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09-24-2020, 10:23 AM
I just stumbled across an article that I thought was interesting. The season premiere of Star Trek Is 15 Ocrober 2020. They are adding two new characters, one is transgender and the other is nonbinary. The transgender character is played by, get this, a transgender actor. The nonbinary role is also a nonbinary actor. Just thought it was interesting. I'm not going into detail but if you want more information just google new characters on new Star Trek upcoming season.

Dawn P
09-24-2020, 12:06 PM
The actress that plays Nia Nal in supergirl is transgendered.

09-24-2020, 01:55 PM
Cool but I am going to put this out there knowing I will probably catch flack but...

I understand the the desire for trans-actors to play the part of a transgender character but I don't see why it has to be a thing.

It's like saying they should have to use an actual serial killer to play the part of a serial killer because they are the only ones who have lived the life of a serial killer and really know how a serial killer would act or present themselves in any given situation.

09-24-2020, 02:05 PM
Seriously Roberta? Using the serial killer analogy is rather over the top... absurd comes to mind. I suppose with carefully applied makeup a white man could have acted in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner instead of Sidney Poitier. Is that what you have in mind? I didn't think so...

If the reality of gender being something other than traditional binary is true, it might be nice if that were recognized. I read these developments as simply that. Gender fluidity no doubt causes apoplexy for many people. Since gender as distinct from sex is a social construct, that it would respond to changes in attitude is hardly a surprise. The best we can do is keep our seat belts on. We're in for a bumpy ride... something everyone who engages in crossdressing understands from first hand experience.

09-24-2020, 02:25 PM
I once got to be a background character on the HBO series The Leftovers that was described as transsexual. It was only a background part in a crowd scene but still it was a lot of fun. I went to the fitting as Stacey and got to try on several dresses before they found one they liked. It wasn't my favorite but you have to go with what they want. One the day we shot I got to put on the dress and they fixed me up with a wig and makeup. Several friends of mine were also there that day and I had fun with. When the episode came out you can only see me for e second in a street scene but it was a lot of fun to do.

09-24-2020, 03:04 PM
Well Visitor, I would rather see a good cis-actor play the part of a transperson than a mediocre trans-actor play the same part.

Just because someone is trans, it doesn't mean that they are a better actor than someone who is not.

A good actor should be able to play a straight, gay, bi, trans, queer, etc.

With today's makeup and CGI I would have no problem with a Caucasian playing any other race.

Star Trek uses humans to play alien lifeforms.

Also I believe this works both ways, a transgender actor should not only be cast as the transgender character.