View Full Version : Compliment from dollar store clerk on my first outing...sort of

12-07-2019, 01:57 PM
I sometimes joke that I live in a one feed mill town but in reality the population is around 20k and we have all the typical fast food and retail outlets, it's just too small for downtown foot traffic aka a night life. Yesterday my wife went and stayed somewhere overnight so I was able to shop and do a photo session. I spent the day cleaning while dressed in a bra and thong and I had the time and privacy to wash and dry all of my girly clothes and organize everything. I had an opportunity to practice makeup with emphasis on the eyes as they're the most difficult things to master. After I did my eyes (in a subtle and age appropriate look) I decided to go to the dollar store and see if I could find some nail polish that matched some new lipstick and see if they had some panty hose. I had done my nails in clear coat earlier in the day as like to protect them and make them look nicer and clear is great for that. I had been wearing a bra while doing housework but that is new to me (in spite of my moobs approaching a C) so I opted for my thong as under dressing. I was wearing a necklace and some subtle earrings (I have pierced ears) but I decided to remove them but in retrospect it wouldn't have made any difference, my subtle feminine touches were noticed.

I still feel like a teenager trying to buy condoms when I shop but that fear is starting to ease and yesterday was a lesson about how bending my presentation can take unanticipated turns. I was nervous but on a mission so I throw some nail polish, women's decorative reading glasses and bracelets in my basket and decided to check out. I'm standing in line and there's a display case with earrings on the end cap so I grabbed a few packages of those as well. The guy in front of me in line looked like a weight lifter and he kept turning around looking in my basket and I could feel him checking me out after he'd glance in my basket but he never said a word. Finally it's my turn and the lady at the register I'm guessing is in her early 60's and she obviously put a lot of effort into her appearance in a subtle age appropriate sort of way. She looked at my purchases and starts complimenting me on how pretty the earrings I selected are loud enough for everyone in line to hear our conversation. She caught me totally off guard so I mumble and stumble and sensing my discomfort she noticed the rings I'm wearing on both hands and tells me they're pretty. I'm a low key under the radar person and it took a few seconds but I realized that the best thing to do was smile, thank her for the compliment and don't ascribe ulterior motives as I believe she was being sincere and I should not hesitate to shop there, especially on her shift.

Takeaways are that It's amazing to be able to spend a whole day planning, shopping, and dressing. The feeling it gave me can best be described as a drug and I want more.

12-07-2019, 04:53 PM
Another genie out of it's bottle. It is such a great feeling of elation when you make those first tentative moves. I'm sure there's much more to come. Have fun.

12-07-2019, 06:23 PM
Thank you for the encouragement. It was an admittedly baby step but it felt good to break the ice even if only in a small way and I was compelled to share the experience. Next week's high temps dive down to the -0's F so I won't be taking any strolls anytime soon but each week seems to bring some new milestone lately. I suspect that the regular members on here have seen the tire kickers come and go so I realize it will take some perseverance on my part to become a recognized name on this forum.

Tracii G
12-07-2019, 07:07 PM
Well many of us have been where you are now so we understand how you feel.
Really don't need to know what kind of underwear you have on just sayin'.

Lana Mae
12-07-2019, 07:20 PM
Star, you are out there now and there is no going back! It will get better and better! Everyone had to start some where! Congrats on a good start! Hugs Lana Mae

12-07-2019, 07:31 PM
Looks like your small step out to the Dollar Store became one giant leap. Enjoy your new found freedom!

12-07-2019, 07:38 PM
I apologize for the undies reference Tracii G but my feet weren't touching the ground and I thought it might be on account of my magic undies. Unfortunately I was wrong, the actual magical culprit was some kind of a pink fog.

Majella St Gerard
12-07-2019, 08:53 PM
Pink fog is thick 😄

Tracii G
12-07-2019, 10:01 PM
We all know about the fog for sure.LOL
Your encounter with the big guy in line is how most guys are they don't care how you are dressed and yes they know you are male but its not a big deal these days.

12-07-2019, 11:19 PM
I'm happy you're happy, Star. But, what makes u think she noticed your "fem touches" by her comments?

I think if she mentioned your nail polish, makeup, bra or undies, :heehee:, THEN I would have assumed she noticed them!:daydreaming:
Otherwise, she just mite have been being nice in a conversational way!:)