View Full Version : Got to be a winner surely

10-27-2020, 09:04 AM
The other day I put my forms on the CH radiator to warm before putting them on. That gave me the idea for one of those ?Must have? wonder gadgets that you see on the TV that once bought sit in the back of kitchen cupboards and drawers to never been seen again.

Here?s the script for my TV ad. Try and think manly tones when reading.

New from KYJ, the fully adjustable breast form warmer. Will fit almost any sized form to provide rapid controlled warming of your forms by either the simple touch button controls for instant warming or use the built in clock to allow you to set the warmer to have you forms ready for you on the those early winter mornings. Alternatively use the app on your smartphone which enables you to warm your forms ready for when you get home from work being able to select one of five pre-set heat levels from anywhere with a mobile signal.

Fully rechargeable from any USB port the KYJ breast form warmer comes in its own attractive soft storage case and is light enough to take away with you on holidays or business trips.

So say goodbye to cold boobs with the KYJ breast form warmer by calling the number at the bottom of the screen now. (Can?t be bought in the shops!)

So, can anyone think of any other CD related gadgets we can market? Perhaps we could get them on Dragon?s den!

Edit; Thanks to those who've responded but I think I should say for clarity that this is a post where my tongue is so far in my cheek that it's coming out my ear!

bridget thronton
10-27-2020, 09:46 AM
Does sound like a much needed product

10-27-2020, 09:51 AM
I suggested a boob warmer a while back and someone commented that they thought it would breed germs. I don't think it would.

While cordless and rechargeable are all the rage these days, there's no need to complicate things with a battery, charger, etc. Just make it a regular plug in appliance.

My original thought was just an insulated box with a five or ten watt light bulb inside. Today I realized that a heating pad might be a better solution. Not the kind sold in drugstores for aches and pains, but the ones sold in plant nurseries for warming seedling trays. These are intended for continuous use.

Of course, you would want to include the original packaging for the forms that helps them to hold their shape. Body temperature is all that's needed so a thermostat would be a good idea.

10-27-2020, 10:18 AM
I fill the sink with hot water place the form in there go about getting ready 5 minutes they are nice and toasty dry them off and pop them in. Clean and warm.

Cheryl T
10-27-2020, 10:21 AM
Where do you keep yours that they get so cold?
Mine might be a little chilly but they warm to body temperature in a minute.

10-27-2020, 10:56 AM
Such silly ideas! My forms warm to my body temp in no time! But, those of u that live in freezing climates can keep your forms warm all the time if u like.:o

Simply store them in your water heater closet!:thumbsup:

10-27-2020, 12:07 PM
I use water balloon forms and toss them in the sink with hot water, or a couple minutes in the microwave. I like a warm pair of breats!

I remember when using a microwave came to mind. I was traveling in the winter, and when I took my forms out they were frozen solid. I was a bit disappointed as it would take an hour or more to thaw them in the sink or bath tub, then I saw the microwave! A few minutes later I had a pair of cozy warm breasts.

I was getting dressed and put my forms in the microwave. My wife walked by and asked what I was warming up? My boobs! She had a good laugh, shook her head as she walked away.

10-27-2020, 01:21 PM
But that?s not all if you are one of the first 100 people to order you will also get the optional form sizer absolutely free.

Take all the guess work out of your home made forms. No more asymmetrical boobs. Compatible with bird, seed, rice, water and gels. Plus if you order today we will throw in these tear drop shaped form bags absolutely free. These bags are latex lined cotton to keep your boobs feeling soft against your skin. So don?t wait call today

10-27-2020, 04:04 PM
How about those coffee cup warmers....seems like they would be perfect for warming up silicon forms.

10-27-2020, 04:05 PM
Hi Helen
Great idea. And with all the money you make from your invention just think of all the new clothes you can buy!

Liz Jones
10-27-2020, 04:41 PM
Put them under your pillow at night.......

10-27-2020, 04:47 PM
These come with a lifetime guarantee, and if you respond within the next ten minutes we'll send you a second pair free.
If they have a lifetime guarantee, why would you need a second pair?

10-28-2020, 09:09 AM
Our cars have seat warmers and now steering wheel warmers and they laughed at those until they became 'must haves'. Be bold, go big. (Perhaps not the best choice of words when discussing breast forms..) Perhaps battery powered warming? The they could light up and flash too? Too much? Okay, fine..

Cheryl T
10-28-2020, 09:48 AM
How about a Boob Cozy.
Works to keep your beer cold or your boobs warm.

10-28-2020, 12:30 PM
If they were stored in the water heater closet or laundry/furnace/water heater room in my case they might fall off the shelf into the cat litter box. Then they would be cold and covered with grit. Our lower level is already cold enough in the evening that I have to turn on a space heater when I watch TV. If we had a fireplace I would already be stoking it up and it's still October here in the tundra aka Minnesota USA.

10-28-2020, 01:33 PM

Now you are just being practical.

What I would like to see marketed is a nano particle based BC cream that could detect the color under and adjust light reflection to eliminate blue. Very thin coverage and only at the hairs. Basically beard coverage magic that doesn't look heavy, caked or orange peel.

Elizabeth G
10-28-2020, 03:12 PM
Lately I've taken to sitting mine on top of my laptop for a few minutes before I put them on - nice and toasty warm!

Leslie Langford
10-28-2020, 07:49 PM
Thank God I live in North America where we have central heating, don't live in drafty stone castles or pre-WWII council housing, and don't have to deal with such issues. Consequently, I've never had to face the dreaded "cold silicone boob" myself (yes, tongue firmly in cheek here as well...:eek: :heehee: ;) )

10-28-2020, 10:24 PM
Cold fake boobs might be a relative thing. Mine are stored in a cabinet in my closet. I have not measured the temp, but they have to be room temp, 72F as the closet is in the middle of the lower level, no way for it to be any cooler. Now consider body temp is 98.6F that makes my boobs roughly 25 degrees cooler than body temp. I have put them on many times for a quick dress up in the evening and a couple hours take them off and go to bed and I notice my chest is cold. They are just a bit more comfortable with a bit of a warm up.

10-29-2020, 06:32 AM
Yes, even with central heating (I've never lived with anything else), the boobs have typically spent all night or more at 72 degrees. They are cold when put on and the larger ones will take quite a while to warm to body temperature. And in reality, the front (away from your body) will never reach body temperature in normal weather.

When I used water balloons, I did routinely heat them in the microwave. I'm a bit hesitant to do that with my expensive silicone forms. Warming them in the sink with hot water does work, but I would rather be able to just wake up and pop them on, already warmed. I have given serious thought to a boob warmer. Not to make and sell, just for my own use.

10-29-2020, 04:44 PM
Silly me, no need for all this malarkey, the solution (https://www.lifesystems.co.uk/products/outdoor-survival/reusable-handwarmers?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlKvolN7a7AIVB-vtCh381wTQEAMYAyAAEgIkE_D_BwE)was obvious.

I have a pair of hand warmers, Gel filled sachets with a little metal disk inside. You squeeze the disk and it starts a chemical reaction, the gel starts to crystallise and this gives off heat. Once the reaction is finished you put the sachets in boiling water and this reverses the reaction. Ready to go again.

You'd have to remember to do it before leaving the house or standing in the shopping mall squeezing your boobs could attract attention!

And in the same vein my other idea would be long line briefs that once on used body heat to shrink themselves a bit like heat shrink insulation tubing. Your tuck gets held perfectly in place and as they come up just under your bust they act as a corset, double whammy!! You would of course have to pick the right size. Pick one too small and you could find the circulation cut off to your legs or in the worst case scenario unable to breath although there would have to be a zip so you could get out of them at the end of the day I suppose. Unlike the gel pads a spell in the fridge and a stretch afterwards gets them back to size. All I need now is a chemical genius to make them.