View Full Version : Attracted to your fem self

02-14-2020, 07:26 PM
So as I've been honing my makeup skills, I've found that when I look back at my photos...I'm very attracted to myself. It's a strange and confusing feeling. Especially these two photos. 310559310560

Maybe it's just exciting because it's new. But I swear the feeling is the same feeling I get when I would meet a new girl I'm interested in dating. It's so weird to me! lol Anyone else experience this? What ever developed of it?

Marcia Blue
02-14-2020, 07:46 PM
I believe you are referring to autosexual. Yes, I have had the feeling in my younger years. Never much though about, back then. I have not noticed it for decades. I believe others have had the same feelings. I do not recall much discussion on the subject here at CD.com.

Tracii G
02-14-2020, 09:05 PM
Seems an odd thing and kind of self centered.

02-14-2020, 09:08 PM
You look beautiful!! I know what you are feeling, I only have 5 pics of me with makeup and my (natural then) hair curled and I think the same.

Sandi Beech
02-14-2020, 09:23 PM
You look quite attractive, and trust me I get what you are saying. It does feel weird though to think that you are attracted to the person you see in the mirror, but I have felt the same way sometimes briefly.


02-14-2020, 09:38 PM
I almost quit dressing 20+ years ago because the girl in my mirror didn't turn me on, Ginger!:doh:

That's when Sherry was born! No matter how old I get, (76 now), Sherry never ages!:battingeyelashes:

What's not to lust?:o
U can bet there's countless other T girls attracted to themselves. But, as Marcia said, this is NOT a popular topic on this site!:thumbsdn:


02-14-2020, 10:25 PM
It's because you look so sexy!

02-14-2020, 11:01 PM
I kind of think of it another way, I am not necessarily attracted to what I see in the mirror when I am dressed up, and everything pops, I am just happy with what I see looking back at me, I am satisfied in knowing that is the real me as I feel it. I guess some people could see it as being vain or self absorbed, but who are we trying to please with doing this, others, yourself?? I am just trying to express myself the way I want to be and bet that your "attraction" is as much being satisfied looking that pretty. You look great, own it!

Majella St Gerard
02-15-2020, 12:34 AM
I wouldn't say attracted to myself but I have looked in the mirror and said "damn, I look hot".

Jane G
02-15-2020, 05:37 AM
I think this happens to most of us at some point. You see a free available female in the mirror and think yes you will do nicely today. Time will pass and you will find there are many other attractions in life. But this particular one will always be there should you need her.

02-15-2020, 05:46 AM
It isn't so unusual. A straight man who dresses is naturally going to dress up as a woman he finds attractive, he isn't going to dress up in a way he finds unattractive..

02-15-2020, 05:54 AM

Many, not all, seek to create as convincing female image that we can and for that image to be as attractive as it can be. So if we see albeit in the mirror or in photos an image that reflects those aspirations then feeling drawn towards it isn't that surprising.

In effect you like what you've created, it's a manifestation of the image you've had in your mind and so understandable that you're drawn to it.

02-15-2020, 05:54 AM
It isn't so unusual. A straight man who dresses is naturally going to dress up as a woman he finds attractive, he isn't going to dress up in a way he finds unattractive..
That's assuming that there IS a way to dress that will make us attractive as a female. Many of us simply don't have the physical gifts that allow us that option. Large brow bar that simply cannot be made up to look like anything else, shoulders a mile wide with arms, thighs and calves to match, five o'clock shadow that would still appear even through a coat of paint, well at least we have our fantasies, as long as we keep the mirrors covered!

02-15-2020, 06:22 AM
Count me as one that is attracted to the girl in the mirror. But my mirror is a liar

Genifer Teal
02-15-2020, 06:40 AM
Modern society has instilled in us a set of values and standards as to what beauty is. We learned to seek those qualities in others and are attracted to a certain standard of what is considered Beauty.. It's only natural to want to look our best. So when we look in the mirror if we see yourself and think we are attractive then we've achieved that goal. There is a fine line that may be crossed to really wanting our self instead of someone else but is that really what we're doing? Is it possible we're just seeing ourselves as attractive and therefore satisfied with the way we're presenting to others? When I look at myself in mirrors or pictures I believe I am attractive and I would certainly be interested in someone like myself. Not sure this counts the same. It does help build my confidence around others.

02-15-2020, 07:05 AM
This behavior and perspective is not unusual, although only some experience it. Mostly it occurs early in the development of the behavior. Some psychologists think that it isn't a real attraction to your self, but rather the brain perceives what, in its experience, is a new person who is attractive and therefore it reacts as if the reflection is a new person. Keep in mind that it takes awhile for the reactive part of the brain to catch on to what the conscious brain realizes. We often think that the conscious brain controls all thought; it doesn't. It is the rest of the brain that does the thinking and then transmits the results to the conscious brain which then takes action on the instructions. There is a back and forth that occurs over some time before everybody is on board in realizing it is a reflection and not a new person. It is just that you do not sense all the back and forth and arguments between different parts of the brain to resolve differences. Sometimes this behavior continues, but usually it goes away after awhile. Many of our assumptions about how the brain operates are not wrong, but they are simplistic. The reality is very complex.

You make a very attractive young woman. Of the two photos I think the first says feminine/female the most; a little bit of maleness creeps into the second one, but not much. Great makeup job.

02-15-2020, 11:52 AM
This behavior and perspective is not unusual, although only some experience it. Mostly it occurs early in the development of the behavior. Some psychologists think that it isn't a real attraction to your self, but rather the brain perceives what, in its experience, is a new person who is attractive and therefore it reacts as if the reflection is a new person. Keep in mind that it takes awhile for the reactive part of the brain to catch on to what the conscious brain realizes. We often think that the conscious brain controls all thought; it doesn't. It is the rest of the brain that does the thinking and then transmits the results to the conscious brain which then takes action on the instructions. There is a back and forth that occurs over some time before everybody is on board in realizing it is a reflection and not a new person. It is just that you do not sense all the back and forth and arguments between different parts of the brain to resolve differences. Sometimes this behavior continues, but usually it goes away after awhile. Many of our assumptions about how the brain operates are not wrong, but they are simplistic. The reality is very complex.

You make a very attractive young woman. Of the two photos I think the first says feminine/female the most; a little bit of maleness creeps into the second one, but not much. Great makeup job.

Thank you for this response. It was very interesting to read. Also, I agree with you. My therapist like the second photo the most though. 🤔 lol

02-15-2020, 12:10 PM
Depite Tracii suggesting it's odd I don't agree .

There are several reasons for your feelings and I admit I understand them . To look at the reverse for a moment I like how I look in male mode less and less .
I feel it's mostly down to the female side showing itself , a woman will possibly spend more time looking in the mirror refining herself or maybe thinking about a totally different look all to look more attractive to herself and hopefully more so to others . Why should we be any differnt when we dress ?

On a deeper level to love oneself as a woman is a trait of AGP in fact that is what Autogynephilia translates as , while it gets some people jumping up and down , I accept it and live with it , if it's part of me then so be it , it doesn't affect my life on a daily basis .

02-15-2020, 12:26 PM
I have to say I feel the same way and honestly I have always looking at myself when dressed. Now that I am out I still am constantly checking myself out in the mirror.

Call me a narcissist, it's better than hating myself as a guy.

02-15-2020, 01:09 PM
I agree with you Judie: I think it's extremely manly. That's why I've never really worried about it. Although my children's mother went mental about it. And yes Ginger, I like what I see in the mirror. I wouldn't bother otherwise.

02-15-2020, 01:17 PM
That's assuming that there IS a way to dress that will make us attractive as a female. Many of us simply don't have the physical gifts that allow us that option. Large brow bar that simply cannot be made up to look like anything else, shoulders a mile wide with arms, thighs and calves to match, five o'clock shadow that would still appear even through a coat of paint, well at least we have our fantasies, as long as we keep the mirrors covered!

I don't agree, Lexi. If looking good is THAT important to u, as it is to me? Most T's can find a way(s) to appear attractive. It's simple really. Do what I do:

02-15-2020, 02:07 PM
We cannot see our faces. We can imagine our beauty exists, though. Pass a mirror or a really reflective surface (plate glass store front?), and we face our reality which we usually do enjoy regardless of how we view ourselves mentally.

02-15-2020, 04:51 PM
Part of the joy for me is trying to look as feminine and pretty as possible, so thinking I look attractive in the mirror is basically a goal when dressed up. Whether I actually achieve that is another matter though.

Anna Gracie
02-16-2020, 01:22 AM
I love the mirror when in girlmode but hate it in guymode.

Want to look as passable as possibly and when the mirror reflects a girl, Im happy and enjoy the view.

02-16-2020, 02:21 AM
I used to think women checked themselves in the mirror
a lot because they are a touch narcissistic.
Might be true in some cases but now I know a good
reason for it. For all the things that can go wrong with
the makeup, hair and the outfit we're just checking to make
sure we don't look stupid because the lipstick got smeared
up our cheek or something like that.

As far as being attracted to myself, well I do think I'm better
looking in girl mode but she still looks too much like me for me
to date her :heehee:

02-16-2020, 09:16 AM
If you’re a straight (or bi or pan) crossdresser, you’re going to naturally want to fix yourself up according to your own beauty ideal, and the closer you are to that ideal, it’s not unnatural to look in the mirror and find that person attractive. Also, if you’re fairly new, you could be mixing in a lot of hormones that you don’t experience every day (adrenaline, dopamine, etc) and your brain and body will react.

Some girls never lose that, and some get over it fairly quickly. It’s not necessarily either a bad or good thing (bless you pop your tuck every time you look in a mirror, that could be problematic).

There’s also something to think about. Are you actually attracted to yourself, or is the act of crossdressing itself arousing? Or perhaps it’s being a girl that turns you on?

In my case, I never experienced being attracted to myself, but I was blown away at being attractive. As a boy I am far from what most would consider the heteronormative masculine standard for attractiveness. So the first time I got properly done up with some help of an expert, I fully broke down and cried. So yeah, looking in the mirror and seeing an attractive person, and actually FEELING it can be a very powerful experience.

So no, I’ve never been attracted to myself, but there are a lot of reasons you may be feeling that and there is nothing wrong with it. You might get over it, and you might not. As long as its not causing you distress, it’s all good.

02-16-2020, 01:49 PM
As some one who's actually met u, I can say with authority u r both fem AND gorgeous, Micki!:daydreaming:

However, as someone who always tucks and is often turned on by Sherry? If u think, "tuck and roll"?
U won't ever "pop your tuck" when u get aroused!:o

02-16-2020, 03:55 PM
I'm going to quote Micki ...

In my case, I never experienced being attracted to myself, but I was blown away at being attractive. As a boy I am far from what most would consider the heteronormative masculine standard for attractiveness. So the first time I got properly done up with some help of an expert, I fully broke down and cried. So yeah, looking in the mirror and seeing an attractive person, and actually FEELING it can be a very powerful experience.

I might have a very slight attraction to myself when professionally done ... but pretty much the essence of what Micki has said resonates. When I had my first pro makeup seesion done, rathert than my crude attempts at just eye makeup? I was in tears. I felt so good, even there without wig or clothes on. Just wow.

02-17-2020, 11:47 PM
I wanted to add a little more... When you see yourself as you dream to be, in my opinion you are seeing your own inner beauty. We as humans are attracted to features that give you "that feeling". Its nature. Now, when you dress and put on makeup, and become someone else, why would it be weird to subconsciously try to be that person you desire? I am willing to bet every lady here has a part of their desire in their own look. There is nothing wrong with that. We are all a projection of who we want to be. I would say embrace it ladies. You all are all beautiful!

02-18-2020, 12:36 PM
I am not attracted to the face and body in the mirror or selfies, but I am attracted to the clothes and hair.

02-18-2020, 12:59 PM
Funny, I was just think about something very similar:

Would you date yourself? If you (as a male) saw you as a female walking down the street, would you ask her (you) for a date?

Or in other words, when you are dressed as a woman do you think you are attractive enough to go out with or even have a relationship with?

My answer is, "Yes".

02-18-2020, 01:21 PM
Not sure about attraction to myself, but I do get to the point every time after my makeup and wig is on that I am happier with my appearance than when I am in male mode. Kind of a “crossdresser’s high” lol

02-19-2020, 01:28 AM
I select my clothes, makeup and wigs based on what I find attractive in women so it doesn't surprise me to find that I am attracted to what I see in the mirror. I feel that I am fortunate enough to look passable in a wig and makeup so when I see myself in a mirror, a picture or a video, the male part of my brain kinda tricks itself into seeing what I consider to be the image of a good looking woman, as long as I don't think about it too much. To me it's all part of the fun of playing dress up.

BTW, from those pics you posted, I can easily see why you are are very attracted to yourself. Redheads have always been on top of my list but unfortunately, it's a look I've never been able to pull off.

02-19-2020, 05:47 AM
Many of us go to great lengths to be as close to a female image as possible. When we see that product in a photo or a mirror, it can trigger an emotional thought that we find the image attractive or desirable. I think that the female image we create, can border on who we really want to be and somewhat of a copy of what we see in a real woman of our own age.

02-19-2020, 08:52 AM
Hi Chloe, Simple answer is "Yes". I don't know what it is but yes, when I look into the mirror after getting all dolled up, I feel attracted to that reflection. I can't explain it, maybe it's because I like women who take the time and effort to look that little bit extra. You are not alone. Some will say too weird. But that is why I like this forum, honest feedback. Thanks for asking. Brenda

02-19-2020, 09:56 AM
Chole, This is exactly what I feel when I put on the lipstick in the mirror and it's the same for most of us here, I think. I get the feeling I am looking at another women, in fact sometimes I feel I am the "Other Woman" in this marriage. It seems a little strange, and at the same time natural, maybe. Hugss

Davina Katherine
02-19-2020, 10:03 AM
I'm in the same boat as Shely.
The woman in the mirror is an attractive looking woman to me. (More so if I take off my glasses!).
I especially like her legs:heehee:
And I too feel a bit like "the Other Woman" my wife is competing with.

02-19-2020, 01:27 PM
My thought is that the combination of testosterone and the universal feminine traits and signals that attract men line up to cause a type of attraction. I don't and never did consider myself to be a crossdresser back then, but in my teens I'd put on my mom's or sister's bra that they left drying in the bathroom. Testosterone loaded the gun and the bra was the femininity that I aimed it at. Now, in my sixties, I don't feel the same at all.

I like the clothes, but not because they make me feel feminine. I do wish I could still wear the same size bra that I wore back in my teens and twenties. I like my natural man boobs, I don't want forms, but there's virtually nothing cute in a 40a as far as i've seen. I pretty much settle for bralettes.

02-19-2020, 02:48 PM
I would definitely say my femme self is attractive to me! I don?t think I would be interested in CD unless I was attracted to that side of me. When I see myself in the mirror or in photos I love the way I look and it is attractive to me in a way that?s nonsexual, like looking at a model you find beautiful!

Christie Camelle
02-20-2020, 03:03 PM
I believe what you're experiencing is actually autogynophilia. It is defined as "the paraphilic tendency of someone who is anatomically male to be sexually aroused by the thought of being a female".

02-21-2020, 09:58 AM
It seems like lately, they have invented a name for just about anything. I guess we have a new "label" to deal with now.

Angie G
02-21-2020, 12:05 PM
I can seewhy you would be attracted to yourself you make a good looking woman. :hugs:

02-21-2020, 12:55 PM
I can see why you would be attracted to yourself, you are very beautiful! What "red blooded male" wouldnt want to date a sexy redhead?

02-21-2020, 06:05 PM
Or perhaps it?s being a girl that turns you on?
So the first time I got properly done up with some help of an expert, I fully broke down and cried. So yeah, looking in the mirror and seeing an attractive person, and actually FEELING it can be a very powerful experience.

VERY powerful Experience.


It seems like lately, they have invented a name for just about anything. I guess we have a new "label" to deal with now.

It's not a "new" label, the concept was first formulated in the 80's and given the name in 1993.
This is why I often say that some older crossdressers aren't very well informed, they haven't done ANY reading about "This Thing of Ours of Varying Kinds" I know you like to grind your "axe" about labels, but labels are just tools, humans use labels for many things all the time.

02-22-2020, 09:42 AM
It's not new to me. I've been attracted to myself cross dressed for decades. And looking back at photos I've taken of myself for the last 10 years, I've been improving my fem look quite a bit. Getting better makeup skills, better clothes and wigs, = more attraction to little old me :) Some of my old photos are absolutely terrible especially those with cheap halloween wigs! yeck!

The down side is I'm getting more wrinkles of course! I'm a bit of a narcissist but I find more beauty in others than in myself. Your photos look great Chloe ;)

Cheshire girl
02-22-2020, 12:36 PM
I think there is maybe a difference between being attracted to your look and being attracted to yourself. I wear clothes etc that I find attractive on other women and suit me. I don?t think I?m actually attracted to myself just the style/ look I have achieved.

Mackem Sue
02-22-2020, 08:56 PM
Bluntly put, you're passable as a woman. Need I say anymore than that?


02-23-2020, 05:22 PM
I find I am not attracted to my self when dressed but I find my look to be attractive. I dress in fashion that I do find attractive and same with hair styles. I am not turned on my myself though.

I think it?s common for many people to be though for the reasons mentioned before. Some people get a euphoric feeling when they are dressed.

Jacqueline Vivaldi
02-24-2020, 01:26 PM
I have always been attracted to my female self and I have always loved the euphoric feeling that I still get when I see my curvy body and gorgeous legs. Over the years I have taken about 60 hours of video, and today I look at some part of these videos every day. I look sexy and luscious and am attracted to that person. I refuse to go into intellectual speculation about who I am. I enjoy being female too much to analyze anything, and for that reason I am an exceedingly happy woman. I recommend that you goes with your flow. Feel joy and satisfaction with yourself and let your body do what you feel is natural.

03-13-2020, 04:04 PM
I am not sure that I will say it the same way as others or that it will come out the right way, but I do look at myself and feel that there is an attractive female looking at me -- it is just that sometimes my mind does not accept or acknowledge that the image of the attractive woman is "me".

03-13-2020, 04:57 PM
Today I had a ton of time. I did it all, stockings, makeup, curled my hair, (I am growing it out). I took photos. Everytime I looked in the mirror I was shocked how good I looked to me. I would definitely ask me out.


03-13-2020, 09:03 PM
I'm attracted to my fem self. It was very peculiar at the beginning. Once I accepted the emotions, however, it was no longer awkward for my mind to drift to . . . myself at times.

Fran Moore
03-14-2020, 05:00 PM
Feedback is important, more important to some than others. Women are usually more generous in their comments and use those comments as icebreakers to start conversation oftentimes, but they are also validating what you may think or feel (or hope to)and at the same time perhaps hoping for you to return the favor. Many people, both men and women allow their lack of self confidence in appearance to have a dominating negative effect upon their day to day life. The truth is that people will judge you by many different things, appearance being only the obvious one. A great personality will usually give a great appearance a good run for it's money any day. When we are isolated in our presentation (closeted) we never get anything but "self feedback", and in order to feel good about yourself and what you are doing it is imperative that you like what you see in the mirror to maintain a feeling of self worth, especially as someone who is bending social norms. As we progress in our perceived positive presentation (mirror feedback) many become confident enough to take the next step.....stepping out the door. Some of us remember that feeling as being "scared to death" hearts racing and making a small circle to return to the sanctuary of the closed door to look in the mirror and validate or criticize what we consider to be either our assets or faults. Eventually, our hope is to become self assured enough to accept who we are and who the mirror tells us we are, faults and all. Call it what you want, but I think being attracted to what the mirror says is a good thing, especially if it builds self confidence and self worth. You will generally be a better person for it in the end.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or professional anything. Just throwing out an opinion, and I've been wrong before!

Paulie Birmingham
03-14-2020, 05:31 PM
I look like a large female bodybuilder with facial hair when dressed up. Not the kind of look I go for. Lol

03-14-2020, 07:18 PM
I wouldn't say I'm attracted to myself but I feel attractive and good about myself, even if there are some things about my appearance I wish were different. For the most part I like what I see when I look in the mirror. I also have a boyfriend that I've been seeing for awhile now who treats me good and always compliments me on my looks so that's been a real boost to my self confidence and how I see myself too

Alice Torn
03-14-2020, 08:27 PM
I have never had a wife, or SO, 65 yo, and i am six foot six. I would like to have a very tall, leggy lady friend, but sigh, no chance. I love to see a tall long legged lady in a dress, hose and heels, but in the small midwest town area where i live, there are none, at least single ones near my age. I have known some women like that, and i am totally attracted, especially if they take good care of themselves. I dress up like some of them, and i would surely date the lady in the mirror, with sleeveless dress, hose and heels, and silky shapely long legs. But, outer beauty fades away, so inner beauty of a lady, short, tall , heavy or thin, is most important, and i am attracted to some short heavy true ladies too. I must admit, though, Alice all dolled up in a nice dress, is a total turn on to me.

Tracy Irving
03-15-2020, 01:16 AM
I have yet to make myself look like something I would be attracted to.

Jemima Stephens
03-16-2020, 06:28 AM
If I try something on and I look reasonable/passable from the neck-down I like it, as has been said before on this thread, we try and look like the kind of woman we find attractive

Beverley Sims
03-16-2020, 07:50 AM
I still try to be the blonde bombshell I once was.......

Naah! It doesn't work now. :-)

03-16-2020, 10:23 PM
Oh, I think you are a doctor. May I call you Dr. Fran?

Kelly Pearson
03-21-2020, 09:19 AM
Some days yes......others it would take me a few drinks :)

03-21-2020, 11:47 AM
I have yet to make myself look like something I would be attracted to. Love your humor (I assume it is, to some extent).

03-23-2020, 08:54 AM
When I dress, I am attracted to myself and I get sexually aroused. I think it is natural, I created someone to my desires.

03-23-2020, 03:55 PM
Definitely. Ask my wife and she’ll say I like to see myself in a mirror whenever possible. She does understand this and in fact, when we go out dancing we look for clubs that have a mirror somewhere so I can catch a glimpse of myself. It’s been like that as long as I can remember.

For me I think it’s a mixture of vanity and autogynephilia. Not to mention all the pics I take of myself when dressed! :rolleyes:

03-23-2020, 04:54 PM
Yes, Indeed. And I experiment with other looks too

03-24-2020, 08:39 AM
I that noticed once I started my photo diary that; as I got better with cross dressing, I started to resemble my wife. So it is true she is the woman of my dreams! I know the psychology behind all this, and I am ok with it.

03-27-2020, 02:34 PM
I can see why :)

03-28-2020, 10:39 AM
Myself no.
The look of myself and the image I create, yes.
I think some of us create the look of the girl we want to be with, as such.

03-29-2020, 06:18 AM
Glad you posted this as I?ve been thinking about the role of ?autogynephilia? in crossdressing. There are ?experts? who have attributed the entire reason for crossdressing to a misplaced sexual desire to be attracted to oneself as a woman. Ok, I?ll admit I can feel this sometimes but it just doesn?t account for all the other good feelings I get from CD. And from the responses here, some people have felt it and some not. So I conclude autogynephilia is a real phenomenon but is a minor part of CDing.

Kimberly A.
04-01-2020, 09:13 PM
Chloe, since I first read your post here, (which was back last month when you first posted this), I have been noticing myself that I AM attracted to my feminine self..... I LOVE dressing, I love admiring myself in mirrors when I'm all done at home, plus when I go out like to Walmart, I stop to admire myself in mirrors and also to make sure my wig is cooperating. LOL

I also have well over 300 photos that I've taken dressed as Kimberly and I often look at EVERYONE of them. LOL..... Call it vanity if you will, I really don't know what else to call it, I just love looking at my feminine side. :D

Maria in heels
04-01-2020, 11:35 PM
well Chloe you look fabulous and nothing wrong with being in love with yourself!

04-02-2020, 01:37 PM
I don't think there is anything wrong with being attracted to yourself. I think we all want to be the hottest versions of ourselves as we can.
Im always trying to perfect my look and find a way to make myself more attractive.

04-02-2020, 03:50 PM
Sometimes I do. Others not

04-02-2020, 04:49 PM
To me, usually dressing is very sexual. Attracted to myself? Darned correct I am when I dress! I love looking at myself in a mirror, I just wish I could do something about the neck and up! Some outfits I wear fairly "normal" sized fake breasts 40DDD works well on my frame, sometimes i get the big girls out. 40H! I like playing with them.

04-02-2020, 05:13 PM
I am DEFINITELY attracted to my image as Veronica and find it very sexy. I never take selfie pictures of myself as a guy, but I've taken hundreds of Veronica. She is much more attractive and very feminine.

04-02-2020, 05:27 PM
I think you look beautiful in the photos also. I wish I had the makeup skills you have.


Marianne S
04-06-2020, 06:36 PM
Certainly I want to look like a woman I could fancy and want to go to bed with. I'm not saying i SUCCEED, but it is a goal to aim for!

It also makes me wonder what it's like to be gay. i mean, if a gay guy is attracted to other guys and is goodlooking himiself, does he get turned on when he sees his ruggedly handsome face in the mirror? How about pretty lesbian women?

Meg West
04-07-2020, 10:57 AM
I wouldn't say attracted to myself but I have looked in the mirror and said "damn, I look hot".

Yup, I look at myself in the mirror and mutter "that skirt deserves your great legs".

04-19-2020, 11:33 PM
I am not sure that I will say it the same way as others or that it will come out the right way, but I do look at myself and feel that there is an attractive female looking at me -- it is just that sometimes my mind does not accept or acknowledge that the image of the attractive woman is "me".

I really relate with this answer. When I look in the mirror (or at pictures) and see Donna, it is as if I am seeing someone else. If I had my choice of being Donna or being with Donna, I would choose the latter.

04-20-2020, 01:54 AM
I think I am attracted to my femme self from the back view more than the front if that makes sense.
I think I have a better profile looking from the back.

Leslie Mary S
04-20-2020, 05:38 AM
No, never been attracted to Leslie Mary. Correction there are a couple of early photos that I like the person in them (still) but not the person I see now. Now she is just the person that also lives in this house with that crotchety older brother.

Rhonda Darling
04-20-2020, 07:02 AM
I’m not attracted to myself so much as fascinated at the dramatic change, especially when the whole package comes together. At that point, the feeling is sublime.

04-20-2020, 07:08 AM
Chloe, I understand why you are attracted to yourself. You are beautiful. I don't have the same feeling about myself though.

04-20-2020, 08:27 AM
I like the first photo best. But then I am no therapist :)
When I dress I sometimes like what I see but can't say I am attracted. I think my conscious brain tells me it's me and that neutralizes such feelings. A reason why it is difficult for me to judge if I could pass (on some better photos, that is, I know I wouldn't in the real world).
I analyzed this neutralization mechanism and it seems to me very similar to the incest safeguard mechanism which makes me unable to find women attractive when they look too much like my sisters or mother.

04-20-2020, 05:05 PM
I don't think I am attracted to myself but I can be pleased and satisfied with the total transformation. Yesterday, I had a strange experience while wearing the outfit below. My son phoned while I was wearing it and it was real out of body experience sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the reflection of Danielle while I talked to him in my very deep male voice. It was quite incongruous hearing a very male voice coming out of a female image so unreconizable as Dave. Guess I was lucky he didn't Facetime :)


Angie G
04-20-2020, 05:21 PM
I most likely would but I'm not as good looking as you. :hugs:

04-20-2020, 10:36 PM
I dunno. The kind of attractiveness we are discussing is a quality I associate with women and therefore is a quality I hope I will be able to project when I am trying to emulate a woman.

I get a sense of achievement when I feel I have made a convincing presentation and part of the way I gauge that involves my, for want of a better term, male sense of female attractiveness.

But going from that to actually desiring that version of myself as mate....not really, no.

You can do what you want with your life but if you take yourself, you are more or less also saying you have given up on everybody else, right?

04-21-2020, 01:22 AM
I wouldn't say "attracted". I believe that, at my best, I am far from today's idea of female attractiveness. That said, my best looks happen when I am en femme. I am very proud of how well I can put together an outfit, thanks to the expert advice of some very knowledgeableand loving sales ladies who have become friends. So my confidence becomes sky high when I am dressed. That makes me hold my head high and strut my "stuff", such as it is. I'm a true believer that the most attractive thing you can wear is self confidence.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. When I am out, women regularly stop in their tracks to tell me how nice I look. Men never say a thing, of course. But who cares what toxic masculinity thinks, right?

04-23-2020, 07:48 AM
Marcia Blue - I've never heard of the word 'autosexual' - that is a very interesting term. I think the whole autogynephile/autosexual phenomenon can be seen as a biochemical reaction. There are neurotransmitters involved like dopamine and adrenaline (as other posters have said), which are released in the brain, leading to feelings of euphoria and wellbeing.

04-28-2020, 08:49 AM
I think that human beings operate on multiple levels at once- a shotgun approach to survival!

We learn as children that people care about how we look, judge us by how we look, and tons of things that are of value are available or not, depending on how we look. We are told to look in the mirror and to conform our image to the story we want to tell.

How we look is a message- carelessly or carefully crafted to communicate some set of facts or lies, or half truths...so that our intended audience will correctly interpret our message and react favorably.

If we want to be sexually attractive, and we know what we mean by that, it is very efficient to see if we find ourselves attractive, and pleasant to imagine that others see us the way we think they do.

This is countered by our understanding that beauty is skin deep and it is the person inside that matters.

But this is in turn countered by the fact that we are always being classified by our appearance- so we do choose every day what to wear.

I vastly prefer seeing myself in clothes that flare at the waist, as that changes the perception of me away from all shoulders and 'ready to work' and towards 'huggable waist/ fertile pelvis'. The length of my hem tells a story - serene femininity or happy sexiness. Look but don't, or do... touch. Or, .. don't look.

Some days I don't want to have attractiveness be part of the story. As part of loving my wife, I also am making myself sexually attractive to her, and that means adopting the masculine memes.

Leslie Mary S
04-28-2020, 01:00 PM
Well writen and here's looking at ya.