View Full Version : Why cross dress or present as a woman?

11-16-2019, 12:41 PM
A common question asked of people like me/us is why do you cross dress or present as a woman.

I am sure that the answers will vary a lot among us. For me, there are several parts to my answer.

I like how I look when presenting as a woman.
I like how the clothes feel.
I like how many choices of skirts, blouses, tops, dresses are available to me.
I like pretty shoes. Unfortunately, balance problems have greatly limited my choices. No more high heels..bummer!
I like to wear earrings, bracelets, necklaces that are pretty.
I like to wear panty hose, panties, bras, slips.
I like how makeup and wigs improve my appearance.
I like how people treat me when interacting with me presenting as a woman.

The short answer is that I like everything about presenting as a woman!

11-16-2019, 12:43 PM
those are the correct answers. but just "I enjoy and like it" should do too

April Rose
11-16-2019, 12:48 PM
The clothes reaffirm feelings of femininity that I already have.

11-16-2019, 01:36 PM
I do it for the money :P

Julie Slowinski
11-16-2019, 01:43 PM
As a part-time Princess, what else would I wear?

Jean 103
11-16-2019, 01:48 PM
Do people actually ask you that question?

I can't remember anyone asking me why?

I have been out for a while and talked to a lot of people. Maybe it is because they assume that I like being the the way I am, and they would be right.

11-16-2019, 01:58 PM
My honest answer is I don't know why I cross dress or present as a woman. Your list encompasses all the feelings experienced when wearing women's clothing. It really does not answer the big "Why!" Decades ago when my wife and I had "The Talk" initially it did not go well. I uttered something about my feminine side. She blew her top off. Something about "When you can have a baby you can talk about your feminine side." I realize her retort was based on ignorance. She has become educated, especially with all the LGBT rights issues over the years. However, she did have a point. I had to offer her the truth as I know it. "I do not know why I do what I do!" That's it a nutshell.

It may be easier to understand that some individuals are "born in the wrong body." But, what of a person who feels totally at ease sliding back and forth; presenting as a decent looking guy and as a well groomed mature woman? Perplexing to say the least. Your list has the outward appearances of wearing women's clothing. Along with the outward appearances there is also the adoption of mannerisms. When attired as a woman I sit with my knees together and not splayed apart. When I pick up something off a lower shelf I squat and do not bend over, making sure I do not show my panties or the tops of my stockings. When getting in and out of a car with a dress on I sit and then swivel my body into position. When I sit in a dress I smooth the back of the dress when I sit down so it is not rumbled under by bottom. The male gait is left behind. My pace is slower. The hand gently wisps away a stray hair that's in my face. There is no longer any sexual component to wearing women's clothing. Even when I reflect back to those teenage years when there was a sexual component didn't teenage girls explore their sexuality? It takes a long long time for a man to shed the self loathing and doubts of who he is and is not.

It's definitely not a hobby. I do agree, I like everything about presenting as a woman. I still don't know why I do what I do.

Brenda Freeman
11-16-2019, 02:04 PM
I do like how I look and it makes me happy. I have grown my hair out and am looking more like me dressed or not, but when I wear the womens clothes and add make up I am feeling my best. I do not ask why anymore it just works for me.

11-16-2019, 02:21 PM
None of that would happen if something inside wasn't driving it , I was born with a female trait so the question is why do I need to do all the points and more on your list ? It's not enough to say what drives us we need to show how we feel , some say it's not about the clothes but they inform people there is an inner need that has to be expressed .

Maybe it should be turned round to ask why you hate dressing in male mode , why does it feel wrong to some of us ?

To me now to dress in male mode is like CDing , I prefer to wear the items on your list because it feels right , I feel comfortable and at ease , my enjoyment now is going out in tbe RW as Teresa .

11-16-2019, 08:11 PM
Thanks to all of you for your responses. They are further proof that there are no simple "one size fits all" answers. I agree that there is something inside of us that pushes us to pursue our desires. For many it is a very strong desire as we often take some risky chances. There is also strong evidence that the desires rarely, if ever, go away. Each person has to figure out how to manage their situation.

Kimberly A.
11-16-2019, 09:56 PM
I honestly don't think there is any wrong or right answer for why we crossdress….. We all have our various, different reasons, some are very similar and some are different. For me, I posted why I crossdress, but I do think that perhaps it's who I'm supposed to be. And carhill, like you, the clothes feel very good to me. I've worn pantyhose my entire life, I have experimented with CDing in the past, but never to this extent. And I think now I'm beginning to discover how strong my feminine side is. I have told myself that I am a man, I'm a straight man and I do NOT have a feminine side, but I was lying to myself. And when I do dress, I feel free, I feel more like myself and I feel happier. I'll be honest though, CDing has been a fantasy of mine for a very long time and now, since I've gone out once for a brief period of time fully dressed, I want to do it more and more. The feeling I felt when I stepped out my door dressed as Kimberly, was like I said, very freeing. I now feel like I don't have to hide it from the public eye anymore and I can wear whatever I choose to wear, feel good about it and have fun with it. I love presenting as a woman and I can't WAIT to do it again. I plan on going out of town next weekend, fully dressed, going shopping and probably out to eat. Now granted, I will be by myself but I'm good with that.

Alice Torn
11-16-2019, 10:03 PM
I am with Stephanie47. I like being a nice looking guy, and being a nice looking lady, and do not totally know why. I do not like ALL clothing designed for women, though. I like only certain classic dresses, skirts, tops, heels, pantyhose, pearls, broaches, earrings, bracelets,wigs, girdles. I do not like thongs at all, or many modern fashions.

11-17-2019, 12:16 AM
Panties and bras make me feel pretty.

11-17-2019, 01:07 AM
Call it a mid life crisis but I do enjoy reminiscing about my youth when I lived as a girl for a lot of years.
So I dress to relive those growing years!
I was coddled and doe-ted on as a ill premee baby by a Mother whose last child was another boy.
Hormone therapy over my child years changed my body and my breast grew before most girl of my age.
It all allowed me to explore my feminine side gradually...with subliminal help.
My femme wardrobe won out and I started getting counseling to transition.
So for me, it was how I was raised, but never truly realized.

11-17-2019, 07:19 AM
I don't have any idea why I crossdress. It just feels right.

11-17-2019, 07:59 AM
Why not!

11-17-2019, 08:08 AM
I think there are as many reasons as there are people who do this. To me, it is an individualistic thing. That said, it is a behavior and as the behavioral geneticists will tell us, all behavior is rooted in genetics. The question is how much genetics is involved? It appears to me that can range from a lot (Teresa, myself, and many others) but for others the genetic influence is pretty well hidden yet still there. Then there are the subconscious influences which may or may not be strongly influenced by genetics. And then there are those like Candy where it is clearly an organic cause. Which is right? In my opinion, they are all right. The almost unintelligible complexities of gender identity genetics probably involving over 3,500 genes in one way or another creates this incredible diversity. I don't think, under those circumstances, there is anything like a "Normal". There is just variation. But birds of a feather flock together, even if their feathers are different and variable.

That said, environment also plays a huge role that turns on and turns off various genes or influences the amount that they play in the behavior. Environment is a big modifier of the basic behavior.

For me, the desire or even need at times comes from something very deep in me which is a sign that the source is, to a large degree, neurological and probably in those half dozen structures in the mid brain that are genetically and/or environmentally configured to operate a bit more like they do in a female. Not completely, but a bit. Gender identity and our sense of self has only minor to moderate links to the far simpler system that defines sex and sexuality. Sense of self is perhaps the most important and fundamental driver of the conscious organism's high degree of awareness of self in the context of the organism's environment. We really know very little about what goes on, but we probably have the tip of the iceberg figured out. Sadly, I don't think we are even down to waterline yet and then there is all of that part of the berg that is below the waterline.

All that said, it comes down to one thing. For whatever reason we do it, for goodness sake enjoy it. You are unique and a little special, but there is little or nothing wrong with you. The naysayers just don't understand or want to understand the complexity of this behavior, in part, because the gender = sex and visa versa is simple, direct, traditional, and common. Therefore it must be right. Sorry, the science says it ain't that simple.

Alice Torn
11-17-2019, 09:14 AM
Carole, Great thread. Thank you. I am with you on the things you like. Gretchen, well said. Great post.

11-17-2019, 09:43 AM
Cross-Dressing is a compulsion people engage in for a variety of reasons, some obvious and others not so. A transsexual or Homosexual may identify with the opposite sex and thus cross dress (although a "crossdresser", proper, is usually considered a heterosexual). There is in some cases a direct or nearly so, "turn on factor" in the Fetish sense for some from the clothing's association with women or even the simple texture of the fabric itself. There is also a Humiliation/Sado-masochistic factor in other cases that turns some on. There is often an "escapist" theme for others--as in "taking a vacation" from one's own self, even if for only a few hours. for either or both the "high" one may get from "tripping taboos" and getting away with it, or to be able to "entirely relax" or "De-stress" as "another person" away from one's own personal responsibilities , or from "manhood" itself.----I likely missed a couple, but as we can see Cross-Dressing is a technique used by many (especially Males) to address a variety of Psychological concerns or induce deeper "relaxation" or "pleasures".

Of course, some might say " there are as many reasons for crossdressing as there are crossdressers". I disagree, but there are indeed still quite a variety of them AND their combinations. One may start out CDing for one reason, and later find another, even more fun reason, or both.------I started out as a fetish thing in my adolescent years, and now I am an escapist CD who uses it to relax and relieve stress---and also have fun.

11-17-2019, 09:47 AM
Dressing in female clothes relieves the GID.

Teri Ray
11-17-2019, 09:51 AM
While I agree with every feeling Carole expressed in this thread I also agree with many others that I do not understand why I get these feelings. My desire to dress as a woman remains the biggest conundrum of my life. The "why" we desire to dress enfemme is the $64,000 question that gets asked over and over and never becomes clear. Like Carole I now believe that the best we can do is reach a point in our life where the "why I do this" question becomes less significant and we just accept the desire as a part of who we are and accept our desire and stop feeling guilty for it. Not easy to do but I believe the right thing.

Thanks for this thread. I find it is helpful to hear that I am not alone in this desire and understand that others deal with the same thoughts. This is why I visit this site.

11-17-2019, 10:39 AM
I do it for the attention.

Majella St Gerard
11-17-2019, 11:13 AM
When anyone asks me why I crossdress, I say because I like to, it makes me feel good. It's my hobby.

11-17-2019, 12:01 PM
What else can a 75+ y/o man do besides becoming a 30 something woman that's as excellerating and erotic?:o

11-17-2019, 01:19 PM
I feel more relaxed when I am crossdressed. And I look good too!

11-17-2019, 03:30 PM
I have only ventured outside the home 3 times dressed, twice to go to my therapist (manymany years ago) and then one other time. I don't feel the need to go out dressed full en femme as the need for me to wear thr clothes is fulfilled with my SO at home.

11-17-2019, 05:23 PM
I have to. It's in my blood.

11-17-2019, 05:44 PM
Exactly what Teri said.
I will never understand why, so i enjoy it and try not to feel bad about it in the dark hours when sleep refuses to come.
Would i change if i could? I honestly dont know.

11-17-2019, 05:51 PM
My honest answer is I don't know why I cross dress or present as a woman. Your list encompasses all the feelings experienced when wearing women's clothing. It really does not answer the big "Why!" Decades ago when my wife and I had "The Talk" initially it did not go well. I uttered something about my feminine side. She blew her top off. Something about "When you can have a baby you can talk about your feminine side." I realize her retort was based on ignorance. She has become educated, especially with all the LGBT rights issues over the years. However, she did have a point. I had to offer her the truth as I know it. "I do not know why I do what I do!" That's it a nutshell.

It may be easier to understand that some individuals are "born in the wrong body." But, what of a person who feels totally at ease sliding back and forth; presenting as a decent looking guy and as a well groomed mature woman? Perplexing to say the least. Your list has the outward appearances of wearing women's clothing. Along with the outward appearances there is also the adoption of mannerisms. When attired as a woman I sit with my knees together and not splayed apart. When I pick up something off a lower shelf I squat and do not bend over, making sure I do not show my panties or the tops of my stockings. When getting in and out of a car with a dress on I sit and then swivel my body into position. When I sit in a dress I smooth the back of the dress when I sit down so it is not rumbled under by bottom. The male gait is left behind. My pace is slower. The hand gently wisps away a stray hair that's in my face. There is no longer any sexual component to wearing women's clothing. Even when I reflect back to those teenage years when there was a sexual component didn't teenage girls explore their sexuality? It takes a long long time for a man to shed the self loathing and doubts of who he is and is not.

It's definitely not a hobby. I do agree, I like everything about presenting as a woman. I still don't know why I do what I do.

I do not post here usually, but what you said hit home.

11-17-2019, 05:58 PM
My usual quick answer is " because I want to, and I can"

11-17-2019, 06:30 PM
In the womb there was hormone imbalances and this caused parts of my brain to develop feminine traits.
That part of my brain feels that I am woman. So to keep it happy I sometimes dress how a woman should. When it's satisfied I can tell it to go hibernate I then carry on with life as if I am a regular dude. Until that side starts craving attention again.

11-17-2019, 11:05 PM
If they ask (and a few have), I tell them the truth.

When I was young I wanted to try on a girl's dress (unfortunately, it didn't fit).

For the 50+ years since then, I've wanted to dress and go out. I now have the opportunity and I try to make the most of it.

11-18-2019, 07:50 AM
I like the feel of women's clothes.

11-18-2019, 08:55 AM
I have three reasons.
1. I hate being bald, hence the wig.
2. I hate wearing pants, hence the dress.
3. I hate being flat chested, hence the breast forms.

Oh, and besides, Crossdressing is just about the coolest thing on the whole planet.

Madilyn A.
11-18-2019, 09:13 AM
Wearing feminine attire just feels right. Given other circumstances, I have no doubt I would dress as a woman close to 24/7.

11-19-2019, 10:14 AM
I find there?s a kind of stress that?s relieved when I present en femme. Also, it?s an affirmation of my freedom and individuality.

Also, it's a change from being hated just for being black. Ah, americans...

11-19-2019, 12:08 PM
hello Carhill,
to turn your question around "why NOT cross dress or present as a woman?"
luv J

11-19-2019, 12:24 PM
I have no choice. I love to dress...every phase, from slipping on my nylons to my polished nails. Dressing feels so natural, makes me happy, relaxed, feels wonderful..I?ve quit asking ?why?? So, why not.

11-23-2019, 06:42 PM
Hi Carole :hugs:, It is just who I am and it is what I do,

It is having the best of both worlds. >Orchid .oO:daydreaming:Oo.

11-24-2019, 06:26 AM
I don't identify as a woman or feel feminine when I wear these clothes. I enjoy the clothes and I look good and thus feel good in them. When I go out I feel I have to walk and talk as close to the way a woman does as I can. This is acting, and I know from being on stage that I get a buzz out of it. Acting as a woman is likely to cause less friction in the street than acting as a cowboy or a soldier in costume. The big thing is that I do it because it is FUN.

11-24-2019, 07:58 AM
Perfect, Carole! Agree with all of those reasons. Nancy

Mary Lawrence
11-24-2019, 09:43 AM
I do it for all of Carole's reasons, but they are secondary to something else and I really don't know what that "something else" is. I resonate to pretty much everything Stephanie47 wrote. I have no clue why I like to crossdress as doing so flies in the face of all I was and represented to the world growing up.

Cheryl T
11-24-2019, 10:18 AM
I tried for decades to answer that question just for me, then I gave up.
It's just part of me that can't be expressed any other way and without it I'm not complete.

Mary Lawrence
11-25-2019, 11:41 AM
I must add one reason why I crossdress. I don't believe anyone else has mentioned it. Crossdressing gives me the opportunity to wear PINK.:battingeyelashes: I pretty much love pink. Pink, blush, salmon, ballet slipper, rose, watermelon, coral, lemonade, crepe, fuscia, flamingo, taffy, magenta, punch, rouge, bubblegum and hot pink. Those are most of the colors recognized as "pink" varieties. I have never worn any in man-mode, but pink is the most common color in my top wardrobe.

April Rose
11-25-2019, 12:13 PM
Mary, my boss used to tease me when I wore my pink polo to work by saying, with comic emphasis,"it's Salmon!" It wasn't. It was Pink.

11-25-2019, 11:26 PM
My mother put me in panties when I was young. My sisters helped dress me as I grew older. It was fun to dress up and play. As I got older I preferred girl's clothes. Still do today.

11-28-2019, 10:48 AM
When I was 30 years old my aunt would force me to dress as a girl for punishment.

I thought I dress the way I do is cause I am a woman, but like Mikki Finn, I make money dressed as a woman and even more since I got bigger boobs.

11-28-2019, 11:25 AM
Uh, what could a 30-year old man do that would warrant punishment by crossdressing? And why would a 30-year old go along with it?

And I don’t want to speak for Micki, but I believe she was being facetious about the money. This site is well known for its sophisticated understated humor. It’s what keeps me coming back. Well, that and the outfits.

Just musing out loud.

11-28-2019, 01:31 PM
Uh, what could a 30-year old man do that would warrant punishment by crossdressing? And why would a 30-year old go along with it?

And I don’t want to speak for Micki, but I believe she was being facetious about the money. This site is well known for its sophisticated understated humor. It’s what keeps me coming back. Well, that and the outfits.

Just musing out loud.

The 30 year old thing is just unsophisticated humor.

I kinda thought what Mikki said was humor but the rest of my post was not humor. For me it would be impossible to write down all the reasons I am the way I am, money would be one of them, well it use to be.

11-28-2019, 01:43 PM
I believe you.

11-28-2019, 01:59 PM
What would we talk about here on CD.com if we didn't? Anyway, the Devil makes me do it.:devil:

11-28-2019, 02:32 PM
Honestly I haven't a clue to why I dress. What I do know is I want to and need to. I feel like I can finally be myself. Why should only girls have all the fun.

11-28-2019, 03:25 PM
Well as something that has been with me like forever , it just feels right to do so.
At the moment been going out a bit lately where it feels natural and getting that girly girly buzz about clothing makeup heels selection to look as best i can.
Luckily darling wife is on board and pressing me to explore my needs so i have free rein , well except have to be careful as no one else knows.

Lucy Long Legs
11-29-2019, 06:09 AM
This is a great conversation and much more revealing than many others on this subject. I'm not sure which came first: my desire to dress as a female or my feminine appearance and attributes, particularly when I was younger. I was teased as school when I failed to develop as my contemporaries did and it seemed natural to wear a bra over my rudimentary but developing breasts and to wear panties and skirts when there was very little to hide underneath. I did eventually achieve puberty to a degree but it left me very lacking in masculinity and an addiction to presenting as a woman, something I still do on a regular basis. Like others here, I dress to be noticed which has involved me in a few situations, but I am attracted to large masculine women who can dominate me physically. I am not gay or interested in transition, but I am what I am! Keep the comments coming - it's fascinating!

Kendra Sue
11-29-2019, 06:29 AM
I too like all phases of being a woman. It's like having an alter ego.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes it is my hobby and it makes me feel relaxed

- - - Updated - - -

My very short answer is it's in the genes

Alice K
11-29-2019, 07:45 AM
At about six or seven I was culled from all my girl friends and girl playmates. In second grade I was made to sit on the side of the classroom with the boys.. And at first communion while all my friends got to wear pretty frocks, veils and receive white leather bibles I was forced to wear a blue suit and carry a black bible and sit on the boys side of the church. It was wrong, I belonged with my friends.

As time went on I was forced more and more into the regimented world of the drab and team sports, metal shop, wood shop. I hated it.

...No, you cannot go to home economics with your friends.

...Watch your fingers in the band saw.

...Heat up that soldering iron and put the flux on this part of the tin.

...Got to get ready for the mill in a few years.

Hated it. But then I realized if I did not comply I would be hurt or killed so I stepped into place and did as I was told.

Except for this secret thing that I do to just try and be me, the real me, for a few stolen moments.

Oh, and that hormonal wash thing in the womb, yeah that too!

11-29-2019, 07:50 AM
Why do people like restaurants?
Why did we choose to go to the moon?

11-29-2019, 11:20 AM
Why do people like restaurants?
Why did we choose to go to the moon?

Restaurants because they offer foods and dishes people don’t commonly make at home, and also the convenience of not having to do the cooking or cleanup oneself. And as for the moon, there are a number of both scientific and strategic reasons to do so, as well as the political status of doing so before our biggest rival.

11-29-2019, 12:54 PM
Thanks to all of you that shared your thoughts and feelings. It has been very interesting to read the responses

11-29-2019, 02:29 PM
When you are middle aged and weigh 108 lbs there isn't anything "age appropriate " to buy as a guy, but I can find any style I want in XS and size 7 shoes!

Amy Lynn3
11-29-2019, 03:41 PM
As a joke my older sister dressed me up as a girl when I was little. I took her seriously and continued to dress as one.:)

11-29-2019, 05:31 PM
Just to be ME, basically, i like to dress and I feel more comfortable with myself when dressed. it's fast becoming a normal way of life for me despite losing 4 friends (two couples) along the way.

Sarah Doepner
11-30-2019, 11:09 AM
I've been working at this for over 60 years and it has proven to be the only thing I've found that consistently addresses the discomfort I feel from gender dysphoria.

12-03-2019, 09:58 PM
I really wish I knew what the root of my crossdressing/desire to be feminine or a woman is. It is clear it started off early as I can distinctly remember admiring female clothing when I was a teen if not younger. In some ways I wish I knew so I could “fix it”. There are many times where I yearn to be more normal especially when it concerns dating/relationships. Not being a crossdresser or desires to be feminine would make dating smoother.

I do have a crazy hypothesis as to why I crossdress (could be applicable to other people too). I wonder if feelings of inadequacy at a young age sent me to making an alter ego (I did see someone mention alter ego earlier). Instead of a masculine alter ego it is a feminine one. Now I say this is crazy because it was not exactly like I really created an alter ego. I never made up a name or backstory of my feminine side, I really didn’t pursue it heavily either.

Now there is also the likelihood that if I spoke to a therapist who is specialized with people in the LGBT+ community the notion that I was really transgender might came up and this would not surprise me one bit. Or at the very least the notion of being bi-gender/pan-gender (whatever you want to call it). In trying to process this whole crossdressing desire over the years those thoughts have crossed my mind multiple times and many times the idea of being transgender really made sense. Regardless, if in the long run I really come to some conclusion on being transgender and the answer was that I am then the crossdressing makes complete sense. If not the search for an answer continues. I do hope in the long run I can come to terms with the whole ordeal as these feelings/desires are not going to just disappear magically.

12-27-2019, 07:42 AM
I can thank 3 older sisters for my penchant for wearing women’s clothing. While young, I enjoyed watching them doll-up for dates, etc. Occasionally they would dab my cheek with rouge, and curl my lashes.
Now, I love to crossdress.
I enjoy: the feel of the silky material on my smoothly shaven skin, applying make-up and lipstick, donning thigh-high stockings, hip pads, and a black bra with realistic breast forms. I then partially cover my intimates with a fairly snug top and tights or jeans, or a body-con dress. (I have these curves today, I want to see and show them ;-)
And, always 2-3 inch heels, never flats.
I enjoy all the processes that are involved with looking (and acting) feminine. JD

12-27-2019, 11:57 AM
I like it, it makes me feel nice and it?s part of me, it?s been part of me for pretty much most of my life

12-27-2019, 12:33 PM
Why do I enjoy it? Well let?s see,

I love the clothes,
I love the feeling of being cute/pretty/sexy depending on how I feel like dressing.
I love the feeling of being someone else for a bit
I love the change of appearance with make up!

12-27-2019, 12:44 PM
I spent many a sleepless night pondering why I ever felt the way I do, there is no answer. As long as you are not hurting anyone in the process it's fun, relieves stress and helps you enjoy life more. I don't see any downsides.

12-27-2019, 03:54 PM
Me? It's fun and challenging. I have no desire to present myself as a women. I just like wearing the same clothes. I love and respect women, so by dressing as they do I can one, spend time walking in their shoes and maybe understand them better. Also to feel some solidarity with them.

Angela Marie
12-27-2019, 04:02 PM
For me it is the expression of my feminine side. Everyone has some degree of both genders. I believe that, like many others, mine is quite strong.

12-27-2019, 04:31 PM
What other choice do I have? I have to follow my instincts.

12-27-2019, 04:56 PM
As a teenager I never questioned why I was developing a compulsion to try on women's clothing but I knew that it was turning me on. It wasn't until later in life that I started reading up on crossdressing to find out a) what was compelling me to do this and b) if there was a way to stop. As many have already pointed out, there are a lot of different reasons for why we want to dress up in women's clothing but I'm pretty sure I personally fall under the 'trans fetishist' category. In other words, I get a kick out of transforming myself into what I believe to be a beautiful woman but the feelings (and urges) quickly go away after...well... y'know ;-) Those feelings then return a little later and I'm back to square one again. As for whether there's a way to stop - nope, doesn't look like it! And I'm happy to keep dressing :)

12-27-2019, 05:43 PM
So many reasons why. I loved the way I looked when dressed, especially when fully dolled up and wearing a wig. I was always small and not a "jock" at all, the first time I saw myself fully en femme in the full length mirror I as stunned and I thought, "I wouldn't stand a chance at getting a date with her, she was beautiful". I was cross dressing long before thamt day, and have never stopped, but that moment really brought it home.

But I love Micki_Finn's post: "I do it for the money :P" Outstanding! ROFLOL made my Christmas :love:

12-27-2019, 06:40 PM
I said before that i enjoy the feeling of being dressed and feeling pretty but I am also working on getting ready to try to perform on stage in drag. In this case I think the drive to dress comes from my desire to perform. I have been on stage acting and playing in bands. I think the idea of being dressed gives me more confidence while being on stage. I think that it is because in my mind Victoria is this person that is calm and collect so when I?m dressed up I feel more confident as well.

12-28-2019, 06:02 AM
I like the feel of panties and pantyhose and looks of high heels and skirt so much, I have to wear it at least part time. I present myself as a woman as much as I can just because It's easier to do that than openly wear heels and skirts as a man. I would do it all the time, if I wasn't scared how would stepping out of the closet negatively impacted on my life. My family, friends and people at work are to conservative for that to go smoothly.

Tina Samoan
12-28-2019, 08:59 AM
I enjoy the transformation process from shedding my male appearance with the step by step process in becoming my inner female. I love the high I get when I think I found the right combination of colors in my makeup. The clothes that fit just right to make the most feminine look I can create. My posture when I walk in heels and the distinct sound they make on the floor sends me into a state of euphoria. This all leads to my escape to someone I see as beautiful and is not judged or even has any true responsibilities other than to look her best.

12-30-2019, 01:38 PM
It an internal thing, been doing this since 4 or 5 years old. I am content with panties and a bra, dressing is just extra. It is the peace you get inside you.