View Full Version : I let more people in to my circle

02-17-2020, 02:58 PM
Last Friday I had lunch with one of my cousins. I had decided to tell her and her sister a couple of months ago. So I told her I was a crossdressers, she was very supportive and shocked (slack jawed). Surprisingly She did not ask the are you gay, are you ? questions. One of her first questions was do you need any clothes? Small people don't run in my family. The main reason I felt I need to tell them was I had a dream I was in a store trying on clothes when they walked in. I knew we had similar taste and shopped at some of the same stores. I figured why take the chance of being caught. Now I have a couple more people I can go out with. Every time I add a new person to my circle, it get easier. Maybe some day I may tell my brother.

Sara :battingeyelashes:

02-17-2020, 06:16 PM
Sara, I'm glad your cousin was supportive.

02-17-2020, 06:21 PM
Standard disclaimer: Just because you’re out to someone and they had a positive or neutral reaction does NOT necessarily mean that they will want to engage in social activities with you while you are dressed. But glad things went well and hope the positive arc continues.

02-18-2020, 05:29 AM
Sara, that's great.:thumbsup: It's wonderful to read more posts about positive experiences when people come out.
+1 to what Micki says: not everyone may be totally accepting to the point of being seen with you when you are dressed. However, even a basic show of supportiveness must feel wonderful. Now you can really enjoy clothes shopping without worrying about who else is around. Enjoy!

Crissy 107
02-18-2020, 06:15 AM
Sara, Woohoo, good for you and it makes going shopping that much more fun!

Sarah Doepner
02-19-2020, 07:14 PM
I haven't had a single negative response so far, but I've been very careful in choosing who to let in. However, as the circle gets larger and larger there will be more chances for it to spill out beyond your control. Try to be sure you have a strong core of support so when the negatives begin to show up they aren't going to ruin your life. Good luck.

02-19-2020, 08:16 PM
It so nice to hear about family coming together! Congratulations!

Kiwi Primrose
02-20-2020, 02:24 AM
Good for you. It gets easier. Watch out for the "manly uncle", the one in the family who is loud and tells off-colour jokes at family gatherings. Apart from him and the sharp-tongued auntie all should be well.

02-20-2020, 05:54 AM
Hi Sara, I'm so happy your cousin is accepting. Sounds like you might have someone to go shopping with.

02-20-2020, 07:22 AM
I trust my cousins. We are all in our 50's and have been close. There are several other cousins who I would never tell anything. I already talked to them about going out with them.