View Full Version : Wife becoming more accepting and supporting

10-13-2020, 11:21 AM
Hey all!!

I?m a here and there post-er and a lot has been going on.

For years, my wife has been very against my dressing up/DADT but little by little she has been more open. She is by far my best friend and the love of my life. I feel so lucky.

Lately, I?ve been pushing my thoughts that I?ve suppressed deep down to the surface. I met with a therapist and talked it all through. I tell my wife everything, even if I think I will be in trouble for it. In doing that I tell her I want her to know everything so she can make decisions with me, instead of me forcing her to deal with my decisions.

She has grown to really love me dressed up. Especially in a skirt and hose.

Well, I finally asked her about me starting hormones. She was at first against it. Then the most amazing thing happened and she asked me ?what are you wanting to accomplish??. I told her I want to stay a man but I want to have a feminine body and get breasts as well as sensitivity. She spent a few days thinking about it and came back and said sure. I was stunned!! Of course I am meet with a physician to discuss everything and I want my wife to be there but she?s teasing me about injections and how I?m scared of needles. She said I?ll likely chicken out and take oral medicine. She is probably right. I?m in shock and definitely in the pink fog!!

Davina Katherine
10-13-2020, 11:28 AM
The Pink Goddess has smiled upon you, sister!

10-13-2020, 11:31 AM
Clearly, you have taken the right path in not only trusting your wife with your thoughts and in turn reinforcing her trust in you. Would that I had been as honest and trusting.

10-13-2020, 11:38 AM
Thank you!! Oh believe me it hasn’t been easy, I promised her when we got engaged that I would tell her so she can have the right to know/choose if this is the kind of husband she would want.

10-13-2020, 11:39 AM
So fill in some blanks for us please? Where are you in terms of going out in public dressed? Are you now dressing in front of your SO fully, wig, forms, heels etc. I ask because it does seem a big step from wearing skirt and hose to growing your own boobs while living as a male. Having tits especially well developed ones can be a bit of a talking point down the pub. Questions will be asked.

All seems good for you at the moment but I think you both need to sit, perhaps with a gender counselor, and talk this through to it's logical conclusions. Our golden rule of baby steps is perhaps the best way forward rather than a big bang approach.

Leslie Langford
10-13-2020, 11:43 AM
Does your wife realize that taking female hormones will likely impede your ability to "function" as a man when it comes to intimate relations?

Is she O.K. with that as well? Going from DADT to foregoing that part of her innate sexuality would be quite a journey into uncharted territory for her.

10-13-2020, 11:48 AM
Thanks for sharing! Good luck!


10-13-2020, 11:53 AM
Sorry, yes. I kinda gave a book end post. This has been about 2 years in talks with my wife and have been seeing a therapist and doctor. She has been understanding that sexual function can change and we’re taking it one step at a time. She has seen me fully dressed and only complaint is that I’m not confident in myself when dressed up