View Full Version : Finally came out to ALOT of friends on social media.

12-17-2019, 12:07 AM
Well, sorry I sort of up and disappeared. Life has completely gotten in the way as usual. But, Just like the subject line said. This is a Big step for me. The last month has been crazy. A personal friend of mine whos a female. has helped me get the confidence and strength to come out and be myself. To work on telling selective friends about Kaylin. Yep, I been coming out to a ton of friends on my personal social media fb messenger. So what was the outcome this far? You wanna know? Pretty Outstanding!! Everyone out of 25 people that know this far that now know, in the last week. Have been open arms to me and super excited. I was shaking in fear when writing messages to them, telling them my story. Heres a message that was written to me by a close female friend of mine. I grew up with this person. Known her since I was kid. She didn't know a Thing until today. I never told her a thing before. I even dated this person when I was a teenager.

Here is what she said to me coming out as Kaylin:

"If someone is going to give you bad advice about it, or laugh or be an ass about it. They were never your friend or even family. they are supposed to understand and be there and be supportive and want you to keep going with whatever makes you happy, it's not drug-related it's not anything that's going to hurt you, or your family. I think you should just rock on with it you look totally fantastic and beautiful! I love it."

So when in fear. Don't Ever let others tell you different!! This was only one of several messages I got from friends like this. Very much similar. Anyways I will be back again soon. Life has been crazy busy. Again, if I don't return by xmas. Hope you all have a fabulous holiday coming up.

Take care

12-17-2019, 01:13 AM
That is so awesome, so happy for you Kaylin

Stevie Allyn
12-17-2019, 04:14 AM
Congratulations. Seems you have some wonderful friends. Have a great holiday.

12-17-2019, 05:36 AM
Sounds like you have the best support network any girl could ask for! Thank you for your encouraging story. Congrats!

Rogina B
12-17-2019, 05:55 AM
Out as ? Yes,it matters....

12-17-2019, 06:44 AM
Kaylin, Your friends comments. That is a true friend.

Crissy 107
12-17-2019, 06:50 AM
Kaylin, Such a huge step and so far so good, Congrats!

Angela Marie
12-17-2019, 06:58 AM
Wow!!! Congrats. And how awesome is that to have such great friends. I have often thought about coming out to some female friends of mine but my wife, who is supportive of my dressing, is hesitant so I defer to her wishes.

Kay J
12-17-2019, 07:19 AM
Kaylin that is fabulous that your friends are ok with you coming out but after i re-read this you said social media does that include family and the wife?
I'am so happy for you and i give you the best of luck girl and congratulations! ;)

12-17-2019, 07:30 AM
That is so amazing but if I may ask have you told your parents and the rest of the family? if not is it possible they will find out from FB before you get a chance to tell them? IMHO I would err on the side of telling family first rather than later

12-17-2019, 08:36 AM
What a great message from your friend! I admire your willingness to step farther out into the light via social media.

Denise S
12-17-2019, 08:48 AM
Wow Kaylin, congratulations. You must have wonderful friends. Your friend is right you are beautiful.

12-17-2019, 09:25 AM
Thank you Laides! To clarify a few things, yes on social media. Which has basically all my personal friends and family on my friends list. So what I did was, I selected a certain first ring group of friends. Which was 25 of 200 on there. Dropped each a similar message. I need a support group that's not only much closer to me and local. But also to be there to support me for coming drag performances as well. So you gotta remember I am also actively a drag queen as well. But to have to hide that, is something I don't want to do. I am Very proud of the drag runs I came up with. My wife is also another one that is extremely supportive. She told a bunch of her friends that I was a crossdresser & drag queen. They all reached out to me and were sweet. Yes, My family does know as well. They have now known for awhile. Some of my Male friends also were told too. That was Super tough! But they were open minded and open arms. They know I'm a great person and have nothing but support and love for me. Believe me, I was prepared for the worse!! But this isn't over yet. That's about it for now, Thanks again ladies!

- - - Updated - - -

Out as ? Yes,it matters....

Read beyond the subject line. That matters even more.

Crissy 107
12-17-2019, 03:27 PM
Kaylin, I am so happy for you, there is no doubt you are a good person and I feel that is one of the reasons you are getting such positive feedback.

12-17-2019, 04:31 PM
Thank you Crissy :)

Rogina B
12-17-2019, 09:13 PM
Read beyond the subject line. That matters even more.
"Out" as a drag performer and crossdresser. And,you can expect a larger audience from telling them. I get that. When someone posts "out" here,it can mean many things....

12-17-2019, 11:24 PM
Glad you have some wonderful friends who are supportive, but still you have to be careful who might think differently.

12-17-2019, 11:46 PM
Thank you Xam. Absolutely though. I am being very careful and picky as I been sort of going along here. I have cousins and certain aunts and uncles that I refuse to tell. Unfortunately some of them are on my list. I haven't did a direct news feed post. But what I did do, was I messaged a group personally on fb messenger. My cousin who is trans. Also has my back as of this evening. She understands and knows what it's like and how hypocritical people can be even to crossdressers and people in the drag scene. It's out of the so called norm. But,
The first group was a definite homerun with all the positive responses. Whewww... but yes I am totally being careful and watching this by every step neccessary and prepared for any little backlash. Cause I am setting myself up for it to take it. I'm only doing around 25% of my list. Not gonna push further than that.

Regina, I understand what you are saying by all means.

Yeah overall I have a Very strong network of support. And it's been wonderful. My friend added me into a private fb group that is for both guys and girls for makeup and clothing etc. I have run into sooo many crossdressers. It's been phenomenal being on there. I was able to invite some of my personal friends and let them see what its like being one of us. As they are reading stories of what we go through etc.. the understanding of it all has been Amazing!! Some folks from this site I have ran into on there as well. So yeah... I am very grateful for my support, and from here and there!!!!

Tracii G
12-18-2019, 12:41 AM
Sounds pretty positive to me.
The hard part is over at least.

Jean 103
12-18-2019, 12:46 AM
That's very nice to have such support and acceptance. It really speaks to the person you are.

Some things become easier when you are out, like not worrying about answering the door.

Best wishes


12-18-2019, 01:02 AM
Thanks Jean and Tracii. Even if its only 25% of the personal list group. It really is a Tremendous step. :)

12-19-2019, 01:30 AM
Fantastic! That must have been monumentally hard, but now you've passed that hurdle with flying colors. Things can only get better for you, now that your confidence has been given a boost. Congratulations!

12-19-2019, 06:56 AM
OMG Kaylin! This is such wonderful news! Your friends are truly amazing.

12-19-2019, 08:50 AM
That is super awesome. Congratulations. Sounds like you know how to pick friends.


12-19-2019, 09:38 AM
Wonderful. This is happy news and inspirational for the rest of us. Really happy for you.

12-20-2019, 08:17 AM
Hey thank you so much ladies. I very much appreciate the comments. Ya my friends have been open arms and wonderful. My cousin knows now too. And shes been Amazing to me. I now slowed down on telling people. I didn't want to go over my head. I'm pretty comfortable now with the group that knows. Hope you all have a great Christmas coming up.

12-20-2019, 10:22 AM
Merry Christmas, Kaylin. I wish you continued growth and happiness in the new year!

12-21-2019, 01:42 AM
Awww Thank you soo much Kim!! :) and I hope you have yourself a great Christmas coming up! As well as to the rest of you ladies here. Coming up fast! And my shopping is done. Thank god for that.