View Full Version : First Time Seeing a Therapist

09-26-2019, 05:51 PM
Hi all,
I have an appointment with a Therapist in 4 weeks time, I'm hoping to go on HRT, my question is, should I go dressed or turn up in male mode, I think going in male mode might send the wrong signals to the therapist and have him think I'm not serious about HRT.
What are your thoughts and or experiences for your first visit?

09-26-2019, 05:59 PM
Talk to your therapist and see what he/she says. I’d be willing to bet that they want you to come in and feel comfortable, so wear whatever makes you more comfortable. And if any therapist anywhere on this planet makes a determination as to whether or not you’re “serious” about HRT based on the clothes you wore on appointment #1... then get a new therapist! For that matter, I hope that you’re not expecting to get a firm “diagnosis” and prescription for HRT on day 1.

Appointment #1 is just opening the door and starting a lengthy conversation. I’m not TG or transitioning, but I’ve done a few rounds of therapy and it seems that appointment #1 typically deals with insurance paperwork and a lot of focus on family history and background information.

Lana Mae
09-26-2019, 06:02 PM
I went male to the first visit and asked if I could come dressed! She, of course, said yes! 99% of my visits have been as Lana Mae! I am in my 10th month of HT but I saw an Endo for that but my counselor wrote the letter to the Endo! We did have a few serious talks before that! Best wishes on this new leg of your journey! Hugs Lana Mae

09-26-2019, 06:59 PM
My advice is to not get ahead of yourself. Don?t go into the first or tenth session with an agenda or a set expectation. Go in only with the intent to be open and honest in your conversation, and realize that the purpose for therapy isn?t to be given an ?answer? but rather to understand the realities of your situation and make make effective decisions.

Lana Mae
09-26-2019, 07:30 PM
Yes, Kim is right! The therapist will ask the right questions to which you find the answers by honestly seeking them and then discussing them with the therapist! It can be difficult at times! Learn and grow! Hugs Lana Mae

Aunt Kelly
09-26-2019, 10:36 PM
Why do you want to pursue HRT? That's something that you and your therapist should get sorted out. That should be your goal with therapy.

Sometimes Steffi
09-26-2019, 11:44 PM
I've gone both ways, many times.

But note, most therapists in the US and not prescribe drugs. I think only psychiatrists, because they are MDs.

09-27-2019, 06:46 AM
My advice is to not get ahead of yourself. Don?t go into the first or tenth session with an agenda or a set expectation. Go in only with the intent to be open and honest in your conversation, and realize that the purpose for therapy isn?t to be given an ?answer? but rather to understand the realities of your situation and make make effective decisions.

100% agree with this. I have been working with my current Psychiatrist for 3+ years. She did the referral to the Endocrinologist who prescribed the HRT, about 1 1/2 years after starting sessions with her. My Psychiatrist never saw me presenting as female for the first 1 1/2 years, and I was on HRT for about 6 months before my Endocrinologist saw me presenting as my true gender. In the in the 20 or so months I have been on HRT, I also began working with a Psychologist specializing in Trans/LGBT. It was at least 6-8 months before this Therapist saw me presenting as female as well. There were other mental health issues such as MDD, BPD, and CPTSD that needed to be worked on before we felt I was going to be able to cope with the stressors that come with fully transitioning. That's why it took 1 1/2 years for me to get the go ahead to go on HRT in the first place. Medically and/or socially transitioning is not something that should be rushed into. The purpose of therapy is not to see how you are dressed, but to help you make sure it is the right thing to do, and help deal with the issues that may arise. I wish you the best of luck in your journey.