View Full Version : The Grinch Who Stole Halloween

Nikki A.
10-31-2004, 09:49 AM
Here I was all ready for Halloween the one time of the year that I could go out of the house and wear what I want. Even bought a new pair of pumps, kind of picked out my outfit and was really lookingforward to it.
Problem is that the kids decided they're not going trick or treating. Asked my wife why don't we go out to a costume party, she doesn't feel like it. She knows I'm bummed out about it but now it is too late. It is already Halloween morning and I guess that I'll have to wait another year or go out alone some other time. No fun being alone. I wish that I could convince my wife to accept this part of me more fully and humor me with this one request. It is the one time of the year that if i'm read or not I don't care but I feel the need to reveal this part of me. Anyway just needed to vent and asking for any suggestions on how to get over the blues.

10-31-2004, 10:09 AM
I don't know if this helps, but they say misery loves company. I am not going out tonight, I have some personal things that need to be worked out. Also, in anger I ruined my dress I was to wear tonight. I know how you feel, this is a fun day for CDs. If you can dress privately, then you have to make your own halloween, some CDs can't even do that. The only thing I could think of is to have a little vacation by yourself. I know this is extremely difficult if you have a family. There is not much I can advise. All I can say is be thankful you have a wonderful family and try to squeeze your dressing in when you can.

I feel sorry for you, but all will work out.

Love Amelie

10-31-2004, 11:46 AM
I thought I was totally alone, too, with this CD thing. Then, I found a TG Support Group that was close (about 50 miles away). I only attended one meeting (in drab... not even dressed) but they had an online forum, kind of like this, and from there, I met quite a few ladies in my area. None of us really passed very well so we would meet at someone's home for dinner and socializing. Occasionally, we would go out to dinner or to a club.

Anyway, try checking out the Support Groups in your area. This is the best way to meet some nice gals that understand your situation.

Good luck... and don't give up! We are everywhere... you just have to find them.

10-31-2004, 12:08 PM
I had hoped to be out last night. A nice club had a costume night, but my gf was not well, and a couple of items that I wanted to wear haven't arrived from eBay. Oh well. good to have friends here. wenda

Tristen Cox
10-31-2004, 01:39 PM
Yeah you are not alone tonight. I'm stuck home too, I had made some plans that fell through and I must work Monday morning so bummed and no place to go.

With that said I still wish you a Happy Halloween! :D

We'll just have to wait until next year.. but what the heck I'm eating Candy!

10-31-2004, 02:56 PM
.. but what the heck I'm eating Candy!<laughing....> Candy... the second best thing about Halloween ! ! ! :)

10-31-2004, 03:24 PM
<laughing....> Candy... the second best thing about Halloween ! ! ! :)
Yeah, I finally wised up and bought the candy that I like. who cares what the kids like? wenda.

Fiona K
10-31-2004, 11:46 PM
Hi Girls,
Alone too another hotel room, and jet lag:( , I've noticed this isn't the cheeriest of threads, still it is good to have friends to share with... :)
Love to all

11-01-2004, 12:21 AM
Don't like Halloween.

11-01-2004, 12:37 AM
I'm home, too, but decided to dress up today. I haven't dressed fully for about two months so I had to do a lot of prep. I waxed my legs for the second time... still don't have the hang of it but it is better than shaving. And... it wasn't as torturous as I thought it would be. Then, there were my eyebrows... eek! Lots of hair pulling for one day!

Anyway... it does feel good to see "the woman" again. Guess I'll go change again!!! :)

Maybe we should plan a Thanksgiving Costume Party... you know... start a new tradition!!!

11-01-2004, 01:03 AM
Okay, I'll jump in as another home on Halloween, The GF is sick at home, so I'm here, watching Candyman3 on tv, and giving a ton of candy to a bunch of Spidermen and Power Rangers. I thought Power Rangers were long gone. I still have a lot of candy left over for any of you that have a sweet tooth. Only about half as many kids as usual. Huggs, Bonnie

Sweet Susan
11-01-2004, 01:24 AM
Since you were asking for suggestions, I thought I might offer you a place sit in my clinic. Dr. Susan is open.

My suggestion to you is to go for it. Find yourself a place to put your things, begin filling it up with everything that you need. When your next opporturnity arises, take it. There has to be a time when you are alone and the wife is gone with the kids. Plan for it, and when the opportunity comes, do it.

Understand, however, that I'm only suggesting this. Don't do it if you don't think it is possible. The last thing you want is to be found out by your kids. The wife is one thing, the kids are a completely different ball of wax altogether.

11-01-2004, 03:52 PM
I DID!!!!

I finally did it, top to bottom, wig, makeup, heels, everything! Another long post from me so you've been warned.

My wife has been in the mood to make Halloween fun this year. So we got some "bone lights", a pumpkin, and a red spot light out front along with a few other items to make it creepier coming up to the house.

I asked if she was dressing up and she said she wanted to but wasn't sure what to go as. She asked if I was going to dress up and at that point I still wasn't sure. So we went to a thrift store to look for a dress (since we both agreed that a leather skirt and 5" thing high boots wasn't exactly appropriate for handing out candy to the kids!). They didn't have anything so we went to a Halloween store. Again, nothing for me : ( The wife picked up an evil full head mask that looked AWESOME! We get home and she goes directly to her closet..... "I think I have something that would work for you." She picked out a full length skirt and a corset-type top (padded breasts) and that would work with my lacey top. OK, I might be able to do this after all.

One problem...... the shoes. 5" heels are a dead giveaway to anyone who's suspicious (he walks VERY well in those doesn't he?) So I go up to Payless. I had to let the lady working know that it was for Halloween and to ask her what my shoe size in womens would be (knowing damn well what it is LOL!) and she points me to the large sizes. It's for tonight...going in drag....and she kinds giggles. I found a sexy pair of 3 1/2" strappy sandals, grab 'em and head to the counter. She opens the box and sees the heels and giggles again.....do you know how to walk in such high heels? Pffffttt.....I'm thinking.....3 inches? This will be easy! I said "I'll sure try", paid and left.

OK, now I'm set.....but can I really do it? I have everything I need, the wife is incouraging me to do it, I bought all this stuff......what's holding me back? **** it, I'm doing it! So I get it all on, my wife does the make up for me (while making sure she explains each step perfectly so I can do it myself in the future) and here we go!

Well, not really go. We planned on handing out candy to the kids in the neighborhood and that's all we did......to all 10 kids that came through. But do you know how cool it was to sit out in front of the house on our bench swing all night (it was 70 degrees yesterday!) in heels and a wig, makeup, long nails, a skirt and not to mention....my fabulous rack? LOL!!!! Seriously cool. It was nice to be able to walk to the end of the driveway, heels clicking on the pavement as cars passed and not be completely freaked out about it all.

I didn't think I'd ever be so comfortable, especially in my front yard with neighbors coming by in full drag but man was it fun! I though I looked better than I thought I would have but not as good as I think I can look.

For the last 3 years, every time Halloween came by and I always regretted not doing anything when I had the chance. This year I did it. Yay for me!

11-01-2004, 05:34 PM
Stiletto, congratulations for finally getting out there after 3 years of let downs, I'm pleased for you.

Julie J

11-01-2004, 05:40 PM
That's great Stiletto, I can read the joy you had in your words. I'm glad you had fun, if only everyday was halloween,,sigh,,,

Love Amelie

11-01-2004, 07:51 PM
Sorry ladies, I too had fun on halloween.. I dressed up in this very tight silver tube top, very tight red PVC skirt, fishnets and a pair of black kneehigh boots.. oh and a red wig.. then I went to a small underground psychedelic trance party

The comments ranged from "oh my god you're so beautiful!" from the women, to "I find you strangely attractive" from some of the men.. mind you, this was an underground party put on by a couple of gay men, so they were pretty openminded!

Did I get pictures? Can you believe I forgot??? I'm such a moron :(


11-01-2004, 08:07 PM
Sorry ladies, I too had fun on halloween.. I dressed up in this very tight silver tube top, very tight red PVC skirt, fishnets and a pair of black kneehigh boots.. oh and a red wig.. then I went to a small underground psychedelic trance party

The comments ranged from "oh my god you're so beautiful!" from the women, to "I find you strangely attractive" from some of the men.. mind you, this was an underground party put on by a couple of gay men, so they were pretty openminded!

Did I get pictures? Can you believe I forgot??? I'm such a moron :(


CBG,, This must have been some party!! This is the kind of party I would go to. I'm glad you had fun. Hope you didn't pick up any strange men,, You don't know where they've been. LOl
Love Amelie

11-02-2004, 05:06 AM
That's great Stiletto, I can read the joy you had in your words. I'm glad you had fun, if only everyday was halloween,,sigh,,,

Love Amelie
i wished it was i was sick sunday :(