View Full Version : Looking for a Date :eek:

Davina Katherine
12-06-2019, 10:08 AM
I bought two tickets to a local LGBTQIA+ Holiday Gala fund raiser. I'm going en femme, of course!
Turns out my wife already had plans for the evening, so now I have an extra ticket.

As I'm trying to think of someone to ask to be my guest (and my list of eligible persons is very short), an unexpected realization came to me.... I would like to go with a man:eek:

The thought of being all dolled up and accompanied by a man seems very appealing. Unfortunately, there are no male-types on my list.

2B Natasha
12-06-2019, 11:01 AM
And you MIGHT want to run that idea by the wife before you act on it too. Just say’n.

Also. Why did you buy tickets to anything without checking the family schedule?

Davina Katherine
12-06-2019, 11:13 AM
My wife knew I was buying them, and told me to go ahead even if she was unable to go. Its a fund raiser, so we consider it a donation to the non-profit organization.

You are very right, Natasha, no male company without my wife's blessing. Its really just a wild idea.

Debra Russell
12-06-2019, 12:36 PM
In an event the company of a male would just enhance the femm feeling …………………...Debra

12-06-2019, 06:58 PM
Why not invite a crossdressing friend?:thumbsup:

Rhonda Jean
12-06-2019, 07:41 PM
I understand entirely! I understand to the point that I think it'd be a huge mistake to do it even with your wife's blessing, and you shouldn't even ask her! It's just not the territory for a married person.

Davina Katherine
12-07-2019, 07:13 AM
You all are right. It would be problematic to do such a thing. Asking for trouble.
It was more a passing thought, than a real plan.

I have asked a good GG friend and co-worker who knows about Jessie Mae. We're both the same age and my wife has given her blessing. All that remains is if my GG friend is up for a dinner and drag show! She said she was concerned if she would be "out of place". I assured her she would not be the only "normal" person attending. She then realized what she had said, and we both laughed.

Sandi Beech
12-07-2019, 08:57 AM
Trust me that your GG friend would not be out of place at a drag show. I have been to many around the country and sometimes there are more women than men. FYI , if you sit too close to the stage, the drag queens might interview you as they make their rounds. Also make sure you understand that the protocol is to have some single dollar bills handy for tips. I think that?s a much safer thing to do. Your wife might get apprehensive about going out with a man. Besides , she has given approval for your GG friend. I would go with that idea. You will have a blast.


12-07-2019, 10:52 AM
I find it funny that the wife says no to a male partner, but ok to a female while dressed. If you went in drab it would be ok to bring a female, but no to a male? You are married to a female, I assume? "Wife" could mean either these days. Funny how a few pieces of clothing changes things!

Still the "gay" connotation being a CD male. My wife wouldn't let me out of the house with another woman period! I am not sure how she would handle the CD me with a man for a "date" as I don't venture out of the house.

12-07-2019, 11:01 AM
There is something very powerful and exciting about going out to an event with a confident male companion, even if it's just a harmless friend. However, since you are married to a person who is OK with you going out dressed, you don't want to do anything to damage that level of trust. That's quite a gift you have there.

Sometimes Steffi
12-07-2019, 01:33 PM
I thought you were out to a couple.

Maybe he would be willing to accompany you. Your wife couldn't object to that.

12-08-2019, 04:17 AM
I find it funny that the wife says no to a male partner, but ok to a female while dressed. If you went in drab it would be ok to bring a female, but no to a male?

The GG in question is a good friend and coworker, I'm sure known and trusted by the wife, not a "date". If JessieMae were to ask a guy, the appeal of it all (as stated by JessieMae), would make it a date. Big difference.

JessieMae, if my SO asked to have a date with a man and I saw how appealing or exciting the prospect would be, it would certainly raise red flags. I'd be wondering who he was thinking about when we are intimate.

char GG
12-08-2019, 08:01 AM
Just my opinion, but it seems that the thought of going with a male friend kind of gives a ?thrill? for you of acting female and having a real date with a man. Basically using the man as part of a fantasy. Maybe with or without the man?s knowledge that he would be used as the appearance of a man/woman date.

There are many comments on this forum of CDers who want to be treated like a lady when out with a man. Just wondering if this thought process applies to you?

Davina Katherine
12-08-2019, 08:49 AM
Char, its more about the feeling of being all woman. I would never lead a guy on. Not sure what all "treated like a lady" involves, but for me it's just the look and feeling.

I told my wife about the idea, not intending it to be real.
The GG is a friend of both my wife and mine.

Steffi, so far I'm only out to GGs. So there are no "safe" males available!!

It would be nice to have someone to go with me to the party, but either way I'm looking forward to this first time adventure. If I go alone, I'll just have to put on my best "big girl panties" and cinch up my corset and try not to fall off my 4 inch heels and walk in like I own the place!

Don't worry girls, I won't do anything stupid that would violate my beautiful GG SO's trust.
She is one in a million.

Jessie Mae

01-06-2020, 12:15 AM
What you needed was a woman en homme to flaunt you in his arms...within reason, seeing that you are married.