View Full Version : So, what's it all about anyway?

04-26-2020, 07:31 PM
'What's it all about?' is kind of a rhetorical question, I just wanted to share some thoughts.

I'm sitting at my desk working on another story, I write romance and a little erotica for fun.
I reach up and move the hair out of my eyes with my pinkie and relish the feeling of the the long hair of my wig as it caresses my shoulders, it gets caught between me and the back of my chair so I reach around and pull it to the front, noticing the almost purple shade on pink on my fingernails; it matches my toes. I glance down and notice how the nipples of my forms are barely evident through my bra and the light linen blouse I am wearing, closing my eyes as the motion of switching my legs from right over left to left over right creates a gentle swish of my skirt; my smooth legs slide easily across each other...

I am completely at peace with myself and the universe.

And people want to know why I dress...

04-26-2020, 08:54 PM
I totally get the inner peace thing. I do. But for me, nothing compares to public adulation.

04-26-2020, 09:26 PM

I get that, but you're beautiful, I'm just a man in a dress no matter what I do. :)

We all dress for different reasons. I have done the whole professional makeover, night out thing and even though I liked the way I looked, it is and has always been about how I feel with me.

04-27-2020, 04:54 AM
Sat here working from home in a lovely dress, stockings and heels, plus the required lingerie, total happy with me and at peace with myself, I love dressing for that very reason, will always be a man in a dress, but right now this is me and I love this me

Kay J
04-27-2020, 05:42 AM
Wow are you talking about me to that is just the way i feel but i don't go out i am to old to start something like that don't know if the old heart would take it!:hugs:

Connie D50
04-27-2020, 07:10 AM
Shelby You did a fantastic job describing how a very large % of us feel thank you. Connie

04-27-2020, 08:36 AM
Yes...count me in...It?s always fun and relaxing getting dressed...especially slipping on my nylons crossing my legs, walking and even slipping my shoes on. Ahhhhh. Bliss.

04-27-2020, 09:34 AM
Shelby I totally relate to what you describe. It's all the little things that make for en entirely new experience (I would probably need to trek on Mars or dive down in the Mariana Trench to get the equivalent weirdness in male mode), a world of softness and sensuality which is beyond words and that I can enjoy for hours on end.

04-27-2020, 10:58 AM
Then, there's the other side of it, Shelby. When you've dressed long enuff some of those same things can become irritating!:straightface:

Like, pulling your wig back out of position when u r sitting and leaning on it.

Or, eating your long wig while dining out with the girls.

Or, trying to cross your legs sexily and casually but catch your spike heel in your nylons while doing it!:doh:

04-27-2020, 11:15 AM
I think you definitely nailed it straight in its head with your explanation. If cloud 9 was pink...

April Rose
04-28-2020, 06:51 AM
Both more alert and attentive and more relaxed and at peace, at the same time. Jung described that as being in good alignment with one's libido. For Jung libido is a body/energy thing not just a sexual thing.

I particularly like doing my cross stitch or working at my sewing machine while fully dressed. It just feels like a manifestation of my inner lady.

04-28-2020, 07:04 AM
ShelbyDawn, Love the aura over me when dressed. So I get your feeling of peace.

04-28-2020, 08:30 AM
hello Shelby,
"I'm just a man in a dress no matter what I do" - don't put yourself down: being a MIAD if fab, there is nothing "just" about it!
luv J

04-28-2020, 09:08 AM

Thank you for the words of support.

I ma not putting myself down at all, I am very happy with who I am, I have just realized that,even with professional help, I am not going to pass as a woman, and that I really don,t care, 'the look' is not why I dress.
I am happy with who and where I am. As I have mentioned, we all dress for different reasons, for many, being 'just a MIAD' would be a bad thing, for me it is not.

I think if more men knew how comfortable skirts were and if society weren't so biased against the idea, we would see men in dresses everywhere. :)

04-28-2020, 10:01 PM
It took me years to work into the euphoric state that I now enjoy from simply dressing as myself. I went through the exciting fetish sexually induced dressing with all the guilt to learning to over come the guilt. The immediate fear to get out of the clothes, to staying dressed after the self pleasure or redressing in the clothes in many cases. Right on to finding satisfaction that I could do it with no remorse or fear to the state of making crossdressing work for me. I know it has been my relief for anger, depression, self pity to confidence and contentment. Then there is the physical advantages and benefits. Blood pressure is no longer an issue and until a tragic accident my weight was kept in control to be able to share wardrobes with my wife. And now in my retirement years it is a economical means to relax and enjoy free time. So it took a while but I found my reasons, I enjoyed it and I want to for me.

04-29-2020, 06:15 AM
Wow Shelby! You certainly have a way with words. It really helps me find my inner peace.

04-29-2020, 09:21 AM
All part of the learning curve , irritation for me is drab !

04-29-2020, 11:46 AM
"I am completely at peace with myself and the universe." I have to agree with you. I can understand the drive to get out of the house and mingle in the real world (Micki Finn). I have gone out for an evening drive and stroll when I have had the opportunity. No mingling with the masses. I much rather be totally en femme at home doing whatever happens in an otherwise routine existence; cooking and baking, laundry and ironing, vacuuming and so on. Those are domestic chores that have to be done no matter how I am attired. Eating my meals, watching television, reading a book/newspaper....all sorts of mundane things. I'm totally at east with my otherwise boring life.