View Full Version : We were held captive

Joyce Swindell
02-21-2020, 01:31 PM
It's that time of year where I grow my annual beard for my wife's birthday. So one last time before starting we made plans for a dinner and a movie.
Well, Saturday early evening and all dressed up and ready to rush to the car.
Except, we live in a mobile home park and our house is across the coudesac and faces my wife's mom and dad's house. Usually no problem but today they are hanging out in the driveway chatting with another neighbor.
Errrrg....all dressed up and no way to get out without being noticed!
My wife went out and joined them to try and hurry it along as best she could bt to no avail came back suggesting maybe coming out so as not to ever worry about having the same issues in the future. She thought it was stupid that we were being held hostage in our own house.
As it turned out they went on down the road away from us and we were able to get out in the nick of time!

02-21-2020, 01:51 PM

If your SO is comfortable with you coming out to her folks then perhaps that's the way to go. Living that close there's the potential for them to see you at some point and by telling them first it puts you more in control of the situation.

02-21-2020, 01:52 PM
Ugh. I’m out to my family, but I still couldn’t imagine living that close to my family or in-laws. No thank you!

Joyce Swindell
02-21-2020, 02:01 PM
I was quite surprised by my wife's response! The only reason they don't know is out of my respect of my wife's wishes.

They are both in their 80s and it's a why rock the boat thing I think

Cheryl T
02-21-2020, 03:20 PM
My wife did the same thing to me.
We were talking and she said "so what if the neighbors see you". Well, after that I didn't care either.

Davina Katherine
02-21-2020, 04:09 PM
Very rarely do we ever see our neighbors outside. But even so, my wife has never been concerned with me driving away from the house in full femme.
But family across the street might be a different situation!!

02-21-2020, 06:55 PM
I like the way your wife thinks! Coming out sounds like a real solution to what, I suppose may be a recurring issue.

02-21-2020, 09:02 PM
Why come out if u don't need/want to? I'm a closet dresser but go out all the time dressed! Just NOT near home!

When leaving in my car in daylite I risk being seen by the neighbors. So, I simply come out with my regular billed hat and jacket. This hides my top and makeup effectively. I put my wig on at the T venue! So quick and easy!:battingeyelashes:

Living across from my in laws!?:eek:
I thot them living only one state away was too close!:Angry3:

02-22-2020, 09:45 AM
If you are coming and going from your own house dressed as a woman, it won't be a secret for long. You never know who will walk out of their house at the same time that you walk out of yours. And you can't possibly know who happens to be looking out the window when you step out the door. And of course, there's no way to know who will be outside or looking out the window when you come home. You can't just sit in the car until they go away.

I live with that so my choice is to underdress and finish dressing in the car in a more or less secluded location. I change back before coming back to the neighborhood.

It's a real PITA for sure, but you have to do what you have to do. I'm not ready to be known as "the crossdresser down the street" and my wife doesn't want to be known as married to a crossdresser.