View Full Version : Virus lockdown

Carol P
04-03-2020, 05:05 PM
Hi , this lockdown is becoming an opportunity to dress non stop, thanks
to my fantastic wife.
I hope that there are lots of you dressing and having a safe good dress up.

04-03-2020, 05:08 PM
Couldn?t agree more! Tough time but that has def been my silver lining

Carol P
04-03-2020, 05:24 PM
Doesn?t help that I?m caught in a pink blizzard

04-03-2020, 05:27 PM
Let it snow:daydreaming:

Dawn P
04-03-2020, 06:52 PM
I can't dress at home. The wife is supportive. Our boys still live at home and don't know about my dressing.

04-03-2020, 06:58 PM
Understandable. Take advantage of the opportunities when you can.

04-03-2020, 07:12 PM
I can't dress at home. My wife is accepting and encouraging, but her adult children live with us.

04-03-2020, 07:18 PM
Hi Jamie. Great to hear your wife is with you. We can always figure out times and places it seems.

04-03-2020, 08:49 PM
Having to stay home I get to dress most of the time.:)

04-03-2020, 08:54 PM
There had to be one upside to this dreadful situation, and that is def it!

04-03-2020, 09:56 PM
Ok here, as long as it is not too over the top! LOL

04-03-2020, 10:56 PM
Good night lovelies!

04-03-2020, 11:26 PM
The virus is actually bad for me because my wife and kids are home now so I have no private time at all. My wife and I are DADT and the children have no clue about my lifestyle.:sad:

04-03-2020, 11:28 PM
That has to be so frustrating doll. Sorry to hear

04-04-2020, 04:27 AM
Dressing while I work at home every day while my wife is out working. It's been interesting.

04-04-2020, 04:32 AM
That is fantastic! I love it

- - - Updated - - -

Do you have go to outfits or have you been mixing it up. More outerwear or more lingerie?

04-04-2020, 05:20 AM
I dress everyday but yesterday I had a full makeover day as I call it, make up, nails done (fingers and toes), jewellery, wig and nice outfit.

What a lovely day I had. X

Maria 60
04-04-2020, 05:33 AM
The first week I went crazy, my wife at one point told me to give my legs some air. I was wearing tights under my work clothes and pantyhose when I got home and then tights to bed. I was pretty much dressed every minute besides work and then everyday it just seemed to staple. My children are just finishing some school things and there coming home. So I have to take advantage as much as I can, I feel the pink fog coming.

Jackie F
04-04-2020, 05:46 AM
Happy some of you found a little joy in this situations, I am on double lock down. Enjoy your time and be safe

Connie D50
04-04-2020, 05:48 AM
I to am loving this lockdown I get to dress everyday. Wife not as happy as I am lol

Meg West
04-04-2020, 10:47 AM
Being retired and out to my DW not much has changed.

04-04-2020, 11:04 AM
Sorta wish I were in your shoes...4" strapy sandel, black...:heehee:

04-04-2020, 11:12 AM
Hi Carol,

I'm so happy you have a supportive spouse who let's you dress non stop. Have fun!!!

I started dressing more once I realized I wasn't going anywhere. My "accepting" spouse seemed to take offence. After a couple of sarcastic remarks I thought I should cool it for a bit.

Tracy Irving
04-04-2020, 11:17 AM
I get to wear a bra full time now because the gym is closed so nobody will see any markings.

04-04-2020, 12:08 PM
Having to wear men's clothes during these stay at home times would be very boring! Fortunately, since I live alone, I can choose whatever strikes my fancy from my collection of women's clothes. Presenting as a women is so much more fun!

04-04-2020, 12:14 PM
Today is the first day of the lock down I have dressed. Not full blown dolling up, just bra, forms and dress. Last time I wore the dress, it was without the bra. My wife said it did not look normal, so I added it today. Wife just smiled and we sat down to lunch. At least there is a decreased concern of someone showing up at the door. Stay safe all!

04-04-2020, 07:43 PM
I usually dress to go out. This week I was supposed to be at DLV in Vegas. Which would require 2 weeks of stressful dressing and packing for 5 days and nites in Sin City!:devil:

I dressed plenty for a photo shoot last weekend. I'm good dressing and packing later this month for our next T week in Vegas in May or later!:battingeyelashes:

04-04-2020, 07:52 PM
Having to stay home I get to dress 24/7.

When I go to the store for food or Costco for Toilet paper (LOL) I dress in gg jeans and a nice top ... no problems.

04-04-2020, 08:58 PM
I'm home alone and not hardly ever going anywhere so I've been dressing more than usual. My brother says he'll stop by sometime and that prevents me from staying dressed all day. I also walk the dog in male mode!

04-05-2020, 03:33 AM
I have my own place and have lived alone for years. My wonderful family live seven miles down the road so always text me before visiting me.
So I have always been able to dress any time and for as long as I like.
Eat your hearts out girls. :)

[stay isolated and stay safe]

04-05-2020, 03:37 AM
So jealous! That?s amazing. Sounds like you are also in a very healthy place with your family.

04-05-2020, 05:46 AM
I?m a definite introvert so I rather like the lockdown. It?s great to dress whenever I want. I am so grateful my wife is supportive and understanding.

04-05-2020, 06:09 AM
Looking from dressing point, this virtual lock down is cool. I can also wear heels and skirts all day long, because sitting behind the table at home my co workers can't tell how I'm dressed.

Sometimes Steffi
04-05-2020, 09:45 AM
I'm really hating the lockdown. I guess the only good thing is that I'm teleworking and getting paid

Working from home is very stressful. I'm having lot's of problems accessing my email, and even more problems accessing shared files on the server. I'm somewhat hearing impaired, so teleconferences are very difficult. I moved to a new position within the company right before the lockdown, and I'm still learning my new job. In my old job, I was mostly doing engineering design and reviewing documents, alone or in small groups. Now, I have to interact with many other groups in more of a front line position. Did I mention that I didn't know how to do my job yet?

My boss always has his trigger on his texting, and I only have a very old flip phone, held together by tape and glue. Remember when you had to push the "a" key three times to get a "c". Well, that's me. If I don't respond quick enough, he thinks I'm goofing off. It's way past time for a new phone, but I'm of the generation that likes to touch before I buy.

And worst of all, my girls things are so close, but so far away. I'm not allowed to dress at home. I used to be able tp sneak in some dressing when my wife went out on errands, but she is in lockdown also.

04-05-2020, 10:06 AM
Its been the only thing that's kept me from a new drinking problem! lol Its been so nice to dress everyday. I have been going through my things and finding out what actually works for me.

04-05-2020, 10:13 AM
Steffi, I like your comment about the old flip phone. That's the type of phone my wife and I use as an emergency phone/vacation phone. During this cornoavirus crisis two of my wife's follow up medical appointment were changed to teleconference calls. One doctor office was surprised we do not have a "smart" phone. The real answer is our son and daughter and their offspring routinely use their "smart" phone when visiting. It is darn right rude to use one at the dinner table or when people are talking.....surfing the web or playing games. Ye, a "smart" phone may be a useful tool, but, not in the hands of "dummies."

As to more time to be en femme nothing has changed. My wife and I are retired. She is stuck home anyway, recovering from a total knee replacement. The best I can do is sleep in a floor length nightgown with nylon panties. I do remember when my wife would visit relatives out of state for seven to ten days. As a retire that was bliss. I was able to be en femme 24/7 and even go out en femme to retrieve our mail down the block, although in my car on the way to an evening stroll.

04-05-2020, 10:33 AM
gf is cool with my dressing, Panties bra and tank top under a aweatshirt leggings, painted toes, KIds still at home thinks it weird I have pinted toes but I tell then who cares I like it

04-05-2020, 10:36 AM
I love it! I miss getting a pedicure so badly. Tonight we makes my tootsies pretty again.

Meg West
04-05-2020, 10:44 AM
The lockdown does crimp our style and we worry about all our friends in service professions not working.

Some have developed a form of black humor; from my hairdresser "The only people doing hair and nails right now are morticians."

04-05-2020, 11:57 AM
hello Carol,
no on is going to knock on the door and people can't see the outline of our bra straps from 2 metres when we under-dress!
stay healthy!
luv J

04-05-2020, 08:42 PM
I can’t take advantage of the current situation. My college age son is home - FOR AT LEAST THE NEXT 4 MONTHS! :straightface: I love him dearly but it will really limit my dressing opportunities. I can’t complain. We are all healthy and blessed.


04-05-2020, 09:36 PM
Yes, I have been wearing my skirt and top for the last 2 weeks now.
It is a pleasure to wear what you are most conformable in. And working on my shop
building a model train layout. well it keeps me busy

04-06-2020, 01:56 AM
Good to hear lots of you are making good use of the time at home! For me, unfortunately (fortunately?) I am an essential worker and as such am still working, helping to keep things moving along as good as possible under the circumstances. Wife is working from home which has limited my dressing (she's supportive to an extent but I don't dress around her)...but I'll manage somehow. :D Stay safe out there everyone!

Julie cd uk
04-06-2020, 04:32 AM
I am dressing 24/7 in the lockdown wife is supportive and likes the company of Julie more than when im me in drab clothes. Having some fun girly times together. Stay safe girls.

Kiwi Primrose
04-06-2020, 04:52 AM
Dressing 24/7 for me just now. Today my wife and I had a sort out of her wardrobe. She has (had!!) a good number of blouses and some long pants she hasn't worn for years. Finally we got around to sorting what she wanted and I got my pick of her discards. So now I have a wonderful assortment of blouses and some trousers that I have had my eye on for some time. I spent the rest of the day trying them on; most fitted me like they were tailored for me and she was just as delighted as I am.

04-06-2020, 09:04 AM
I live alone, no chance of visitors so dressed for all but 2-3 hours a week. I am wondering if there are actually more men than women currently dressed in skirts/dresses, hose and heels?

Leslie Mary S
04-06-2020, 09:19 AM
As said elsewhere I am taking selfie in my makeshift studio were my clothes are stored. So far I have take about 10 photos.
I had just received my pull over forms top. size "D".

Shirley Anne
04-12-2020, 06:07 PM
I live alone, no chance of visitors so dressed for all but 2-3 hours a week. I am wondering if there are actually more men than women currently dressed in skirts/dresses, hose and heels?

Looking at women around Inverness daily I wouldnt be the least bit surprised if you were right.

04-12-2020, 06:35 PM
Hello all,
Yes, it's such a joy to be a full time girly girl during the lockdown. I'm almost 24/7 and haven't missed a day in three weeks. I feel so free whether I'm in a bra and panty set, spanex yoga pants, or a skirt and heels. I just downsized my breast forms from a narrow C cup to a wide B, which suits my figure and my agenda. Only down side is they don't jiggle as much.

I have taken up walking on the bike trail in the mornings. I used to drive at least 20 miles to remain anonymous but now I'm walking in my town. I think I've been seen but not recognized and if I am, I'm just going to own it. Likewise, my weekly grocery trips are en femme and local. Feels really empowering to own my crossdressing.

Still, I look forward to getting back to normal, maybe traveling while dressed.

04-12-2020, 06:51 PM
Heather, based on your picture you will pass 100 percent as a lovely woman! No worries...