View Full Version : My vanilla aunt is in town lol

Palaina Nocturnus
12-17-2019, 04:18 PM
My whole family is from Los Angeles but my immediate family moved to Phoenix years ago. Sometimes family will visit and stay a few weeks and it's never any trouble. And then there's my aunt.

My aunt is very vanilla, very controlling and strict. She retired as a DA investigator for the County of Los Angeles. She came to visit so I decided to have some fun lol

So far she has not seen me in anything remotely close to being considered men's clothing. At first I just kept it to lingerie under my bath robe. She said I looked lazy and homeless wearing the robe all day, not one word about my garter belts that are blue and have strings that twist down each leg.

Now I've progressed to wearing my padded bra with everything all day every day. Tonight, and moving forward, I'm going to be wearing my makeup daily lol

Why am I doing this? For once in my life she doesn't know what to say, how to react or what to do. It's funny but for the first time ever she is actually talking to me like an adult and I'm 43 lol

Ahhhhh good times

Leslie Langford
12-17-2019, 04:31 PM
Sure, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, as they say...:eek: :doh:

Palaina, you do realize that given your aunt's character and value systems, she is struggling mightily to internalize her gut reactions to all this what amounts to uncharted territory for her, and the way you are gleefully messing with her. Clearly, it's only a matter of time before her head explodes, so you have to ask yourself...do you really want to have that mess to clean up? :heehee: :daydreaming:

12-17-2019, 04:37 PM
I have to agree with Leslie, it's never a good idea to poke a bear even if it's a soft stick.

If you want to come out, then come out and let the chips fall. Don't be so passive aggressive.

Majella St Gerard
12-17-2019, 05:07 PM
I'm with Palaina on this, My House, My Rules, although not even I would push the envelope that much.

Alice Torn
12-17-2019, 06:14 PM
If any of my siblings found out i CD'd, it would be a living hell for me.

12-17-2019, 06:23 PM
My though is that even strict, vanilla, no-bs people reciprocate kindness, honesty and consideration. If you?re wearing a bathrobe all day with garters hanging visibly beneath, its not a very welcoming message. Its more along the lines of I can?t be troubled by getting myself dressed just because you are here....and just to irritate you I?ll let some not so subtle hints dangle beneath my robe.

Sounds like she is a smart and capable person. Maybe it would be a good idea to show her you welcome her presence and respect her intelligence by getting dressed and having a forthright discussion of your gender identity.

Palaina Nocturnus
12-17-2019, 06:50 PM
As strict as she may be, we still have fun and laugh. Trust me, if there was a problem I would already know about it. I've lived with her before so the bathrobe comment was nothing new at all. She is super blunt, the fun is watching her put the pieces together from my past. We have family that cause huge problems and hurt people so me dressing in womens clothing around her is not a big deal.

If I had no respect for her she wouldn't still be nice and respectful when we do sit down and talk.

Vanilla, strict, controlling.....if done right you can exhibit these behaviors and not be a total jerk. Her chemical imbalance makes her 10 times more hyper than my 2.5 year old lol so no matter what she's unpredictable and insane lol

I appreciate the comments trying to give advice but I wasn't seeking that. I shared my story cuz I'm having fun at no ones expense.


12-18-2019, 06:42 AM
Well said. I understand. It would be difficult to explain the nuances of your relationship on a message board, so I defer to trusting your judgement instead of mine.

12-18-2019, 11:50 AM
Com'on. An LA investigator. She has seen it and if not herself she has dealt with people who have. Let her come to you at here own good time.

12-18-2019, 12:11 PM
You have to remember your aunt was an investigator. That meant she was paid to gather factual information and not offer opinions. By your actions you are bleeding out a little more information every time you add another element of your "transition." I hope you continue to report your progress and finally appear totally glamorous in wig, heels, hosiery, dress and makeup. If she is talking to you as an adult, perhaps she is using her investigative skills to learn more information. When you're finally finished with the sloooooooooow transition maybe she will make an assessment of your actions.

Debra Russell
12-18-2019, 12:30 PM
Love the scenario, sounds like a fun leg pull :eek: have fun with it and give your aunt a hug ………………………………… Debra :thumbsup:

12-18-2019, 12:50 PM
I find this interesting. I hope you let us know how it goes!

12-19-2019, 01:25 AM
Please. The woman is a former DA investigator. What hasn't she seen? The only variation is that it's now in her own family. And as as public servant, she knows how to keep a civil tongue in her head. It could be lots of fun going way out there and watching her reaction.

Palaina Nocturnus
12-19-2019, 06:01 PM
In my family, we love to laugh and Express our feelings to each other. She's always seen me in a very different light, I used to run with very bad people, so believe me she'd rather see me how I am no compared to back then.

Oh she finally made a comment, we saw a commercial for some womens shoes that were pretty and she said aloud with a smile "I know Brian would like those!"

19 years ago i never would've said a man was any word associated with attraction. Now i say a guy is cute, she just agreed with me but gave me a surprised look. That was years ago when I went to stay with her for a couple of days. That was 2 or 3 visits ago.

Thank you to everyone enjoying the ride lol btw my hair is very long so no need for a wig! I'll keep you posted on the next step, makeup lol