View Full Version : small blessings

03-27-2020, 10:25 AM
I do not want to belittle the dangers posed by Covid pandemic, but I have noticed three small advantages for my dressing
- because of the isolation I can dress at home more often without fear of anyone knocking on the door
- because of social distancing I can under-dress more adventurously when I go for my 1 hours exercise outdoors - no-one will notice my bra straps and subtle make-up from 2 metres (or more) distance
- because the clothes shops are closed I am saving money!
How about you?
Stay healthy!
luv J

03-27-2020, 11:32 AM
I am with you on saving money. I haven't purchased any clothes in almost a month.

03-27-2020, 06:59 PM
Nothing to do about dressing, but since the bars have closed I have noticed a significant increase in my bank account. LOL

Tracii G
03-27-2020, 07:23 PM
I am saving on gasoline.

Maria 60
03-27-2020, 09:23 PM
That's funny because last weekend was the first time I wore my breast forms shopping, pretty much knowing that nobody was going to hug or grab me and have been dressing with a little more confidence at home because as you said I don't think anyone is going to knock. I still would rather go back to my normal life then living this hell, but any little happiness could make for a little distraction. Thanks

03-27-2020, 10:16 PM
And there is no fear that someone is going to pat me on the back and feel the bra straps.

I put a note on my door saying I have cut down on face to face meetings, and they should call me first. This frees me up to dress they way I want with no fear of having to answer the door dressed, or scramble like a madman to get into drab before answering the door.

I wonder how long it will take me to get back to normal, (ie: back in the closet) when this is all over.

03-28-2020, 01:53 AM
I am with you on saving money. I haven't purchased any clothes in almost a month.

Not so with me. Ebay has been my go to coronavirus stress reliever. I bought three pairs of vintage panties tonight. Three pairs yesterday. And, awaiting last week's purchase of a vintage pair.

PS: There's been a lot of cookie baking around here too!

03-28-2020, 03:22 AM
My wife falls within one of the at risk groups so I have avoided any extra shopping. I have saved money but I would really like to get one more pair of warm leggings!

03-28-2020, 07:24 AM
In every storm there is a rainbow somewhere. Right now most all of us are in a closet of some kind. Be well and reap the benefits of simplicity.

03-29-2020, 07:27 AM
Jacques, My wife likes to go out every night when I get home from work (she doesn't work). So we end up at our favorite pub and it cost as does dinner out. I am saving a ton of money and as an introvert, this is great. My only down side is I can't dress as my wife's adult children live with us.

April Rose
03-29-2020, 08:48 AM
I was dressing most days anyway, so that's not much different. But according to the newspaper the air quality in the city of Boston is improved 30%. It's got me thinking of driving in and going for a walk dressed. That is something I haven't done in a long time.

03-30-2020, 12:18 AM
I am liking the ease of under dressing, there are not many people around so i can be in my backyard, unfortunately I have found a beginning bad habit with Amazon, tho I miss shopping live and in person, and I am saving on gas

Cheryl T
03-30-2020, 10:42 AM
I was dressing daily anyway so there's not much of a change for me.
I do tend to "doll up" a bit more just for fun, but other than that no real change in my dressing.
Funny thing is gas keeps dropping in price and we can't take advantage of it. Hope it stays that way for a while when this ends.