View Full Version : A Sense

Nadia Wren
03-01-2020, 04:01 PM
.....that somebody will stop by unexpectedly, and did?

I have ample time to dress this afternoon, but I get the feeling somebody like my neighbor, brother or mother-in-law will stop by today so I am refraining from dressing. I don't know why I got this sense that somebody will stop by as nobody is expected. Perhaps I feel like my time is running out with getting caught, or having an awkward and suspicious delay in opening the door.

Just curious if anyone else has had the time but decided against dressing because they had a feeling someone would show up and did.

To quote Darth Vader, "I sense something..."

Alice Torn
03-01-2020, 04:37 PM
Yes, many times, and sometimes was right on!

03-01-2020, 05:09 PM
Yes, I used to worry about that. Until I came up with this fool proof plan!:eek:

I don't answer the door when I'm dressed!:tongueout

03-01-2020, 06:28 PM
Yes, sometimes, but not always when I needed it!

03-01-2020, 08:26 PM
Yes, I used to worry about that. Until I came up with this fool proof plan!:eek:I don't answer the door when I'm dressed!:tongueout

Exactly, our home has one window facing the street/entrance way to the front door. I keep the drapes drawn. I am under no compulsion to open the door if the doorbell rings. If anyone says somethings later all I say is I was taking a shower and didn't hear the doorbell/knocking. The only people I would be concerned about is those who have keys to our house; son and daughter. I also forego the makeup and nail polish routine. One can easily undress quickly, but, wiping makeup or worse nail polish takes more time.

03-01-2020, 10:06 PM
that's me too, leave the car in the garage and sit them out. then go back to business!

03-02-2020, 12:17 AM
I have found it is always to go with your first gut feeling. Saved my butt many times and not just with dresing

03-02-2020, 02:30 AM
I used to be like you are but not any more telling and letting my neighbours see me dressed soon sorted this problem out. Living alone is a big help of course.

03-02-2020, 05:04 AM
The force is strong in you it is young Nadia Wren, um yes.

How often is the advice given, if it feels wrong then it is wrong. Sometimes in situations like the one described this will be pure coincidence, however who's you say we don't have a sixth sense.

03-02-2020, 08:22 AM
Do you have to open the door? This is where one of those "newfangled" camera/phone doorbells comes in handy. You can look at your phone (you do carry your phone with you at all times, right?) to see who is at the door. You can even talk to them through the phone and doorbell.

I can look out a window to see who is at the door but I can't talk to them. I might get the doorbell.

03-02-2020, 08:42 AM
I get that feeling sometimes when I'm out shopping (in male mode). Probably more paranoia than being psychic. But when dressing at home, I often don't apply makeup because you never know when someone might knock on the door with an urgency.

I remember one morning 8 years ago when my brother knocked on my door to let me know my sister died. I was wearing only one fem article of clothing when I answered the door. If I had been fully dressed there would have been a long delay before answering the door. And if I were wearing makeup, there's a good chance I would've been forced out of the closet!

03-02-2020, 09:06 AM
hello Nadia,
I just need to train my wife not to answer the door when I am dressed!
luv J

Jemima Stephens
03-02-2020, 09:18 AM
If I get that feeling I will wear my lady's Jeans a feminine but neutral coloured top and a bra.
If there is a knock at the door I will then either put a zippy on over my top just whip my bra off. I always have a pair of baggy joggers sat there if I am in a skirt and pull them over the top which is quick and effective
With some of my wome's tops, if I just take my bra off my little breasts will hold their form, I recall a grocery delivery where the driver just stared at my chest the whole time I was bending down to pick the bags up. When I checked in the mirror afterwards I realised that my little white T shirt is fairly see-through and my breasts were quite pronounced, I know how GG's feel when they are oggled now!

03-02-2020, 11:15 AM
Looking back I don't know how my old ticker stood it ! Racing up the stairs two at a time in heels while trying to undo a blouse or a zip on a dress . I do sympathise but I'm also glad that it's all behind me now .

03-02-2020, 02:33 PM
When I'm pretty at home, I simply never answer the door.

03-02-2020, 03:27 PM
I wish someone would knock on my door. It's so lonely and quiet here, no one ever knocks on my door. Would give me someone to talk to, and then tell them to get lost. Maybe the census taker will come by and knock on my door.

I don't have a doorbell, I have two hunting dogs that would let me know if someone came a knocking.

03-02-2020, 05:09 PM
Yes I have that same sense experience many times and it is right maybe 40% of the time. I rather heed the sense than not and be embarrassed or rushed into a premature change. In most cases safe is better than sorry.

Nadia Wren
03-03-2020, 04:42 PM
So I?m not a pshyic or a jedi because nobody stopped by Sunday.
The in-laws are actually my concern because they know where the spare key is to the place if I didn?t answer the door and they wanted to drop something off or needed to use the restroom.
Thanks for all the responses....

Crissy 107
03-03-2020, 05:02 PM
That’s easy, take the spare key in and do not answer the door. Just say later you forgot to put it back. NBD at all.

03-04-2020, 10:37 AM
If you have given people keys or have one hidden that others know about, you have given up your privacy. You are in control of this so ask for the keys back or change the locks.