View Full Version : More tales of daring do

11-23-2019, 12:22 PM
So today is the last day of my holiday. All in all it's been an excellent time dudes. Today I go ready at a leisurely pace, new shorter skirt, thick black tights and knee length boots, vee necked pullover and quilted jacket.

I headed off to a National Trust property. For those unfamiliar with the NT it's a charitable organisation that owns and maintains many of England's old stately mansions, castles, old industrial sites not to mention huge tracts of land all preserved for posterity.

The one I headed for was Penrhyn castle (https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/penrhyn-castle) which really isn't a castle being built in the 1800's. It's a rich man's show off pad.

The SO and I are members of the NT so using her card I got in free with a female name. I did wonder what the meeters and greeters, who were all lovely, thought.

Now the reason I'm posting this is this was a first for me. A new environment to go enfemme. I've spent the week going here, there and every where but this seemed different. We can disappear in a crowded shop or High St. Easy peasy but this is more intimate especially if you're going around as part of a guided tour as I did. Perhaps a dozen of you, crowded together, spending 45 minutes in close proximity of each other.

I'm sure it will come as no surprise to you that I'm going to report that it was a non event. Folks were polite. Many an "After you" as we moved from room to room. Spider sense didn't detect anyone feeling uncomfortable with my presence. No-one trying to keep their distance.

Hence why I'm writing. I hope that anyone who has a desire to go out but as yet teeters on the threshold takes heart for tales such as this. I've had a wonderful week all in all. No-one was rude to me, on the contrary, I've had many friendly conversations with complete strangers. Years ago I too was one to those hanging back. However, once I'd made that decision to step into the light so to speak I've never looked back.

Can I add this. They say never meet your hero's. Well Thursday evening I attended a social group, where I must add I met up with Polly of this forum, but also one of their number Julie. It was some years ago I was sat chatting to Julie when she said she was off out shopping the next day. My memory is that at that time Julie's presentation left something to be desired. As I've written before, I thought if she can I can, and I did. The very next day I walked into my first shop enfemme and the rest is history as they say.

I can report that Julie's presentation is much improved and she's still going out and about. Anyway I spoke to her and said I owed her a huge debt of thanks and went on to explain why. We parted with a hug that evening.

Polly R
11-23-2019, 02:48 PM
Glad you enjoyed Penrhyn Castle, Helen. Your presentation when I met you on Thursday evening said you've no need to worry about going out amongst the muggles! Yes, Julie's presentation has got better...

11-23-2019, 03:51 PM
I agree that going out and interacting is no big deal. I have been to a few NTS (The Scottish equivalent) and sites such as Jorvik and guides interacted all the time with no issues - I was just treated as a woman would be treated. Most of the visitors to these places would be from the UK. However at Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness, most of the visitors seemed to be American. I was wearing a short floaty skirt with bare legs and I got a lot of double takes some of them displaying mild disapproval. This is the ONLY time this has happened. No one said anything or looked really upset but I was very aware of a cultural change from normal out and about indifference. It was not so bad that I would never do it again - just different.

11-23-2019, 06:31 PM
Yes, Julie's presentation has got better...

Thank goodness that my recollection was correct. I really wondered if I'd been doing her a huge disservice all this time.

I agree that going out and interacting is no big deal. I have been to a few NTS (The Scottish equivalent) and sites such as Jorvik and guides interacted all the time with no issues - I was just treated as a woman would be treated. Most of the visitors to these places would be from the UK. However at Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness, most of the visitors seemed to be American. I was wearing a short floaty skirt with bare legs and I got a lot of double takes some of them displaying mild disapproval. This is the ONLY time this has happened. No one said anything or looked really upset but I was very aware of a cultural change from normal out and about indifference. It was not so bad that I would never do it again - just different.


It's only by doing these things we find out what it's like and as you rightly point out, it's likely to be a rarity for any form of disapproval however mild. Being in close proximity, say as part of a group, doesn't seem to alter the dynamic namely that we can mingle in almost total safety. I say almost because there will always be the exception that proves the rule.

That however isn't a reason for members of our community to stay hidden within their own 4 walls.

11-23-2019, 09:11 PM
Sounds like a wonderful time out. I too vacation as Deandra with my wife and (knock on wood) have had no issues as yet. Yes, I do get the odd, sometimes disparaging look, but I try to remind myself they may just be awed by my stunning appearance. I find that I'm generally treated better as a woman, though I could do without the guys hitting on me. As Helen says, we don't know what it is like until we try it. But like any time we go out in public, it is important to be aware and keep ourselves safe.
Deandra :fairy1:

11-24-2019, 12:53 PM
Good for you!

11-24-2019, 01:19 PM
All good things come to an end , how hard is it going to be to return to days of drab again ?

Thanks for keeping us updated , maybe slide a few pics in next time .

The NT is very trans friendly , so I would have been surprised if you had some problems .

I enjoyed a lovely sunny day out at Tattershall Castle which is also a NT property this summer . We took a picnic and enjoyed the jousting and Knights in combat , we had some fun with a couple of old hags who were part of the entertainmemt . I was with a GG friend and as we passed through the pay desk the sales girl said , " Have a nice day ladies !"