View Full Version : Sometimes to comfortable

Maria 60
07-26-2019, 04:37 AM
I believe my wife and I have an open communication, sometimes she is to comfortable with the dressing and as of lately has had a few slip outs.
Last week at the breakfast table with the kids there, I couldn't find my keys and she said that I went for a drive the night before maybe I left them in my purse. In Walmart the girl scanned the pantyhose and my wife lifts up the package and asks me if I'm sure I'm a size "C" because she could swear she usally buys me size "D". She was buying a bra at Victory Secrets and the SA was explaining about the 2 for 1 sale and my wife turns to me and asked me if I want the second one or she will get herself anther one.
Just wondering has anyone else had any slip outs

Kay J
07-26-2019, 04:49 AM
I could only wish you are a very lucky girl!!

VS Fan
07-26-2019, 05:28 AM
Hahah that’s great!

07-26-2019, 05:49 AM
That’s great! How did the sales clerks react, were you embarrassed?

07-26-2019, 06:44 AM
I love it :) Sounds a lot like life to me, count your blessings.

Linda E. Woodworth
07-26-2019, 07:06 AM
Nope, never but I keep hoping!

07-26-2019, 07:32 AM
You guys sound like you have a truly enviable relationship!

07-26-2019, 07:34 AM
I don't know if it was to do with a slip-out but, last year I told my daughter that I dressed dressed-up once in a while.
She said "SO".
Then about a month later my wife and I were at a neighbors house were my daughter was close friends with their daughter.
As we were watching TV and saw a woman in a beautiful gown the neighbor said "hey, you'd look great in that dress!".
I pretended not to hear then he said it again, I just laughed.
I still wonder how many people my daughter told.

07-26-2019, 07:54 AM
We should all be so fortunate to have a SO so accepting that she comfortable talking about dressing.

07-26-2019, 08:14 AM
My wife does that all the time, she enjoys it.

Tracy Irving
07-26-2019, 08:28 AM
It would be fun to have my wife slip up with a similar scenario. Unfortunately, so far, she has been extremely careful.

Crissy 107
07-26-2019, 08:38 AM
Lucky you!

07-26-2019, 08:42 AM
My wife hasn't made a slip up yet lol. Although I have a few times. Just cause I tend to not think before I do things sometimes. I also think its cause having this 2 wardrobe thing is becoming pretty normal. But I gotta make sure I remember to keep all Kaylins stuff under wraps with some people. Like I almost answered the door while in a skirt and top while cleaning the house. LoL its stuff like that. Almost gets me into trouble.

Cheryl T
07-26-2019, 08:54 AM
It's not a slip up for us.
We discuss things like that all the time.
If we're shopping and she sees something cute on the rack she'll pick it up and then go "of course it your size", or "this would go great with that skort you just got".
Whether it's clothes, shoes, makeup whatever we just openly talk about it no matter who is around.

I love the openess and the freedom between us.

07-26-2019, 10:47 AM
All I can say is I am envious of those of you who have wives who are accepting and participate. My wife does not mention a darn word about my desire to wear women's clothing . Sometimes I would welcome a snide comment. The last comment she made was several months ago when I walked away from the computer without closing out this page. I had intended to come back but got sidetracked. All she said was "You should be more careful with leaving your browser open." It was said in a matter of fact way. No snide comment. No smile. No hint of approval or disgust.

07-27-2019, 06:32 AM
Maria, you didn't tell us whether you blush when these slip ups occur. Seriously though, I'm glad your wife is so accepting.

07-27-2019, 11:24 AM
I don't believe being "outed" to strangers counts, Maria.:brolleyes:

And, have u considered that maybe she doesn't care if the kids know?:battingeyelashes:

07-27-2019, 12:43 PM
Maybe it’s not so much a slip up as just a relaxed attitude towards your dressing. That’s a good thing.

07-27-2019, 03:49 PM
I was shopping with my wife looking for new panties for me. When we got to the register for some reason they rang up as a pack of panties. My wife turns to me and says you don't want them at that price do you? I stutter a bit and said no she turns to the cashier and says he likes them but not at that price. Of course there was a line behind us.

07-27-2019, 04:40 PM
Those are not a "slip out", that my dear is acceptance!

Your wife my just be more comfortable with it than you are. When it came to going out in public dressed I know my wife was for a while, even encouraging me to do it.

Barbara Black
07-27-2019, 07:49 PM
My wife doesn't make slip-ups per se. I believe she does it intentionally. She's not fond of my dressing and might allow me to be exposed just because she feels that I want it or deserve it. I do go to drive-thru food places, and if that's the way I'm dressed, that's the way I go. Anyway, a couple of times she's let my mother and her husband come into the house before I get a chance to 'revert'.
A couple of days ago I was wearing my forms under a T-shirt when they arrived and trapped me on the deck. They aren't big or anything, but I spent the next hour bent over somewhat. LOL
By the way, one of the drive-thru people remembered me in a lavender top and earrings and asked me about it just the other day when I was wearing a black T with my forms in. She had said that lavender was my color and that I looked nice. I love compliments. ha ha

07-30-2019, 03:44 AM
That sounds like a great level of acceptance, Maria.

For myself, Wifeling isn't so accepting, though she appears to be trying very hard.

She did slip up recently during a rare shopping trip, asking if I was going to buy such and such an item of women's clothing we were both admiring (I forget what it was). But she said it pretty loudly. I pointed it out to her, not because I was particularly bothered but because I figured it was a genuine slip up and she might be embarrassed if she thought others had heard. She just kinda shrugged. So, I dunno, maybe another small sign of my other half's attitude softening somewhat.