View Full Version : Funny conversation with sister-in-law

Alice 23
11-17-2019, 07:49 PM
Hey all!

This morning, I was walking home with my family from religious services, when my wife had the realization that I'm always fine with walking since I don't have to wear heels. That prompted my sister-in-law to proclaim that I must wear heels sometime to see how it feels! Furthermore, she said she was going to buy me two pairs of heels for Christmas; a regular pair of 3" pumps, and a pair of stripper heels! My wife knows I dress, and has even encouraged it, but she is the only one of my family that knows. It definitely got me thinking, could I come out to my sister-in-law? I've never felt that I could be accepted by anyone else in the family. This also comes at an interesting time, since the fog has been incredibly thick lately, and I recently posted about where to change.

Tracy Irving
11-17-2019, 08:21 PM
Every situation is different. It wouldn't hurt to talk to your wife about this one.

11-17-2019, 08:58 PM
I’m assuming your wife’s sister, not your brother’s wife? If so, this is a question for your wife. She knows her sister and her family dynamic better than you, and would be the best to gauge how good or bad an idea it would be.

11-17-2019, 09:39 PM
Maybe she already knows. ??? She just wants to give you something you would enjoy.

11-17-2019, 10:04 PM
Yep, the sister knows, or at least suspects.

And what an odd thing for your wife to say, knowing of your proclivity for dressing, in earshot of someone else.

Crissy 107
11-17-2019, 10:12 PM
I agree she knows, I feel no way she makes that statement unless your wife has confided in her.

Alice 23
11-17-2019, 10:25 PM
Im fairly certain that my wife has not told her sister, and her sister is usually a straight forward, no beating around the bush kind of lady. Im fairly certain that if she knew or suspected, she'd call me out on the rug, though she is rather sneaky. I also suspect that she did see the tote that I keep some my clothes in, though I dont keep anything else that might out me in there. My wife has so far done a splendid job of helping me cover up anything suspicious, or so I have thought. I'll have to ask her more when she gets home.

Majella St Gerard
11-17-2019, 11:56 PM
I think she knows

11-18-2019, 07:21 AM
It sounds like she already knows.

Elizabeth G
11-18-2019, 07:30 AM
It really does sound like she knows. The Christmas gift offer of two pair, one sensible and one not seems way too specific.

11-18-2019, 07:45 AM
I'm in the "she knows" camp. Maybe not a lot, but she knows something. It really doesn't make sense to me for a close relative to give you two pairs of heels for Christmas just as a joke you already know about. Perhaps she was just playing with you. But from what you have said about the conversation I don't think so. But also keep in mind that when we are in deep fog our brains are working on a different level and we are prone to taking things the wrong way. In this case, I doubt that and you interpreted the comments correctly. Look for other signs of her knowing to support or reject the sense of her "knowing" . Look at the evidence as objectively as possible without thinking about whether she knows or not.

11-18-2019, 07:48 AM
Alice, I would check with your wife.

char GG
11-18-2019, 11:01 AM
Oh my goodness. Since your wife knows, ASK her if her sister knows and stop trying to guess. Then you will know how to proceed.

11-18-2019, 11:35 AM
I looked at your bio. Age 26 or so. I have to assume your wife is also young as well as her sister. One of the things my wife told me about my cross dressing she did not like is having nobody she could confide in. Nobody she could discuss the matter. I suspect your wife has dropped enough hints, if not outright told her sister that you cross dress to some extent. I find it interesting or rather telling that your wife would make such a comment if she has done such a great job of concealing your cross dressing. Then your sister-in-law tells you she is going to buy you two pairs of heels for Christmas. I definitely would have told her my male shoe size. You should ask your wife if she truly knows or suspects you're a cross dresser. While you're discussing the matter suggest you'd also like some hosiery to go along with the heels. Guy socks would look terrible in a nice pair of heels.

Sometimes sisters are really really close.

Cheryl T
11-18-2019, 11:43 AM
Make sure she knows your correct size.
Wouldn't want to have to exchange a Christmas present.

Tracy Irving
11-18-2019, 11:43 AM
This morning, I was walking home with my family from religious services, when my wife had the realization that I'm always fine with walking since I don't have to wear heels. That prompted my sister-in-law to proclaim that I must wear heels sometime to see how it feels! Furthermore, she said she was going to buy me two pairs of heels for Christmas; a regular pair of 3" pumps, and a pair of stripper heels!

Not saying it is, but it sure sounds like one of those forum letters from the back of an adult magazine. I am looking forward to reading more!

11-18-2019, 02:56 PM
Or, maybe, she’s just kidding around with you without an ulterior motive.

- - - Updated - - -

Or, maybe, she?s just kidding around with you without an ulterior motive.

11-18-2019, 04:32 PM
My sister in law (wife's sister) has made several comments about dresses and skirts etc ... in the past, she has no idea that I dress. My wife knows and is supportive and I asked her if she told her sister and she hadn't, just coincidence.

11-18-2019, 05:26 PM
Well with your wife's OK I would take her up on it, making sure she knows what size to get, and then practice practice practice and show her it isn't so hard. All in fun of course. If you are confident maybe even tell her "it can't be that hard". Sherrii

Jean 103
11-18-2019, 09:12 PM
Well I think you should wait till after she buys your new shoes, and make sure she has your size.

That is before outing yourself , that and get your wife's approval. Because there is no putting that cat back in the bag once it's out.

11-18-2019, 10:01 PM
Unless u wish to be outed? Why would u need to tell your sis in law? Or, any family member?:eek:

11-19-2019, 10:19 AM
I think she knows too!!! It was the first thing I thought when I read your post!

11-19-2019, 02:25 PM
Oh, you could ask your wife if she's ever mentioned anything to her sister -- but keep in mind, she's under no obligation to tell the (whole) truth. ;)

Do women talk? Yup!

Do *sisters* talk? You better believe it!

Hey, maybe the two of them are trying to get a Girls Night Out going with you. GG's can be like that. And crazier things have happened, after all.

I'd ask SIL if she was serious about getting you not one, but *two* fairly specific types of pairs of heels (hmmm... :thinking: ). And however she replies, just say something like, "Well, do you even know my size?" :heehee:

This is your opportunity to potentially expand your CD'ing universe, in various kinds of ways.

I say take the bait! :battingeyelashes:

11-19-2019, 02:58 PM
If you wife has no objections I would go with it .
I can't believe how open and supportive my sister in law has been ,I've met her for coffee and been furniture shopping with her , as far as I'm aware my wife does know . The important point is she wouldn't do it if she wasn't comfortable , I always look at the situation like that now , on the whole people will only do what they want to do in their comfort zone .

11-19-2019, 03:04 PM
I'll bet she has an idea either wife told her or she saw something that gave her a clue. What the heck take her up on it

11-19-2019, 03:22 PM
Saying you should wear heels is one thing, saying im going to buy you 2 pairs is another.
She knows, or suspects.
Not ness a problem depending on how you feel..

Crissy 107
11-19-2019, 03:36 PM
Oh, you could ask your wife if she's ever mentioned anything to her sister -- but keep in mind, she's under no obligation to tell the (whole
Do women talk? Yup!

Do *sisters* talk? You better believe it!

Hey, maybe the two of them are trying to get a Girls Night Out going with you. GG's can be like that. And crazier things have happened, after all.

I'd ask SIL if she was serious about getting you not one, but *two* fairly specific types of pairs of heels (hmmm... :thinking: ). And however she replies, just say something like, "Well, do you even know my size?" :heehee:

This is your opportunity to potentially expand your CD'ing universe, in various kinds of ways.

I say take the bait! :battingeyelashes:
I think ellbee is spot on with this post. Go for it!

11-19-2019, 04:04 PM
Make sure she knows your correct size.
Wouldn't want to have to exchange a Christmas present.

For the win ;)

11-20-2019, 06:24 AM
Hi Alice :hugs:, See line #4 in my signature first ! >Orchid .oO:daydreaming:Oo.

Alice 23
11-21-2019, 07:55 AM
My wife and I had a good long chat a couple of nights ago about this. She reassured me that no, she has told absolutely no one without my knowing (the only person she has told was her psychiatrist, but that's a story for another time), nor does she suspect her sister or anyone else suspects me. The discussion lead to some other things she was wanted to discuss about the dressing. I later asked her of she would be okay with me asking her sister how serious she was about buying the heels, then making a deal with her that if she can keep it between her, my wife, and myself, she can buy a whole outfit if she'd like and I'll wear it, to which my wife said I could if I wanted to, but think about what could go wrong. Then she echoed what's been said a couple of times to me, "what's said cant be unsaid".

Well, I stewed over that most of the day yesterday, and finally had the chance to speak with my sister-in-law in private last night. I'd been waffling back and forth about asking her, and ultimately decided not to at this time. If she does buy me heels, I'll roll with it, and I may offer her that deal eventually, but for now, I'll hold. Maybe I'll write a short story about what could have been...

Mary Lawrence
11-21-2019, 08:05 AM
Well, if she follows through and does buy you the shoes, I hope you will have an outfit ready to go with them. Maybe that's the time for the big reveal:)

Linda E. Woodworth
11-21-2019, 09:18 AM
Your Sister-In-Law DOES NOT know!

The pink fog has rolled in big time and YOU are making this into what YOU want it to be.

As others have mentioned, once something is said it can't be undone.

You've talked to your wife about it and have her input.

I say let sleeping dogs lie and wait to see what happens.

If she gets you the heels then you can take it from there. Of course she's going to demand you walk the same distance to church in the heels somewhere.

Again, be careful what you wish for and what you mention. You can very easily "out" yourself with the attendant consequences.

Have a backup plan!

11-21-2019, 10:48 AM
Are you sure your SIL doesn't know about your dressing? If that's your wife's sister, I'll bet they've had that conversation about you. Anyway, take her up on it. You'll be out of the closet real fast once you make a quick lap around the room.

Darla L
11-21-2019, 12:50 PM
I would accept my wife’s word. SIL was just complaining about how easy men have it compared to women. I think you made the right choice to not talk to SIL at this time. If she indeed follows through and buys you the shoes (she won’t), then you could say something about you couldn’t possibly wear them without an outfit to match. That would just look silly. She could then have the option of taking it a step further, and you would not have outed yourself.

11-21-2019, 01:07 PM
What are the chances of your wife having the converstaion with her sister ? Maybe leave it a while and see what happens .

The other way of approaching could be to ask your sister in law if your wife has said something , that might just open the door for you even if she hasn't brought the conversation up .

11-21-2019, 01:49 PM
I would have to agree with your wife... It is advisable to think through the what could go wrong and how much of those repercussions you would be willing to live with. And yes you can?t unsay anything. If at Christmas you don?t get the heels, you can always make a comment about It and see where it goes from there. Personally I would take it is an I have it worse than you idle threat.

char GG
11-21-2019, 07:48 PM
Since your wife confirmed that her sister does not know, my take on your SIL?s comment is that she was joking around.

You probably have a better chance of Santa Claus bringing you heels rather than think your SIL will choose and pay for heels for you.

11-22-2019, 01:23 PM
Next time say..."I need a new pair of heels. Have some new dresses that I don't have heels for". That would probably do at least 2 things....Shut her up with the heel comments and let her know what you do. It's a easy way of telling someone.

11-24-2019, 09:22 AM
I vote she knows. Confirmation will come when she actually does buy you shoes and they fit...

11-24-2019, 11:00 AM
I recommend saying nothing until Christmas. If her sister brings it up, just smile and go along. Meanwhile, until Christmas, practice, practice, practice walking in heels. Get good at it. Gain the ability to do distances comfortably. Do your housework in heels. Use the practice to figure out if you need to modify your shoes, say with arch supports or padding, to get them as comfortable as possible. Make sure your wife is in on all this. Take your cues from her.

If her sister does not buy you shoes, keep quiet. The time is not right to come out. If her sister does buy you shoes, be gracious and thank her. Then wear them when your wife says to wear them. When her sister sees that you can walk in heels with the best of them, it will either confirm what she already knows or she will wonder why you are so good at walking in heels. Either way, your wife gets what she wants from this situation. And you either need not do not have ?the talk? or it happens on terms favorable to your wife and to you.