View Full Version : Made me wonder

07-16-2020, 03:31 PM
Out with the SO at a garden centre the other day and a delivery was taking place. Didn't take much notice until I saw the delivery driver from the back. He had the most wonderful head of beautifully blonde hair. Shoulder length, perfectly styled with a hint of bangs this was hair many a GG would give teeth for. Now I'm taking more notice. He's slender and with facial features such that a half decent makeup job would transform him into gorgeous in a blink.

Left me thinking if he doesn't CD then life's playing cruel tricks on the rest of us. So yes I admit it, I was envious.

Davina Katherine
07-16-2020, 03:38 PM
Helen, you are not alone.
I've look with a bit of envy at those faces that are so easily transformed.

Charlotte Haynes
07-16-2020, 03:40 PM
I used to think that about Professor Brian Cox. Then I saw some images of him en femme for some show, and they did not do him justice.

07-16-2020, 05:20 PM
Way back in the early 1960's my father took my brother and me for a trip on the Staten Island Ferry from lower Manhattan. As we waited I noticed my father was eying this creature with gorgeous long red hair that came down to the belt line. The person turned around. It was a guy with a full beard. My father? "God damn, hippie!" Must have burst dad's bubble. These days I'd take grey hair without the male pattern baldness, let alone the wavy blond hair I had until my early forties. Sign!

Lana Mae
07-16-2020, 05:49 PM
When I was in the USAF, I saw a person with their back to me. They had black silken hair to their waist and they were slight in build with well defined waist! Then he turned around with a full beard and moustache which was well groomed! Many a woman I know would have killed for that hair! Hugs Lana Mae

07-16-2020, 06:24 PM
So... what were you wondering about?

07-17-2020, 04:04 AM

Whether or not he was one of us. I suppose with hair like that he could be into viking re-enactments!

07-17-2020, 05:37 AM
Hair like that is what dreams are made of for the rest us!

07-17-2020, 06:40 AM
So true. Every time I see a guy with a slender body or a tiny waist or feminine face, I actually feel jealous. It's totally silly and momentary but considering how much effort goes into diminishing some of our masculine traits, it just seems so unfair. 😂

Angela Marie
07-17-2020, 06:45 AM
I'm 5ft 6 140 with a 29 in waist and some feminine facial features. But alas at 66 thinning hair is my downfall. I'm so jealous of those with a full head of hair. Wearing a wig is necessary but no fun

07-17-2020, 02:11 PM
When I see a pretty guy, i try to envision him as a girl.

07-17-2020, 03:39 PM
One of my male graduate students has lovely feminine features and absolutely gorgeous curly blonde hair. Makes me very jealous!

07-17-2020, 04:46 PM
I am not the least bit feminine by nature, much to my chagrin. But that doesn't stop me from dressing whenever I have the chance. What it must be like for nature to meet us half-way.

Marianne S
07-17-2020, 05:11 PM
I confess I too am envious of that hair! I'm 5 feet 11 and have a reasonably slim build--I used to be around 140 lbs, though more like 155 today, and can't get into some of my older, slimmer skirts, though I keep dieting. How passable am I? In the remote past I've been out once or twice with my wife, a few times on my own, though never seriously interacting with other members of the public. My voice would let me down for one thing. But I would have loved that hair. I always wanted "rock star hair." I did grow my hair longish at one point back in the '80s, and I've had it permed to make it look thicker. But I always had fine, thin hair that never would grow that long. And today I suffer from the inevitable male pattern baldness that kills dreams of long, thick, natural hair forever. I can't blame anybody--women included--for being jealous!

07-17-2020, 05:23 PM
I saw a young man today (a contractor's son), he had the most feminine face I have ever seen. Thinking back I met him once before at another job site, I never said anything, and did everything I could not to stare. LOL Yes, I did wonder if he was one of us.

Liz Jones
07-20-2020, 06:35 AM
We seem to be "drifting"into somthing i have wondered about--if you"read" someone how do you make contact--indeed do you even try?

April Rose
07-20-2020, 06:40 AM
Hell, I'm jealous of anyone who has any hair at all....:doh:

07-20-2020, 07:55 AM
We seem to be "drifting"into somthing i have wondered about--if you"read" someone how do you make contact--indeed do you even try?

Without going too far off piste my answer would be you don't. If they're not within our community then you risk confrontation. If you're dressed and they're in drab then leave it to them to make any moves.