View Full Version : I really wore that?

Jennifer in CO
09-26-2019, 11:10 PM
Just got back from a funeral (I hate going to those things). This one I had to go to as it was for the Aunt who "created" me (Jennifer). The day after the service, my cousin whom I shared room and clothes with back then had a bit of a surprise for me. Her simple "I have something for you" was followed by her handing me a box. A wedding dress box. I stood there dumb-founded looking at it. Kat wanted to see what it was. I had to tell her (as I have shared very little of my early days with her) about the dress and what led up to it being "my" wedding dress. Julie actually did most of the story telling and while she did "flourish" a few details, Kat was shocked that I had actually had a wedding dress, and wore it, when I was 15.
Kat opened the box before I could and pulled out the dress. It was sooo tiny! Thinking back, I was around 5'6" or so at the time and maybe 20-22" waist/hip/chest (aka a stick). The shock was Julie took us back in the shop (my Aunt was a beautician and had a parlor in her home) and pulled out from behind the door one of the photos her Mom used as a promo image taken from my "wedding" (its a long story - no I wasn't getting married but a wedding had just taken place so it was really more like a bridal portrait) as a sample of the hairstyle she had given me. Kat gasped "You were beautiful!" It was hard to believe really. Seeing that photo and realizing it was me...almost 50 years ago. We didn't bring the dress home as Julie's grand-daughter wants to use it for her wedding. But we did bring back some memories!

so...whats your "I really wore that"?

09-26-2019, 11:32 PM
Who is Julie!?:brolleyes:

Tracii G
09-27-2019, 12:30 AM
Kat, Julie and Jennifer I'm confused now.

09-27-2019, 12:52 AM
I would guess that Jennifer is the OP, Kat is her SO and Julie is Jennifer’s cousin that lived with the aunt that passed away.

Correct me if I’m wrong Jennifer.

And while you’re at it, post a picture of you in your wedding dress. That would complete the story!

Tracii G
09-27-2019, 01:50 AM
I see Lux and you are probably right.
Yeah I would love to see the pic too.

Crissy 107
09-27-2019, 05:23 AM
Fun story going back to some good times in your youth. I just loved it!!

09-27-2019, 05:44 AM
Jennifer, I'm glad that your aunt remembered you in her bequest.

09-27-2019, 05:59 AM
Such a cute story about some fun time.

Connie D50
09-27-2019, 07:03 AM
First sorry for your loss, what a great story I also agree would love to see the picture.

09-27-2019, 07:26 AM
What a hart felt story, I am sorry for your loss. No such stories for me, just a lot of hiding in the closet. Please post a pic if you can find one.

April Rose
09-27-2019, 08:57 AM

09-27-2019, 12:48 PM
Nice story.
My 'I really wore that' is about 95% of the femme clothes I bought in my first year. Yeesh! Thankfully no photographic evidence exists.

09-27-2019, 02:37 PM
Probably, it's a bright golden yellow long sleeve dress with a cowl neck. I think I matched a school bus. I bought it at JC Penny along with the same dress in royal blue. I still have both. I think the color would have been great if I was a flagger on a highway road job.

09-27-2019, 04:19 PM
A lovely tale and a good memory as well, how very nice.

Angie G
09-27-2019, 06:43 PM
Cool story wish I had an aunt who dressed me up like that. My I really wore story was a little dark blue velvet dress I think about a size 8 that was about 30 or so years ago and a few dress sizes ago. :hugs:

09-27-2019, 07:37 PM
Mine is a cheongsam (Chinese style dress). I think it was one of if not the very first dress I EVER bought. I remember seeing it in a store and just had to have it. It was. Size 6 or 8..... got I was so small framed at the time. I still have the dress in a storage bin. I never could bring myself around s to get rid of it because of how much I love that dress....plus I keep deluding myself that one day I might be able to fit it again.... picture attached!

Now I want to see that wedding dress. I?m not going to lie... I have ALWAYS. Wanted to wear a beuitiful wedding dress. I have often dreamt of what it would look like. I used to live down the street of a bridal shop and would walk to the sand which shop next to it so I could look at the dresses as I passed. Post a pic!!!!!!!! I believe the saying goes... ?Pictures of it didn?t happen.? Lol!307468

Jennifer in CO
09-27-2019, 10:50 PM
Lux you are correct - Kat is my Wife, Julie was the middle cousin. She was 13 days older than me. Janet was 2 years older and Jill 3 years younger. The "J" theme is how I ended up "Jennifer". Sorry I didn't make it clear in the OP. Photos, the only photos I know of were two. My Grandmother had one (5x7 full length) on her dresser that no one could figure out who it was and why Granny would have a picture of someone no one else knew on her dresser. I do not know what happened to that one. The only other one was the photo Julie showed us (a 16x20) and I didn't take a picture of it nor of the dress. I guess I could get Jul to take one and send it to me. I didn't think to take one at the time as it was just a shock to see it.

09-28-2019, 08:15 AM
Mine is a cheongsam (Chinese style dress). I think it was one of if not the very first dress I EVER bought. I remember seeing it in a store and just had to have it. It was. Size 6 or 8..... got I was so small framed at the time. I still have the dress in a storage bin. I never could bring myself around s to get rid of it because of how much I love that dress....plus I keep deluding myself that one day I might be able to fit it again.... picture attached!

Now I want to see that wedding dress. I?m not going to lie... I have ALWAYS. Wanted to wear a beuitiful wedding dress. I have often dreamt of what it would look like. I used to live down the street of a bridal shop and would walk to the sand which shop next to it so I could look at the dresses as I passed. Post a pic!!!!!!!! I believe the saying goes... ?Pictures of it didn?t happen.? Lol!307468

Me too I want to see the picture. BTW I happen to have the same style dress during my early crossdressing day.

09-29-2019, 01:58 PM

I agree with you that my first attempts at dressing were disasters - including the first pictures I took of my femme persona thinking this was a nice look. Thankfully, they have been expunged after many purges.