View Full Version : Corona killed my dressing time

03-23-2020, 09:59 PM
Who else is in DADT situation in life and now the SO is home from work, actually mines a teacher and the rest of the school year just got cancelled. Lindsey May be in the bags in the closet until the end of the summer. I am already suffering withdrawal

03-23-2020, 11:32 PM

It is always like this. The real victims are never mentioned.:sad:

Marianne S
03-24-2020, 12:04 AM
I'm sorry about this, Lindsey. I understand. As I was just saying on SirDonna's thread (https://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?269364-What-has-been-response-to-increased-stress-along-with-worries-about-the-virus), the coronavirus can have opposite effects on us. For some, staying home from work may mean unlimited oppotunities to dress. For others like yourself it means the opposite. Meanwhile, any stress caused by worrying about the coronavirus itself may only cause an increased longing to dress! "Hang in there" is the only advice I can offer. Good luck!

03-24-2020, 03:16 AM
I'm in this situation.

Have had my wife go from full time work to occasional freelance work over the last couple years, so opportunities were shrinking anyway, then with this they've almost gone away. Everybody else went out the other day for a couple hours so I got a little time in, but it feels like college again when I maybe once had the opportunity when I wasn't back home on break.

03-24-2020, 04:00 AM
My wife works nights, so my dressing time was mostly at night after the kids had gone to bed, so it hasn't changed much for me.

03-24-2020, 05:11 AM
I'm someone else who's opportunities to dress have been reduced but thankfully not totally stopped as a consequence of the outbreak.

I know it's disheartening but let's focus on the important thing and all stay safe. The pink fog can envelop us all at some time or another but now is not the time. I'm taking strength from knowing this situation will end and with a fair wind to blow the fog away we'll all be here safe and sound and ready to resume business as usual.

I also expect that once all over there's going to be some heavy discounting by the clothing chains eager to start selling again. Well let's face it, for those lucky enough to be dressing every day, you're going to need some new outfits having worn everything to bare threads.

Jodi Yardley
03-24-2020, 05:26 AM
Hi all...same situation...going from dressing and being out about 3-4x's a week.....worst yet, wife is scheduled to retire in May.....ugh

03-24-2020, 05:28 AM
Same for me! Even had one of our kids come home since his college when completely online! No alone time!

Kelly Pearson
03-24-2020, 06:54 AM
Stay strong girls :)

Linda E. Woodworth
03-24-2020, 08:32 AM
I feel your pain.....

My daughter is home from college for the rest of the semester.

No more running around the house dressed or exercising in the morning in tights and a leotard.

At least I get to wear my tights anyway as I've been taking ballet lessons for over 10 years and wear tights to class. It's become the new normal in our home.

Oh, for that wondering, yes my wife knows and accepts my dressing.

03-24-2020, 09:52 AM
I am in the opposite situation. Right now I am working from home, calling customers. My wife works for an "essential" company so she is at work, she doesn't matter anyway as she is accepting. Her car is in the shop so I drove her to work then came home. Right now I am wearing pantyhose, heels, my "too big" forms, 40H, a tight short little black dress, and pearls, all while calling on rough, tough contractor types, and a few minutes here in there on the internet. Plus doing a little laundry and other house keeping.

Trust me, there was a time my wife was not accepting. Even a few days of not dressing made me a bit frigidity! Before this COVID-19 I was in a motel 1-2 nights a week. It was my time to get my girl on!

03-24-2020, 10:21 AM
Yes in the same boat.

She works on line, does conference calls so at least I know I have these few moments to check in here--thank you girls for being a relief valve. Check Flickr, live vicariously. In the scheme of things this can be overcome a lot easier than the folks dealing with lost wages, or worse yet, ill health. I have gone on some year long stretches where the urge hasn't been there so this is very manageable.

That said, I had just bought some new outfits a few weeks ago. Oh well

Tracii G
03-24-2020, 10:53 AM
I knew there would be lots of threads like this during this "crisis".
You will just have to deal with it right no sense in feeling sorry for yourself because its not the end of the world.

03-24-2020, 11:02 AM
Sorry girls but maybe we should get this in perspective there is a great deal and suffering and sadly death through the Coronavirus and lets not forget the people on the frontline who don't have a choice to care and help others through it .

I have no problem with stories of dressing in your favourite underwear and outerwear but possibly show a little more consideration and sensitivety when using it for a reason to dress or reasons why you can't .

03-24-2020, 12:27 PM
Glenda was going to have a last fling till this happen. She going out of town to TN. then come home dressed. But with all the rest stops closed and no where to change back to drab I didn't do it. Had everything pack in the car but now I can't get it back in the house with the wife here all day.

Kimberly A.
03-24-2020, 12:41 PM
Well Lindsey, suck as that may..... Be thankful that you still have your life, your wife and your family while there are other people suffering and dying from Covid-19. I hope that you and your family won't have to go through that, same with everyone here.

- - - Updated - - -

You hit it, Teresa! I couldn't have said that better myself.

03-24-2020, 12:55 PM
Not complying just light hearted look at the current situation we are all in! I haven?t had the first urge for any of this since the country came to a halt @15 days ago. I?m sure most of us haven?t but we enjoy a few minutes on here to take our minds off things for a bit. Kinda like dressing.

03-24-2020, 01:43 PM
Tell me about it... (sarcasm). MY wife is home for the duration. No dressing until she is back at work. Told me not to let her see me that way.

This is going to be tough. I got new shoes and skirts to try on. I also want to work on my hair and makeup more. Geez....

03-24-2020, 02:50 PM
How sad for you. Corona killed my sister-in-law so suck it up buttercup.

Leslie Langford
03-24-2020, 02:59 PM
I know that this is not the time to lament the lack of CDing opportunities due to the current Covid-19 pandemic ("First World Problems" and all that), and we have far more serious issues to deal with at present. Still, for what it's worth - and I am thinking here of when things get back to normal and the stores re-open - one solution that I have found to get my "fix" is to go shopping and try on outfits in the fitting rooms of department stores and the like using a particular methodology that I have developed recently.

Like many here, my wife retired several years ago, and also being in a DADT situation my crossdressing opportunities diminished rapidly as a consequence. In fact, I can probably count on the big toes of both feet the last time I was able to go out in public en femme within the last year. So what did I do in the absence of both being able to dress up and/or go out shopping in "girl mode" on a regular basis?...I improvised.

I have an "emergency" store shopping bag stashed away at home containing a couple of bras, shapewear, extra panties and pantyhose, as well as two of my favorite pairs of heels. Leaving the house in drab as I now have to do, I generally underdress with panties and pantyhose and head out shopping with my bag of "essentials", which I take into the fitting rooms along with any items of female clothing that I have selected. I then don the rest of my female accessories and let the "personal fashion show" begin.

The system I have developed includes visiting certain department and second hand stores where the fitting rooms are not monitored, and no one cares what you bring into them. My personal favourites for this are the Value Village second hand stores, as well as one particular location of a nation-wide chain of department stores that is perfectly set up for this type of endeavour. It's one of their smaller stores, and both the men's and women's clothing and shoe departments are located on the same (i.e. ground) floor. This store used to have separate men's and women's fitting rooms that were monitored regularly, but since a recent renovation/upgrade they have been combined into a single set of unisex fitting rooms located in th middle of the floor and only steps away from the women's clothing department. Even better, these cubicles are larger than before, far better lit, have lots of hooks on the wall, and plenty of mirrors. A veritable crossdresser's paradise - LOL!.

The last time I was there, I took my sweet time making my clothing selections as the store was largely empty...a pencil skirt, a matching blazer, two matching tops, an LBD, one "special occasion" dress, and two day dresses. I draped all of those items across my arm and confidently strode up to the fitting room area and into the first available cubicle with neither a care nor a disapproving look by any nearby customers or SA's. I spent the better part of 3/4 hour of undisturbed primping and preening time in there trying out various combinations of my selected outfits along with the contents of my "emergency" bag...sheer bliss! And even though I hadn't planned to buy anything at the time due to current budget constraints, one of those dresses called out to me so convincingly that I had no choice but to submit to its siren call and purchases it. So, all in all, a "win" for both the store and myself. ;)

Granted, I am settling for second best here and this type of activity is not my preferred substitute for a full-on crossdressing experience including a wig, makeup, and a trip out into the "wild" en femme, but at least it keeps me from going totally bonkers while I try to keep the balancing act going.

03-24-2020, 04:10 PM
I too am affected. My wife knows about Camille, but doesn't want to see it. Nor do we want our daughter knowing. So my dress up is limited to the occasional hotel day (not an option right now), and the 1x/year she takes her mom and my daughter on a girls trip for 3-4 days. That was due to happen in April, but is now canceled. Sigh... A small problem compared to many others, I know. But still, it makes me sad.

03-24-2020, 06:22 PM
I haven’t worn a scrap of male clothing since this thing started. My work clothes have changed from male attire to skirts and dresses, and makeup every day. I’ve always had the option of working from home, but never took advantage of it. Maybe I’ll make this permanent.

03-24-2020, 06:47 PM
How sad for you. Corona killed my sister-in-law so suck it up buttercup.

Sorry Micki. You are correct. My wining is way out of line.

03-25-2020, 10:45 AM
Girls, calm down. Before this is over probably every one of us will have close friends or family pass away. I have a mom, dad and M-I-L that are all up there in age and I wonder if they will be around in another year.

I don't look on this thread as to play lightly on hard ships that others are going through, but just trying to lighten up the situation.

03-25-2020, 11:04 AM
When I began dressing, I had an unknowing wife and young kids. When I really needed to dress in secret? I did!:thumbsup:

In the middle of the nite. In a store room at work. In my car. Underdressed. Even in my storage unit! If u REALLY need to dress badly enuff? U will!:battingeyelashes:

03-25-2020, 11:38 AM
I retired January 2008. My wife continued to work as a teacher. She fully retired the beginning of this school year. What use to be a summer hiatus only is now zero time. She use to go visit her cousin in Arizona for a week which is now even a no-go. The best I can do now is wearing panties and sleeping in a nylon gown as we sleep apart for medical reasons. She is recovering from a total knee replacement and isn't going anywhere for awhile.

03-25-2020, 01:19 PM
The opposite for me. I live alone since recently, have just returned to this and corona has given me the opportunity to do what I like for the next 3 weeks at least. I'm sorry its going to be difficult for you :(

03-25-2020, 01:54 PM
Well, Duh, drink LaBatt Blue instead :)

03-25-2020, 02:43 PM

Closeted, currently unemployed, and last kid off to university, it was the perfect girl time for me three days a week when my wife was out all morning. I'd get dressed up and lipstick on (see my previous post about my general lack of makeup skills) and spend a few hours applying for work, researching opportunities, etc, before having to put Julia way again for a few days.

Now my wife is home all day, and my kid is home from university, and both my summer trips away (six days each of indulgence dressing) are cancelled due to COVID-19.

My only hope is that the pink fog stays away or weakened for a while.

03-25-2020, 03:10 PM
Micki, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. That's really a family tragic.

03-26-2020, 05:29 AM
How lucky I feel compared to many as I have an accepting wife. Being in a virtual lockdown to avoid virus & with no chance of any visitors I dress fully daily after lunch for remainder of the day. Spend the morning doing chores outside & planning in my head what to wear. Being retired cushions us from what many are experiencing regarding employment loss so I'm very grateful for what I have.

03-26-2020, 07:22 AM
Micki, I am so sorry.

Linda E. Woodworth
03-26-2020, 08:11 AM
Micki, I'm very sorry for your loss.

HOWEVER: I think people are forgetting about what this forum is for. It is a site for people to freely express their feelings and opinions. You don't have to like it but so what?

If someone wants to write about the loss of dressing time due to current events than they're welcome to do that. Don't belittle them because YOU don't agree with their opinion. I don't agree with the other threads that are on here. If I'm that upset I can leave! When did it become OK to start belittling people for saying something. Are you promoting censorship of anything that doesn't conform to YOUR standards?

And that's how I feel.:tongueout

03-26-2020, 02:06 PM
Linda I agree and wondered the same. This sight is for us to share and support each other. If you don?t agree with or like a particular post move past find your interest and partake. This is a supporting community here for our mutual hobby or lifestyle.

Joni T
03-26-2020, 02:27 PM
Suck it up buttercup. It COULD be much worse. You, or your wife, or both of you could be looking at the root side of the lawn. Count your blessings.

03-26-2020, 03:03 PM
Oh gee, so sorry that a worldwide pandemic has impacted upon your free time hobby.

03-26-2020, 03:36 PM
I will survive. Who did that song? Gloria Gaynor?

03-26-2020, 05:40 PM
There's a column out there with some thoughts on this debate:

As a therapist, I always say that there's no hierarchy of pain, pain is pain. Suffering shouldn't be ranked, because pain is not a contest. I believe, too, that there's no hierarchy of grief. When we rank our losses, when we validate some and minimize others, many people are left alone to grieve what then become their silent losses. The thinking often goes: You had a miscarriage, but you didn't lose a baby. You had a breakup, but you didn't lose a spouse. It's hard to talk about these silent losses because we fear that other people will find them insignificant and either dismiss them or expect us to "get over them" relatively quickly.

Right now, in addition to the tragic losses of life and health and jobs are the losses experienced by people of all ages: missed graduations and proms, canceled sports seasons and performances, postponed weddings and vacations, separation from family and friends when we need them most. We have also lost the predictability that we take for granted in daily life: that there will be eggs and toilet paper on supermarket shelves, that we can safely touch a door knob with our bare hands, that we can get a haircut and our teeth cleaned or spend a Saturday afternoon at the movies.

So, yes, there is collective anxiety surrounding Covid-19, but there's also collective loss.


03-27-2020, 03:21 AM
Well this is an MTF forum here so it makes sense to complain here, or else where would you? So I understand the reasons to start a thread like this one. However I have the greatest reservations about the play of words in the title of this thread and with some allusions to "victims" not being able to dress. I agree that comparing pain to pain isn't pertinent, but being considerate of persons reading these pages and who may have lost a relative or friend to the virus would make a point that us CDers are also listening to the real world.

Linda E. Woodworth
03-27-2020, 08:07 AM
Sorry Folks but nothing anybody has said about this thread being inappropriate for THEIR reasons hasn't changed my mind.

If that bothers you move on to another thread. This is NOT the place to debate world events. You can do that elsewhere and let the hammer and tongs fly!

Meanwhile Linda has no idea when she'll get to dress again with college daughter home. While I still sleep in my nightgown the bedroom door stays closed and I have to change before coming out. No more lazy morning in nightgown and sweater over a cup of morning joe!

At night I can't just slip a skirt on to relax in for dinner with the wife. I rarely go whole hog with wig and makeup and more present as a MIAD but don't care. I'm not leaving the house.

And that's what I think about it!

03-27-2020, 08:42 AM
Spend some quality with your wife instead. Be thankful you are not alone in this world. Neither of you will be around forever, cherish the time you have left together. I literally have no one to turn to during these dark times. Count your blessings.

03-27-2020, 10:32 AM
Today is my first day since the "shutdown" that I've had a chance to dress up.
And I've only got another 2 hours lol.

03-27-2020, 02:48 PM
We're not DADT, but neither of us is comfortable with me dressing when we're together. More accurately, I'm not comfortable because I know she's not comfortable even though she will say it's okay. My wife and I are both retired, but she has a pretty regular schedule of classes, appointments, girl dates, etc. so I normally have several hours several days of the week to dress alone and that's fine for me. Now our city is in lockdown, so we're both home pretty much 24/7 and I haven't been able to dress for 2 weeks. Desire has been low so no big deal, but now the urge is increasing, so I don't know if I'll just keep a lid on it, underdress a bit (this morning put on panties/bra/forms and silk chemise under my heavy bathrobe), or just say, I'd like to get dressed, would you mind? I know she'd say okay, but see sentence #2 above.

Alice Torn
03-27-2020, 03:37 PM
Vickie, Well said. A few of us have no one at all, except pets to converse with .

03-27-2020, 05:14 PM
IMO, if someone wants to talk of person hardships related to COVID-19 other than unable to dress, start your own thread.

I realize people are having different levels of hardship, but if we dump on everyone's posts about how minor their issues are people will stop posting.

I also don't mean to take anyone's situation lightly.

Also we don't know the mental situation of people. Dressing daily might be keeping them from jumping off the cliff.

03-27-2020, 07:24 PM
I am sorry to hear that you can't dress right now. I know the feeling. Tonight I needed to bring Amanda so bad. I have no one so it is not an issue. But I have been in situations where needing to dress but unable too as folks were around.

PS: Nice to see another one of us from RVA 804

03-31-2020, 09:58 AM
I have the same problem my wife works from home no more dressing for a while

03-31-2020, 11:42 AM
I'm saddened to see some of the replies here. Truely. Telling ppl to suck it up, or get over it cause it could be worse is just mean spirited.
This is a stressful time for all. Dismissing some ones feelings, calling it a "hobby" when they know nothing about them adds nothing except grief and more stress. A lot of ppl have experienced a disruption of their routine. Not necessarily a good thing for ones mental health. Can we not heap diminishing their feelings on to their plates?

04-01-2020, 07:36 AM
Hi Lindsey, Lots of talk otherwise, but just to acknowledge your honest post. Yes! My wife is home 24 X 7 and that means no Brenda time. I hear what you are saying, and not looking deeper. Take care:)

04-03-2020, 05:24 AM
Who else is in DADT situation in life and now the SO is home from work, actually mines a teacher and the rest of the school year just got cancelled. Lindsey May be in the bags in the closet until the end of the summer. I am already suffering withdrawal

I hear you. Sian is locked away in suitcase in attic - good thing she?s used to the dark!

04-03-2020, 06:41 AM
My kids are on school holidays, my wife is off work too at the moment, my hours have been slashed and I?m finding I?m home early.. normally time to slip into something better than a hi viz shirt.
Not at the moment I?m not.

04-03-2020, 12:05 PM
I was wondering about this. If being locked up at home afforded the opportunity meant numerous opportunities to dress at home or whether it meant there was not an environment to do any dressing.

I think for now this has not been at the top of my lists. I am lucky i am still working as is most of my family but we are all at home. I don't care to dress in front of my kids.

This too shall pass. Everyone stay safe.