View Full Version : Yet another I went to the ER and no one cared post

01-23-2020, 07:27 AM
Tuesday evening I was having dinner with my wife and experienced a shooting pain across the top of my skull, followed by vertigo and one side of my face going numb. Well off to the ER where I am triaged as a possible stroke. In the exam room with three nurses and two female doctors and wife, one of the nurses says put on this exam gown. I am wearing silver satin panties with lace edging. Not a word said. No one cared, even me. I was more concerned with my health.

Well the end of the story is I had gone to the chiropractor earlier in the day and the manipulation caused issues with the facial nerve extending from my neck. Two days later I still have a numbness but otherwise in good health.

In hind sight, the only thing I am glad of, is that there were no male nurses or doctors in the room. May have made me a little more squeamish about the situation.

char GG
01-23-2020, 07:46 AM
I'm glad you are feeling better and your underwear was not an issue. I'm sure the medical professionals were more concerned with your health.

On a side note, you are the third story I have personally heard of where it was determined that a chiropractic manipulation caused complications. Coincidence?

01-23-2020, 08:16 AM
I am fairly sure that any doctor in an ER in Washington DC area has seen just about everything. Hope your recovery is complete

01-23-2020, 08:20 AM
Glad to hear you're ok, Jamie!! As for what you were wearing, I'm sure it wasn't the first time a male patient came in wearing panties.

Teri Ray
01-23-2020, 08:23 AM
To heck with the panties. Just happy that you are well and in good health. Be careful with the Chiropractor, they can be scary.

bridget thronton
01-23-2020, 09:06 AM
Hope you return to pain free health soon

Lana Mae
01-23-2020, 09:10 AM
Wow,Jamie, glad it was nothing more serious! Male or female they are there for you and not really caring if you are wearing panties or not! Glad you are OK! Hugs Lana Mae

01-23-2020, 10:13 AM
On a side note, you are the third story I have personally heard of where it was determined that a chiropractic manipulation caused complications. Coincidence?

Happy to hear your panty escapade was uneventful. I'll stick with my basic black or white Vanity Fair panties. Anyway, I was told by a VA chiropractor who took x-rays of my spine to never let anyone manipulate my spine or else I could end up paralyzed. The condition I have was not diagnosed for over sixty years. Anyone contemplating a manipulation of the spine should be seen by a doctor for a proper diagnosis before any manipulation.

01-23-2020, 10:33 AM
As much as I hate to go off topic, I have to agree with Stephanie. Those bone crackers aren't even doctors.

But one thing I have noticed is. When people start getting their back cracked, it never ends. They need to keep going back again and again. They are never fixed or cured

I have what they used to call a "slipped disk" in my back. Once properly diagnosed. I had one cortisone injection in my spine and I was basically cured.

Tracii G
01-23-2020, 11:40 AM
Glad you figured out what the issue was and that you are ok.
Regular doctors mess up too but there are a lot of wives tails about chiropractors.
I would not be walking if it wasn't for chiropractic care.
If it weren't for an excellent chiropractor I would be on opiates and bent over with a spine fused with arthritis and cracked vertebrae at L5 and T4.
Keeping your spine in alignment is very important for overall health.
I don't get physically manipulated like you see some chiros do, mine uses a small tool to push the vertebrae back in to place.

01-23-2020, 12:20 PM
But back to the original topic. I know an ER nurse, and I tell you what. A man showing up in the ER wearing woman's clothing of any type (just panties to full DRAG) is one of the least disturbing things they will see on any given night.

I dare to say we think too much of ourselves.

01-23-2020, 01:04 PM
I am glad that the cause of your pain was identified. I hope the numbness goes away soon. I suspect that nurses have "seen it all".

Tracii G
01-23-2020, 01:28 PM
Yeah they have seen a whole lot worse that a guy wearing women's clothes.

Crissy 107
01-23-2020, 01:28 PM
Jaime, Glad to hear it was not too serious and yep they have seen it all.

01-23-2020, 01:42 PM
Glad to hear your ok.
I think that Dr's and nurses have about seen it all in this day and age
so really no one cares anymore

Majella St Gerard
01-23-2020, 02:01 PM
Glad you are OK but what were you expecting? That they would point and laugh.

01-23-2020, 02:32 PM
Glad you are OK but what were you expecting? That they would point and laugh.

It has happened in my dreams.

01-23-2020, 02:42 PM
Hi Jamie, firstly it's very reassuring to know that you are ok. :thumbsup:
It's also great to read that the staff were professional and treated you with respect.

01-23-2020, 04:26 PM
Glad to hear you are doing well and your underwear was a non-issue.

01-23-2020, 04:39 PM
Glad you are OK but what were you expecting? That they would point and laugh.

Well that has sorta happened to me. A few years ago I went to the ER with chest pains. The ER staff was very professional, but I was later taken down to "Nuke Med" to have my heart imaged.

While I was there unknown to me there was a guy out in the waiting area wearing a cape because he was going to be "Radioactive Man" after his imaging. My wife told me about him

While I was being imaged I over heard the nurse that brought me down and another nurse talking...

Nurse1: "Did you see the guy on the cape?"

My nurse :"See that guy over there?"
Points in my direction, and says rather loudly "Panties!!!", and they both have a good giggle....

If I wasn't so whacked out on Morphine i would have told them both where to go.

01-23-2020, 06:21 PM
Glad you are ok!

01-23-2020, 09:34 PM
Glad to hear that you are doing ok.

Sandi Beech
01-24-2020, 12:18 AM
Hey Jamie. I hope you are back to normal and doing well again. I just thought I would share this with you as it will make you laugh. I had been suntanning in a black bra and panties in my backyard whenever my wife went to the grocery or wherever last summer. She never busted me for it. I had a pretty decent bra tan. Very noticeable with my shirt off. So I was working 1500 miles from home one week last summer and got food poisoning and landed in the ER. Well guess who had to take his shirt off and put on one of those flimsy blue tops with a bikini top tan. Good lord I changed tops fast so no one would see. Too funny now, but at the time not so. I was quite embarrassed about it.

Take care,


01-24-2020, 07:59 AM
Glad you are OK but what were you expecting? That they would point and laugh.

Hey - it happens. In my case, I was in motorcycle crash while underdressed in panties. Sliding across the pavement tore my pants open.

The paramedic was a nervous wreck. Though it could have been my injuries, I doubt it - after all he WAS a paramedic and I wasn't hurt that badly.

The X-ray techs pulled my pants open to peek down inside - and showed each other. They claimed they were checking for injuries - yeah right. Not their job.

I overheard the ER doctor loudly proclaiming that he "wasn't about to admit one of those into the hospital." (yes, I was sent home)

True, this was YEARS ago, and I'm glad that things have improved since then. Still -I'll always remember, and don't want a repeat experience to "test the waters."

01-24-2020, 08:22 AM
I am relieved you are doing better. Yikes what a scare! I know a few hospital workers, and they say that they have seen it all, I really doubt it was of concern or even worth a comment in the lounge. I have also heard about and seen some pretty amazing x-rays about oral... Hum, I better leave that out. Just happy you are getting better. This place is better with you. Take care

01-24-2020, 08:33 AM
Glad you are OK but what were you expecting? That they would point and laugh.

I'm glad you're OK, too. One thing that I know from having lived in the DC area is that the medical care is top shelf.
These threads always remind me of the time I was caught off guard by an unexpected (ehem) finger wave. There was a smirky chuckle when my flowery panties were exposed.

01-24-2020, 02:37 PM
Toe nails polished in red..Dermatologist said the full body scan meant taking off my socks. She said,"Oh, how pretty!" Hospital nurse had to attach a feed to my ankle. Sock came off. He smiled and said, "not a problem. frequently seen on guys."

01-24-2020, 07:09 PM
I hate to be disagreeable but I am highly in favor of chiropractic care. Doctors mainly manipulate you chemically while chiropractors manipulate you mechanically. Your body consists of both aspects so you need both types of doctors. Like any doctor, though, one should throughly vet any type of doctor before employing their services. There are a lot of witch doctors out there in all types of medicine.

Maria 60
01-25-2020, 12:04 PM
Well all around I'm glad your ok and hope you feel better soon, and I believe I wouldn't have worried about my panties at that time but I'm not any better. Sounds like you handled it great I probably would have had a heartache if I was seen like that. Hope you feel better soon.

Crissy 107
01-25-2020, 12:16 PM
Toe nails polished in red..Dermatologist said the full body scan meant taking off my socks. She said,"Oh, how pretty!" Hospital nurse had to attach a feed to my ankle. Sock came off. He smiled and said, "not a problem. frequently seen on guys."
Jenny, You made me smile with this one! Good for you!

01-25-2020, 12:22 PM
Sorry they treated you like that that was meen :(

- - - Updated - - -

So im not alone in my dreams :)

- - - Updated - - -

I am sure they all have other things to worry about....I would hope, then again its a rush to get caught sometimes

01-25-2020, 03:02 PM
Ladies, Thank you all for the well wishes on my health.

Kandi Robbins
01-25-2020, 07:10 PM
Obviously, in a circumstance like that, who care what one is wearing.

Most importantly, you are well and that's all that matters.

01-25-2020, 09:36 PM
Over the years I've had health care professionals who knew I wore women's clothes to various degrees. My chiropractor's assistance. She was sliding a vibration device toward my tailbone and discovered my lace panties. My chiropractor was removing it one day and snapped my Vanity Fair brief. One day she and I were sitting talking and we both had on the same tennis shoes jeans and t-shirt. Totally bye happenstance. She looks at me and says wow we are dressed alike. I joked and said, more than people would guess.

I had a physical therapist who knew I dressed. I had to go through sever therapy for recovery. She was cool with it.

Melanie Therese
01-26-2020, 07:06 AM
There are many people/professions I don?t care if they know or not, but the ER is one I am worried about as although my wife knows, she also knows a hell of a lot of people that work in ER?s near here through her profession. I don?t want my dressing to have any impact on her or my kids.
Also glad you are OK. Relieved my recent trip I had already changed to drab pyjamas before me wife had to call an Ambulance (but I did have to miss a concert for a band I was looking forward to seeing)