying these early adventures it's propably better to be sober until you really know the lie of the land. Staying safe is a top priority for any of us.

Joyce Swindell
07-04-2019, 05:21 AM
Awesome tale of positive experience!! If we lived closer together I would love to join you there too.

The question is....are you going back on Friday night??

Tracii G
07-04-2019, 09:10 AM
Moral of the story to all the naysayers is step out of the comfort zone and experience life for a change.
Being in the music business I have been in lots of dive bars and 90% of the time they are a blast.
They have a regular crowd that watches each others backs.
They have accepted you and that is awesome so by all means go back.

07-04-2019, 10:22 AM
Spoiler time: you said folks bought you shots and that you drove home. Getting pulled over for drink driving isn't good anytime, but being hauled away enfemme is not going to be a memory you'll cherish. Also while enjoying these early adventures it's propably better to be sober until you really know the lie of the land. Staying safe is a top priority for any of us.

Yes, good points worth reiterating. I stayed within my limits, stopped drinking about 2 hours before closing, and knew there was a 24-hour diner within walking distance where I could chill for a bit if I was still buzzy when it was time to head home (I wasn’t). Safety first!

Tracii G
07-04-2019, 11:21 AM
Buzzy is just a cute way of saying drunk.
Being drunk in public is still an offense no matter what you might want to call it.Be safe

07-04-2019, 11:42 AM
it just.....wasn't an issue. At all. If anyone had any kind of problem with me, they certainly hid it well.

So far I have found this to be the rule, not the exception.

Aunt Kelly
07-04-2019, 12:11 PM
Buzzy is just a cute way of saying drunk.
Being drunk in public is still an offense no matter what you might want to call it.Be safe
OP's wonderful evening could have turned out very different. Let that sink in...
Plan ahead if alcohol is on the menu. Set a limit and stick to it or find another mode of transport.

07-04-2019, 02:14 PM

What a wonderful evening for you. I noted Helen's comment but I think you are a careful person. Do you have Lyft of Uber in your area.
Let us know all about the next visit.


Jean 103
07-04-2019, 02:33 PM

This is how I became so popular in my little town.

This is only the beginning, you have been accepted as one of the girls.

The whole world is going to change for you, and all you have to do is show up and be yourself.

The ball is in your court.

Oh and Applebees is one of my favorite places.

07-04-2019, 05:15 PM
Xenia, That sounds like a great time. I'm glad you were embraced.

07-05-2019, 09:13 AM
Great Xenia. I'm glad you had a good time and felt comfortable.

07-06-2019, 03:09 AM
I'm very glad you had such a good time, Xenia. However, I feel I have to add to the chorus of caution regarding alcohol. In 30 years of drinking I never once drank and rode or drove. For me it was ALWAYS one or the other.

Wifeling was hit by a drunk driver at the age of 21. Her Porsche was totalled, she broke her back and neck, fractured her skull, and suffered brain damage. She spent almost 10 months in hospital, 4 of those in intensive care.

As for the driver he escaped injury bar a few stitches. His 7 year old daughter was killed in the crash. He got 9 months (plus time served on remand) in jail. It was his 4th offence and he'd already been banned.

Since some of the effects of her injuries persist my wife got the life sentence while that SOB got less than a year, for ruining my wife's life and ending his own daughter's.

So suffice to say, my wife and I are a little intolerant of those who drink and drive. She because of the crash. Me because as a drinker myself I knew there was always a choice.

I'm sorry but if you're at all 'buzzy' you should absolutely forget driving until the next day. If you think you're safe because the buzz has worn off you're dead wrong. And someone could wind up dead because of that impaired judgement. Keep yourself and others safe, and just don't. Please.

07-06-2019, 04:50 AM
Hi Xenia. This is a really inspiring story, and well written up too. It's almost an idea for short film script. Well maybe not quite. Anyway, good on you, but I have to concur re the DWI issue. I always think of it this way: even if you're a tiny bit over the limit and some drunken pedestrian lurches out into the road and you unavoidably hit them, then, well you can figure out the rest. But love your story!