View Full Version : Crazy,Crazy,Day!!!

Maria 60
09-04-2020, 08:17 PM
What a crazy day, this is probably going to be a long one.
One thing I hate about myself is I wish I was alittle more bolder, I usally say no when I really mean yes and with this I lose out on lots of one time opportunities. That changed a little today.
I'm working short weeks still because of the Covid, that works out great for my brother in law who is doing a home renovation and because I own a pick up truck I'm his best friend all at once. I was there this morning and once finished we were having a coffee in his back yard, he got up to go to work and I was leaving also. My sister in law asked me if she could have an hour of my time because with the renovation she has been cleaning out a lot of her stuff and wanted my opinion on some clothes. She said it wouldn't take long and just a matter of, keep it or kill it to her outfits. My brother in laws knows that I would never make any advancements to his wife and he knows that from the first day he introduced us we just hit it off almost like brother and sister, she has even called me her sister she never had. He left and told us that he was going to leave us ladies to whatever you ladies do, we laughed and chuckled a bit.
We went to her basement and she went into her spare room and I sat on the couch, she came out with a few outfits asking if she should keep them or throw them out, then she asked me why I wasn't really getting into it. I told her she looked like she just woke up, her hair was a mess and maybe put on some pantyhose or heels, after all she was trying on beautiful dresses and I just wanted to feel the mood. The next outfit she put on, she was wearing pantyhose and a sandle shoe with a low heel on it and it looked like she shook her hair out.
I'm not going to lie to you but with pulling her zipper up and down on some of the dresses and seeing the back of her bra and the top of her panties I was starting to get aroused and maybe a little excited, after all I am only human.
Then it happened she came out with this dress, I think my eyes came out of my sockets, it was a black lace dress with a sheer layer on top with polka dots and the sheer layer was longer at the bottom showing a see threw affect. I said "OMG what an amazing dress",she was walking towards me and I could see it was making her feel sponky and she did a spin. At that point I varified she wasn't wearing pantyhose, she was wearing stay-ups. I guess the view of the lace of the stay-ups pushed me over the edge and I yelled out "I WANT TO TRY ON THAT DRESS", she stopped on her spin and asked me what I said. Usally I would have said "that I said nothing" or "that I was just joking", but for some reason today I didn't want to lose out on a lost opportunity. So I didn't ask her, I was aggressive and said it again" I WANT TO TRY ON THAT DRESS". She didn't say a word and she walked and looked outside her basement window and turned around and went into the room. OMG I was freaking out not sure what to think and hoping that I didn't ruin our relationship or make things awkward between us.
She then came out wearing another dress and with the lace dress in her arms she handed me the dress and said go try it on. I instantly went to the washroom I seen a pair of stay-ups and asked her why she put stay-up for, just as I said to her she said she wanted to feel the mood. I closed the door in the washroom I think I ripped my clothes off with excitement, I was rolling up one of the stay-ups to put it on and then reality hit. Wow I was going to put on my sister in laws stay-ups and I was going to wear her dress. Well the fun ended there, I started to shake, it happened so fast and it was so bad I couldn't barely put my foot in the stay-up. With a little patients I put on the stay-ups and dress, it fit perfect, but if I was wearing my forms or even a bra it would have been to tight. I know she doesn't have very big breast but I guess our chest are cut different.
I went to open the bathroom door and I had to focus because the shaking was so bad, I finally opened it and took a step out. She looked over at me and came towards me telling me the dressed looked good on me and what amazing legs I had. She then held my hands and pulled them outwards to get a better look and I could tell she instantly seen something was wrong with me. She asked me why I was shaking so much, she tried to relax me by telling me there was nobody home just us and isn't it fun. But then I seen her face go from trying to relax me to concern and even a little fear. She asked me what's wrong, I couldn't answer I was frozen like wood and it was so out of control, my jaw was chattering so bad I thought my teeth were going to shatter. She asked me if I wanted to sit down or if I needed medical attentions if I was having a stroke of something like that. I could only knod no and I turned around and went into the washroom and started to remove the dress and I so badly didn't want to take off her stay-ups but I lost my boldness again and took them off. I came out of the washroom still shaking and she instantly came towards me and sat me on the couch and gave me water. To calm me down she told me she wasn't going to let me drive home like that and that she was going to make a coffee and try on a few more outfits to relax me. I agreed and we did that and we acted as normal as possible even though I was still shaking but not as bad.
I finished my coffee and told her I was ok to drive home but my body felt so exhausted, it felt like I just went 12 rounds with MIke Tyson. When I got home I guess my sister in law called my wife to make sure I got home ok, my wife ran out and asked me if I was ok. She asked me what had happened, I wasn't sure what my sister in law told her at this point and I wasn't sure how my wife was going to feel about all of it because she feels so special that I only trusted her with this secret.
I decided to go clean and GOD bless my wife nothing seems to phase her, her reaction was she didn't understand why I started shaking, was it excitement, or that I was going to expose myself to someone else. I couldn't answer what happened and I asked her if she had ever told her about my dressing. My wife said she would never tell anybody without my consent first but did admit her family knows I have a strong femine side because my mother in law and her sister and her sister in laws are always asking me for fashion advice and stuff like that. My wife told me that my only regret about having that nervous attack was that I probably missed out on a afternoon of playing dress up with my sister in law. I was so tired I went to bed at 11am and it's now 9pm. I woke up about an hour ago, I still have little shakes now and then and while I was writing this my sister in law did call and ask how I was feeling. She asked me the same thing my wife did, what happened and so fast. I don't know I guess I just got so excited. I do remember something like this the first time I decide to go for a drive fully dressed, but not to this extreme. Sorry it was alittle long, you know now I wondering if this has happened to anyone else here.

09-04-2020, 08:38 PM
Sounds like you married into a great family Maria.

bridget thronton
09-05-2020, 03:01 AM
Indeed you do have a great family

09-05-2020, 06:40 AM
Well, Maria, you certainly had an adventure. Your shaking and excitement is a stress response. Stress responses are perfectly normal and everybody has responses that are different. You had a load of adrenaline released and that creates shaking to some extent in most everybody.

Now exactly why you responded that way and with such intensity is a different question and that probably goes to how you view your sense of self in the context of the world around you. And that is something that can really only be answered by a psychiatrist after meeting with you and asking you a ton of questions.

My advice? You obviously enjoyed this event, no harm was done, so sit back, relax, close your eyes, and smile. You now have a grand new memory you can bring up any time you want and enjoy. If you can only think about the event and crave to have it happen again as it did before, then that MIGHT indicate a developing problem. I doubt that will happen. It will be in the front of your memory for awhile and the next time you see your sister in law you will probably both look at each other and burst out laughing. You two will be closer because of this experience and that is a good thing.

09-05-2020, 07:33 AM
Maria, Your wife and sister-in-law seemed to react appropriately, turned out OK.

09-05-2020, 09:46 AM

I think a lot of us would also react in a similar way. You were at the point of revealing Maria to a family member. You might not have told her about your dressing but you were showing a big tell about yourself. Add to this that as you describe, you'd found yourself in what was in many ways a fairly intimate situation.

At the top of your post you write, "One thing I hate about myself is I wish I was a little more bolder, I usely say no when I really mean yes" Well perhaps now is the time for a little boldness. I suspect your wife wouldn't be adverse to having a chat with your sister in law and explaining just why you wanted to try on the dress. I also suspect that you'd find yourself with a new and understanding GF. Once she understands the reasons behind your reaction if she hasn't already given the dress away then you might find yourself with something new in your wardrobe.

09-05-2020, 10:18 AM
Wow. I can definitely relate to the stresses and anxiety we put on our selves to hide some of our deepest secrets. And to share them with your sister in law by trying on her dress. Sounds like a great way to share. Obviously she was going to be supportive as she immediately handed you the sexy dress and was waiting to see you. Great first steps I?d say!

09-05-2020, 10:23 AM
Wow, what a panic attack. Might make sense to read up on panic attacks.

Glad it's working out well for you

09-05-2020, 10:40 AM
I don't think your wife and sister-in-law need to have a conversation. She already has figured you out. Usually guys don't jump at the chance to don a pretty dress and hosiery. Go with the flow.

09-05-2020, 03:12 PM
Gee, Maria, I’m sorry you experience was so stressful. It could have been such fun.

I don’t know what to say.

You say you’re not bold, but you seem pretty bold to me.

Crossdressing is cool. No need to panic. Just do it!

Stay safe.


Suzie Petersen
09-05-2020, 04:38 PM
Maybe you should stay away from driving or operating machinery whule dressed.

09-06-2020, 02:11 PM
First time I ever heard thigh highs called stay-ups.

09-08-2020, 11:11 AM
I probably would have been momentarily stunned by this experience, but I kinda think your SIL and BIL wanted to give you this opportunity. As you have noted, your sister and mother in law certainly know that your feminine side includes the fact that you are into cross dressing. And they, along with your wife, think you are a great human being, and are welcoming you to share this part of yourself with them. This is a pretty overt way of letting you know how they feel and to offer that encouragement.

I have never had anything similar happen within my family. I have several GG friends that have encouraged me to come out and to go out with them.

09-08-2020, 05:47 PM
I wish I had family as understanding as yours. You are very blessed!