View Full Version : Pretty Lady???

Lana Mae
02-12-2020, 01:37 PM
OK, I know that I am no pretty lady when dressed! Doing my pay day chores! Paying bills and getting groceries! At Food Lion, a clerk was pushing a cart down the aisle toward me and I stepped to the side to let him through! When he got up to me, as he passed he said, " Thank you, pretty lady!"
All day I have gotten nothing but smiles and a ton of courtesy! I definitely do not pass at all but I am out there daily and having no problems from anyone! Maybe they all think I am an old woman but I kind of doubt that! Considering where I live, I feel blessed or something for all of this acceptance!
I shopped for groceries in three stores, went to the pharmacy, and took the garbage to the recycling center! Not a negative anything! Of course, what they say behind my back-who knows and I don't care as long as they keep treating me well!
Just a little something to share with you!
Hugs Lana Mae

char GG
02-12-2020, 01:52 PM
Lana Mae,

You sound like you are a pleasant and happy person. Perhaps that is why you get friendly smiles and courtesy directed towards you. You must be reciprocating good will and joy in your daily life.

02-12-2020, 02:14 PM
In my short time being out. I have found the vast majority of people are accepting or at least can be nice. In over a year I have only been misgendered trice.

Do I "pass"?
Certainly not as anything other than a Transwoman. You all have seen my pictures.

So are people just being nice?
Probably, but honestly that's all I ask.

02-12-2020, 03:15 PM
Being treated with friendliness and consideration are sufficient. I went out for pizza last night and like you, I have no illusions about how I am perceived. The kids at the pizza shop (not a chain) were just as friendly as could be.

02-12-2020, 03:28 PM
I'm so glad you relate these stories on the forum , they may become ordinary to us but I can recall these stories when I first joined and never thought they could happen to me , as they they are with you .

We can never know what they really think and it's easy for us to overthink it but I will admit I've been amazed how accepting people can be , I feel if we have the right outlook and attitude they pick up on it and repay us in kind .

It's been two years for me now and it gets better and better , we are the same age so I guess we must make the most of what we have now , don't hold back because the clock is ticking .

Devi SM
02-12-2020, 03:43 PM
Lana Mae, I'm glad with your experiences.
It's just matter of time that you will get use to it and stop imagining that they say something in your back, or that you're not passable. All the evidences say the opposite, but as I say, it's matter of time, in the meantime, enjoy everything, positive and negative issues because all are part of the life of any woman.

Any woman has had doubts about being pretty, or feel accepted during her teens years but later most of them grow with confidence, we're living our teen years so let's enjoy them..

Rhonda Darling
02-12-2020, 04:07 PM
Lana Mae. Clearly, he saw into the heart of a nurse and saw a “pretty lady” shining back at him.

Aunt Kelly
02-12-2020, 05:18 PM
I was going to say something similar. An authentic smile is almost like magic.

Tracii G
02-12-2020, 05:59 PM
I think thats wonderful LanaMae.
Just be you and people will accept you 99% of the time.

Lana Mae
02-12-2020, 06:59 PM
Char: I actually was a very shy person until I became a nurse! My counselor says the same, that what I project is coming back to me!
Roberta: That is all I ask, too!
Kim: In my activities out and about, I come across many people of all ages! Mostly all are smiling and rather friendly! There are a few, mostly older men, that stare or crinkle their nose, etc. That is some older men but many just smile!
Teresa: Yes, it seems to just keep getting better and better! It still amazes me when I consider where I live! LOL
Devi: I agree with you! LOL
Rhonda: That has to be it as I have all the tells that scream man! I try to hide them or reduce them as much as I can!
Aunt Kelly: I am just so happy that the smile can not be held back! I had it before the HRT but it is even more pronounced now! LOL
Tracii: That is so true!
Thanks for your responses, Ladies!
Hugs Lana Mae

Alice K
02-12-2020, 07:14 PM
Lana Mae, wonderful story of a wonderful day. As I age I believe we emit an aura. Some call it charm, others grace. You were obviously walking with you aura hanging out...

Maybe take a closer look in the mirror before you step out the door next time 😉

Alice K

02-13-2020, 05:27 AM
Lana Mae,

As Teresa says, please keep writing about these lovely experiences. Yours and the daily experiences of others helps inspire more to follow in your your footsteps.

Also, confidence begets confidence. From these experiences our confidence grows. As that grows the world starts seeing us in an ever better light, we're viewed as a person and not a label.

As Frankie says, "Relax just do it".

Lana Mae
02-13-2020, 03:24 PM
Alice: Yes, I will have to take a closer look next time! LOL
Helen: When I am not "fully" dressed I am very androgenous so I give off much the same vibe! Nails painted, pierced earrings, small breasts are now visible! I am starting to see a woman in the mirror when not "fully" dressed! I am out there a lot doing my daily chores and loving it!
Like you said, "Relax just do it!"
Thanks girls for your replies!
Hugs Lana Mae

02-13-2020, 03:33 PM
Lana....thanks for sharing. It gives those of us who still are very apprehensive about going out and about like normal some hope.

Lana Mae
02-14-2020, 04:12 PM
Meshelle: As long as I get responses like yours, I will continue to post! I am here to help others like others have helped me! Best wishes on your journey! Hugs Lana Mae