View Full Version : How easy are you to recognize when dressing?

Suzi Q
09-19-2019, 02:26 PM
I have an agreement with my wife that I won't dress at home and leave. About seven years ago I was seen by a former neighbor and she called and left a message on our answering machine "Why is ----- wearing a wig and a skirt? My truck was parked about 3 feet from the garage door and the only way anyone could see me was through a 3' gap between the the house and the porch and bushes. She was standing in her driveway across the street, outside her car, talking on her phone, facing down that gap towards our house! I was in a hurry to leave the house before my wife and her sister returned home from shopping and hadn't put any makeup on yet.

Now I put EVERYTHING I plan to use in the van and go to a park to dress and apply makeup. Then I go to a salon and have them do my nails.

On several occasions I have been to car shows and been within 5 feet of a friend and former employee that worked for me for over 20 years and his wife and they never recognized me. I have also passed by another former employee several times at car shows and he never showed any signs of recognition. I have spoken to them in drab at other shows after that and they never mentioned seeing me when we stopped and talked.

I believe once you are out of your normal environment people don't make a connection unless you are in a highly recognizable vehicle or are with someone that you associate with a lot (such as your spouse).

Do you think you would be recognized by someone once you were dressed and away from home?

Suzi Q

Tracii G
09-19-2019, 02:44 PM
That former neighbor must have been the neighborhood busy body.
I had my daughter and her husband walk right by me in a clothing store as I was trying on shoes.
Her husband looked right at me and it never registered to him.
I agree people just don't make the connection most of the time.
Its not like you expect Rocco the 1%er outlaw biker to be wearing a wig and make up so if you saw it you wouldn't even think it was Rocco if you saw him as a her

09-19-2019, 02:50 PM
Well I don't wear a wig so I don't look that different when dressed. I look like myself in makeup and a dress.

Leslie Mary S
09-19-2019, 03:08 PM
I could not hide in a forest of manikins. I am so recognizable as me. Those who know me would spot me like a red tennis ball in a box of yellow tennis balls. and to confirm it, if I spoke a single utterance they would know without even turning around to see me.

09-19-2019, 03:43 PM
Being somewhere you don’t normally interact with a person helps. I’ve been introduced to someone face to face while dressed, then a few days later was introduced in drab, and the person didn’t put 2 and 2 together until told. I’ve also run into the DJ from the local club while out shopping. He’s never seen me NOT dressed, but he recognized me right away. To be fair, I was with other people he knows me to associate with and are easier to recognize.

I say this a lot on these forums. Just because nobody says anything doesn’t mean that they didn’t clock you. Some people are just too polite to say anything to your face.

09-19-2019, 05:07 PM
Heck, I have run into people i know out of the usual places we met and never recognized them. Just wearing casual clothing can throw people off, instead of what you normally see them in like a suit and tie, or some work uniform . I can understand how it happens if you are wearing a dress, wig and makeup. But sure, stand in your driveway in plain view of you neighbor and I wouldn't be surprised it they recognize you.

Cheshire girl
09-19-2019, 05:14 PM
If you are fully dressed,made up etc and passable then maybe you won?t be recognised. However your car might be a giveaway. I drive from home in my own car and have never had a problem. Life?s too short to worry.

09-19-2019, 05:25 PM
I think part of it comes down to expectations of the person seeing you. If they are looking for you then they are more likely to recognize you. If they arent expecting to see you particularly dressed then they might not put it together. I say this because poeple I know who have been looking for me dressed have known it was me both ways and I have seen others not looking for me who didn't realize it was me.

09-19-2019, 05:44 PM
Fortunately, I have one of those faces that even a little bit of makeup renders me totally unrecognizable----That's why I am into experimenting with so many disguises---male and female. I could be another Lon Chaney, If I wanted to get into acting. I do Halloween and some theatre on the side for more fun. I have no qualms about posting my photos here.

Jean 103
09-19-2019, 05:45 PM
I think it depends on the person, situation, ect.

Back a few years ago I stopped at a local bar, I wasn't ready to go home yet. There was this small group playing pool. They were not very good . So I challenged and took control of the table, normal for me, but this is not my normal hang out. I had been at the local track with friends, so not at my best. The girls dragged me into the restroom and fixed my makeup. Two guys and three girls. Afterward we went to one of the guy's houses , and we all ended up in a hot tub.

A year ago the company sent me to his house to do a repair. I has wondering if he would recognize me. He didn't.

I was at my friend's salon, the girl in the other chair is done and leaving. I had been listening to her voice, I know that voice. It is my best friends sister from my school days. Their family was like a second family to me. I hadn't seen her in twenty years. After she walked out the door I asked my friend if that was _______. She said yes, I run out the door to catch her, I'm standing there, she did not recognize me until I told her my name. We make a point to get together at least once a month now. I have also reconnected with the rest of her family.

I use to drive a truck with my name on the side. I got a call from the guy owned the machine shop next to my shop. He asked who the lady was driving my truck. I wasn't out at the time. I told him she was doing some work for me.

I think I look the same but maybe not.

Alice Torn
09-19-2019, 06:03 PM
Both my vehicles are old and highly recognizable, so another reason i stopped going out dressed in my area. And, i am six foot eleven in my heels! Its a small world often!

09-19-2019, 07:03 PM
Never having been out when dressed (or even seen by another person) I can only judge by what i see in the mirror, especially when I've been professionally made up. I'd say I would probably be recognizable if someone who knew me thought about it even to a small degree, but I'd be damn cute though!

Marcia Blue
09-19-2019, 07:33 PM
I have been seen by a close family friend, at a very close distance and not recognized. The family friend even knew I would be at the event, dressed as a women.

09-19-2019, 08:49 PM
I suspect your location gave you away. I suspect that the same neighbor could have walked right past you, 5 miles away and not recognized you without another piece of data to associate with you, such as hearing your male voice, or seeing your wife next to you.

Janine cd
09-19-2019, 09:52 PM
I could never pass as a woman if I dressed as feminine as I am able. The only hope that I have is that my neighbors never focus on any of the people passing by.

Diane Smith
09-19-2019, 10:00 PM
I went fully dressed to the local Lenscrafters once to pick up a new pair of glasses. A collaborator from a different department at the university who I usually worked with on a common project for a couple of days each year was in the store. She recognized me INSTANTLY and came over to talk. Fortunately, she was a very liberal type and my attire was of no concern to her or her husband. We exchanged a few words about work and her daughter who was an ex-student of mine, and that was that. We continued to work together for a couple of years after that until she moved away, and nothing was ever said again - but I think it made our relationship stronger.

Although the outcome was fine in the end, that incident shattered any illusions I had of passing or being unrecognizable while in femme mode. Nowadays I'm more likely to wear a wig (at that time I was still trying to get by with my natural hair), which would probably make me just a little more difficult to pick out (but I'm not counting on it).

- Diane

09-19-2019, 10:28 PM
Ok. I think I?m not super recognizable because I normally wear glass and NEVER take them off publicly. When I dress up I don?t wear them and instead wear contacts. This is pretty much solely for me as no one ever sees me dressed as I generally NEVER leave the house with the exception of the last two days and I don?t think realized that I was wearing a woman?s blouse.

If you ever seen someone that wears glasses all the time without glasses it makes it harder to recognize them. It?s like a part of their face is missing. Coupled with the fact I keep my hair super short..... when I wear a wig I chose styles that frame my face and is a complete different color then my real hair and I color in my eye brows.

I also pretty much wear black only and my women?s clothes are fairly colorful. With all that I don?t think people would recognize me but at the same time no way could I pass.

When I was younger, I was really luck and had a super girly body. With makeup, the right wig, and choice clothes. I absolutely passed.... as long as I kept my mouth shut! I used to stream in online chats and only once was I ever called out as male back then. That?s because I accidentally showed my. Neck in profile close to the camera which did a fantastic job of showing off my ?Adams apple?. Now a days I?m learning to control my larynx position so I don?t have a hugely male resonance and hide the apple...

09-19-2019, 10:43 PM
While not exactly on the topic being discussed but relating to recognition. Many years ago I was going to meet a friend somewhere. I boarded a street-car and found a seat. After several moments I noticed the fellow in front of me behaving strangely: twisting & turning and finally turned full-faced to me and said: "Aren't you going to say 'hi' at least?" It was my friend whom I was going to meet. I did not anticipate him to be there on the street-car so never noticed him. It was easy for him to spot me as I just entered in full view. It shows that we may be in close proximity to someone and not recognise him. Add to that the crossdressing variable and our chances of recognition diminish drastically.

That incident stayed with me all these years as an enigma. I can see this happening if that person was just an acquaintance who just happened to be there, but this was a good friend I was going to meet. Our brain plays strange tricks sometimes.

09-20-2019, 03:17 AM
I know for a fact ;(How easy are you to recognize when dressing?)I have sister who went to go out to a eatery. The waitress worked with me at another job. She put two and two together. I would look like my sister if I wore a wig.....shhhhh I do lol...

09-20-2019, 04:08 AM
Since I had a beard (fr 43 years) until 9 months ago I don't think I would be readily recognized.

09-20-2019, 05:03 AM
I have been introduced to a colleague when out as Susan. She would have realised she was talking to a man in a dress with boobs but did not recognise me. I was in different clothes, moved differently talked differently, had make up, wig and glasses (plain glass as I don't need glasses). My height was greater with heels. She was thus deprived of almost all my reference points and I got away with it. Some of my friends are very astute and would clock me in a couple of seconds, though.

09-20-2019, 05:08 AM
I look somewhat like my sister when dressed, so someone who knows her may put two and two together. Otherwise, I don't think in general I'd be recognized by anyone else.

09-20-2019, 08:31 AM
I have long hair and don't wear makeup, so my head doesn't change that much so pretty recognizable. But I don't care because this is me either way.

09-20-2019, 09:34 AM
I have found myself in a couple of situations where I was certain that I would be recognized, yet it didn't happen. My acquaintances were none the wiser. It's correct that most people go about their day extremely self absorbed and, news flash, aren't thinking of you every moment as they walk amongst a crowd. That said, there are people who are unnaturally observant, nosey, curious or kinky. Any of these types have a radar for things that look a bit off, they will zero in on that detail and focus to the point where if they know you, game over. Solution? There are three. Either never go out in public, go out far from your home base, or go out knowing that it's eventually inevitable and be prepared to deal with the consequences.

09-20-2019, 10:17 AM
Someone I know was out one evening and noticed a male colleague dressed as a woman and it was not unexpected as the guy had shown unusual interest in womenswear. He decided to confront him and it turned out he was mistaken. It really was the man's sister. I hope he felt an idiot - if he had not interfered he would not have had egg on his face.

09-20-2019, 10:23 AM
i closely resemble my late mom when i am dressed and in makeup, my wife believes i would be recognized by anyone who knows me

09-20-2019, 11:10 AM
South west side or North west side? I live in south west side. SueanneW

09-20-2019, 11:38 AM
I have had several encounters with people that I know, some of them quite well. I have never had an instance where someone recognized my male self. It is much less likely that I will be recognized if I am seen outside of my usual places. However, one time a neighbor came to my door and I interacted with her as if I were a visitor. She never seemed to realize who I really was.

Lynn Sealy
09-20-2019, 12:47 PM
The first time I dressed in public was a Halloween party. My wife and I went as French maids. Since this was a drag costume, I don't count it as my first time out as Lynne. The hostess saw me and laughed, then said I looked great. I walked up to a friend I hadn't seen in about ten years to say hi. He didn't recognize me. Same thing happened at a Halloween party we attended in latex nun outfits (long story, does not involve kink). Said hi to a woman who served on a local board with me, she was shocked. Considering I don't know diddly about makeup, I wonder what would happen if I had a professional or someone more practiced make me up.

09-20-2019, 12:58 PM
I met an old next door neighbour and decided to introduce myself. She said she saw me coming and since I obviously knew her, she thought it was one of my female cousins maybe until I spoke and she recognised my voice

Kandi Robbins
09-20-2019, 03:38 PM
Unless someone would have the opportunity to study you (like in a restaurant), no one passing by you or me would make the mental connection. The human mind doesn't work that way. Now your neighbor, Mrs Kravitz (anyone get the reference?) is a nosy person with no life. Sorry you have to live next to an idiot. I have significant personal experience, no one will know it's "you".

09-20-2019, 03:44 PM
Oh yes exactly, she wouldn't have noticed me at all except I was clearly coming over to talk to her and she was trying to figure out who this might be outside the church in the old neighborhood. Even with all that context the best she could do was possibly one of the "Stephens" family, but not <my sister> so maybe a cousin or something.

I have walked past many people who should know me a lot better than that, and I don't worry about it any more.

09-21-2019, 06:04 AM
Back in the day - I went to visit a friend to introduce my Sara side to her. She knew I was coming, and that I was going to be femme.
When she opened the door, her reaction was "OH! You're not..." Then she hesitated, took a closer look, and said "OH, it IS you!"
Her reaction was perfect and I believe it was sincere, and not faked.
We had a lovely visit after that.

09-21-2019, 06:33 AM
I know so !!
Only last week I had the experience twice in a few minutes . I went out to my painting group and had to have a new tyre fitted , the lady that runs the tyre company knew me in male mode because I photographed her wedding , I had to tell her who I was before the penny dropped . Then ten minutes later I met a lady who I'd also photographed her wedding in the Art Centre entrance again I had to spell it out to her who I was .

09-21-2019, 06:34 AM
Quite easy! my ears say it all I was once likened to wing nut!! true!

09-21-2019, 06:49 AM
I don't think I am all that recognizable, not sure, I've never come across anybody I know while out and about. Just check the thread boy mode vs. girl mode and you'll see that most of the people that have posted here are really not recognizable once they are all dolled up.

09-21-2019, 07:11 AM
We're not good judges of ourselves either though. I have a sister-in-law who knows me well in both modes and she was about to introduce me to another friend for the first time. I said I'm sure she'll recognise me anyway because I look much the same and my sister-in-law was like what are you *talking* about?

Cheryl T
09-21-2019, 08:12 AM
I would not be very easily recognized unless I was out somewhere with my wife and someone we knew saw here.
They would then try to see if they knew me and I'm sure would put 2 and 2 together.

On my own no one would know. My wigs and clothing style are far different from what they would know.

09-21-2019, 10:18 AM
And remember within this thread we're talking about people recognising that this person is you. Not whether they think it's a woman or not. That's a whole different thing and not necessarily connected

09-21-2019, 01:28 PM
When I moved to a new town recently, and bought a house in early 2016, I was spending most of my social time female, but was still male if just hanging around the house. I decided I did not care if my neighbors saw me in both male and female presentation. One day my back fence neighbor showed up at my front door unexpectedly, to discuss plans for a new fence between our properties that we had agreed to split the cost on. She had previously only seen and talked to me as a man. She also knew I had an adult daughter living in my home, who she had not yet met. I was in full female mode, ready to go shop at the mall, when the doorbell rang. So I just answered the door, talking to her in my female voice, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. It was not until my daughter walked into the room that she realized she had been talking to me, and not my daughter. (She took it well, and just rolled with it as if nothing was amiss.) But her initial expectation was that if she saw a woman in my house who looked like me, it must be my daughter.

Context and expectations make a huge difference. In your driveway, beside your car, who would neighbors most expect to see? The people who they know live there, of course! So when your neighbor sees someone in your driveway, the first thing their mind does is try to determine if it is one of the people they expect to see there. And they knew what both you and your wife look like. Not your wife, sort of looks like you, must be you. But that same neighbor, if they passed close to you in a shopping mall or at some public event, might not even give you a second glance. Because they aren’t expecting to see you in that context, looking differently.

A year ago I started living full time female. As I met and talked with each neighbor, if they questioned my female appearance, I told them about my transitioning. Each has accepted me, and most never even questioned it. One male neighbor lives next door with two teenage sons. They all knew me only as a guy. Well, one day I was in the front yard, getting a planting area ready to plant a tree, and he shows up on the sidewalk after getting his mail at the box across the street. He talked to me using my male name, just casual banter about the weather and the like. No apparent concern about me having long hair, boobs, and other female traits. So I walked over to him and told him, “Just so you’ll know, my name is Ceera now. I am transgender, and have started living full time as a woman.” He just said, “Oh? Okay, my boys and I had seen you lately, and they had asked me how they should address you now.” I replied, “They should call me Ceera now, and use female pronouns.” We chatted more about my transition, and he, and his sons, were quite accepting. At one point he made the comment, “Well, your face hasn’t really changed very much.” So again, in the context of seeing a woman walking my dog, driving my car, and coming and going from my home, they looked more carefully at my face, and recognized me.

On the other hand, without those context clues, as a woman I look at least 20 years younger, and I have realistic looking long hair. I mostly socialize with lesbians, and am accepted by them as female, even though they know I am trans. I have a lesbian social friend, who had known me for years only as a woman, and had never seen me as a man, though she knew I was transgender. When shown a recent photo of me as a guy, her reaction was, “Oh hell no! If I saw you like that at a mall, I would have walked right past you without a second glance! I mean, no offense, but I would have clocked you as ‘straight white guy’ and wouldn’t have thought anything further.”

Angie G
09-21-2019, 08:20 PM
No wat I wouldn't be recognized I don't think you could do enough to hide this face. :hugs:

Iris Tse
09-21-2019, 09:30 PM
Totally unrecognizable! Well, except my dog! Lol!

09-23-2019, 04:19 PM
I don't pass as a woman if seen from close range, but I do change my appearance enough not to be recognisable as me right away. But I'm still not sure if that would be enough on a close distance with people who know me, so I rather avoid them. Car is more of a problem, but I still go out fully dressed at night in my own car. If someone would see a woman driving my car, I have an excuse ready. I just hope no one would recognise a crossdresser while coming out of the car or stop next to me at the traffic light and see me from close distance.

09-23-2019, 05:15 PM
I went to a party last weekend dressed, there was a couple there that I had only met me once and in guy mode, probably six months ago.

They recognized me immediately.

09-23-2019, 05:25 PM
Not recognizable at ALL----I look drastically DIFFERENT-----even in my several FEMALE modes

09-24-2019, 04:59 PM
With modest makeup, when I don my wig, I'm a different person. My sister didn't recognize me when I was at the airport to pick her up. I'm 85, and IMHO, look at least 20 years younger when fully pretty.

09-24-2019, 05:19 PM
May have been spotted two weeks ago walking home. Had dinner with friends who picked me up, and wife and I decided to walk (3 doors) home since it was dark. What could go wrong? Bam! Neighbor's car comes over the hill. Hid my face from high beams and haven't heard any neighborhood rumblings. Yet.

On-point answer: Could not pass as GG, but not sure if "I" would be recognized.

09-25-2019, 01:22 PM
Earlier today I was shopping in a nearby town and was buying some winter tights. It was only wheneed I got to the sales counter that I realised that I knew the sales assistant very well. He is a member of one of my fraternal groups. It was too late to retreat, butility there was no sign that he recognised me at all. It will be interesting to see if there are any comments at our next society meeting.

09-25-2019, 01:37 PM
I think context is the more important thing for be recognized. By my self I think I only slightly look like myself. But if I were with my sister most people would put 2+2 together.

Alyssa Lane
09-25-2019, 05:34 PM
I’ve had my neighbors ask who the lady was there, not sure if they had seen and was inquiring, as they seen her but didn’t see my truck there and thought it was someone else.

09-26-2019, 05:27 AM
As far as I know, I have no evidence that being recognized while out as Sarah has ever happened. Of course, I have limited experiences as a whole.

At a First Event in Marlborough MA two years ago, a police officer ( a friend of a friend) who was doing a security detail there never acknowledge me as I walked by him several times !

Jillian Faith
09-26-2019, 07:07 AM
In full femme mode wig, war paint, nails, femme accessories I don't think I would be recognized on the street or passing in the mall. Now if out with my wife I think friends who know us both and could 2 and 2 together. Also as someone else mentioned above if a friend had time to study my face in a restaurant I suspect they would have a 50-50 chance of recognizing me.

09-26-2019, 08:21 AM
Since I have not experimented with wigs and makeup, I don't look any different from the neck up. I seriously need to change that.

Leslie Mary S
09-26-2019, 10:42 AM
If you wear glasses (Indicated by your avatar) change to a more fem set. I am lucky in that I can get by with out them but to read. I buy reading glasses at a Dollar a pair. I have one frame where I ground down an old plastic set of lenses to a rectangular shape and mounted some wire stems and nose piece to make some Ben Franklin style glasses for when I was doing Santa Clause. Kids can tell when you are wearing "Plano" lenses.

10-01-2019, 05:13 PM
My SO says I look like my Mom or Sister when I am wearing my short wig, the one I hate, so if i was out and about by myself, I might not be recognized. When I am with her, probably so....

10-02-2019, 08:05 AM
I resemble my sister ONLY IF I wear black-framed glasses when I'm dressed up (which I no longer wear).

Just told a co-worker (few weeks ago) AND showed him pictures (he's what I consider a semi-professional drag-queen).
At first he didn't believe me.
It is mainly due, I believe, to me wearing glasses every day.

I always have my YouTube to show if someone really doesn't believe, with my regular voice and all.


Angela Marie
10-02-2019, 08:58 AM
I guess it would depend how well the person knew me. I have been able to pass easily over the years. Even if I knew someone I don't think i would be recognizable immediately.

Palaina Nocturnus
10-02-2019, 02:22 PM
I had a woman ask me for a light at an LGBT bar not realizing that she knew me. I handed her my lighter and she gave it back said thank you and went to walk away lol I called her name and she spun around looking for a familiar face. She was in such shock that she took a pic with me cuz she couldn't believe it was me lol

Amy Lynn3
10-02-2019, 02:57 PM
Anyone who knows my older sister would know me. I look just like her when dressed. Other that that I don't think anyone would know me. They may think I am a man in a dress, but not me personally.

Lynn Sealy
10-04-2019, 06:30 AM
Last Saturday night I I had a makeover at My Changing Room. Afterwards, Tabitha, one of MUAs there, and I went to Cuchi Cuchi, a tapas style restaurant in Cambridge, MA. The owner welcomed me sweetly before seating us. At the end of the night, I talked with the owner to tell her how much I enjoyed the food and her restaurant, and told her my wife, who was out of town, would love it.

Last night, five days later, my wife and I, in male mode, met friends for dinner at the same restaurant. Even had the same waitress as the previous visit.

As the evening wound down, I had a chance to talk to the waitress one-on-one to thank her for her service. As we talked, I mentioned that we had met. She looked at me quizzically then asked when. I told her the previous Saturday night. She pondered for a bit then said, "ah, the table in the back corner. I said yes then we chit chatted a little more.

I also spoke to the owner to tell her we enjoyed the meal and the ambiance of her restaurant. She thanked me. Then I said I had told her that I thought my wife would enjoy her restaurant. Her eyes got wide, then she asked "you were here last Saturday?" When I said yes,* she hugged me and kissed me on both cheeks and thanked me for coming back. She also said I looked very different. Told her I appreciated how I was treated. We talked a little more, then hugged, and I returned to the table.

Lara A
10-04-2019, 06:43 AM
I've worked in the concert touring business for many years, and have spent a long time out on the road touring with some major artists in my time. About 20 years ago I was in Amsterdam with a band I had been out with for about a year, so we knew each other well. We had a night off there, and there was a bar I wanted to visit, so I got dolled up and went to go out later in the evening. Unfortunately, at this particular hotel, there was no more private way to get out, just using the main elevator banks, so that is what I did. I was up on a higher floor, and alone when I got in. To my horror, the elevator stopped a couple of floors down, the doors opened, and a group consisting of the guitar player, singer, and a couple of crew got in with me! Even tho I knew this to be a possibility, it hadn't really dawned on me just how nervous I would be if it did happen... I was quivering with nerves, but no one said a thing, but just parted to let me out first with one holding the door for me when we reached the lobby! I could feel their eyes on me as I clacked across the lobby in my heels and likely far too short skirt.
After I had left the bar, it was pretty late, and I took a cab back to the hotel, quite confident that at that time I would not see anyone I knew. When I walked into the lobby tho, who should be standing at the Reception counter but the same group who had been in the elevator earlier! The conversation dried up as I walked across the lobby once more, with their eyes all on me yet again... Thankfully, the doors to the elevator were open and closed quickly behind me to whisk me out of potential embarrassment.
I felt sure they must have known it was me, and went to the venue the following day scared that there would be a lot of finger pointing and whispering... However, no such thing. No one was in any way the slightest bit different with me, and I knew they had no idea it was me... It really was quite exhilarating :)

Rachel M
10-04-2019, 04:56 PM
I recently came out to my daughters friend who happens to be a makeup artist. I showed her two of my pics and she was shocked at how good they looked. Immediately she said there is no way she would have ever recognized me. She can’t wait to get me in her chair for a makeover. Btw, my daughter knows and is accepting. She too feels I am un recognizable as well.

10-05-2019, 01:36 PM
I might have to take back everything I said before... Last night I was at a local club with my son. I went into the club a few minutes before my son as he is a smoker. Anyway I walked in, said hi to a couple regulars, waited in line for a drink, and went a grabbed a table. My son comes in about 5 minuted after I sat down and said as he was coming in one of my old friends that does not know about my dressing was just leaving. :eek:

But to be fair I did not see him either...

Jane G
10-05-2019, 01:44 PM
No idea to be honest. Having been a closet dresser for more than 50 years and no one has ever commented in that manner. For sure people have seen me dressed and for sure some have recognised me. Guess your neighbor is a total cow. To send such a message. Just my personal veiw from what you have commented. She may be really nice.

10-05-2019, 01:50 PM
Do you think you would be recognized by someone once you were dressed and away from home?

I think it would be unlikely that I would be recognized assuming:

1) I am not out and about in my home town.
2) My wife is not with me.
3) I don't have to talk.

By an amazing coincidence one Sunday at church I clocked a drab dressed CD I knew from a CD support group I attended not by his/her physical characteristics but by his/her voice.

Leslie Mary S
10-05-2019, 03:07 PM
snip . .

"By an amazing coincidence one Sunday at church I clocked a drab dressed CD I knew from a CD support group I attended not by his/her physical characteristics but by his/her voice."

I find this statement very interesting.
I too have such a distinctive voice, I could not hide my voice.
It is a bassie with a nasal twang but not a southern accent.

10-05-2019, 03:20 PM
Well... until I get a wig, shave the goatee and mustache, and learn how to do makeup, I?m pretty easy to recognize across a parking lot... looking forward to the day that I can complete the look north of the neckline!

10-05-2019, 03:26 PM
Kind of the opposite....My SO and I were at the Erie Gala a few years ago, 4 days fully enfemme. Was with a group from the Funky Skunk in Warren, Ohio. None of us had ever seen each other in drab. Some idiot hit my parked car and I happen to look out the window in the room and saw what happened. Changed to drab, went down and got a police report. Heading back to the room, I saw a few friends who were dressed enfemme. I headed towards them to say "Hi" and they all scattered thinking I was some kind of weirdo. Went back to the room and changed, caught up with them later. They thought some guy had recognized them enfemme. They couldn't believe it was me!

Can work both way I guess!

Leslie Mary S
10-05-2019, 03:50 PM
CayleeMarlie; you don't have to do all the shaving if you want to be MIAD. I gave up my being a Professional Santa Clause to cone out as Leslie Mary. I even had a Santa Claus School that I closed.

10-05-2019, 04:25 PM
Extremely easy if the person knew me in guy mode first. If folks meet me for the first time when I'm dressed, they don't make the connection right away, if at all.

Aunt Kelly
10-05-2019, 10:55 PM
I part my hair on the opposite side, so I'm sure I would not be recognized. Hey, it works for Superman!
Seriously though, in addition to the part, the female hairstyle (I no longer wear a wig), glasses and makeup probably make it so that it'd require more than a casual look for those who know the boy me to recognize me without other cues, voice, for example.

Leslie Mary S
10-06-2019, 02:12 AM
Any of you matched a SA? I have once.

Stephanie too
10-06-2019, 07:36 AM
My daughter's boyfriend walked by me in the mall. Didn't get a second look. I'm wearing a wig but I think good makeup to hide any hint of facial hair is crucial.

Alice Torn
10-06-2019, 08:04 AM
If i went out in the small town i live at, and they already know me, my Height would be the first give away, and my posture, huge feet, , huge hands, voice, chin. From a long distance, i might not be quite so recognizable, but anything less than 100 feet, likely read. Both of my vehicles would give me away, too. They are unique/

Suzi Q
10-08-2019, 09:47 PM
I had another occurrence of being dressed and running into someone that knows me last Tuesday. I was in the grocery store and a woman in my running club came around the end of the aisle and looked straight at me and said "Hi" I responded "Hello" and looked at my grocery list again and picked up an item off the shelf and continued on down the aisle.

Today we ran 6 miles together and we talked quite a bit, but she never mentioned seeing me. I think she may have seen something about me that looked familiar but didn't make the connection. She is a teacher, so she may have thought she recognized me from School when she said hi. After the run today, as we were all standing around talking and cooling off before going home she thanked me for running with her.

I don't think she had any idea that she had seen me!

Suzi Q

Elizabeth G
10-09-2019, 09:11 AM
In my head I'm very recognizable but apparently in reality I may not be.

I have been to the same MUA several times for makeovers. This means she has seen me in MIAD mode as well as fully femme on each occasion. I ran into her in a shop across the street from the salon where she works one day while I was in full drab presentation. We were literally two feet from each other, face to face and it wan't until I engaged her in conversation that she recognized me.

10-09-2019, 11:53 AM
I have yet to have any close calls with anyone I know, but I'm sure I'd be recognized pretty easily. At least that's how I feel.

10-14-2019, 01:34 AM
It wa tested once and I was recognised but it was in my early days of trying to dress enfemme. Not sure if these days I would be recognised or not but to be honest the fear of discovery is overwhelming so I don't venture out much at all.

10-15-2019, 04:48 PM
I dont know, but i like to think i wouldnt be recognised at all.
I have wondered this for a long time, and it would be an interesting test.
The thing is i would probably attract attention for being smartly dressed though.

However, Unless i was seen in the car or coming or going from the house, i would be reasonably confident on not being recognised.
Also Unless someone i knew spoke to me and wanted a reply....

10-17-2019, 11:18 PM
I've only been dressed in public twice, both times with a wig and clothes but no makeup. The first time was for a friend's bachelorette party at Hamburger Mary's drag brunch. I felt odd being the only man in the group so my lady helped me dress to fit in. I was shocked when I got out of the car and walked up to a couple other friends who arrived at the same time. I was less than 10 feet away with them looking straight at me in full daylight and they didn't know it was me until I spoke. As soon as they heard my voice they knew.

The second time was for another friend's bachelor party. The groomsmen had planned to appear in drag then stage a fight over who gets to take him home with them. My lady is a long time friend of his and worked with them for she & I to both come in drag (her as a man) to surprise him. It probably helped that someone spilled the beans long before we got there, but he knew me the second I stepped in the door. A lady also at the bar told me she knew I was a man the second I walked in, but she wanted to ask me how I wanted to be addressed - as male or female. Everyone I interacted with at dinner before the party also seemed to know I was en femme, but were nice enough to treat me as female.

Although I'm built like a linebacker, I hope I can improve my presentation and come closer to passing next time.

Paulie Birmingham
10-18-2019, 04:04 PM
I think my facial hair would give me away

10-20-2019, 08:50 PM
I no longer look fem. But I wear blouses, tops and women's tees. I think most all neighbors know it. I'm also the guy that people ask for help. One of my neighbors told her boyfriend about me. He told her that I was a nice guy. They split up. Funny part is that her husband and another neighbor took me fishing soon after we moved into the neighborhood. I was wearing women's shorts and a top that when I reached down showed my bra. We went on other fishing days and nothing was ever said.

I have been given clothes by some of the neighbor women and friends. Not long ago I went to a meeting with several neighborhood women at one of their homes. Rain caught me as I was going into one of the women's home. I had to take off my jacket which left no question that under my women's top I had on a bra. It turned out that several women came to the meeting. I was invited to attend in the future.

Stephanie too
10-21-2019, 05:12 AM
I think it depends on the person. My daughter's boyfriend walked by me in a very empty mall without spotting me. Good thing! Meanwhile, a woman I rarely see from my accountant's office recognized me from accross a parking lot.

10-21-2019, 12:16 PM
I’m pretty fortunate, in that I look like my wife when dressed...just a little taller. If people saw my face, I’m sure they’d do a double-take, but the figure...hair, etc...they’d think it’s just her. In fact, we could share some of my photos w/her family or mine, and they wouldn't know unless we told them.

Leslie Mary S
10-22-2019, 12:40 PM
I too have,while in drab, shared my photos with a few people and they want to know who the woman is.

10-29-2019, 03:09 PM
I completely agree. I spent days stuck with the same people in uniform while I was in the Navy but had a hard time recognizing them in town on liberty

dana digs sweaters
10-30-2019, 01:40 PM
Do you think you would be recognized by someone once you were dressed and away from home?

N--O--T at A--L--L ! :dom:


10-30-2019, 01:52 PM
I had the opposite happen for the first time recently. Someone I've known for years didn't recognize me in the street in drab, because for the past few months they had only ever seen me with hair and all and had got used to it.

11-01-2019, 11:45 AM
I need to amend my response. I went to work dressed yesterday and two people who had seen me many times before in drab actually thought I was a new hire. This surprised me a bit.

I'm editing down a post about my Halloween dressed at work. I'll post it with pics a bit later.