View Full Version : Expanding My Comfort Zone ... I think?

10-18-2019, 09:28 PM
So a couple of months ago I bought a rather plain pare of ladies jeans. I wore them a few times around the house during for that odd half hour I was able to dress. Well today I was heading off to civilization on a shopping trip and decided to wear them out in public :eek: Needless to say, once again the world did not end. Actually was no big deal, kind of a non-starter. The jeans fit a heck of a lot better than my regular guy jeans and they moved with me ... what a novel idea. As far a shopping goes ... I've gotten rather comfortable shopping in some female specific and thrift stores. I am still working on the ladies section of the department stores. Today I managed to browse a few items in two different department stores before the anxiety set in. In one of the stores a lady was holding up a cute pair of panties to look at them. I almost said "those are cute. :daydreaming:"

Crissy 107
10-18-2019, 10:31 PM
Hi Robin, I think that being here and reading what others do goes to a great degree to giving us all more confidence. You have come a long way in a short time and I am sure that shopping in Department stores will soon be second nature. It really is pretty simple in that the more we do those things the easier it becomes.

Traci H
10-18-2019, 10:49 PM
Robin, I was at Goodwill today looking through the jeans (ladies) for maybe a pair I might want to reinforce my collection. Yes, I was wearing them as I shopped for more. Now that is all I wear and have for a couple of years now. It hardly fazes me any more and I just find guys jeans to be bags of fabric. The other day I met my sister for a meeting and I was wearing my ladies jeans of course. She even said, Boy, you are looking good. Part of wearing them is that they can make you look good. I am not overweight and I really don't want all that fabric, so women's jeans work for me. Now the ones with the sparkle on the pockets is another story, but I am working on it.

10-19-2019, 02:37 AM
It was a revalation, comfort and fit wise, when I switched to Womens jeans years ago. Not sure anyone noticed. Even my Eagle eyed ex took a year or so to notice.

At that point, despite being supportive, she suddenly had to treat me to a pair of Mens Levis. Lol, lead to big argument, as a) I wasn't engaged and couldn't believe her insensitivity but rather than communicating I was just truculent, b) I didn't want us wasting ?90 when I was more than happy with my charity shop finds.

10-19-2019, 04:48 AM

For the last few years, its been only women's jeans, I have probably 15 pairs, got rid of all but one pair of men's jeans, my wife had me buy one pair of men's (I was with her), still haven't worn them, tags still on.

Crissy, I totally agree with you.


Angela Marie
10-19-2019, 06:20 AM
I go out dressed fully but keep my male side for general day to day activities. However a few years ago I picked up a pair of Hanes jean jeggings. The fit and feel was awesome. I wear them out an about now and I have gotten a few looks but nothing really out of the ordinary. I have worn them a few times when I have flown and once again no issues. I would also say they made the flight much more bearable. Today many men wear clothes that previously would have been considered too feminine. Times change, and in addition most people are too consumed with their own lives to really care what others are wearing.

Angie G
10-19-2019, 09:06 AM
now that it cooler out I wear a bra under my hoodie when I go out and I shop where ever I had a pair of woman's jeans that I wore out. I've been looking for another pair. :hugs:

10-19-2019, 05:34 PM
On a recent vacation, I wore a pair of women?s denim Bermuda shorts with a pair of strappy sandals. It was a great experience not only for me, but also for my wife. It was great for both of to experience my wearing women?s clothes did not set up a chain of events that ended in the universe being consumed by a massive black hole. Nobody noticed, gawked, commented, or cared. Now if I can only find a pair of jeans that fit like those shorts do...

Oh and what Crissy said too...

Janine cd
10-19-2019, 09:41 PM
I love wearing women's jeans. I haven't worn any male jeans for at least five years now. I have no trouble shopping for them at all the women's shops.

Stephanie too
10-20-2019, 05:46 AM
I also agree with Crissy. It gets easier with time. In fact, it's pushing these limits that I find exciting and insightful.

10-20-2019, 05:48 AM
I too wear women's jeans in guy mode. The fit and comfort is much better than with men's jeans. I'm pushing things more towards skinny jeans. No one seems to notice. I try to avoid the sparkle on the pockets.

10-20-2019, 09:03 AM
Robin, I don't wear women's pants, I prefer skirts and dresses, but it does get easier to shop the more you do it.

Jean 103
10-20-2019, 11:04 AM
I wear skin tight skinny Jeans to work every day. They are plain, no fancy stitching.

In fact everything except an oversized company tee-shirt I wear is women's. I have my hair in a ponytail, I work with power tools so no jewelry.
Last week I walked onto a job site for a quick job check. The electrician is pulling wire. I answered a couple questions about the wiring we require and some other BS, guy talk.

Then he asks me if I'm a musician or a surfer. A bit odd I thought but we had been BS-ing about the job. I said I was in band, in school and yes I'm a surfer. I was only there for a few minutes, it was after I drove away that it hit me. He was trying to figure me out.

10-20-2019, 08:08 PM
I've worn women's jeans for at least 30 years. My daughter and her friends years ago gave me rave reviews on a pair of Junior jeans. I have a large number of Ralph Lauren Jeans and Gloria Vanderbelt Jeans. It is one of the few things that I buy from Goodwill. None of the mens jeans are in good condition while the women's are often never worn. I scored 5 pairs of premium jeans not long ago. I'm rather thin so I get great buys.

Add a few women's shirts to your wardrobe. Most people will never know. I wear women's tees and blouses also.

10-21-2019, 06:33 AM
Hi Ladies,

I forgot to mention this was the first time I stepped out in public wearing something femme for the world to see.

Crissy is right it has gotten easier. Although I did walk out of a couple of stores on Saturday. They were so packed with people, I lost my nerve. I prefer shopping during the week.

Jamie, I hear ya. I would much rather wear skirts and dresses. I'm not there yet.

Liz, I have a couple of tops. They are probably a little more feminine looking than I want to wear in public. I looked at some Tees with 3/4 sleeves last night. Those would be perfect.