View Full Version : does your father know

claire angie
03-28-2006, 02:43 PM
how meny off you girls can tell me if their dad's know that they crossdress?
as when my father was alive i know he did not know that i am a crossdresser.
now as i posted a reply yesterday i told you that i don't think my mother konws but might suspect, and that my sister doe's know, i'm not totaly sure she hasn't told her. now when it come's to my brother , again i know for sure he dosen't know, so anyone had a bad experience?

claire :doll: xx

03-28-2006, 03:37 PM
I know my Sister know I was out suning in the back yard in just a black thong and she came to visit and when I did not answer the door she came around to the back and saw me. Nothing has ever been said, but I don't know it she has said anyting to either of my parents or my two brothers or any of the rest of her family. No one has said anything to me. My daughter also knows she help my wife pick out a red bra and panties set for my birthday once.


03-28-2006, 03:57 PM
Yes, my father knows how I look. Everyone in my family knows that I look like a woman.

03-28-2006, 05:11 PM
how meny off you girls can tell me if their dad's know that they crossdress?
as when my father was alive i know he did not know that i am a crossdresser.
now as i posted a reply yesterday i told you that i don't think my mother konws but might suspect, and that my sister doe's know, i'm not totaly sure she hasn't told her. now when it come's to my brother , again i know for sure he dosen't know, so anyone had a bad experience?

claire :doll: xx
I had a bad experience that involved my being a crossdresser when I came out. My sister was having some major issues with marriage and finances and felt that she was a real screw up. She said she wished she could have a perfect life like me because I was so perfect. I had myself been fighting with the realization that I was a closet dresser and I wanted to come out because it just haunted me 24/7 knowing that someday someone would catch me. I did want my family to know and understand that I was a crossdresser and that it is something you are just borned with. It turned out to be a real big mistake to tell my sister because she then went to everyone and told them what I was and the whole family pretty much disowned me. She used my confession to make herself look better in the eyes of the family. I had already pretty much come out with the help of my untrustworthy sister so I figured at this point that I was not going to back down to a very narrow minded and unloving family. It took a year or more but I did win and everyone in the family including my dad said they were sorry and would I please forgive them. I did get by this horrible time and now I am glad I did what I did. All of us crossdressers should be able to live happily without being condemned for being who we are. We are some of the most understanding, loving, trustworthy and real people on this planet because we chose to be who we are not what everyone else wants us to be. P.S. I have been married to a beautiful lady for over 30 years and she does stand behind me 100% including to help me dress or shop. This is the first time I have been on a chat line so I had alot to say. Hope I didnt offend anyone with my rambling. Will

Helen MC
03-28-2006, 05:19 PM
No way Jose! I left home at 18 , so for 35 years I have been able to suit myself in what I wear at home and in my wearing panties 24/7 and my gather has had no authority over me in that time, I would never tell him. It would do neither him nor me no good whatsoever for him to know so I will let him go to the grave unknowing as happened as far as I am aware with my mother. My sister Anne, now aged 55, may possibly know but has said anything to me nor anyone else as far as I am aware.

Phoebe Reece
03-28-2006, 05:20 PM
I told my mother and father some 30 years ago. That was a big mistake in my case as it did not go down well at all. We ultimately reached a "don't ask, don't tell" arrangement where if I didn't discuss it again, neither would they. That truce has lasted through the present day.

Around the same time my wife and I told her parents about my crossdressing and they had no problem with it at all. Over the years they saw me dressed a number of times without incident.

03-28-2006, 05:22 PM
NO ONE in my family (except for my wife knows) For good reason I might add.


03-28-2006, 05:34 PM
how meny off you girls can tell me if their dad's know that they crossdress?
as when my father was alive i know he did not know that i am a crossdresser.
now as i posted a reply yesterday i told you that i don't think my mother konws but might suspect, and that my sister doe's know, i'm not totaly sure she hasn't told her. now when it come's to my brother , again i know for sure he dosen't know, so anyone had a bad experience?

claire :doll: xx
I have had a bad experience with coming out.I told my sister believing that I could trust her to be my first close contact with my family about my crossdressing. She immediately went and told everyone in the family about it and they all replyed,each in their own nagetive way.One of my sisters even wrote me a letter suggesting that I get professional help and learn to keep my weirdness to myself. It took almost two years but I did stand behind the fact that I was not weird and dared the family to show proof that I was. I the end everyone of them including my dad did each come to me and appologize for how they had acted. I have held jobs that most men could not even phyically do in some of the most extreme climates and I chose to still be myself not some mocho male with a huge male ego. We crossdressers are some of the most trustworthy, sensitive, friendly, helpful people on this planet and in my opinion have done nothing but good anyone we touch. Will

Kathie C
03-28-2006, 05:52 PM
Yep, My dad caught me when I was thirteen. I was wearing my mom's green cocktail dress complete with stockings and a garter belt. (it was the mid 60's) I was putting on makeup when my dad unexpectedly came home and caught me. He just said don't let your mother find out.

Lisa Marie
03-28-2006, 06:10 PM
Yep I think my dad knows I dress up. He watches down on me all the time. I just hope he isent disappointed but I dont think that he is. My dad passed away when I was 9 and after that was then I started dressing.

Wendy me
03-28-2006, 06:16 PM
well telling dad would not be worth it he has parkersons and denmeture it would confuse him and i would have to tell him every day as he forgets what happened yesterday so i don't think it would do anyone any good to tell him....

03-28-2006, 06:52 PM
My father or anyone close to me knows about Michelle - or so i think. when i was young and lived at home I had some close encounters. They would come home unexpectedly, sister or mom noticing their panties gone. things like that. I hope they don't know about it because they aren't very open-minded even thought they DO love me a lot.

03-28-2006, 06:59 PM
I do not know who my real father is, the man that adopted me, well the last time we spoke was 17 years ago.

Others in my family that knows or suspects. My mother knows. I told my sister a month or so ago. My kids know.

Everyone else well they don't know, but if asked I wouldn't lie.

03-28-2006, 07:19 PM
My father does not know I crossdress. I am afraid of what that information may do to him, or his and my relationship. However, my mother, sister, son, and oldest nefews know. I just cant seem to get myself to tell my father.

Kristen Kelly
03-28-2006, 07:50 PM
No one in my family knows and now that Im dressing more Im afraid 1 day someone that knows them will see me or word will get back. My mom once caught me dressing when I was 9 years old wearing her bra and girdle. She still tells the story to this day, would love to tell her that I still do dress, she is open minded but afraid to take that chance..

03-28-2006, 08:10 PM
I have told everyone in my family except my father. We have a real close relationship and I don't want to jepordize it. I know for a fact that he wouldn't understand, so I have never told him. Sometimes I wished that I could tell him but mostly I think "what would I gain from telling him" and the answer is "nothing". Like the old saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

03-28-2006, 08:13 PM
God no!

Dead 20 years, he'd find a way to get up out of the ground and find me -
but maybe's he's learned something in all that time and would approve:)

03-28-2006, 08:59 PM
I really doubt it. He went to his cremation urn without our having ever discussed it. My mother caught me many times, and it was never accepted. She was determined that I grow out of it. So I pretended to, for her. She will go to her grave living in fantasyland.

My brother is a problem. Living with me, recovering from traumatic brain injury, he may find out, and tell mother. I could lose the inheritance. I just have to be very discreet.

Some things are best left only for one's loving spouse.



03-28-2006, 09:42 PM
My father caught me once when I was a kid, wearing a gold corduroy jumper, but nothing was said.

I visiited his grave while "dressed" and told him about his "daughter" he never knew.


barbie lanai
03-28-2006, 10:30 PM
Told my dad. He treated me like a long lost daughter. He was so happy about the daughter that he mentioned to his friends, and my cousin & wife. So it spread more than I would have wanted. But now if they were to drop by the house while I'm dressed, I wouldn't have heart failure.

03-28-2006, 10:40 PM
Told my dad. He treated me like a long lost daughter. He was so happy about the daughter that he mentioned to his friends, and my cousin & wife. So it spread more than I would have wanted. But now if they were to drop by the house while I'm dressed, I wouldn't have heart failure.

Yeah but Barbie, you look good.
I can't ever see me telling my family, they are very deep rooted christians.
Holy ghost and everything. So my wife and I will be the only ones to know about this side of me. I wouldn't care if my mother in law knew, my wife had already told her I wear panties anyway.

03-28-2006, 10:50 PM
if my dad knew i would be out of the house in a heartbeat.it's pretty secretive with my dressing.


03-28-2006, 10:53 PM
When I was a young teenager, I slept in the basement, my father came and woke me one morning by pulling the covers off me, I was wearing a night gown which he suddenly ripped off me. I had never seen my father so upset, I was very worried. He never told my mom, but our relationship quickly became very ugly, and for 2 years I was abused by him until I was big enough to stop him.
Now I am the father and my son is the CD, I hope I do a better job with him

03-29-2006, 03:33 AM
Yes he knows. He also seems to know alot about the transgender world also just by the questions he asked me about it. Things that make you go hmmm ;)