View Full Version : Took the leap, went shopping en femme

02-22-2020, 06:48 PM

I have been wanting to go out en femme whether by myself or with my wife. I get some time by myself on Friday mornings so I decided to take that leap. Wife was at work so if I was going out, I was going to be doing everything myself. From picking out the clothes, managing hair and doing all the makeup. The only thing I had not decided on was where I was going to go. A couple of weeks ago I had gone out dressed for the first time by myself, which I posted on here, but was just to a little store and back home..about 10 minutes. My wife did half of my face for makeup, I did the other half so I could start learning.

Yesterday was a whole different ballgame. Am I going to have everything ok with my makeup since I am doing it without the wife here. What do I do if I screw it up half way thru. What should I wear. It was cold out but really wanted to wear a dress or skirt. So my nerves were shot and I was scared to death that something was going to go wrong if I did get everything ok and was out.

I started with the makeup and wouldn't you know it...started putting mascara on and screwed it up. Somehow I fixed it without having to do it all over. Got all the makeup on. Got the hair about how I wanted it and then the task of what to wear. I went with warmth. Went sensible, covered up all that I needed to. I am only a part time dresser so I still have a lot of hair on my body. Still figuring out how to take care of getting rid of it all. Found an outfit that looked really nice.

My trek took me to a department store. I know I had a lot of confidence but I was so scared. Not that someone would figure me out but that something was going to go wrong with the outfit, makeup or hair. I wondered in and went straight to the womens department for a little lookie lou. Ended up with 5 pieces of clothing that I wanted to try on. So now how am I going to do this? The jeans, pants and skirt were going to be easy but I had a dress. Dress was a over the top of head. Something was going to get messed up. Luckily I thought ahead and brought a brush with me in case the wig came off or needed to fix it. Got it on but wasn't pretty taking it off...haha. Just wanted to try some things on to see how I would feel. Left the dressing rooms and started walking through the store. Left the store early because through the process of everything I was sweating really bad. Just decided to come home after about an hour.

I have to say...even though I was a bit terrified, I loved every bit of it. I really loved the feeling of being dressed. Not a care in the world what other people may be thinking or who might be watching. Really exciting. Still so much is needed to complete being enfemme. Certain things I still need. Can't wait for the time that I can go out in dresses and skirts once it warms up. SO happy that the wife wanted to hear all about it and see pictures that I took. Need to work on the makeup and wig things. Wife wants to take me to Sephora to see if they will help with the makeup and matching. So can't wait.

Crissy 107
02-22-2020, 06:59 PM
NicoleRenee, I think you did great! You look terrific and had a wonderful day out so that is a win win. I am looking forward to your next adventure!

02-22-2020, 07:24 PM
congratz on a kool trip to the department store.
having a wife who is on board is a plus.
i think you did a ok job on makeup and clothing choice, blending in helps keep it fun....

Sometimes Steffi
02-23-2020, 03:54 PM
I just knew that someone was up to something they shouldn't' be doing. I thought I felt the Earth stop spinning on its axis yesterday. LOL

02-24-2020, 08:09 AM
Nicole, That's great. Love your pics.

02-24-2020, 08:15 AM
That's great. See if you can get your wife to go with you the next time. That is my goal.