View Full Version : I'm a full time girl during the coronavirus lockdown. Are you?

04-09-2020, 02:45 PM
Now that we are under lockdown, I am crossdressing almost 24/7.
I have always kept my legs and body shaved but about two weeks ago,
I shaved my fore arms so now EVERYTHING is soft, smooth, and squeaky clean.
I have also taken another step and pierced my ears. I may have some explaining to do
if Indiana suddenly lifts the ban and I have to return to work with the studs in place
but I think it's time I take ownership of my crossdressing.

For now though, I just LOVE the feeling of going walking on the bike trail in a wig, jiggling breast forms, slinky spandex and tight yoga pants. Grocery shopping, house cleaning, cooking, and just everything is so much more fun when dressed in frilly, feminine attire. I feel so happy, so free, so playful, and just a little bit naughty. Are all of you girls having as much fun as me during the current situation?? Do write and tell all of your naughty secrets.

04-09-2020, 02:50 PM
hello Heather,
the lockdown does have some small blessings - enjoy and stay healthy!
I am dressing more than usual, sure in the knowledge that no-one is going to knock on the door (apart from the delivery man who is delivering some new dresses)!
luv J

Majella St Gerard
04-09-2020, 02:52 PM
Just because you have pierced ears doesn't mean you're a crossdresser, you don't have to explain anything, men wear earrings. But if you want to come out then go for it but men with earrings is not an indicator of crossdressing. That is all in your head.

Anyway, I dress the same amount because I still have to go to work and only dress on my days off.

04-09-2020, 04:42 PM
I have also taken another step and pierced my ears. I may have some explaining to do

Umm, I wanted too?

Guys that don't dress have pierced ears, why worry about explanations?? If anyone asks, you wanted to too, if they give you any crap, tell them to bugger off and you didn't realize you needed their permission!

Angie G
04-09-2020, 05:04 PM
It's still cool enough here so I can get out most days with my bra and forms. and nylons. I've been almost 27/7 for some time now being retired for 3 years. I keep my legs and underarms shaved all year ears pierced fore about 4+ years.I didn't get that much more time do to this virus. :hugs:

daphne g
04-09-2020, 05:16 PM
I?ve been having my hair bleached by my hairdresser for the last five years,now there?s no hairdresser I got my girlfriend to dye it ,reddish brown very very ladylike,uups I have to go back to work on Tuesday

Tracii G
04-09-2020, 05:40 PM
I'm transgender so none of this feels kinky or naughty.
Not sure about the playful comment are you hitting on guys at the grocery?

Devi SM
04-09-2020, 06:18 PM
As Tracii, I'm a transexual too so not fun for me going out for no excuse. Now I'm waiting in my car after drive my son for a medical procedure. I go out exclusive for groceries as fresh vegetables.because early I saw what was happening and have enough food for a month.
Naughty secrets? That's the greatness of being honest with myself and the world, nothing to hide, to dress was a game as I was a teenager girl.
Why I'm so serious and mean with this thread? Because when I was a croosdresser as many here never saw the true up to when I got in charge of my life and decide be honest.

If you enjoy so much doing all the activities you describe and are worried about going back to work, be honest with yourself and the world and go to therapy, you'll find out the truth and as he said, it will set you free.


04-09-2020, 06:20 PM
Jealous about the ears. I wish I had thought of this sooner...I’d be halfway done w/the studs by now.

04-10-2020, 09:32 AM
I wish that I could use this opportunity. Unfortunately, my kids are out of school too; so, I don't get the house to myself.

04-10-2020, 10:35 AM
I haven’t worn a scrap of male clothing since this started. Like other folks here, I’m transgender, so I’m just being myself. It’s nice not having to go around in disguise (male clothing).

04-10-2020, 10:44 AM
I've been almost 27/7 for some time now being retired for 3 years.

Geeez I am missing out on 3 hours a day dressing somewhere, I am moving beside you Angie....lol x

04-10-2020, 12:25 PM
I am full-time except when my family brings me groceries or when I have to go to a medical appointment. But, this is close to normal for me.

Tracii G
04-10-2020, 12:27 PM
This kind of thread happens from people that are new here they think everyone is like them and sneaking around dressing as women.
Been 24/7 for years now so dressing is not a kink or a thrill or a sexual thing.
We all had to start somewhere I suppose.

04-10-2020, 12:31 PM
"I'm a full time girl during the coronavirus lockdown.":devil:

Now that's a funny concept, Heather!:eek:
What if Covid 19 actually turned men into women? I wonder how many of us would choose to be infected at the risk our lives!? :straightface:

However, I guess u meant "looking and acting" like a woman?:battingeyelashes:

Cheryl T
04-11-2020, 10:37 AM
I was pretty close to full time before all this sequestering but since then it surely has been that.
Hope this relaxes a bit, I'm going to need more nail polish...

04-11-2020, 11:28 AM
If I was the only person in my house I would be dressed full time. For me it just feels right. However, my wife is only so accepting and I have to walk a fine line with my dressing.

04-13-2020, 08:41 PM
Dressed most of the time. Got to break in a new corset!

04-13-2020, 09:29 PM

No, I'm not having as much fun as you. But, I'm not a crossdresser. I'm transgender and on HRT, so, my boobs are growing. Jiggling just makes them hurt, really hurt. As far as wearing a skirt or a top or a bra, well, those are just my clothes.

04-13-2020, 09:52 PM
I was dressing almost every day during the last 3 weeks for a few hours each day. Then, a couple of days ago my nephew had to move back in with me due the the shutdown.

04-14-2020, 07:01 AM
I'm very low on powder finisher, and in the absence of regular activities on lockdown, the prospect of doing more transformations seems to have heightened appeal. I know that if I had plenty of finisher, I would struggle to get started even though I would want to look female. Now I feel reasonable motivation to start, but also I recognise this feeling about a lot of things when I'm at work, yet when I get home, . . . nothing! :yawn:.

Anyway, I can't buy my shade of finisher in the shops that I can get to during the lockdown. I could get it online, but I don't want to do that right now and force some unfortunate soul to risk their health to have to deliver it to me. Sure, if they aren't delivering to me, they'd still be delivering to someone, and person_A in place of person_B wouldn't make much difference,.. but if everyone thought like that, they would be delivering to every house and risking their lives more. I prefer not to be part of the problem side of that extrapolation.

Lockdown here is being increased another 3 weeks. Woo! :straightface:. Hairless body and associated skincare has been continuous since last summer. The motivation to do that remains steadfast, and the more the results I see, the stronger the resolve to continue. I did my eyebrows recently too.

- L.

04-14-2020, 07:59 AM
Hi Heather, No not as much fun as you, that's for sure. My wife is working from home and I am still am at the office "essential infrastructure" so I don't have any "Brenda" time:cry: Have fun and take care out there.

04-14-2020, 08:16 AM
I could get it online, but I don't want to do that right now and force some unfortunate soul to risk their health to have to deliver it to me.
Totally with you, we stopped ordering online for the same reason.

04-14-2020, 08:44 AM
Yes. Always...panties, bra, hose, perfume, some makeup. Some days...more....some days less...depends. I?m sure you all can relate.

04-14-2020, 11:47 AM
I'm not really having a lot of fun during this pandemic "lock down". Personally, I'm worried about my chance of getting the virus and possibly dying from it. I'm also worried about the financial aspect of it and the status of my retirement investments.

I'm also worried about my wife and other family members as well as friends. Some have lost their jobs and businesses and some have lost their lives. I worry about the economy and whether it will survive this pandemic or whether we will see another Great Depression.

Dressing is important to me but right now I'm looking at far more important things.

But to answer the question, No, I am not a full time girl during this lockdown.

Lana Mae
04-14-2020, 12:14 PM
I dress 24/7 as I do not have "male" clothes!! The real concern is people at this point and staying safe! I do however need my nails done and my brows waxed! A small advantage is my hair is growing longer! LOL Stay safe and healthy! Virtual Hugs Lana Mae

04-14-2020, 01:04 PM
Things haven't been going well so the short answer is no. We had two deaths in the family, one way too soon and the other was my mother-in-law. My wife coordinated with hospice to help with end of life care and was with her when she passed and did a wonderful job helping her mother. I spent a week and a half home alone and was set back by what was happening and a spike in blood pressure caused by the combination of stress and quitting a diet pop habit (it can actually raise bp if one drinks enough of it). By the end of the week and a half I was thinking of dressing again but my mother-in-law passed on the night I was planning on dressing. Fortunately I got a heads up on her condition and opted not to dress or I'd have been caught for sure. We managed to get the visitation and funeral in just under the wire with the shelter in place starting at midnight the day of the funeral. In the meantime there was so much going on that I cancelled my therapy apointment and didn't get setup for teleconferencing until last week. I'm not able to dress at home though I probably could if I was real quiet and didn't come upstairs for anything. It would be just my luck that there would be a car crash out on the road and she'd wake up and come down there. Three days later we "celebrated" our 50th sitting around the house unable to go anywhere. As it turns out take out was closed on the day of our anniversary so we had to have our anniversary meal a day late. I'm not complaining though as I know some are dealing with a lot worse than I am right now.

04-17-2020, 02:59 PM
I work in an ICU and am potentially exposed to Covid patients, so my family doesn?t want me around right now. Reasonably enough, I?m living alone and hell yes I crossdress all day when I?m not at work. Feels great! And I experience a little guilt for not feeling so bad about enjoying time alone.

04-17-2020, 05:34 PM
Nah, I dress for the adulation, so no fun getting dressed if nobody can see me. Taking the time to be lazy.

04-18-2020, 05:25 AM
Nah - I'm stuck in lock down, so I've …..

plumbed in the new toilet & vanity,
built a wooden platform and moved the shed onto it,
lifted the front of the house 20 mm (3/4 of an inch?),
did an audit all my power outlets (found an empty circuit breaker),
scrubbed all the inside walls and painted 80% now.

I sometimes get a few minutes (anytime before 8am) to dress - and do nothing.

I need to dress and get OUT !!!!

Crissy 107
04-18-2020, 05:50 AM
I work in an ICU and am potentially exposed to Covid patients, so my family doesn?t want me around right now. Reasonably enough, I?m living alone and hell yes I crossdress all day when I?m not at work. Feels great! And I experience a little guilt for not feeling so bad about enjoying time alone.

Mermaiden, ICU, stay safe, you people in the hospitals are the real hero’s of this mess. Thanks to you and your coworkers for all you do!
I can totally understand needing to unwind and dress more during these times.

04-18-2020, 09:06 AM
The Corona crisis does not have me dressing more, it has however really made me upset with myself that I did not do more in the past with dressing more and getting over my fear and concerns of failure. I am convinced that I am going to die from the Corona virus and I feel I have not much time left to live and I am beating myself up emotionally for what I did not do in the past and feel I will not be around after this crisis to do what I should have done years ago.


04-18-2020, 09:25 AM
Enjoying being in dresses for all but a couple of hours a week seems a bit frivolous when the situation responsible for me doing this has people risking their lives to keep us safe - so much respect here. I live alone and having to work from home with no video meetings and no visitors means I can paint my nails. As I spend most of my life sitting down somewhere and I forget what I am wearing after a few minutes, having my nails in constant view on a keyboard or when I am reading is good. I like having painted nails but hate the actual painting and the removal so now two different colours a week separated by my two shopping trips. I need to know I will have them like that for three days to justify the effort. My legs and armpits are kept hair-free all the time for aesthetic reasons. My nails are long and I haven't shaped them. I am not painting my toes in case I get ill and have to go to hospital - it is a lot more difficult to be sure your toes are colour free than fingers. The other thing I can do in the lockdown that is more difficult normally is use scented anti-perspirant and body spray. No make up except lipstick and no wig - I just use these for going out dressed and that isn't going to happen any time soon. A GG friend claims she knows of no women wearing skirts or dresses right now and reckons that we crossdressers will be most of the people in skirts and dresses during the lockdown. I have been wearing mainly dresses 4 days a week and almost every evening for years and now it has been almost all the time for nearly a month, yet I don't automatically think of myself as wearing a dress. Maybe it is because dresses are so variable or it could be all the early conditioning of being in trousers all the time for the first third of my life.

April Rose
04-18-2020, 10:08 AM
I have to sit down for a minute. Reading Rachel's schedule has worn me out!

My son just had to come stay with us due to an unstable condition at home related to the lock down. (Alcoholic housemate). He has known about my cross dressing for years, and has seen me dressed, but just to be clear about things I brought the subject up in the car on the way here. It would be inevitable that he would sometimes see me dressed.

He had the nicest response. "I am so happy," he said "that you have been able to find this way to express yourself". The conversation went onto his friends who have identified as transgender, and to the expansion of my social life. it was very affirming to me, and I am proud to have such an open minded son. These are hard times, to be sure, but there are bright spots.

04-18-2020, 10:23 AM
I wear women's clothes at home all the time for years now, but since I work from home now, I can wear heels and skirts even at work. Upper part of my body still have to appear in male clothes because of video conference calls. I just have to be careful not to reveal to everyone what I'm wearing below my waist when on video call.

Sarah Doepner
04-18-2020, 10:34 AM
I work in an ICU and am potentially exposed to Covid patients, so my family doesn?t want me around right now. Reasonably enough, I?m living alone and hell yes I crossdress all day when I?m not at work. Feels great! And I experience a little guilt for not feeling so bad about enjoying time alone.

Please be careful and get rest and pleasure when you can. Your skills and dedication will need more honor than a paycheck and evening applause one of these days. Good luck to you and your co-workers.

I'm about 19 months on hormone therapy and entered the Covid Closet partially out to the world. It's burning away most of the guy that's left and it's very possible I will emerge as the woman I've been striving to be when/if there is an "All Clear" horn sounded some day. This is the strongest reminder I've had that if I'm going to do this I need to stop finding new excuses to hide.

04-21-2020, 12:34 PM
Pretty much the opposite for me. I work from home so I'm usually dressed five days a week, but my wife is now home because of the virus shutdown. She knows but doesn't want to see me dressed, unfortunately.

Devi SM
04-21-2020, 04:00 PM
It's funny and interesting at the same time how men are traditionally who have the control, so the macho, chovinismfor me is a fantasy.
I read here so many to say: so my wife is at home, she know but doesn't want me to dress....
Where what you guys, men want?
Women exerts so much control over men that are always the puppies under the black panter control .
I dont know about what women cry for their rights, a smart women can have same or more control than men.
My view...

04-23-2020, 10:59 PM
It is exciting that you have already been shaving everything and now pierced your ears. Sounds like you are almost going public with this. Are you in a relationship and if so, how does she/he feel about it?


04-24-2020, 01:52 AM
I’m kind of in the opposite situation. I’m transgender and I’ve been fully out since early 2018. I am in an essential profession (criminal defense attorney) and although most of my cases are being continued into June, I still have to go to court occasionally (like tomorrow).

I have to wear a mask and gloves, so no makeup, no long fingernails, no jewelry on my hands, and I have to pull my hair back with a band or ponytail it. Any jewelry I wear has to be cleaned when I get home so I just wear studs to keep my piercings open and a simple necklace.

The courts allow us to dress down a little so we can wear machine washable clothes and throw them in the wash when we get home.

I miss the nail parlor. I miss my Thai masseuse. I miss my jeweler. I hope they are all healthy and doing okay.


04-24-2020, 06:47 AM
Due to the amount of video meetings, I have not dressed as much as I wanted. However, I have made up for that with the amount of online shopping that has been done with the stores closed.

04-24-2020, 10:34 AM
If it hadn't been for COVID it would have been a perfect few months as someone closeted. Out of work and youngest away at uni. Dress three mornings a week when wife out. Now, kid home, wife home. Thankfully, the pink fog is just wispy at the moment.

Melanie Therese
04-26-2020, 02:06 AM
No, less in fact. I have a day off each fortnight that allowed me to dress as nobody at home or I could go out in not too obvious Fem. Now the rest of my family is working or schooling from home. As I was the only one that had to go in to the office, it did allow me to wear a bra which I don't normally do at work as I am quite close to my colleagues so being a little touchy is not uncommon. with distancing I was confident there wouldn't be any touching.
Now we had a confirmed COVID case at my office and being a senior staff member but not in charge of staff, I am now working from home with the rest of the family.

04-30-2020, 10:40 AM
I feel like i have arrived rather late to this thread.:facepalm:
After more than a month of business as usual on my delivery rounds, i was surprisingly told that i will not be doing any more deliveries for the duration and i have been placed on computer admin. duties from home.
The work is not what i am used to, but at least i am still getting paid and there is a great upside. I have a lovely black knee-length pencil skirt which i can now wear with some tights for work. (Normally i am underdressed for work.) As this skirt is in line with the company's uniform policy i don't feel guilty and it certainly makes me happier in my work.:c9:

Heather - i had my ears pierced a few months ago, it's not a big deal anymore. Only two people have commented and neither of those were uncomplimentary. :)

Allison Chaynes
04-30-2020, 08:38 PM
No, my kids are home 24 seven so I don't get any Allison time outside of the bedroom at night. And even that is diminished because I pass out right after kids do

Tracy Irving
05-01-2020, 12:45 AM
I wasn't a full time girl before the lockdown so I'm not going to start after. Especially when I am shopping for three elderly families and my own. I have more important things to do than pretend to be a woman full time. I just can't be that selfish right now.

Marie-Claude, France
05-02-2020, 08:38 AM
Not all days, but much often than before.

05-02-2020, 11:48 AM
Pretty much. My last job went to full time work from home a week before the lock down, I have been enjoying dressing however I want ever since. I have even discovered that Shelby is better at writing romance and erotica than I am, so there's an added bonus.

05-02-2020, 04:17 PM
When I had my ears pierced, I just said I fancied having them done. Nothing else was ever mentioned. I tweezed my eyebrows over a month or two and not a word. Never spotted if done slowly. :shades:

As to shaving my body, I look forward to my de-hairing sessions in the bath, listening to YouTube podcasts, documentaries etc. It's the greatest feeling for me, but the lockdown has brought an abrupt end to my facial hair removal programme. I'd recently found a fantastic saloon for my electrolysis, cute lady doing the work and she's fast too.


05-03-2020, 10:47 AM
Almost full time. Just a few 'off campus' excursions that required male dress and even at that, underdressed, woman's jeans and a neutral top with light make-up.

05-08-2020, 10:46 PM
I haven't dressed up since the second week of March. Just been so worried about finances, whether I'll have my old job again when this is over, etc. Haven't felt the urge to relax en femme. I sure hope this feeling is temporary...

05-13-2020, 06:00 PM
I am not 24/7 but I have spent a lot more time(and money on new clothes) dressed recently and has given me more time to enjoy being dressed which has been great and the reason I have taken the step to join this site and talk about being CD and to find friends and advice to maybe taking more steps towards a 24/7 life or at least some sort of public life!

Bridgette Azure
05-13-2020, 08:04 PM
My fingernails are the longest they've ever been by not cutting them for three months.

05-13-2020, 10:11 PM
I dress every day.

05-14-2020, 01:00 PM
Hi Heather :hugs:, Your profile shows a VERY lovely young lady and I am sure that you passed 110%,

Re: Pierced ears, Just tell them it was a midlife crisis That worked for me. >Orchid .oo:daydreaming:O..

05-16-2020, 11:56 PM
All the above, and doing my nails the nicest and sheerest shade of pink.....

05-17-2020, 02:06 AM
So my dressing is not full time, but during this pandemic, with a lovely supportive partner that I'm asking to marry me tomorrow, its definitely increased. I'm doing my best to not be full on femme all the time, because I feel like I've had this side of me bottled up for my entire life and it's not fair to unleash it all on her. But I am incredibly fortunate to not only be with someone who tolerates my dressing, but she will take an active part in it and comment on the things I have purchased.

05-18-2020, 04:27 PM
Don't wor

- - - Updated - - -

Don't worry about the studs. No one will .notice

05-21-2020, 03:32 AM
У yes indeed quarantine allows you to be dressed 24/7. Only during conversations on Skype at work I use muted makeup and a darkened room, I put on a women's sweater or a sports sweater in a neutral color. Below is always a skirt, stockings, shoes. Buzgalter not taking off under a sweater, he clearly does not stand out. And what a pleasure that the nails were always varnished. Pierced ears. Punctures will heal and most likely they will not pay attention to them without earrings, but it will be possible to wear real earrings, not clips

05-21-2020, 05:58 AM
. . . with a lovely supportive partner that I'm asking to marry me tomorrow, . . .

I once watched a sports report about a motor race when I was on vacation back home in 1998. They gave details about the highlight moments of the race.. then didn't say who won . . . ;) .

- L.

05-28-2020, 01:55 PM
I take each day as it comes really; sometimes I get through the day in many mode?, sometimes I know from the get go that it?s going to be a ?Heather Day?. But ultimately, if Heather decides to come to the surface I won?t get much choice and I?ll be dolled up within an hour or so anyway.

05-28-2020, 04:23 PM
I am too stressed out from this coronavirus lockdown nonsense to enjoy getting dolled up, so I don't. I truly feel for those of you who have jobs in danger because of all this.

As for the earrings, yes some men today have them, but if someone is older and then suddenly have earrings people may ask questions. Personally, I don't like questions from people in my cis life. People's tolerances vary.