View Full Version : Afraid of Facebook

02-03-2020, 02:54 PM
I have FB account as a guy for family and friends. I want to set one up for my femme self so I can join in with other girls and become more informed of what's going on in our CD world. BUT, I'm afraid of something leaking into my boy account that would out me to family and friends.

How can I set up a CD femme account and be safe?

02-03-2020, 02:57 PM
Use a different server and email address for each account.:thumbsup:

Sandi Beech
02-03-2020, 03:07 PM
I don?t use Facebook at all , but if I did, I would use a different computer, and different everything else like email address etc. Then I would use a VPN service to connect to them; otherwise they can match your other email addresses to the same IP at your house if you use a service like Comcast. Even though they use DHCP, cable modem addresses rarely change and can be cross referenced to other email accounts when ordering things online. Remember that stuff is sold and passed around so you can get more adds.


02-03-2020, 03:13 PM
I?m very concerned about Facebook, which is why I?m not a part.

Tracii G
02-03-2020, 03:29 PM
Jenny use a different email address and server for your girl account on Facebook.
The very important thing to do to is block your male account from the female account and there will be no crossover or leaking from your boy account.
I have had mine set up that way for at least 10 years and once I blocked my male account there has been no crossing of info.
Be sure to block you male account FROM your female account.

02-03-2020, 03:42 PM
The main thing to remember to prevent "cross contamination" is nothing in either account can be the same.

You can't "like" any of the same people, places, or things on both accounts. As your female account will be recommend as "someone you may know" to people who like the same things, attend the same events, and live in the same community.

02-03-2020, 03:50 PM
Never look up your female account from your male account.... you and your friends might get "friend suggestion"

Iris Tse
02-03-2020, 03:54 PM
Never look up your female account from your male account.... you and your friends might get "friend suggestion"

Very true and great advice!

02-03-2020, 04:07 PM
Jenny ,
I don't use any social media sites , I'm afraid I don't trust them or agree with their terms of business .

02-03-2020, 04:13 PM
Having 2 different facebook accounts is no different than 2 people having their own accounts.

on a computer you can sign into one in one type of browser (chrome, firefox, MS Edge, Safari, Opera.....etc.) for your regular stuff, then another browser type for your CD stuff

On a mobile device you will have to sign out of the facebook app and sign back on. I would caution that your photos may mix. I just have an less expensive mobile device that I sign on with for facebook and take selfies, upload to instagram. etc.

Make sure you review the privacy settings for your account. I would caution about checking into place, as your profile shows up on that location. The same goes for Instagram.

02-03-2020, 04:38 PM
I have 2 FB accts. with different name sand email addresses. Never had a problem. but now That I think about I might friend myself just to see what happens. I'm not really out but in the closet with an open door. I don't really care if I get outed. Why are they snooping

02-03-2020, 04:45 PM
I do everything CD related from an old iPhone. When I got my new phone, I erased the old one completely. I use it as a tablet on wifi. It does not have a phone number associated with it.

This way, no one can check my browsing history which may also out me.

Having said that, I do not use social media for anything CD related except this site.

02-03-2020, 04:55 PM
Oh yeah, don't forget about the facial recognition.

When posting pictures of your female self. Make sure FB facial recognition does not tag your male account.

Alice Torn
02-03-2020, 05:19 PM
I had three Fb accounts, and found they all bled over, and did friends suggestions to all the "friends" on the other accounts. No doubt Alice was outed on there. until did a lot of blocking. Now i have only one account for guy me.

Aunt Kelly
02-03-2020, 05:20 PM
Keeping two Facebook personas separated can be done, but it requires knowledge and discipline. Here are the things that you must do.

Prevent Facebook from learning about your off-account behavior. Like many web sites, Facebook keeps track of the stuff you do on sites other than FB. For your new persona, use a different browser, that has had every bit of it's browsing history, cookies, etc., purged.
Set up your account using an email address from a different domain than that used by your other FB account. E.g. if you use a Gmail address, get a Yahoo address. Do this before the next step, because FB can get fussy when being asked to create new accounts from places that "don't make sense" to it's fraud detection protocols.
Use an anonymizing proxy (sometimes referred to, incorrectly, as a VPN). The easiest way to do this is with the Opera browser, which allows you to make this it's default connection method. This makes it next to impossible for FB to track you by your IP address.
Regularly clear your browsing history on your new personna's browser, or always use a "private window" in your browser, which will do that for you when you close it down.
Have no friends who are common to both personas. If you are going to friend someone from your new persona, and that person is also a friend of your primary persona, think hard about that. It's called "social networking" for a reason, and FB will make that connection via your friends lists.
When acquaintances from one persona leak through to the other, in the form of friend suggestions, do nothing.
Do all of these things, without fail. Once Facebook makes a connection, you are pretty much hooped.

Tracii G
02-03-2020, 05:34 PM
The facial recognition thing has never triggered anything of either of my pages.
Seems to be a big nothing burger.
I have one mutual friend between my boy and girl page but I see no crossover on either page.

02-03-2020, 06:03 PM
I have not seen it yet either Tracii, but someone else posted here a while ago about that exact thing outing them.

Tracii G
02-03-2020, 06:26 PM
Not saying it couldn't happen Roberta but I would bet a dollar to a donut it was something else that caused the "outing"

02-03-2020, 07:15 PM
I just avoid using Facebook for anything CD related. I've been considering dropping my regular account. I'm pretty sick of it and find sites like this more social.

Allison Chaynes
02-03-2020, 09:00 PM
Use a complete different device also. Dude mode just picked up another timeout from Fascistbook but this time they also simultaneously threw the alt that I use on my phone in the gulag for 24 hours. The alt that I use from my tablet was not affected by Sturmfuhrer Zuckenschiesse.

02-03-2020, 11:34 PM
Here is some info about Facebook https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2019/09/update-face-recognition/
While Facebook lets you op out of tags they do use face recognition for advertising. Also understand all the search companies sell info back and forth.

Since everyone important to me knows I CD I don't worry about being tagged on my computer. I get offers for women's wear all the time. I was surprised the other day when I went to save something on Pinterest and up pops ads for dresses. I had been looking at them to see styles of the past so I could date time frames for a project.

I do use a browser "Epic' which makes it harder for tracking software to follow me when I'm gathering info for a project.

02-04-2020, 03:24 AM
The other thing i would suggest is to set your privacy settings on your fem account extremely strictly, so that only your accepted friends can see any of your info/piccys. This is very easy to do when you setup the account. Be particularly mindful if you have a cover photo' (the wide picture at the top of your page) as this can only be set to public view. Profile picture can be set to private view.
Then even if anyone who knows you sees the account, they would not recognise it as you. :thumbsup:

02-04-2020, 06:23 AM
My fear with Facebook is what you say around listening devices. While only antidotal, wife and I are in the car, we are talking about furniture and going back to the shop where we last bought furniture. Neither one of us could recall the name of the shop. Sure enough, when next I login to Facebook, there is an advertisement for the very shop. This type of thing has happened more than once.

02-04-2020, 08:33 AM
Hi Jenny, I had the same issue. I bought a burner (cheap) phone that is a pay as you go, if you don't use it you don't get charged. I also have an older Chrome book, they are easy to wipe/clean. Just start another fb account on your dedicated (only use for your cd time) chrome book under your CD name, give the new cellphone number, verify and you are set. No bleed over between the accounts. Be careful to keep friends and sites separate or you may be recommended to friend your other self. Good luck:love:
PS Be sure to friend me:hugs:

02-04-2020, 09:07 AM
I use Facebook as Homer, but not as Krisi. Just one account in the name of Homer. I can't see a good reason for Krisi to have a Facebook account and there is a good chance that at some point, it would result in me being "outed".

If you really think you need a Facebook account for your girl self, it's possible but you would have to use all the precautions listed here and still run a risk.

Alice Torn
02-04-2020, 10:45 AM
I deactivated my FB Alice account, because i was outed, and get confused on it when they sent friend request for Alice to friends on my guy account. I dropped the yahoo account, too. I get confused and befuddles with so much hi tech stuff.

Tracii G
02-04-2020, 10:54 AM
You were smart enough to find out how to delete facebook so you are smart.
Most people don't know how to or where to find the way to delete it

02-04-2020, 10:56 AM
I forgot to mention that I have had two FB accounts for a year or so now. I use the same browser on my computer and phone to access both. There is even a handy "switch accounts" button that allows me to toggle back and forth.

Although I have seen a couple of the same "people you may know" suggestions on both accounts because it mutual friends.

I have not been outed.

My female account must not be showing up in my male account friends suggestions.