View Full Version : Forgot to tell her husband !

07-15-2020, 05:28 AM
After months of not being able to visit a haidresser I finally had a 9-30 appointment this morning . My arrangement now is I show up as Teresa , and slip my wig off and pop it on it's stand , the Lithuanian owner is perfectly happy with that . Her husband is taking care of the bookings and the clean up required for Covid-19 , so he ushered me to the chair while his wife cleaned her plastic face mask , I didn't realise she hadn't told him what the procedure was so when I slipped my wig off his jaw dropped ! After a few moments he recovered by asking me if I'd like a coffee , then added, " you've still got more hair than me even with your wig off ". He then disappeared downstairs to the nail studio and didn't reappear .

While she was cutting my hair I asked if she'd mentioned it to her husband , she replied that she's so use to me she forgot to tell him , with that she placed her hands on my shoulders and said , " I think you're so brave " . So I explained that after two years it's something I never consider anymore I got over that problem in two weeks .

It felt so good after my wig fitted so comfortably again which is just as well as it will be easier to wear a mask because it's now becoming mandatory to wear one , so my next stop in town was to buy my masks .

Kay J
07-15-2020, 06:26 AM
What a cute story Teresa you started my day out with a big smile! ;)

07-15-2020, 06:26 AM
My hairdresser isn't married, but I recently came out officially to her. After my last appointment. I asked what she suggested for brow makeup. So she walks me over to this little demo/display she has in her shop. So she fills in my brows with the product, and we talk about it a bit.

We are so busy. We don't even notice another one of her clients walk in. As we say our good byes. She said Iook foward to seeing you next time (male name). I don't mind if of she uses it. She only knows me by that name. As I turn to leave. Her client is standing behind me, and has a big smile on her face. She said hello or good morning as I walked past her, and said the same thing back.

I have a deep voice, and I'm 6ft tall. I can sorta pass, but not really up close. So I'm not fooling any one. I'm over the nerves of being seen, and have been for long time.

07-15-2020, 07:44 AM
What a cute and wonderful story, Teresa. It is amazing what has happened to you over the last couple of years. I am sure there are still a lot of challenges to confront, but with so much experience in solving problems in your new life I am very confident you an probably get through most anything. You really are an inspiration.

07-15-2020, 08:51 AM
If all goes well next year I'm planning to take a cruise round the British Isles , I've only briefly visited Scotland and never Ireland . I have asked the question about travelling as a trans woman in the TS section as part of the trip takes in Rotterdam in Holland and Honfleur in France so my current passport won't coincide with my travelling appearance .

So yes you are correct I keep posing myself new challenges .

It's a conventional cruise rather than a selective one for the TG community . I intend to travel alone , I'm not sure if that will make it easier or more of a challenge . If it happens I will certaily pass on my experiences , mentally I've already gone through my wardrobe making a list of items to take .

If we accept ourselves as TG we also must accept at some point that we live that chosen life , it's working out just fine . If I inspire others that's a wonderful bonus for me as it was never my intention so I'm grateful for your comment .

07-15-2020, 09:02 AM
My hairdresser isn't married, but I recently came out officially to her. After my last appointment. I asked what she suggested for brow makeup. So she walks me over to this little demo/display she has in her shop. So she fills in my brows with the product, and we talk about it a bit.

We are so busy. We don't even notice another one of her clients walk in. As we say our good byes. She said I look forward to seeing you next time (male name). I don't mind if of she uses it. She only knows me by that name. As I turn to leave. Her client is standing behind me, and has a big smile on her face. She said hello or good morning as I walked past her, and said the same thing back.

I have a deep voice, and I'm 6ft tall. I can sorta pass, but not really up close. So I'm not fooling any one. I'm over the nerves of being seen, and have been for long time.

I think the world is changing. At least my perception of it is. There are more tolerant people that understand that everyone is not binary A or B. People slide along the scale. LGBQT has a T in it. I know it does not mean Transvestite but it could. We should all just enjoy our extra freedom we could have out and about.

07-15-2020, 09:09 AM
I'm sure you realise the T means transgender .

We should very much enjoy our freedom , some parts of the World would impose a severe penalty for the way some of us live our lives . I really do consider myself very lucky .

07-15-2020, 12:38 PM
Our confidence is our shield and what allows us to forge ahead. I believe that the happier we are with ourselves, the more at ease everyone around us will be.
Although I am rather shocked that you are signing up for a cruise! I thought after this current fiasco that nobody would ever want to step foot on-board again!

07-16-2020, 03:10 AM
Go for it girl!! a cruise sounds nice but dont bite off more than you can chew, take it slowly and for whatever reason dont get out of your comfort zone!

07-16-2020, 04:22 AM
I know what you mean and I'll only do it if I feel it's safe to do so , I've done several and love them .

I'm always pushing for more , life really is for living especially with the current state of affairs and of course it's so much better doing it as Teresa .

07-16-2020, 04:49 AM
I think the world is changing. At least my perception of it is. There are more tolerant people that understand that everyone is not binary A or B. People slide along the scale. LGBQT has a T in it. I know it does not mean Transvestite but it could. We should all just enjoy our extra freedom we could have out and about.

The client for sure was a babyboomer. Probably a around 55-60. It just surprised me. That she didn't care. I was raised by her generation. People give boomers a hard time alot, but considering who raised them. They are lot more tolerant then their parents.

My hairdresser took me almost a year to come out to her. While she's younger 42.
I was afraid she might have acted different, but it didn't even phase her.

07-16-2020, 06:28 AM
Hi Teresa,

Such a cute story. Thanks for sharing.

07-16-2020, 07:05 PM
Teresa, Your hairdresser sounds like a wonderful women. Too bad she did not forewarn her husband.

07-17-2020, 08:00 PM
That gives hope that attitudes may really be changing. Thanks for your story!

Crissy 107
07-17-2020, 08:42 PM
Teresa, Sorry I am late to this thread. Another great Teresa experience!

07-18-2020, 05:19 AM
I added a recent one in the picture section where I visited the formal gardens at a castle near my home , another great day out .

07-18-2020, 06:22 AM
I agree with Angela. It would take a special abundance of insanity to go on a cruise. Ever. Even if they say they beat the virus.

I took a cruise to Alaska a few years ago. Never again, period. Add the virus and the cruise lines confined people to cabins where they still died like flies. Images of a dungeon being tortured ahead of a gruesome execution are not hard to imagine.

On the bright side, any worry or nervousness about being out and about en femme would be forgotten in light of much bigger worries.

07-18-2020, 03:02 PM
My first cruise which was to celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary was round the Baltic . It was a great way to see so many beautiful cities , each day you could step off the ship in a different pot of call . On returning join some friends for early drinks and swap stories , then get dressed for dinner and end the evening at a show or some midnight dancing . To me it doesn't have any disadvantages .

The most exciting cruise was seeing the ancient sights of Egypt all from the comfort of a cruise ship .

Obvioulsy I won't consider taking one until it's safe to do so .

07-19-2020, 01:23 AM
Before considering a cruise, I recommend that folks read https://livestly.com/travel-agent-cruise-vacations-realities/ . That website gives a realistic pre-COVID look at cruises. I am glad that you enjoyed your cruise.

Maybe a north European cruise is pleasant, but an Alaska cruise is a waste. Instead of ancient cities to visit, I got rainy shanty towns that are inhabited only during cruise ship season, nothing but tourist traps. The only exception was Victoria, BC, but we were allowed only four hours in the evening there. It was too cold, windy, and rainy to go outdoors on the ship when underway. The entertainment and dancing was cancelled due to the typically rough seas...this is the North Pacific. The food was so bad that I quit eating by the second day. I do not drink...that is a good thing, saving me a lot of money. I brought my own books and read more than a thousand pages. I hit the gym and quickly lost five kg. By day five, I caught whatever disease was going around the ship as did most of the passengers, spent the last three days sick in bed. From what I could tell, I was more the rule than the exception. As I said, any nervousness about being en femme is soon forgotten in light of much bigger worries.

Kiwi Primrose
07-19-2020, 03:49 AM
Nice story Teresa, understanding from professionals is very welcome.