View Full Version : It's Story Time!

04-05-2020, 03:13 PM
Maybe during this time of being shut ins, we might find time to tell a CD or TG story for the amusement of all. I'll start ...

Alcohol and secrecy don't mix. Before I retired I would occasionally travel in my work and be gone for 2-3 days. I always stopped at a thrift store to buy a few femme items and cheap lipstick to wear when I was in my hotel room. I almost always took some polaroid photos for future viewing.

One night at home after too much alcohol, I dug the photos out of hiding and sat down in my recliner in the family room to look at same. Recliner and alcohol don't mix, and I fell asleep. While passed out my wife came downstairs for some reason, and the next thing I know, she was shaking me awake and asking, "who is this woman"? I had some explaining to do after I said, "it's me."

Things did not go well. We burned the photos and being told I had to see a therapist type, I did over many weeks. My wife slowly resumed a normal relationship after I told her I was done with CDing.

But later, ......

04-05-2020, 03:16 PM
You have me hooked! Please continue

Jennifer Slater
04-05-2020, 03:41 PM
Maybe during this time of being shut ins, we might find time to tell a CD or TG story for the amusement of all. I'll start ...

Alcohol and secrecy don't mix. Before I retired I would occasionally travel in my work and be gone for 2-3 days. I always stopped at a thrift store to buy a few femme items and cheap lipstick to wear when I was in my hotel room. I almost always took some polaroid photos for future viewing.

One night at home after too much alcohol, I dug the photos out of hiding and sat down in my recliner in the family room to look at same. Recliner and alcohol don't mix, and I fell asleep. While passed out my wife came downstairs for some reason, and the next thing I know, she was shaking me awake and asking, "who is this woman"? I had some explaining to do after I said, "it's me."

Things did not go well. We burned the photos and being told I had to see a therapist type, I did over many weeks. My wife slowly resumed a normal relationship after I told her I was done with CDing.

But later, ......

I'm sorry, darling, to hear that. I know how hard it is for you. I truly do.

Alice Torn
04-05-2020, 05:27 PM
Sad to hear that. Men are not allowed to wear clothing women wear, but women are allowed to wear any clothes they want.

Crissy 107
04-05-2020, 08:09 PM
Alice, Sad but true.

04-05-2020, 08:59 PM
Jenny, That's awful. I'm sorry your wife wasn't supportive.

04-06-2020, 06:30 AM
hello Jenny,
my true story. I wore panties and tights (pantyhose) for many years. My wife is accepting but we do not talk about it. I decided to take my dressing further. I bought a skirt and women's tee-shirt, to go with my panties and tights. One evening I got the courage to wear them in front of my wife. I got dressed, walked into the living room, my skirt fell down to my knees and my wife has never laughed as much in her life!
luv J

04-06-2020, 02:05 PM
Come on, girls! let's hear your stories. Anything Goes!

04-07-2020, 05:33 PM
Had forgotten about this happening to me a few years back.

My wife is accepting of my dressing but for some reason when she is out she always calls when she is heading home. One night she was having a girls night out for dinner, show at a casino and play a few slots. So I showered, shaved and got my Sidney going. Panties, bra, slip, thigh high stockings, a very dark green almost black long sleeve velvet dress that came just to the knee and four inch high heels with a nice necklace with matching bracelet. I was just lounging around the house, reading and sipping on my bourbon, just enjoying myself. About four hours had passed when I heard my wife unlocking the front door. In walks my wife with her friend Jill. Way to late to run so I just sat there with my high heels on with legs crossed and dress half way up my thigh. My wife busted of laughing and said "OMG, I forgot to call", she ALWAYS CALLS, LOL. Jill, who didnt until that moment know of my dressing, was standing there with her mouth wide open. My wifes still laughing and a say "Jill, close your mouth and sit on the couch so we can talk. Wife now gains control and says Sidney go fix us all a drink. I'll start talking to Jill. Im 6 foot 7 inches in heels with long slim good looking legs. I get up and walk across the livingroom thru the dining room into the kitchen for the drinks. Jill still had not said a word just watched me walk. When I brought the drinks back Jill finally spoke, Sidneycan you get me a napkin. I turned and walked back and forth with my heels clicking on the hardwood. Jill's eyes never left me. LOL when I sat down the three of us had a long talk and she was very intrigued. The she said Sidney my napkin is all wet can I have another so back and forth again. Her eyes never left me LOL when I sat back down she say two things about your dressing. Jill is a very old and good friend whose husband passed a few years ago. She says first the next time yall invite me over please promise you will wear and outfit like you have on. And by the way your legs are gorgeous. Second request, you have mastered your heels, I am terrible with heels, will you give me lessons

Cutting this to the present day. Jill comes over often. We enjoy her. She even buys me girly things for birthdays and Christmas.

04-07-2020, 10:14 PM
Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for wearing men's clothes. So says a recent paper about her death published by the Smithsonian.