View Full Version : New World of Men's Beauty

Davina Katherine
11-12-2019, 09:26 AM
On NPR's Morning Edition (Nov 12, 2019) they aired a piece called "My Journey Into the World of Men's Beauty". If I heard it right, it was about the developing market for selling makeup (foundation, eye shadow) to everyday guys. Guys who otherwise wear guy clothes, do guy things and have no intention of presenting as anything other than masculine.

Of course the cosmetic companies would love this, it?s a billion dollar potential market!

This story bothered me. I dress and put on makeup to bring out and express my "inner woman". I want to LOOK like a woman! I want to be seen as a woman.

But if guys are sold on the idea to start wearing makeup (like hot pink eyeshadow), it seems it would be more difficult to be doing the same thing (but not hot pink!) and be seen as a woman. I would be wear other "womanly" things like a dress and the men are in suits and ties. Still, right now its feels unsettling for me.

How do you other girls feel about such future?
Do you feel like it would make it harder or easier for us to present as feminine.

Jessie Mae :<3:

11-12-2019, 09:58 AM
Hello JessieMae,
by coincidence there was an article about the same topic in a UK newspaper on Sunday (the Observer).
I do not cross-dress in public. And do not wear make up in public. Apart from yesterday - when my young granddaughter insisted on having a make up "party" with my wife and I... If anyone challenged my I had the perfect reply - "you don't have a granddaughter do you?" !!!
As you say, beauty products for men is an expanding market. Though it is interesting that skin care products for women are marketed as anti-aging and those (possibly the same product) for men combat the effects of a rugged lifestyle !
So, in reply to your question the trend (if it continues) would make life easier and exciting for me. And perhaps CDs wishing to present in public might blend in to society more easily?
luv J

11-12-2019, 10:35 AM
Hi Jessie Mae :hugs:, This is probably some crazy fashion idea, that will not catch on anytime soon.

Don't look for a Make-up section at Home Depot or Lowe's . >Orchid .oO:daydreaming:Oo.

11-12-2019, 11:06 AM
I went and read the article. I don't see make up for men getting any traction at all. Some of the makeup advertised on the internet seems to be marketed as concealer for facial imperfections; acne, scars, aging spots. I have "imperfections" on my face from an explosion. Concealer is a world of difference than pink eye shadow. I did not see any mention of lip gloss. Sure, there will be some men who think it is cool for whatever reason, and, some women who think it is cool too. Among the general population this will not fly. I am not worried. As to your question I think the general population would think the guy is wacko. It certainly would crack the door open with my wife as to inching towards any sort of acceptance.

11-12-2019, 11:21 AM
Women have had gender optional clothing for years and seeing a woman sans makeup in jeans a tee is common and unnoticeable. I am fully supportive of the same for men 💯. A skirt and lipstick should not define ? female? any more than jeans and tee sans makeup define male

Jean 103
11-12-2019, 11:24 AM
It will never happen. Wearing makeup is to much for any normal guy to put up with.

Even some women see it that way.

You may get some guys to wear moisturizer and a tinted sunscreen as I do, but I doubt it.

11-12-2019, 12:24 PM
Men's makeup and beauty products are hardly new...

Isn't that what they used to call being "Metrosexual"?

11-12-2019, 12:38 PM
You sound a little threatened. Do you feel like “men” wearing makeup is going to somehow impinge on your “femininity”? Because I hate to tell you this hon, but you’re a crossdresser.

I know some men who wear makeup. They do it for the drama and to make themselves prettier, not to present as women (some of you may not understand the difference, but there is one). Just like women wearing pants didn’t take anything away from men, cis-men wearing makeup won’t take anything away from you.

But feel free to be jealous, because I’ve seen some AMAZING makeup jobs by men.

- - - Updated - - -

Men's makeup and beauty products are hardly new...

Isn't that what they used to call being "Metrosexual"?

“Metro” doesn’t necessarily mean makeup. It’s just guys who are overly fussy about their own appearance, often using excessive numbers of beauty products. And the old “men’s makeup” was often just light foundation or concealer type makeup. This new trend has guys wearing mascara and eyeliner and highlighter and contour and shadow...

Davina Katherine
11-12-2019, 12:46 PM
A crossdresser!?! No WAY:eek:

But seriously, I suppose I do feel a little threatened, Micki. Not very logical, you're right. My hold on my new found identity is still a bit tenuous and I'm still sorting things out, so it's easy to tip me. But my confidence is growing. And I'll be the first to admit to feelings of jealousy.

Gillian Gigs
11-12-2019, 12:47 PM
As the expression goes, "never say never"! I don't think that there will be any rush soon to the make up counter by the average guy. I can see a concealer to cover zits, bruises, and other blemishes, but not much more than that. There seems to be this idea of floating some new idea and then wait to see who responds, we have seen it with mantyhose, and skirts of some type. Within the world we live in there will always be those who live on the edge, whether it be one extreme, or another. I don't see CD'ing being embraced by the male main stream soon.

Elizabeth G
11-12-2019, 01:44 PM
You heard correctly JessieMae. I must admit that the first thought that entered my head when I heard that report was am I still crossdressing if makeup goes mainstream for men? However I think this is presently and for the foreseeable future a niche market at best. I don't see mass adoption happening in my lifetime.

11-12-2019, 08:06 PM
Here is the thing on that. Those who would wear the make up probably already do. I don't see branding a man's mascre would suddenly make guys want to wear it. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe some where in a dark bar during Monday night football the guys are all watching a mabaline commercial and saying if only there was make up for men then I could look all sexy to come watch football and chuge beers.

11-12-2019, 08:48 PM
Of course the cosmetics companies are looking to expand their market.
Isn't that what every company wants to do to grow their business?
Not gonna happen (IMHO).

11-12-2019, 09:18 PM
Men have been wearing makeup for decades. I think you'll find almost all men on TV or in movies are in makeup. You don't notice it, and you aren't supposed to. If nothing else it helps hide skin imperfections and make them look better in studio lighting.

Angie G
11-12-2019, 09:29 PM
It may help make it easier for our kink to be closer to our goal of openly dressing in the outdoors. :hugs:

11-13-2019, 04:57 AM
Twenty-odd years ago, when I was working for a market research company, a well-known global company commissioned us to do a survey among men about their feelings concerning moisturising creams, lip balms, hair conditioners etc. especially made for men - products which no self-respecting male would have considered using at the time.

Many of the comments we received (and had to record verbatim!) were extremely colourful! Rural workers were particularly verbal in their condemnation of the idea.

Nowadays, such products are the norm, and rural workers are among the chief users of products which protect their skin from the elements.

With women gaining the ascendancy in many areas of the workplace and other sectors, and more and more of them dressing androgenously, I cannot see why men should not also continue to move towards the centre of the fashion spectrum and adopt yet more products traditionally worn only by women (Boy George and Kiss were exceptions, remember.)

Also, I am reminded of a song from the musical "Hair", in which it is pointed out that the male of most animal species is usually more colourful than the female!

Equality of the sexes should be engendered by such a move. I support it.

11-13-2019, 06:19 AM
I don't believe that men wearing makeup will have any effect on crossdressing. I'm almost certain that Male makeup will be just as bland as the clothes.

Based on the amount of laughter and ridicule a big burly guy got for winning a manicure at a charity dinner, I don't think Male makeup is going to really become a thing. For the record I was disappointed when I didn't win it.

11-13-2019, 07:35 AM
I tend to agree with those that think it is a possible marketing flurry that will be adopted or at least tried by some men in urban areas where fashion is and important element in their lives. But I doubt many will be trying it in Wyoming. These kinds of things are often flash in the pan type attempts to expand markets by the manufacturers. In the distant past, men wearing makeup was not unusual at various times in history and it made a statement that was important at the time. But it didn't last once the social conscience changed and it fell out of fashion. Wigs were formal wear among the elites and some kind of face powder as well. Will it happen now?

I think in this world where people are dying to be noticed in this society where the individual tends to vanish in the masses, it is a possibility. But I doubt it is going to be designed to make men look more feminine. It will be designed to make men look more handsome rather than pretty. I wouldn't be surprised if it pops up in some local places such as New York or southern California. In the very rural areas? Probably not but one never knows.

11-13-2019, 03:17 PM
When I have several miles to drive anywhere, I always put on some lipstick and wear earrings. (I have suction cup sun screens on both front side windows). I like to see same in my visor mirror. Just recently I looked and thought that just a little bit of slightly colored lipstick and blush could do a lot to make men more handsome.

11-13-2019, 04:37 PM
In the early 1980s Estee Lauder brought out a line of men's skin care items and cologne. I loved them! just googled estee lauder for men was introduced in 1985. My wife bought them for me.

11-14-2019, 08:14 PM
I think a large portion of the male population would love to be able to feel a little pampered. Makeup, for now, is an uphill journey, but if you look at how the beard grooming segment is booming, men are definitely looking to feel pampered. As a (private) dress wearing bearded guy, you know I've got a drawer full of product. It's an indulgence, just like makeup. I could see a slow emergence of makeup for men. But, you gotta know that there'll be a backlash from those who would like to keep the guy/girl thing separated, at least as far as men invading women's territory.

11-15-2019, 07:57 AM
Around here the changes you have observed are alive and well, but I find it to be kind working along a neighborhood scale. That is, in some neighborhoods you see very little of what you are talking about, but go a mile away and it is far more common. It certainly tends to be strongly age related. Those 30ish and younger folks are much more willing to express that way, but as the age goes up willingness declines rapidly. It is there, but not at all common. I often present in a mild mixed gender and at 74 I am a bit of an anomaly in my neighborhood. The younger set enjoy seeing that; older folks not so much. Few are hostile, but little frowns and sideways glances are often seen among those of my age group. Smiles and nice comments are given by the young whippersnappers. Do I hang out with the younger set? Not at all, but I always return their recognition of my different, mildly androgynous look with a smile and a nice acknowledgement.

I suppose this is the way change often occurs. It ripples along as the generations and their influence change. But I have to admit that I have a feeling we are seeing a real shift in a major part of the population along an age scale. That offers hope for a future world that may be more tolerant and accepting than things were in general even a decade ago.

11-17-2019, 06:13 AM
I can't see your average men wearing beauty cosmetics (non-corrective makeup) catching on. Among the alternative/goth set, or for performing on a stage, sure. But I doubt many men want to wear beauty makeup, much less those who want to and have the time to put it on in the morning. Many GGs don't wear makeup regularly anymore because of a lack of time or they just don't want to. I can't see men doing it. If it somehow, some way helped attract a female partner, sure. Barring that, no.

11-17-2019, 07:26 AM
I think that it will catch on ? slowly. Eventually. And by such small degrees it will be hard to notice, like the proverbial frog in the cooking pot.

I like the idea. Breaking the constraints of socially imposed gender norms and allowing people to be how they want to be is A-Okay with me.

No doubt they will tailor the cosmetics to be 'manly' and no one will feel threatened. Just like no one feels threatened anymore by a woman wearing trousers, and they are tailored to fit their bodies and style sense. And of course, all of this is widely subjective.

11-17-2019, 09:30 AM
I believe make up for men has its origin in South Korea, checkout...

The question is whether the western societies will adopt it.

11-17-2019, 09:45 AM
Men will wear make up when a guy wearing it becomes way more attractive to women because he's wearing it. In other words, not any time soon.

Kimberly A.
11-18-2019, 10:04 PM
JessieMae, it might very well make it easier for us to present as feminine, but I can't be too sure..... As a new CD'er and so far just barely ventured out in femme mode, I honestly don't know. However, I DO know that male actors in movies and TV shows have makeup put on them, (I'm not talking about like, creepy stuff I mean just to make them look better on camera). As far as I know, they'll have foundation and probably powder put on their faces. And of course, that doesn't make them look feminine, like I said, it's meant to make them look good on camera and I guess for their faces to show up better, maybe reflect light, etc. A good example of this is, first of all my favorite TV show is "Supernatural". In one episode titled "The French Mistake", the two main characters who are brothers, Dean and Sam Winchester are sent to an alternate reality where they are actually on the set of "Supernatural". And in one scene, Jensen Ackles, (portrays Dean) is seated in a makeup chair and the makeup artist proceeds to take the makeup off his face. Anyway my point is, when male actors have makeup put on their faces, it's not meant for them to look feminine, they still look very much like men and very masculine.